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Well I'm doing my Mass Effect playthrough on Insanity run. Took me 4 tries to beat the damn Geth Colossus when I was going to recruit Liara. I guess I should have done more side quests to level up but seriously, you tell your team mates to go into cover and then they get shot by plasma next to the cover. I mean I'm regretting Noveria, should I do everything else before I even get there?! I'm also dreading Feros too lol.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Well I'm doing my Mass Effect playthrough on Insanity run. Took me 4 tries to beat the damn Geth Colossus when I was going to recruit Liara. I guess I should have done more side quests to level up but seriously, you tell your team mates to go into cover and then they get shot by plasma next to the cover. I mean I'm regretting Noveria, should I do everything else before I even get there?! I'm also dreading Feros too lol.[/QUOTE]

do the indanity run with a lvl 55+

SO MUCH easier. I learned the hard way :/
ME related question about the books, are they worth the read?
I've played ME1+2 enough till ME3, but wouldn't mind reading the books, that is assuming that they're a decent read.
I've read all three books and I enjoyed them. The stories are pretty essential to the overall Mass Effect universe that I feel they are must-reads for true ME fans. Revelation is the best, followed by Retribution. The next one, Deception, coming out in September should really set up ME3 nicely.
[quote name='AshesofWake']do the indanity run with a lvl 55+

SO MUCH easier. I learned the hard way :/[/QUOTE]

[quote name='drktrpr1']Yep, Insanity should definitely be your second or third playthrough.[/QUOTE]

Lol yeah I know but actually I'm doing alright ever since I passed oh lvl 30 or so.

Just got done with Noveria and wtf I died one more time than usual because I got hit by a biotic attack which left me "stuck" on the floor. I'm just lying there with a purple biotic field around me. One thing I don't understand is not being able to give orders when enemies knock you down with biotic attacks.

Other than that, and the Rachni race against the clock part, Insanity is actually fun and a satisfying challenge. Compared to ME2 Insanity is more doable, I think, since you can link talents and attacks one after the other (adrenaline rush helps too). Doing it as an adept, biotics are the way to go!

Edit: Finished my Insanity run and I think I was about level 52 or 54 in the end. I couldn't remember but basically it's past level 50 and that's all I wanted for my import for ME2. There didn't seem to be the omg this is impossible scale as I was met in the beginning, (forgot about unlocking all my skills (unity a big one) before getting Liara so that damn Geth ambush was annoying) and it seemed after lvl 30 the game was a lot easier (again after lvl 50 I pretty much just owned). I found Insanity as an adept to be extremely fun, esp when you can spec into mass lift and throw, plus the bonuses I could get, for past playthroughs, like shotgun training really helped. ^^ I did however forget to keep some Non-human armor in my inventory, grabbed both Sentinel and Soldier achievos this time, so when I had Tali in my party she was incredibly weak. Also I never had any trouble with snipers with the game but on Insanity they can eat through your shields, barrier and health in one hit. H0oly f'n cheap.
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so i finally beat the game today for the 1st time finished level 44 full paragon. if i wanted to play again on hard do i start off with all my current items? the game was pretty good but boy did it chug at certain parts, it was like watchin stop motion or something. im going to start ME2 but im still open for replaying this game again for some chieves.
[quote name='sublime90']so i finally beat the game today for the 1st time finished level 44 full paragon. if i wanted to play again on hard do i start off with all my current items? the game was pretty good but boy did it chug at certain parts, it was like watchin stop motion or something. im going to start ME2 but im still open for replaying this game again for some chieves.[/QUOTE]

I believe you do, though I don't recall if you have to re-equip them.

I know for your squadmates, they will be in their original armor/weapons when you recruit them, but you can add the improved stuff right away.
I'll revive a thread that's been dead for two months just to share my happiness over hitting level 60 again for probably the last time (at least for a long while). Once I finish with this playthrough I'll be able to put this game to rest until the end 2012, at the earliest. I'll still have between now and March to go through ME2 multiple times and complete my ME3 preparations, but it's nice to give this game one last salute before it goes back in the vault*. Here's to you, Mass Effect :beer: It's been a wonderful three years, nine months, and six days.

