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[quote name='javeryh']I just started this and it's like watching a slideshow. Also, I keep dying and my gun won't continuously fire. I have no idea what I'm doing either (no tutorial?). I am definitely not impressed so far but I guess I'll keep playing since most people seem to love it...[/quote]

I would advise sticking with it, but I generally am not as bothered by slowdown as most people. Nonetheless, the story and universe are among the best I've seen in gaming. I actually find myself interested in the wider goings-on of the world beyond the game itself, which I can't say for anything else in recent memory.

People on the board have been pretty helpful with tips for getting started - what class are you playing and are you having any particular difficulties from a gameplay standpoint?
[quote name='ighosty']I think the Quarians will play a bigger role in the sequels. I am hoping that you will meet more of them and maybe
get their help with the geth, and maybe even get the geth to join you in the fight, since they are just being used.
Yeah I'm hoping we get to visit the Quarian fleet in the next game.
I've noticed my gun not firing some of the time also. At first I thought it was overheat but my overheating bar is at empty. Either it's a bug or someone used a biotic on me and the game didn't convey that to me in any way with the HUD.
Are you sure you're not close to cover or an object in your way. That might be the reason why you can't shoot. This has happened to me, I just walk around it. I just got the completist achievement along with Paragon one!^^
This is another amazing Bioware game, but who made the stupid descion to not allow players to save when combat starts? I swear if I see the cutscene when your trying to get the doctor out one more time I'm going to scream!
[quote name='robin2099']This is another amazing Bioware game, but who made the stupid descion to not allow players to save when combat starts? I swear if I see the cutscene when your trying to get the doctor out one more time I'm going to scream![/quote]

Yeah; I had Benezia's speech memorized for a little while after seeing that cutscene so many times.
Just finished my first play through. Such an epic ending, it felt like the end of a really good movie.

I didn['t get the completionist achievement and I'm kinda confused. I did all missions, and assignments, did everything on all the planets. I ended at level 48 with over 30 hours played and didn't get the "complet e the majority of the game" achievement... is it just bugged?

Also, when starting over with same character for hardcore, how do I choose hardcore before launching the game? I thought you wouldn't get the achievement if you switch after the game starts.

I also though you were supposed to get a new skill when doing another playthrough but I don't see it.

Anyways, excellent game.
I'm getting Mass Effect tommorrow. I don't want to go through all the pages, possibly seeing spoilers.

If I try to do almost everything there is to do in the game, how long will it take me to finish it. 50+ hours?
Almost to the end, and I have to say that I've enjoyed this game quite a bit. Aside from the technical hiccups and relatively generic story/atmosphere it's DAMN good.

Also, Real-Time firefight> roll based MMO bullshit.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I'm getting Mass Effect tommorrow. I don't want to go through all the pages, possibly seeing spoilers.

If I try to do almost everything there is to do in the game, how long will it take me to finish it. 50+ hours?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure i did just about everything in about 35 hours
[quote name='javeryh']Multiple playthroughs?[/quote]

Nah that was just the first. I still want to get to level 60 then try an Infiltrator. I never even got to shoot a sniper rifle on my first play through.
Yea it took me 25 hours on my first playthrough and that wasn't doing most of the side missions. My second playthrough which I just beat took me 38 hours and I got the completionist achievment but still no ally achievement. It is def not bugged, you will have to dig for some missions but it's doable. You can change your difficulty in the options from the menu, (before the game and during). I didn't change it fast enough the last time so I didn't get hardcore dif achievement this time either, damn it. I'm playin a third time goin for lvl 60, I'm 2 lvls from it.
Planned on finishing my second playthrough and getting to level 60, but I forgot my 360 power cable at my apartment, which is an hour and a half away from where I am at right now so it doesn't look like I will be doing that till next year.
2 playthroughs only got me to 57 (although 2nd time I barely did any sidequests). I'd like the level 60 achievement but if I play through again I can't see using the same character.
so after you finish the game you get to keep what level you are on for the next playthrough right? Sorry if this has already been answered, but I'm just a little worried about reading possible spoilers.
I just finished the game tonight. So much better than KOTOR if you ask me. Wrex was probably one of my favorite characters in the game.

I rounded out at a little over 35 hours myself, heavily pursuing side quests (as well as falling asleep a couple of times and saving when I woke up). I think that there should be a patch to increase the # of autosaves, but that's minor.

One weird thing.. I got the completionist achievement, but used the Krogan/Turian ally combination for just about every bit of the game. For some reason.. I didn't get the achievements for doing so. Anyone else have that problem?
Well I beat the game today. It was my first playthrough. How do I up the difficulty and do the Character+? When I go to the main menu, I can do start new game and pick my level 47 guy but it never says new game+ or anything. Also doesn't it ask from the beginning my difficulty (I would like the next highest one, but it never said i unlocked everything). I also never got to save after the credits or anything...?
When you pick an existing character all the stuff from that playthrough carries over except your renegade/paragon alignment. And you can change the difficulty in the options menu during the game. As long as you do it before leaving Eden Prime, it doesn't affect the achievements.
anyone other than me think the soundtrack kicks ass? some of the best use of synthesizers I've heard in ages. Plus the ending 8min song by the Faunts kicks ass. I got the whole OST and I can maybe put a link if anyone is wanting.
From what I remember reading on the achievement forums, it takes 15 missions and 45 assignments with an ally to get the achievement. Which means you have to be very careful how you approach the game to get the Quarian and Asari ones.

Do the missions to get Tali ASAP and do no sidequests on the citadel. Then use her in the party exclusively and go to Liara immediately after. Then go back and do the sidequests on Citadel with them. Do 45 sidequests and all the missions with them and you should get the achievement on Virmire or Ilos provided you did all the sidequests you could find.

