Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

[quote name='shrike4242']Time to check for Batarians. They're always up to something.[/QUOTE]

Lol, I think I see one mooning me from that Asteroid, oh wait they said the Asteroid has its own moon, my bad. :cool:
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Did you guys see the teaser image for "Grass Effect"? I so want that to be legit. I love PvZ.[/QUOTE]


Yeah it's pretty awesome.
they made a mobile version of the n7hq website, too bad they didn't do this a year ago.  Browsing my items on my phone was always a pain on my phone but not it's really easy.

they made a mobile version of the n7hq website, too bad they didn't do this a year ago. Browsing my items on my phone was always a pain on my phone but not it's really easy.
Funny, since I never had any issues with the desktop version on my phone, but the mobile version doesn't work right. It won't scroll. Also, my phone hates the new CAG site. So far I'm not too keen either.

Well I've managed to get sucked back into the MP.  Finally unlocked a few new characters by saving up for the special packs with a higher chance for rare characters.  Finally unlocked the Kroguard! which I've been looking to get forever (I've only played ~36 hours).  

So I'm good on holding my own on bronze and often finish first in a random game. I just run around and stasis/lift grenade with the Asari Vanguard. However, on Silver, I really struggle due to the limited availability of grenades (1 per box). The Collectors are an especially royal pain.

I know a lot of you play gold or solo gold, so what's everyone's favorite or go to character build? I plan on playing a bunch this weekend and anticipating unlocking a few characters.  I've seen the builds on me3mulitplayer and BSN, but I don't have access to the Reegar or Harrier yet, etc. which seem to be the foundation of certain builds.

I know a lot of you play gold or solo gold, so what's everyone's favorite or go to character build?
Its been so long since i put time in. it was before the new maps, platnium,collectors , or challenges were even available. my go to was a korguard spec'd full melee with eviserator. Could solo geth gold easy with him on larger maps. I got back into and all the new stuff is great .have all the characters and i really like the geth trooper soldier. i can almost solo platnium with him. im up to wave 7 so far. Im going for botb banner so been playing a bit of everyone and a character i rarely played was the Male quarian enginner, but it turn out he is pretty sweet he can set off his own techs.

i have to many hours into the game and almost complete inventory except the hurricane and harrier never dropped i figure i dont need them as i do well without them.

The number of grenades per ammo box isn't always 1 on higher difficulty. Some give 2 on all difficulties.

My favorite might be the geth infiltrator. Javalin x on him is so fun.
Bought the Citadel DLC the other day. I've only played the first mission...going to really get into it this weekend...cant wait.

That new hoodie looks nice and that's about a good a deal that you'll find unless it goes on clearance in a year. I love my original one.
Yeah, ended up getting it last night.  Funnily enough, thanks to the discount on orders over $50, I ended up getting an N7 Coffee mug and the hoodie for the same price as the hoodie by itself would cost me with shipping.  Almost bit on that Garrus t-shirt too

So is the first part of Citadel designed to make me want to throw my controller through the TV in frustration or is it just me sucking at it?

They kind of set it up as a "stealth" thing, but... yeah, Mass Effect's engine doesn't really do stealth. That section was a little bit clunky, definitely.

Sorry buddy, your skills might need a sharpenen. I didn't think it was that difficult or frustrating. ;)
Gee thanks. :booty:

The "one bar of health and no medi-gel" is the real bite in the ass, especially when playing on Hard as an Adept and everyone has shields.

The "team up 6-to-1" at the beginning was even more annoying until I realized I could make it to the Alliance intel officer and bypass the rest of that foolishness.

They kind of set it up as a "stealth" thing, but... yeah, Mass Effect's engine doesn't really do stealth. That section was a little bit clunky, definitely.
Very clunky, though I think I'm going to slog through it as I think I've found a bug that's exploitable in the sequence I'm at.

While I thought Citadel was a fantastic chunk of DLC, I won't defend the intro for a single second. That segment was shit.

