Mass Effect 2 Discussion - Fight for the Lost

I'm torn on this one. On one hand it sounds good but on the other I'm an RPG guy and it REALLY ticks me off that they cut out most of the RPG stuff. The Ars Technica review I read earlier today was filled with statement after statement that absolutely horrified me and it was a positive review. Though I certainly won't miss the Mako at all, the cutting out of lots of exploration in general I consider a huge negative.

But it's too late for me to cancel my CE from Amazon so I have some time to decide. I guess I could always sell the CE when it comes then buy a used copy in a few weeks. The luster is off for me now so I don't mind waiting.

Anybody playing now who thought they would hate the stripped down RPG elements but found it still to be acceptable?
I love how both Jacob and Kelly have more personality dwelling in their follicles than Miranda could ever hope muster in her dreams. It's been barely a hour into the game and I already want to punch her in the face after every other sentence. She's just... So. Unnervingly. Bitchy. If it weren't for the fact I might need her on my side because it's a damn suicide mission I'd insult her in every conversation.

Jacob - 1


Bioshock 2 will have to be some kind of amazing for me to stop playing this game any time soon. Seriously. The only reason I plan to tonight is because a friend of mine wants to get into some L4D2 and I haven't seen him for a while.
What does the disc box art for the CE edition look like? The disc case, not the outer box. If the disc box looks the same as the outer box then I'll get it. The regular edition is so ugly.
[quote name='Tony208']What does the disc box art for the CE edition look like? The disc case, not the outer box. If the disc box looks the same as the outer box then I'll get it. The regular edition is so ugly.[/QUOTE] Effect 2/mass-effect-2-collectors-edition-small.jpg

The top right box is one side of the steelbox case for the disks. The other side has an alien species on the back, which I'll leave unnamed. The top left "outer" box is made of cardboard, but doesn't have anything in common with the actual box art.
HAHA picked up CE today last one at my Best Buy. Really gotta thank my boss for letting me leave early. Not 5 min after I arrived and picked it up I had about 3 people following me to see if I would put it down to snatch it. I made the mistake of not picking up the CE of the first one not making the same mistake with this one.
I can't wait for my CE to arrive from Amazon. Got the ship notice this morning, but it probably won't be here until early next week :(. I hate being on the wrong side of the country from the distribution centre!

Glad to hear most people are enjoying it so far!
this was at my front door when i got home. I started my 2nd playthrough of me1 last night. I hadnt touched the dlc and hadnt played it since beating it after release. Im a few hours in and I might just play through the whole thing before starting me2. Its reminded me why i considered it one of my very favorite games.
I got the last copy of the CE today at GS and totally agree with everyone, the steelbook has a crazy ass deathgrip on the discs, took me half of forever to get the first disc out.

I enjoyed what I played... I'm so mindblown by the game that I really can't think of what could possibly happen next in it.
Is there a way to start a new game with the council surviving from the first game?

I started a new file just to check out the options it gives you but right away Miranda starts talking about how the council died.
Has anyone checked out the sound system in the Captain's Cabin? One of the tunes is from an older Need For Speed game, I think High Stakes. Hearing that really made me smile. :cool:
My goodness... NPC conversations are ten times better than in the original. Beyond hilarious. I just met a
frickin' Salarian video game store employee on the Citadel.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']My goodness... NPC conversations are ten times better than in the original. Beyond hilarious. I just met a
frickin' Salarian video game store employee on the Citadel.

Did you hear him talking about Asari/Hanhar porn games or how he loves the human game "Solitaire" yet?
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']
I love how both Jacob and Kelly have more personality dwelling in their follicles than Miranda could ever hope muster in her dreams. It's been barely a hour into the game and I already want to punch her in the face after every other sentence. She's just... So. Unnervingly. Bitchy. If it weren't for the fact I might need her on my side because it's a damn suicide mission I'd insult her in every conversation.