* - I don't really have a vault for it.
If I have a Level 60 Soldier, will I be able to waltz through Hardcore and Insanity difficulty? Those are the only achievements I don't have aside from the "do this 75 times" ones.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']If I have a Level 60 Soldier, will I be able to waltz through Hardcore and Insanity difficulty? Those are the only achievements I don't have aside from the "do this 75 times" ones.[/QUOTE]

Yes, make sure to upgrade the Assault Training and Fitness abilities!! You will then become an unstoppable, walking tank! :cool:
[quote name='thehuskerfan']Yes, make sure to upgrade the Assault Training and Fitness abilities!! You will then become an unstoppable, walking tank! :cool:[/QUOTE]
I don't even remember how I spec'ed myself, it's been a while since I've played it. There is no way to respec is there?
I have a level 59 soldier and I'm sure I'll go back to get to 60, get the hard difficulty achievement and maybe a couple more squad cheevo's.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Best. Game. Ever.

Congrats on level 60(again)![/QUOTE]Thanks. You know what they say, the eighth time's the charm! :cool:

[quote name='Ryuukishi']If I have a Level 60 Soldier, will I be able to waltz through Hardcore and Insanity difficulty? Those are the only achievements I don't have aside from the "do this 75 times" ones.[/QUOTE]There's hardly any waltzing to be done in this game on Insanity, but you should have an alright time with a maxed out Soldier. I still believe that Vanguard provides you with the easiest path on the harder difficulties (because of the Biotics), but the Solder class is nothing to scoff at.
Yeah lol screw those squad achievements, you'd think they'd accumulate over time but they don't. That's what Bioware should have done and how they deal with things in ME2 I think they learned that too.
This thread is hilarious. I was reading through some older posts looking up X's recommendations for the hardcore/insanity builds and stumbled across the alien sex controversy that lasted a good couple of pages.

On topic, I've just started my hardcore run and made it through therum and feros. However, the Krogans (and asari at the thorian) are giving me a terrible time. I'm a level 28 Vanguard with Wrex and Garrus as my squad (needed those last two ally achievements). I chose singularity as my bonus talent.

Singularity is leveled up to 8 or so, but it does not seem to effect the Krogans. They are still able to charge and shotgun-butt me dead pretty quick. And this is only on hardcore, I'm sure the insanity run will be twice as difficult. I know I still have the Benezia mass asari battle coming up too. Any advice?
Well, lesse.

Garrus should have damping or dampening or whatever the fuck it is that blocks biotics, but I didn't really get much use out of that.

I survived a good deal of shit I shouldn't have in that game through various stun abilities. Stasis always works on krogan - you can even do damage to them in stasis with a certain upgrade, no? - but lift and to a lesser extent singularity were still my go-to abilities. I don't recall what skills Wrex and a vanguard have, but you should have at least some of that noise. Two biotic characters with a good pile of stunning/disabling abilities can shred the fuck out of most any group of enemies. Have Garrus use his weapon overheating grenade thingy against the geth in the Benezia fight. I found that the back of that room (immediately to your right as you enter, if memory serves) is the easiest place to hold. Focus down the commandoes, then geth snipers, then whatever other geth remain.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']This thread is hilarious. I was reading through some older posts looking up X's recommendations for the hardcore/insanity builds and stumbled across the alien sex controversy that lasted a good couple of pages.[/QUOTE]Don't be afraid to PM me if you're specifically looking for advice from me, by the way. Same goes for anyone/everyone.

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']On topic, I've just started my hardcore run and made it through therum and feros. However, the Krogans (and asari at the thorian) are giving me a terrible time. I'm a level 28 Vanguard with Wrex and Garrus as my squad (needed those last two ally achievements). I chose singularity as my bonus talent.

Singularity is leveled up to 8 or so, but it does not seem to effect the Krogans. They are still able to charge and shotgun-butt me dead pretty quick. And this is only on hardcore, I'm sure the insanity run will be twice as difficult. I know I still have the Benezia mass asari battle coming up too. Any advice?[/QUOTE]Singularity should most certainly work on the Krogan, as Biotics are your best weapon against them on Hardcore-Insanity. Especially with your squad build, it's important to get in this habit:

You: *spots Krogan*
Garrus: use Damping
Wrex: use Warp
You: use Singluarity/Lift
Garrus: use Overload
You: use Warp
Squad: unleash rounds into his floating ass

I've used that method way more times than any one person should ever be able to account for, and it's always gotten me past the very annoying Battlemasters.