The completionist is just for completing 15 missions and 45 assignments yourself. Because of the different times of getting your party members that isn't always the same time.

I got Ashley with my completionist, b/c she was with me on every assignment and mission from the start of the game. Then Garrus on Virmire towards the end b/c he wasn't with me for prologue or wrex missions.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']anyone other than me think the soundtrack kicks ass? some of the best use of synthesizers I've heard in ages. Plus the ending 8min song by the Faunts kicks ass. I got the whole OST and I can maybe put a link if anyone is wanting.[/QUOTE]

Oh I know, the OST is amazing, I got it a couple days after playing the game. Sometimes I just play the game to get more of the music, always sounds better in the game for some odd reason to me hah
I just finished up my first play through: Female Adept paragon. Aside from minor quibbles (elevators, texture pop, same 3 interiors repeated for every side quest), I have to say i loved it.

One major thing I don't like are the ally achievements. They give us all these characters, but then if you want the achievement you have to just pick two and stick with them. I'd rather be able to select my team based on their strengths as they relate to the current mission. For example
I wanted to take Liara against Benezia, but was worried about screwing one of the other party members
Yes, I know you don't have to go for the achievements, but I would think the game developers wouldn't want players to limit themselves that way.

Funny thing, the whole time I was playing, I kept thinking about my next run, and playing totally differently (male, ruthless, soldier, renegade), but now that I'm finished, I'm less excited to start up a new game. I think I do this with almost every RPG I play, but usually never get around to a second play through.
Does there happen to be a guide for all the missions/side missions. I'd like to complete everything, but I have no way of knowing if I did so.
I have tried to like this game I really have .. but I cannot play it for more than an hour at a time without falling asleep to the music and pace.

I almost feel like I HAVE to like the game because of KOTOR and thats just not fair IMO. If I was not a completionist WHORE I think I would have just blown through the main missions already .. which are pretty linear to boot. None of the side quests matter!
[quote name='yukine']Does there happen to be a guide for all the missions/side missions. I'd like to complete everything, but I have no way of knowing if I did so.[/quote]
GameSpot's guide seemed fairly complete.
Gamespot's guide is pretty good, however there are a couple of omissions: Each character origin (spacer, colonist, earthborn) has a special mini-mission on the citadel after you've left and come back. Gamespot only has the spacer's, and doesn't mention that it is backstory specific (which might be confusing). You can find the starting points for the other two on the Citadel map at GameFAQs.
Yea I agree, the first time I played I picked and chose the best squadmate for the mission. Then I find out that you have to do 15 missions and 45 assignments with each from the start! Screw that, I'm just going through for the good saren ending now. Yea I loved the music, they said they were inspired from Blade Runner and other 80s scifi films. Faunts also kick ass, a good song at the credits supports your entire reason to get there.
Has anyone else seen "Mr. Black"? It's the name I gave him after I discovered him. What I did was on Feros
after I opened the way to the thorian, I had no medigel so I backtracked to the skyway. When I came back, Fai dan was standing next to a puddle of blood and was a complete color of black. weird shit.
Kind of sucks that they don't have all of the music in the OST.

The combat music you hear when you have to proceed onfoot on the planet
Liara is on
was awesome. But sadly it's not on the OST :(

+1 to whoever puts up a clean sample of that music as an MP3 :D
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']you sir know what's good.. damn fine ass 8 min song[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I always listen to it all the way through when those credits roll.
Just beat the game on Insanity so I get a last listen. I wish CheapyD would use a soundbite of it for the Cagcast.

Now I just need a few more achivements and I got 1000, a first for me.
So, I'm curious:

I played an adept, and I never put any points into stasis (thus obviously never used it). My thinking: Disabling enemies is all well and good, but if I can't then shoot them it makes it much less usefull. I can disable just fine with lift or singularity and then, boom, they're toast. Did anyone use it? In what way?

Also the photon type rounds (less damage, but +shield bypass). I never used 'em, but I'm wondering if they're secretly super-awesome.
[quote name='emdub']So, I'm curious:

I played an adept, and I never put any points into stasis (thus obviously never used it). My thinking: Disabling enemies is all well and good, but if I can't then shoot them it makes it much less usefull. I can disable just fine with lift or singularity and then, boom, they're toast. Did anyone use it? In what way?

Also the photon type rounds (less damage, but +shield bypass). I never used 'em, but I'm wondering if they're secretly super-awesome.[/quote]
I just used Stasis a lot to get the achievement (I also just threw it at nowhere on the Citadel from time to time). If you are the only biotic on your team then it can come in handy, though (stasis the strongest enemy, take care of the noobs, then wait for the boss to thaw).

As for proton, they are nice to use against Geth. But later on you won't see ammo upgrades that have that effect, so they are only worth it at the start and mid-game.
[quote name='emdub']So, I'm curious:

I played an adept, and I never put any points into stasis (thus obviously never used it). My thinking: Disabling enemies is all well and good, but if I can't then shoot them it makes it much less usefull. I can disable just fine with lift or singularity and then, boom, they're toast. Did anyone use it? In what way?

Also the photon type rounds (less damage, but +shield bypass). I never used 'em, but I'm wondering if they're secretly super-awesome.[/QUOTE]
One of the biotic's advanced classes allows you to damage an enemy while they're in stasis. I forget which one it is.
[quote name='robin2099']So has anyone been able to "make it" with Ashley? I've been trying my best but haven't had much luck so far.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my evil male banged that xenophobe. All you need to do is sweet talk her and not do the Laura mission first.
I did both Liara and Ash in different runs... personally, I like em both, but in terms of personality I lean more towards ashley since her storys feel more lighthearted and fun.
bread's done