Jacob - 1


I actually feel the opposite on Miranda and Jacob. I may just not be far enough or have talked to them enough, but I still feel like Jacob has no personality and Miranda is the better half of their team. Jacob's sayings in battle annoy me, too. "GRAVITY IS ONE MEAN MOTHERR!!"
I recommend to ease the pain of scanning that you do not try to scan every inch of a planet (except for element Zero). Just rapidly tap L as you move around and find huge spikes........

There are tons of planets out there and a side-quest in almost every system, so you can balance out the boringness.

Of course who knows... maybe I'll find out this will make a mess when I realize I need more resources and a ton of half-assed scanned planets but screw it..................
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']My goodness... NPC conversations are ten times better than in the original. Beyond hilarious. I just met a
frickin' Salarian video game store employee on the Citadel.

You'll also notice that "refund guy" is back. There's also an ad for a movie about blasto the hanar spectre "Enkindle this!" that all started as a joke on the forums. This one does not care about your solid waste excretions.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Hahahahahaha

Did you hear him talking about Asari/Hanhar porn games or how he loves the human game "Solitaire" yet?

Yep. My only question is how would
Asari porn
actually work? I mean how graphic and gratuitous is
mind sex
? Oh man... Bioware seriously spoiled some of us though I'm sure many of the RPG fanatics aren't terribly pleased with the loss of some features. Thankfully so far I'm very content and that is all that matters. ^_^

[quote name='Anexanhume']
You'll also notice that "refund guy" is back. There's also an ad for a movie about blasto the hanar spectre "Enkindle this!" that all started as a joke on the forums. This one does not care about your solid waste excretions.

Aw... I haven't found him yet but oh my shit @
I never saw that coming. I'm sure most of the community is going ape shit over it.
Hope you guys are having fun playing ME2. UPS delivered my CE of the game earlier and I played 10 minutes of it and then BAM E74 error. Had my 360 for almost 3 years and this was the first time I had any problems with it.

Atleast a friend of mine is going to let me borrow his spare 360 until mine is repaired so I can play ME2.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']
I actually feel the opposite on Miranda and Jacob. I may just not be far enough or have talked to them enough, but I still feel like Jacob has no personality and Miranda is the better half of their team. Jacob's sayings in battle annoy me, too. "GRAVITY IS ONE MEAN MOTHERR!!"

Yay! finally I found a community so enthusiastic about chattering up this game's greatness!

I got a PC version, and got through a bit.

For the point mentioned, I agree with CaptainJoel.
I initially took a liking to Jacob's personalities too since he's so respectful of Shepard, but after talking more in depth with both characters, I find Jacob to be a bit... too resentful of the alliance. Not that I can blame him, but the way he walks about and talk makes me slowly dislike him. Miranda on the other hand... after some in depth conversations, I start to sympathize with her situation.
[quote name='Draekon']I heard about this. I believe the only solution is to reload back to a certain point and make sure that during/after this certain scene, that you're able to save the game or else you'll be glitched. Luckily the point is near the beginning of the game, but sucks if you don't notice it soon enough.

I believe it happens during
the part where you're on the bed during the Lazerus Project.

Yeah, I ended up starting over. I was at a point where my Shepard died (the screen had all the red lines over it), but the game wouldn't let me reload a checkpoint or anything. I could move my team to different positions, but I couldn't figure out how to get them to revive me or get to a point where I could reload.

After starting over, I started seeing the Autosave text, and I could manually save from the menu. I'm glad I realized this in the first hour of play. I would have hated to lose any more than that!
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Holy-fucking-Shit.



I haven't figured out how to use it yet... Where is it after what you did?
I can't believe (well yes I can) just how much Bioware improved on ME1 with this game. Everything seems so much cleaner, streamlined and even more nuanced.

The redesigned combat threw me for a loop last night but I think that had more to do with being completely sleep deprived and playing at 3am after playing ME1 for 7 hours (the changes are quite jarring!).