As far as the pending fight with Matriarch Benezia goes, the best bit of advice I can give to you there is: save before initiating the fight, make sure you are constantly moving when there are Asari Commandoes still fighting (they will hit you with Throw and keep you pinned down, otherwise), and make sure you are picking them off as fast as possible. Don't hold back with Garrus' Damping and Wrex's Biotics, either. Get them before they get you, and be very fast and very efficient with how you use your powers.
Well I finished the game on Hardcore last night. I used Ash and Wrex for most of the game, with the general strategy of "everybody spam Master Immunity and then hold down the fire button." I died 2-3 times, mostly at times when there were 2+ krogan around, but it wasn't too bad. Starting Insanity now.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']So, you rocked an Insanity run in one day??!! That truly is insane.[/QUOTE]
Five and a half hours, skipping dialogue whenever possible, completing the minimum amount of quests, and speeding past the enemies without fighting during the Mako segments.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Five and a half hours, skipping dialogue whenever possible, completing the minimum amount of quests, and speeding past the enemies without fighting during the Mako segments.[/QUOTE]:nottalking:

My soul aches just reading that.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']:nottalking:

My soul aches just reading that.[/QUOTE]
I just knew you wouldn't approve! And I'll add insult to injury... My Soldier Shep is a blonde female! :cold:

In my defense, I have completed the game six times at this point, including three playthroughs where I did most or all of the sidequests. And frankly, I don't think the gameplay in ME1 is that great, so I didn't feel bad cheesing the higher difficulties. It's balanced out by the skill and strategy it took to beat ME2 Insanity with an Engineer, and I plan on doing that again for ME3. :)
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I just knew you wouldn't approve! And I'll add insult to injury... My Soldier Shep is a blonde female! I don't take this game seriously! :cold:[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Ryuukishi']In my defense, I have completed the game six times at this point, including three playthroughs where I did most or all of the sidequests. And frankly, I don't think the gameplay in ME1 is that great, so I didn't feel bad cheesing the higher difficulties. It's balanced out by the skill and strategy it took to beat ME2 Insanity with an Engineer, and I plan on doing that again for ME3. :)[/QUOTE]Only six times? ;)

I've done more than three completionist playthroughs on Insanity this calendar year, haha. You need to put some more time into the game (some honest time, and with a real Shepard) :booty:

Nah, I think I'm done with ME1 at this point. Now, ME2 and (presumably) ME3, those are games I plan on returning to over the years. :D Probably not as many times as you though, some of us are mere mortals.
Why do you hate the female Shepard? The voice acting is far, far superior to the male version, especially when you're a renegade. I recently started such a playthrough, and Jennifer Hale really nails the bitch voice. She makes the male voice actor look like he wasn't even trying.
[quote name='buddynayr']Why do you hate the female Shepard? The voice acting is far, far superior to the male version, especially when you're a renegade. I recently started such a playthrough, and Jennifer Hale really nails the bitch voice. She makes the male voice actor look like he wasn't even trying.[/QUOTE]I'm not exactly sure what answer you are looking for, since you asked why I hate femShep but gave defense to Jennifer I'm just going to assume that you want me to explain why I "hate" Jennifer Hale's VA for femShep.

Hate is actually a pretty strong word to use for the way I feel about her work for Mass Effect, and I'm not sure that I would go as far to say that my impressions of her voice acting are based on hatred. I'd probably say that I find her VA for this game annoying, uninteresting, and forced. There's a clear line between a voice projecting a sort of cold, calculating emotion characterized by the willingness to get the job done no matter what the costs, and sounding flat-out bored. Hers is the latter. Jennifer Hale's work as the femShep, to me, sounds like she watched a Dirty Harry movie before recording and then tried to mimic Clint Eastwood's character and style from those movies and failed, poorly.

I physically and mentally lose interest in my character over time whenever I play as femShep, and it's solely due to her voice acting. Whether it's a Paragon or Renegade response or action, an intense situation or a calm one, or whether it's a squadmate or a random NPC, her voice is always lifeless and boring to me. For the most part, she comes off as someone who really just doesn't give a shit -- and I don't mean that in a "badass" way, I mean that it feels like she legitimately put in a half-ass effort. The long-time KotOR player in me knows that she's not really one to put in a half-ass effort when it comes to her work, but it's simply what I get out of listening to the VA for femShep. Believe me, I've tried to like her VA in this game way more times than it deserves. It's just not meant to be.

