Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Just picked this up at GameStop, so I can finally give it a chance.

All the ending crap turned me off from the game at release.

Just picked this up at GameStop, so I can finally give it a chance.

All the ending crap turned me off from the game at release.
Despite not being quite as great as ME2 in my opinion, it's a great game, and the ending is much less abrupt and confusing since they added the Extended Cut DLC.

I'm really happy we get a new Mako and the return of co-op multiplayer. They are throwing me off with the idea of a concurrent story to Shepard's, especially with talk of a different galaxy yet (seemingly) N7 designated humans and the possibility of returning characters.

My one hope is that this isn't an alternate universe kinda deal.
Wasn't N7 purely a human military designation? That would indicate that our hero for ME-not-4 is human. From what was posted above, I could see this as squad out on a Star Trek style mission to explore new worlds type of story that is concurent with Shepard's saga.

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Can games still be found online for ME3 or are the servers dead now? I have been thinking about playing on the 360 again.
Video of the ME4 Mako driving around:
Whoa, looks like the Mako will finally be able to break double digit MPH!

I'm glad to see they're bringing it back, though. The ability to explore planets and do so freely across open surfaces really made the first game seem massive to me. It's something I really missed in the sequels.

I watched the video from the Escapist and read pretty much everything I could find online about the panel and one thing stood out more than any other....and it's crystal clear in the video of the Mako....this game is YEARS off.  I was betting on a Fall 2015 release and that's probably an unrealistic expectation. 

I just finished Strider and the Destiny beta is over, so I am in need of something to play and was thinking of firing up ME3.  Count me in for some ME3 MP.  I've been itching to play again.

Probably haven't played A Mass Effect game in a while but the gameplay seems more linear than before, at least in comparison to ME2.

I love that the Mako is coming back, Team Mako! I don't love everything else I'm hearing but most likely things will undoubtedly change as we're light years off from launch, puns intended. I wouldn't be surprised of a remastered current gen edition of the Trilogy hitting consoles either 2014 or 2015.
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I love that the Mako is coming back, Team Mako! I don't love everything else I'm hearing but most likely things will undoubtedly change as we're light years off from launch, puns intended. I wouldn't be surprised of a remastered current gen edition of the Trilogy hitting consoles either 2014 or 2015.
I dont think a remaster will happen till next year if at all, they really blew it by not announcing anything at E3. Can you imagine if we had that and the Master Chief Collection coming out this holiday? That would move a ton of Xbox Ones between those two franchises.

Oh, you'd pick it up, as would a lot of us. ;)
Oh for sure.

Honestly I'm already planning on an EA Access subscription just for whatever early access they're going to do for ME4, even if it's only a 2-hour trial. :) And I know they haven't said that this is going to happen, but I fully expect ME4 to have some exclusive DLC costume or sniper rifle or something that's only for Access subscribers. It just seems like an inevitability.

I'm trying it now cuz I'm in the dash preview program. First for a month just to try it. Then I'll sign up for dragon age in November.
I was sorry to see Titanfall specifically excluded from EA Access, because that would have been a nice draw for me. Not a game I'd buy outright but I would happily try it if it was included with a subscription. None of the current Vault games appeal to me. But I'm sure it'll be a lot more attractive by the time ME4 is around the corner.

I insist on calling it ME4 until we are given a reason not to, knowing it gets on Biowarestore nerves (not that anybody at Bioware sees these posts). [queue stomping feet and pouty, 5-year old face]. I want my teaser trailer and I want it NOW!
Unless he's not.


No, it's gotta be M4ss Effect. 

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If you were asking for a powerful build, I would have said soldier for immunity and adrenaline rush. But for pure fun, I think it's Biotic. Popping Mercs with singularity then throwing then around is good fun. Partner with Wrex so you have someone who can wreck shop with the shotgun.

Last night I decided that I really need to replay ME3. I need something to dig into while waiting for Destiny.
If you were asking for a powerful build, I would have said soldier for immunity and adrenaline rush. But for pure fun, I think it's Biotic. Popping Mercs with singularity then throwing then around is good fun. Partner with Wrex so you have someone who can wreck shop with the shotgun.

Last night I decided that I really need to replay ME3. I need something to dig into while waiting for Destiny.
I did Biotic on my last play of ME1 (Insanity run) so I think I'm in the mood for something different. I have to check what achievements I have left but maybe an Engineer/Infiltrator type build?

I had a lot of fun with my Engineer/Infiltrator run in ME1, actually. I was surprised because I tend to not use the Engineer classes much.
I did my Mass Effect 2 Insanity run as an engie thanks to Ryu's guide. Seriously you don't have to worry about ammo reserves when you got mad tech skills yo! Then in ME3, tech explosions... tech explosions everywhere haha.
Here's something a little different, an article that focuses on Dr. Chakwas and how she's an important character.

I fired up ME3 tonight to jump back in to both MP and the Campaign.  I found the MP to be .... and I really truly hate saying this .... more than a bit clunky.  It just felt slow and confined.  Maybe playing so much Titanfall and Garden Warfare has had an impact on me. 

alright, turns out I need these ME1 cheevos, so need to find a build that will let me get as many as possible (it will likely take 2 playthroughs)

-150 Sniper Rifle kills

-Use Damping Field 75 times

-Use AI Hacking 75 times

-Use Overload 75 times

-Use Sabotage 75 times

-Use Neural Shock 75 times

No way, you are primed for an Infiltrator playhrough unless one of those skills is engineer only. If one or more is, then do an engineer run, then a 2nd with the infiltrator and you should be able to get that sniper cheevo pretty quickly.
Here's something a little different, an article that focuses on Dr. Chakwas and how she's an important character.

I fired up ME3 tonight to jump back in to both MP and the Campaign. I found the MP to be .... and I really truly hate saying this .... more than a bit clunky. It just felt slow and confined. Maybe playing so much Titanfall and Garden Warfare has had an impact on me.
I mean, the game is clunky compared to a lot out there. It's one thing when you get used to it and can bend it to your will, but it's far from the most intuitive.

bread's done