Man I am loving this. Bioware fucking rules.

Archangel 4 life.
Played about 6 hours so far. I love it. I never realized it but the Engineer class plays more like a typical "mage" when compared to the Adept.

I'm such a jaded gamer that it's difficult to visually impress me anymore. But ME2 managed to impress me within the first 5 minutes when at the begining
the Normandy is blowing up around you in outer space. My jaw dropped and I said "wow..." Everything becomes quite, all you hear is Shepard breath with faint explosions going off. There's a huge planet right infront of you and debri flying everywhere. fucking amazing

I don't think any game I ever played creates that sense of "outer space" better than Mass Effect.
I having trouble accessing the terminus armor. I did everything as said on the card. It even downloaded but when I check the private terminal, nothing shows up saying armor.
[quote name='XClaude']I haven't figured out how to use it yet... Where is it after what you did?[/QUOTE]

Both of my novels were added in as codex entries but I haven't checked where the magazines go yet. I'd assume most of them are there as well or added toward your progress bar for the Scholar achievement.

Has anyone heard the
old school RPG rant by the video game employee yet?

If I didn't know any better I'd say the devs have a wicked sense of humor throwing shots at the more fanatical fans. If so then fucking win.

[quote name='yruluis']I having trouble accessing the terminus armor. I did everything as said on the card. It even downloaded but when I check the private terminal, nothing shows up saying armor.[/QUOTE]

Did you check your mail yet? I vaguely recall the crew sending me a message about the various armors and where to pick them up in the Armory. Read all the messages and see if that helps. All of the armors should be available in any available character customization spot.
Anybody see how much some of the pre-order bonuses are going for? Pretty sick what people will pay for this stuff, especially the Collectors' armor and rifle. All you had to do was pay $10 extra for the CE.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Anybody see how much some of the pre-order bonuses are going for? Pretty sick what people will pay for this stuff, especially the Collectors' armor and rifle. All you had to do was pay $10 extra for the CE.[/QUOTE]

I sold the Collectors' Armor and Weapon for $9.99 on eBay earlier today, which is great since I was lucky enough to get 9 of those DLCs that were released free the other day.

EDIT: Part of me wants to sell the Cerberus Network card. Since everything will be free (for the Cerberus Network items), I don't really see anything all that major or important being released...
Did you check your mail yet? I vaguely recall the crew sending me a message about the various armors and where to pick them up in the Armory. Read all the messages and see if that helps. All of the armors should be available in any available character customization spot.[/QUOTE]

I haven't received anything. I'll try to reload my game to see if it shows up.
You also have to reboot your Xbox after downloading them in order for them to show up so that may also be the case.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Anybody see how much some of the pre-order bonuses are going for? Pretty sick what people will pay for this stuff, especially the Collectors' armor and rifle. All you had to do was pay $10 extra for the CE.[/QUOTE]

Most people are lazy, moronic, or both so I wouldn't expect anything less. God knows if I had an extra code for any pre-order bonuses I'd be selling it for points or cold hard cash myself.
[quote name='Weepingwillow']Can anyone that has imported saves give me an idea of what kind of bonuses they got for having a high level character?

I'm interested in what you get for importing a 60 vs a 30ish? Anyone have any ideas yet?

Go ahead and spoiler it if people don't want to know.[/QUOTE]

After completing the first mission, it tells you what you get. It also tells you right when you start, but it all kept appearing on the screen one after another so I missed a few. Here's my bonuses. I had a Level 49 Shep:

+1000 XP (Start at Level 2)
+20k credits
+2500 Element Zero
+2500 Iridium
+2500 Palladium
+2500 Platinum
+190 Paragon
+38 Renegade

"You've received 10,000 bonus credits for importing a rich Mass Effect 1 character."