Now, if you wanted my opinion on femShep instead, I'll have to make another post.
Hardcore done! Thanks for the help Crotch and X, I underestimated the power of warp and damping, probably the two best powers I used on the geth juggernauts and krogans. The Benezia battle was a breeze on the right side of the map.

I finished at level 52 vanguard, and I did almost every sidequest save for the collecting missions and geth incursions. Started the new game + this morning for insanity. I think that was the 4th time I've beaten the game, and now playing it after ME2 I feel like I put a lot more of the smaller storylines together.

I'm worried I won't be able to hit 60 now in this playthrough. I really don't feel like doing every sidequest again. So I may have to do a new game ++.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']Hardcore done! Thanks for the help Crotch and X, I underestimated the power of warp and damping, probably the two best powers I used on the geth juggernauts and krogans.[/quote]You are most welcome, sir. Good job on beating Hardcore :cool:

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']I'm worried I won't be able to hit 60 now in this playthrough. I really don't feel like doing every sidequest again. So I may have to do a new game ++.[/QUOTE]You will not be able to hit level 60 starting a playthrough at level 52, even if you completed 100% of the game.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I'm not exactly sure what answer you are looking for, since you asked why I hate femShep but gave defense to Jennifer I'm just going to assume that you want me to explain why I "hate" Jennifer Hale's VA for femShep.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. I didn't realize that you think of them as two different entities. Why do you hate femShep, out of curiosity? Incidentally, I feel the exact opposite about Hale's VA.

I guess we can take solace in the fact that we're both ME junkies —$although I haven't completed the game 5+ times like you have. Perhaps the best RPG series of all time. I loaned out my copies to a friend, but then I'm going to finish my Hardcore and Insane runs.
[quote name='buddynayr']Interesting. I didn't realize that you think of them as two different entities. Why do you hate femShep, out of curiosity? [/QUOTE]
, Buddy says as Crotch watches on.
[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']No woman is fit to run the Normandy, no woman is fit to run the country either for that matter.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='buddynayr']Interesting. I didn't realize that you think of them as two different entities. Why do you hate femShep, out of curiosity?[/QUOTE]I'll try to be as straightforward and non-offensive as I can, because I tend to rant about femShep (as a handful of people here already know, which is why they took cover as soon as you asked this question :lol:).

It all boils down to one major thing for me: this game does not feel like a heroine's tale for me; the ability to play as a female character, for me, feels like it's tacked-on for the sake of inclusion. What do I mean by this? I mean that the game feels like it was initially designed as a story about a male human soldier who, after overcoming a difficult past, rises up and takes humanity from the ranks of newcomers in the galaxy all the way to the top of the proverbial food chain by defeating the galaxy's deadliest threat - and the ability to play as a female soldier was thrown in somewhere during the story-making process to help further push this idea that YOU (yes, even girls and the guys who like to play as girls) were Shepard in this game, making all the decisions and calling all the shots. I'm not stating this idea as fact, I'm simply explaining my feelings as best I can.

So is it all lame/faulty reasoning? Not really. I've had plenty of experience with both sides of the coin (male/female) to be able to compare the two.

I feel like the general dialog (not the gender-specific parts) is strongly male and in no way gender-less (like you'd expect a game that could supposedly support a strong female lead). It's similar to going to a live performance of Romeo and Juliet and having a woman play the part of Romeo. It's not impossible and certainly has some sort of artistic merit (I guess..), but it's still not "correct" in a general sense and it does feel a little off.

The action scenes, or cutscenes, featuring Shepard are also lacking any real distinction from being male and female. Punching out Saren, reporters, and crazy scientists, hoisting allies up on their shoulders and carrying them hundreds of feet, and about ten other specific scenes I could name if we included ME2 in this discussion are all shots that look normal for the male version of Shepard, but odd for a tiny female Soldier (unless you have some near-200 pound butch Shepard, in which case we need to discuss your taste in women).

The relationships you form over the course of this game and ME2 are also a prime example of why I can't take femShep seriously. It's also the trickiest to talk about if you only limit the conversation to ME1, as most relationships (whether it be romances or simply just the friendships you form over time) are only in half-bloom. I can speak more on this outside of this thread.

There, I actually commented on this without sounding completely sexist or making female jokes (for once) ;)

[quote name='buddynayr']I guess we can take solace in the fact that we're both ME junkies —$although I haven't completed the game 5+ times like you have.[/QUOTE]I'm definitely going to start saying "5+" when people ask me how many times I've beaten the game :lol:. It sounds much better than my usual answer. I always appreciate opinions of fellow Mass Effect fans, at least outside of the BioWare forums.

