[quote name='IanKazimer']There's a general misconception regarding "cut" content and placeholders. Considering that DLC is simply the norm in game development, it's now standard procedure to put in hooks for planned future content. Just because some lines of dialog and code were written doesn't necessarily mean the EA (or any other publisher) money machine forced extraction.
That said, I do agree that the the From Ashes DLC should have been part of the vanilla game experience. New development practices don't excuse everything. As a buyer of the CE on launch day though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to get something more than a patch and artbook.
I know that deep down, we all want game dev to revert to the golden days, but plain and simply (and unfortunately) it's never going to happen. DLC's not going anywhere.
I of course recognize and respect your stance on the matter. It's a bummer that the only way to really make a stand is to vote with your dollars, because unlike you, most people who claim to withhold buying DLC seldom actually do it. Regardless of the difference of our guns, I applaud you for sticking to yours.[/QUOTE]Personally, I think From Ashes, Extended Cut and Leviathan should have been included in the base product and it would have been a better product for it.
From Ashes gives you the obvious squadmate addition and weapon addition that is pretty helpful to the game, plus the backstory is good in fleshing out the ME universe.
Extended Cut fixes for the most part the endings being abrupt and making no sense.
Leviathan does more of the same, adds in good backstory information to expand out the series a bit more than we had in the base game. Additional in-game items are also helpful.
I'd love it if they were part of the base game, though that would have delayed release by a number of months for obvious reasons.
ME and Dragon Age are the only game franchises that I pay full price for its DLC because I think it's worth the money. Any other franchise, I pay as cheap as price for its DLC as I can. Even Dragon Age, I picked up most of it on a discount, though ME, I didn't.
As much as I'd like DLC to disappear, it isn't going anywhere.