My first ME1 play I did Paragon route. Second play I started Renegade but forgot how far I got. Probably not very far, hence the low Renegade bonus. I also had saved Wrex and the Council too. I don't know if that factors into the bonuses. Hope this helps anyone out.
[quote name='SynGamer']I sold the Collectors' Armor and Weapon for $9.99 on eBay earlier today, which is great since I was lucky enough to get 9 of those DLCs that were released free the other day.

EDIT: Part of me wants to sell the Cerberus Network card. Since everything will be free (for the Cerberus Network items), I don't really see anything all that major or important being released...[/QUOTE]

I sold the CE armor/weapon on ebay for $45 yesterday. That's how I fund a large chunk of my game purchases...selling CE stuff and preorder DLC. Usually I pay off the game itself or even make money.
So, does importing your old character have any direct effects on how the second one will play out (besides getting some extra experience and gold)?

I'm just not really sure what I did in the first one, being that it was so long ago.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']This beyond fucking awesome.[/QUOTE]

What he said x infinity and beyond.

I just got Zero and shit is about to pop off on my ship. Let the hilarity begin!
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']This beyond fucking awesome.[/QUOTE]
QFT. I'm supposed to hang out with my friends tomorrow. Might tell them to go on without me so I can play more ME2...

Some of these e-mails I've received from those my Shepard met or helped in ME1 are starting to get to me a little. They're pretty damn personal and heartfelt. Well done Bioware.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Wow.

Some of these e-mails I've received from those my Shepard met or helped in ME1 are starting to get to me a little. They're pretty damn personal and heartfelt. Well done Bioware.

Yeah, I love all the references, big and small, to the previous game and finding out what has happened to the various people you interacted with.
[quote name='yukine']So how awesome is the Inferno Armor? Amazon screwed me on the code, even though I pre-ordered the game.[/QUOTE]

Aren't the amazon codes supposed to be emailed within 10 days of the game being shipped? How do you know you won't be getting the code yet?

Only asking, since I'm waiting on mine from
The only thing I can't stand about it is how tactical you have to be with it. Unless I find some specs to increase CD rates I'll never combo it with Shockwave afterward. Sometimes I just want to wreck shit Juggernaut style and obliterate in a biotic "HULK SMASH!" maelstrom of fury... damnit. I do however enjoy its last ditch effort effects as it WILL save your ass in a life or death "OMFG COVER IS ACROSS THE MAP AND I'M ONE SHOT AWAY FROM DEATH" situation where an enemy shows up right when you need them and where.

None the less... the first time I used it I sprung out of cover not knowing what the hell I was doing (failing to activate it on enemies out of range beforehand) and manage to charge through a damn mech in one shot. Safe to say my reaction was vaguely similar to winning the lottery five times in one lifetime. It honestly is the best thing since safe sex and Arizona Green Tea.
I like that it's tactical because when you set up a good charge, it feel so damn awesome. Like charging into a distant enemy, then spinning around and destroying the enemies who now have their backs to you.
[quote name='cswloo']Aren't the amazon codes supposed to be emailed within 10 days of the game being shipped? How do you know you won't be getting the code yet?

Only asking, since I'm waiting on mine from[/QUOTE]
I don't recall seeing that on the product page, I contacted customer service and they told me it "wasn't added to my order" and they instead gave me $10.00 promotional credit.
Well, I was gonna play as a Sentinel...but since the CE "Collectors" assault rife can only be used by Soldiers...I'm re-thinking it.

Is the DLC assault rifle good enough to play as a soldier just to use it?
[quote name='reddjoey']God is a party member?:D[/QUOTE]
Yes, and he's Krogan.

He ran up and meleed one of those giant mechs when I was breaking Jack out of the prison. That is probably one of the most single badass things ever. I like that he somehow balances the character of a little kid and a violent alien, too.

Also, anyone have more money than they know what to do with? I remember in ME1's first playthrough I actually ran out of money a couple of times, but in this I'm rolling in the dough. I've bought just about everything I've come across, too.
bread's done