[quote name='buddynayr']Perhaps the best RPG series of all time.[/QUOTE]:cool:
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I'll try to be as straightforward and non-offensive as I can, because I tend to rant about femShep (as a handful of people here already know, which is why they took cover as soon as you asked this question :lol:).[/QUOTE]Taking cover? Hrmph. Just picking up the thermal clip respawn. fucking pistols never have enough.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I feel like the general dialog (not the gender-specific parts) is strongly male and in no way gender-less (like you'd expect a game that could supposedly support a strong female lead). It's similar to going to a live performance of Romeo and Juliet and having a woman play the part of Romeo. It's not impossible and certainly has some sort of artistic merit (I guess..), but it's still not "correct" in a general sense and it does feel a little off.[/QUOTE]
Too vague for me to offer any sort of counter for.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] The action scenes, or cutscenes, featuring Shepard are also lacking any real distinction from being male and female. Punching out Saren, reporters, and crazy scientists, hoisting allies up on their shoulders and carrying them hundreds of feet, and about ten other specific scenes I could name if we included ME2 in this discussion are all shots that look normal for the male version of Shepard, but odd for a tiny female Soldier (unless you have some near-200 pound butch Shepard, in which case we need to discuss your taste in women).[/QUOTE]
Now here's the meat of things. Thing is, you're not wrong. Those things would be crazy for a tiny woman.

So why in all of holy horse cocks do you insist that lady-Shepard is a "tiny woman"? Yeah, it makes no sense for a little girl to headbutt a krogan (honestly, it doesn't make much sense for anyone to headbutt a krogan, and that scene always makes me laugh if my character isn't wearing a helmet). So... maybe she isn't a little girl?


Samus is not impressed.

I think - and I apologize for putting dicks words in your mouth, I really do, but it's the only way this makes sense - the only reason you see her as a "little girl" is because... well, you wanted to from the start.


Pre-Wings of Liberty Kerrigan agrees with Samus.

Given that her model is not particularly small, it seems to me that this idea can only come from you. Why you would assign the attribute of "dainty" to a character that neither looks nor acts so, I can only speculate. Perhaps your life has not brought you many encounters with "strong women", virtual or otherwise. I've no other explanation why you can find no middle ground between a wee girl and a body builder, but if you can't imagine a healthy, strong, athletic woman with an average build - which indeed, the female Shepard has - being a trained and experienced soldier, that's a problem entirely on your side, not on Bioware's.


Punching reporters? Annah of the Shadows wishes all she had to do was punch reporters. She also wishes that more people played her fucking game...

This whole thing just reminded me of something. You know what's worse than female Shepards? Shepards who wear masks and helmets. Just think of how many scenes don't make sense with those! Drinking at the bar on the Citadel. Drinking at the bar on Omega. Getting roofied at the bar on Omega. Making out with Liara.

Clearly, Bioware only included masks and helmets to widen the appeal and make other players feel like "they" were Shepard. The real Shepard obviously does not wear anything that interferes with their mouth.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']The relationships you form over the course of this game and ME2 are also a prime example of why I can't take femShep seriously. It's also the trickiest to talk about if you only limit the conversation to ME1, as most relationships (whether it be romances or simply just the friendships you form over time) are only in half-bloom. I can speak more on this outside of this thread.[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure why you'd limit yourself to speaking out of the thread; as it stands, you've stated three reasons but only given justification for one.

Regardless, my PM box has the room, if you've the will.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I humbly suggest X and Crotch continue this duel publicly for entertainment as well educational purposes of course.[/QUOTE]Agreed.
I'm just going to quote parts I am directly responding to, because wall o' text on wall o' text action is no fun for anyone :)

[quote name='The Crotch']Now here's the meat of things. Thing is, you're not wrong. Those things would be crazy for a tiny woman.

So why in all of holy horse cocks do you insist that lady-Shepard is a "tiny woman"?[/QUOTE]Simple: because she is of small stature (relative to other party members and the general species that roam the galaxy), and she is a woman.

[quote name='The Crotch']Yeah, it makes no sense for a little girl to headbutt a krogan (honestly, it doesn't make much sense for anyone to headbutt a krogan, and that scene always makes me laugh if my character isn't wearing a helmet). So... maybe she isn't a little girl?