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Ex-BioWare writer discusses dropped ideas for Mass Effect trilogy ending

I still personally don't think the whole "dark energy" idea is necessarily any better than the "organics vs. synthetics" idea (and Karpyshyn himself agrees here that a lot of the fan reaction is down to "grass is greener" syndrome). But, the idea that the Reapers were trying to engineer a perfect biotic race, because only organics can use biotics and biotic abilities are somehow crucial to counteracting the dark energy threat, actually makes some sense out of the idea of constructing new reapers from the genetic material of conquered organic species. So that's a point in its favor.

Is the Omega DLC worth the $15?  I'm about 30 hours into the game and bought From Ashes, Leviathan, and Citadel.  I am enjoying the game so far, but I think I'm at the point where I want to finish the game and haven't started Leviathan or Citadel yet.  Does it add to the main story or is it mainly just helping Aria taking back Omega?

Is the Omega DLC worth the $15? I'm about 30 hours into the game and bought From Ashes, Leviathan, and Citadel. I am enjoying the game so far, but I think I'm at the point where I want to finish the game and haven't started Leviathan or Citadel yet. Does it add to the main story or is it mainly just helping Aria taking back Omega?
I just went through it and think you should wait until it goes on-sale.

It's essentially a side mission without your normal squadmates, so it's a "different" run than the other ones you'd do with your squadmates.

It doesn't add much into the main story save some war resources plus some weapon add-ons. It's all about Aria retaking Omega and from a story perspective, it's a great bit of fun with Aria and some backstory into her past.

Thanks for the quick review.  It sounds like a cool side story, but if it doesn't add to the main story, I'll wait for a sale.  

By the way, I'm playing it on the PS3 and man is that version laggy.  I'll be walking around and all of a sudden Shepard will just freeze for a few seconds.  It's not always because it's loading either.  I hope you 360 guys didn't have to deal with that.

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Ex-BioWare writer discusses dropped ideas for Mass Effect trilogy ending

I still personally don't think the whole "dark energy" idea is necessarily any better than the "organics vs. synthetics" idea (and Karpyshyn himself agrees here that a lot of the fan reaction is down to "grass is greener" syndrome). But, the idea that the Reapers were trying to engineer a perfect biotic race, because only organics can use biotics and biotic abilities are somehow crucial to counteracting the dark energy threat, actually makes some sense out of the idea of constructing new reapers from the genetic material of conquered organic species. So that's a point in its favor.
It gets you out of the circular reasoning where the problem is actually the solution. I think the problem is actually trying to prevent a bigger problem realization is a lot better.

Ex-BioWare writer discusses dropped ideas for Mass Effect trilogy ending

I still personally don't think the whole "dark energy" idea is necessarily any better than the "organics vs. synthetics" idea (and Karpyshyn himself agrees here that a lot of the fan reaction is down to "grass is greener" syndrome). But, the idea that the Reapers were trying to engineer a perfect biotic race, because only organics can use biotics and biotic abilities are somehow crucial to counteracting the dark energy threat, actually makes some sense out of the idea of constructing new reapers from the genetic material of conquered organic species. So that's a point in its favor.
Mmmm, thanks for this.

Also some people might know this but it looks like Bioware will be using the engine being made for Dragon Age 3 for Mass Effect 4.

Started my insanity play through last night as a sentinel. I love using biotic combos in the mp, so it should be fun in sp too (along with overload for those Marauders).

Buuuuttt, I forgot to switch to insanity before leaving earth. So I'll be re-restarting tonight for a few hours before the game.
Ex-BioWare writer discusses dropped ideas for Mass Effect trilogy ending

I still personally don't think the whole "dark energy" idea is necessarily any better than the "organics vs. synthetics" idea (and Karpyshyn himself agrees here that a lot of the fan reaction is down to "grass is greener" syndrome). But, the idea that the Reapers were trying to engineer a perfect biotic race, because only organics can use biotics and biotic abilities are somehow crucial to counteracting the dark energy threat, actually makes some sense out of the idea of constructing new reapers from the genetic material of conquered organic species. So that's a point in its favor.
Mmmm, thanks for this.