I think - and I apologize for putting dicks words in your mouth, I really do, but it's the only way this makes sense - the only reason you see her as a "little girl" is because... well, you wanted to from the start.​
You greatly exaggerated what I meant by tiny woman and injected your own idea of this "little girl". As seen so here, and below:

[quote name='The Crotch']Given that her model is not particularly small, it seems to me that this idea can only come from you. Why you would assign the attribute of "dainty" to a character that neither looks nor acts so, I can only speculate. Perhaps your life has not brought you many encounters with "strong women", virtual or otherwise. I've no other explanation why you can find no middle ground between a wee girl and a body builder, but if you can't imagine a healthy, strong, athletic woman with an average build - which indeed, the female Shepard has - being a trained and experienced soldier, that's a problem entirely on your side, not on Bioware's.[/QUOTE]Nowhere did I mention the idea of me having a problem with a female in a firefight. Certainly I'm not so close-minded to say that a woman couldn't hold a gun, fire straight, use Biotics, operate an Omni-Tool, etc.

And once again, you somehow managed to twist my post into something that said I thought femShep was 16 years old, 5'3 tall, 100 lbs. (yo dawg I heard you like exaggerations).

The section of my post that you were referencing in the above quote was all centered around the idea that BioWare used the same re-hashed action scenes for the female character that they had done for the male character - and I thought it was a bit odd since clearly there is at least a four to six inch, 100+ lb. difference in the two body types. Go back through the Riddick movies and replace Vin Diesel with Natalie Portman, then turn on Commando and sub out Arnold for Keira Knightley, and finally tune into the next airing of Rambo to see Michelle Rodriguez replace Stallone - all three movies using the exact same lines and scenes as they did with the original actors. Then, come back and tell me how peculiar (and borderline distracting) it is to see all of that. That's the absurdity I am talking about, not the idea that I think women can't be soldiers or...wherever the hell you're going with your post.

What could they have done differently? Let's see:

Male version - *hoists squadmate on Virmire up on top of shoulders and rushes off*
Female version - *puts squadmate's arm over her head and helps walk them back*

Male version - *headbutts Krogan*
Female version - *kicks Krogan in his quad*


As it stands, the female characters receive a few different lines directed towards them and a few different romance options, yet they retain all of the dialog, movements, and actions of their male counterparts. If I'm watching The Transporter, I don't want to see a smaller, skinnier (but still athletic - since I have to show that I know the difference between toddlers and fit women ;)) Jason Statham with makeup, a wig, and a higher-pitched voice performing the exact same moves - I either want Statham to be there or something more feminine (as far as fighting techniques and stunts) to be shot. Yes, subtle differences go a long way (at least for me) towards the legitimacy of this character that you're trying to pass off onto me. Using the exact same scenes, lines, and actions as maleShep only makes me feel like femShep's appearance in the game is simply for appeasement and/or inclusion - it's not legit. *click* "Insert > femShep model > Playback" isn't good enough.

Does it pain me to feel like femShep doesn't get the proper treatment that a legitimate female lead should get? Hellllllll no. They could leave out the option for a female Shepard in Mass Effect 3 for all I care - I wouldn't have one negative thing to say about it. Now, if they made these small changes to things involving femShep such as action scenes, dialog, romance options (and relationships, in general), and more - I could easily accept this series as being defined as both a hero and heroine's tale, depending on what you favor. However, it just feels like femShep (and Hale's VA conveniently enough) is just "going through the motions" :cool:

[quote name='The Crotch']I'm not sure why you'd limit yourself to speaking out of the thread; as it stands, you've stated three reasons but only given justification for one.[/QUOTE]While you have provided three examples of other games that, in some way, carve a path for heroine/villianess storylines without giving one example of how Mass Effect does so. Three games containing a super soldier that shoots laser beams, a woman that gets infected by a superior species which grants her supernatural powers, and a pseudo cat-woman from a race of mythological creatures, at that.

My reason for stating that I won't mention certain things in this thread is because it relates to Mass Effect 2, and I'm certainly not about to start posting all those juicy details in here. However, this was the thread where the question was brought up at - so this is the thread where I answered.


[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I humbly suggest X and Crotch continue this duel publicly for entertainment as well educational purposes of course.[/QUOTE]I was only answering a question (and now clarifying my opinion, I guess), not trying to entertain :booty: I'm certainly not trying to win over any crowds or say that anyone with an opposing view must fight me to the death.

It's just gentlemanly conversation...the kind that takes 30 seconds of down arrow-pressing to scroll through :lol:


NOTE: Hopefully I typed everything correctly (and as I meant it), as I was in a rush while posting this (decided to do it last-minute since there's obviously fans of big-ass posts here). Will edit/correct this post later, if need be.
Apparently, there's an old-ass D&D monster called a "Living Wall". I dunno how it worked - seems to me like such a beast would have a habitat made up exclusively of man-made corridors - or how it attacked or anything. I'm guessing it just walked forward and tried to crush you into stuff.

With that in mind, I present to you the Living Wall o' Text.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Simple: because she is of small stature (relative to other party members and the general species that roam the galaxy), and she is a woman.

You greatly exaggerated what I meant by tiny woman and injected your own idea of this "little girl". As seen so here, and below:​

"Tiny female". Like fuck I'm not gonna draw the inferences I did; damn near anyone would. "Tiny female" means
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']5'3 tall, 100 lbs[/QUOTE]
, gol-durnit!

That's a tiny female. That's what a tiny female is. Those were the words you chose without any prompt from me.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] The section of my post that you were referencing in the above quote was all centered around the idea that BioWare used the same re-hashed action scenes for the female character that they had done for the male character - and I thought it was a bit odd since clearly there is at least a four to six inch, 100+ lb. difference in the two body types.[/QUOTE]
Oh, my.

Knights of the Old Republic I and II use identical animations for male and female characters. Neverwinter Knights II uses identical animations for male and female characters of any of a billionty races. Dragon Age 2... has different walking animations for male and female characters, which sometimes look kind of silly (female warriors), but otherwise I believe all animations are identical (which also look kind of silly sometimes - like when you get three mages doing synchronized rhythmic gymnastics in the back row). And holy fuck, I've already shot my wad on contemporary (and I'm using that term god damn loosely with the inclusion of KotOR) WRPGs with both male and female characters. Or ones with cutscenes, at least.

But more on this in a bit, as you get into more detail a few sentences down.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Go back through the Riddick movies and replace Vin Diesel with Natalie Portman,[/QUOTE]
First of all, there was only one Riddick movie, Pitch Black. There were some later Riddick-based games, and I heard they were alright, but there was only the one movie.


Ahem. Anyway, Natalie Portman's most famous role is a bulemic ingenue. So, pretending we weren't limited to that and had instead a believable female lead? Well, you'd have to change the subplot with Jack a fair bit, which I think would weaken it a bit overall, but the character itself would do just damn fine.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']then turn on Commando and sub out Arnold for Keira Knightley,[/QUOTE]
What, do you get a royalty everytime I go to Wikipedia to look up a movie or an actress? God dammit. Can't really comment 'cause I haven't seen the movie, but I will say that it would require a total reworking of the premise, given that the main character is/was a front-line member of the US armed forces. So, no vaginas allowed right off the hop.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']and finally tune into the next airing of Rambo to see Michelle Rodriguez replace Stallone - all three movies using the exact same lines and scenes as they did with the original actors.[/QUOTE]
Holy shit, I've seen the movie, I know who the actress is, and she's known for playing the "tough" character (actually, I think that's her only character...). Once again, though...
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Then, come back and tell me how peculiar (and borderline distracting) it is to see all of that.[/QUOTE]
Literally impossible. "Rambo can't be a chick" is a basic part of the premise. Drop that, and you have to drop the Vietnam background, and then you don't have a movie.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] Male version - *hoists squadmate on Virmire up on top of shoulders and rushes off*
Female version - *puts squadmate's arm over her head and helps walk them back*[/QUOTE]
The fireman carry and "human crutch" are used for different situations. They are not interchangable techniques. One is not merely a "stronger" version of the other.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] Male version - *headbutts Krogan*
Female version - *kicks Krogan in his quad*[/QUOTE]
Well, aside from the metal plating their quads are encased in at all times...

The krogan headbutt is a cultural thing. The reason Shepard does it is because that's what krogan do. They headbutt bitches. It's not about hurting the person, it's about asserting dominance. Since the motivation is the same for both male and female Shepard, the action should be, too.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] ...etc.[/QUOTE]
Am I being too specific? I've been going after specific examples here, stating that they wouldn't work and explaining why based on reasons specific to them. What I haven't addressed is the idea that the two Shepards should have different animations.