Also some people might know this but it looks like Bioware will be using the engine being made for Dragon Age 3 for Mass Effect 4.
Well, they both use the FrostBite 3 engine, which was known. They're also borrowing some assets created for DA.

By "feel" I meant gameplay pretty much. As in, ME2 and ME3 have a specific way that the character moves and controls. I don't want the protagonist in ME4 to suddenly move like Nathan Drake or something.

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Ex-BioWare writer discusses dropped ideas for Mass Effect trilogy ending

I still personally don't think the whole "dark energy" idea is necessarily any better than the "organics vs. synthetics" idea (and Karpyshyn himself agrees here that a lot of the fan reaction is down to "grass is greener" syndrome). But, the idea that the Reapers were trying to engineer a perfect biotic race, because only organics can use biotics and biotic abilities are somehow crucial to counteracting the dark energy threat, actually makes some sense out of the idea of constructing new reapers from the genetic material of conquered organic species. So that's a point in its favor.
Mmmm, thanks for this.

Also some people might know this but it looks like Bioware will be using the engine being made for Dragon Age 3 for Mass Effect 4.
Well, they both use the FrostBite 3 engine, which was known. They're also borrowing some assets created for DA.
Yeah, that's what I meant and yeah they're both using FrostBite 3 which makes me gitty! Hope you play as a non-human race in ME4!

Welp, I just finished my ME2 insanity run. Wayyy easier than I had been led to believe. I actually checked the setting a few times to make sure the difficulty hadn't changed somehow. I played as a soldier, and I must say mattock + ammo powers + adrenaline rush = death to everything. I keep hearing that ME3 insanity is easier than 2, so I doubt I will have much trouble using my ME2 Shepard instead of rolling over my ME3 Shepard. Looking forward to it! Guess I will have to break down and buy Omega during this playthrough since it hasn't been on sale yet :/

I'm just about finished up with my ME1 Insanity run.  Just a couple Rachni missions then Virmire and ending sequence to go.  Breezing through at level 60 now

Good work, Feeni! Yeah ME3 on insanity wasn't bad at all. I finished Me2 on insanity earlier this year and now I'm going back to ME1. Need to finish off my engineer play through on normal then I want do beat it on insanity. I'm not sure which class to go with. I've heard soldier for adrenaline rush or adept for the biotic powers are the best.
I did ME1 immediately before with an adept and it was a breeze. Once you get the bastion specialization it's great to use stasis on something then just fire away at it. Barrier is useful too, though it's not quite as strong as immunity if you were to play as a soldier. Either is a great choice, really it depends if you would rather use weapons or powers.

Edit: guess I should have mentioned I was lvl 60 with full spectre master gear.

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I had the hardest trouble with ME2 on the collector platforms and that part on Horizon with the Scions, yea, THAT part. ME3 has been pretty easy so far with a Sentinel, but I'm only through Mars.

Anyway, Bioware has confirmed they will be talking Mass Effect at Pax Australia (July 19-21)! I hope this is new talk and not retrospective.
Infiltrator can take the Immunity route through ME1 Insanity as well, if you feel so inclined. I know it's kind of the cheesy way out, but I had no interest in mastering the combat of the first game. I was happy to do it  :)

Yep, level 60 Adept on my ME1 Insanity run. It's been very easy with full spectre gear, colossus armor, maxed singularity, etc. hopefully will wrap it up this week
I think my level 59 character is a Soldier so I'll probably go that way in ME1.

As for PAX and SDCC, I expect them to talk mainly about the new comic series starting next month, Foundations. It sounds like it features a new character in some way and sheds more light in key events, like Ashley fighting to survive on Eden prime. It's more ME story stuff, so I'm pretty excited.
bread's done