But I can't address that, really, 'cause I'm not entirely sure why they should (obligatory words in parenthsis; look, there's a semi-colon, now here are some bolded words). The male Shepard does this action and therefore...? His female counterpart must now do something more effeminate? The cocks does that work?

Hell, maybe the male Shepard punches like a girl.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner'] As it stands, the female characters receive a few different lines directed towards them and a few different romance options, yet they retain all of the dialog, movements, and actions of their male counterparts. If I'm watching The Transporter, I don't want to see a smaller, skinnier (but still athletic - since I have to show that I know the difference between toddlers and fit women ;)) Jason Statham with makeup, a wig, and a higher-pitched voice performing the exact same moves - I either want Statham to be there or something more feminine (as far as fighting techniques and stunts) to be shot.[/QUOTE]
Of course you'd prefer Statham over femStatham; so would I, so would anyone. You're taking an established character and an established franchise. There's an emotional investment there that can't be overcome.

But here's the heart and the core and the key and the centre and the right testicle of it all: "I either want [guy] to be there or something more feminine".

You see a female character do something like Statham or Diesel maleShep or whoever the fuck, and instead of thinking, "Huh. She is abnormally straight-up ass-kicking," you reject it. It's outside the "tiny girl" box. You're ascribing traits to the character and then complaining that their actions don't match them, rather than watching the actions of the characters and inferring their traits from them. Bioware is trying to show-not-tell, and you're trying to... I dunno, I didn't think this analogy through all the way.

Or maybe they're going the full Heinlein, and they derive all their strength from their futuristic power armour, anyway. In which case, everything is explained perfectly. fuckin' right.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']While you have provided three examples of other games that, in some way, carve a path for heroine/villianess storylines without giving one example of how Mass Effect does so.[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately, sometimes getting equal treatment (in gameplay, if not in marketing) is carving a path.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Three games containing a super soldier that shoots laser beams, a woman that gets infected by a superior species which grants her supernatural powers, and a pseudo cat-woman from a race of mythological creatures, at that.[/QUOTE]
1: Yes, and?
2: The last one would be a second-edition D&D tiefling with a literal rat tail. Not a cat-woman. Latch yer bone-box, ya soddin' berk.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']It's just gentlemanly conversation...the kind that takes 30 seconds of down arrow-pressing to scroll through :lol:[/QUOTE]
This kinda feels like a longcat vs tacgnol type situation...

EDIT: fuck me, I just realized how much of the above was me responding to red herrings. Arnold Schwarzenmotherfucker Vs Keira Knightley? How the shit does that have any bearing on anything? What you're asking for is an arbitrarily different fucking punching animation. That's it. That's all of it. And a headbutt. Great. Awesome. Why?

You're acting like they're doing olympic weightlifting or something. They're not. It's a couple punches. A headbutt. And I think one kinda goofy looking kick animation (I think? I wanna say it was in the Kasumi DLC. But that's ME2 shit, which we're technically not supposed to talk about here.). A single, second-long, canned melee animation. There isn't need for variation there. There's barely even room for variation there.

Unless, of course, she should do something arbitrarily different and less meaningful because TITS!

EDIT2: [quote name='Ink.So.Well.']I humbly suggest X and Crotch continue this duel publicly for entertainment as well educational purposes of course.[/QUOTE]

Always happy to oblige people's inexplicable desire for horrendously oversized penises posts, but in Christ's glorious name, people want to read me and X talking about this? Y'all are insane.
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All I know is,

1. Jennifer Hale is one of the best voice actresses around, and

2. I very much subscribe to the Joss Whedon philosophy that anything a macho action-hero male character can do, is even more badass coming from Sarah Gellar, Eliza Dushku, Amy "Take your best shot little girl" Acker, or Summer Glau. So I have no problem suspending disbelief over whether fem Shepard is or isn't "butch" enough to accomplish the feats of strength that she does.
Bumping an old thread to voice my accomplishment of finally getting 1200/1200. Played through this probably 7 times in all. I remember my first playthrough I was switching teammates prob every mission, hence no ally achievements then. The ending of this game/cutscenes and music never gets old, one of my favorites.

Now to roll this save into ME2 for one more playthrough there (will only be #2) and then finally get into ME3.
[quote name='ratzombie']Bioware ought to release a spin-off game with FemShep; a Cooking Mama style game maybe? Then everyone wins!!! ;)[/QUOTE]

I would love to see a spinoff with Joker as the main 1 purchase.
bread's done