Max Payne 2: The fall of max payne $1.99 new at gamestop

What's funny is that a used copy of the first game is $2.99, while a used copy of MP2 is $1.49. Was the second really bad or something? o_O; I nearly picked it up, but they couldn't find the disc and tossed the case.
[quote name='Tsukento']What's funny is that a used copy of the first game is $2.99, while a used copy of MP2 is $1.49. Was the second really bad or something? o_O; I nearly picked it up, but they couldn't find the disc and tossed the case.[/QUOTE]

The second one is ok, I believe the problem is that it was mass produced and just didn't sell well enough (it didn't even go GH or PH).
I really enjoyed both Max Payne games. They had a noir/mystery feel to them, while still being action packed. I own both games on the Xbox, and I had a lot of fun with both of them. $2 is a steal!
The only thing that keeps either game from being perfect is the length is a little short. If you enjoy third person shooters in the least bit, you should have picked this up when it was at full price (on a discount of course). I do highly recommend you get the PC version if you can as the mouse control is better and there are official add ons as well as user mods which are easy to use and some are really, really good. The PC versions can be found cheap, in fact I think they're listed in the Big Lots PC game thread.
I remember buying MP2 along with the GTA double pack for xbox at BB for 40 bucks back in Jan 04 with my first 7-11 paycheck. Beat MP2 in 3 nights. Granted I used it and MP1 as trade fodder last year when GS had the trade 3 get 10 extra in credit deal...
I remember a real long time ago on CAG, there was a deal posted where Blockbuster had used copies of Max Payne 2 for $10, and buy 2 get 1 free.

Meanwhile, Gamecrazy was giving $28-33 credit for them each.

I traded in a ton of those. Really funny to see them selling at $2 new now.
[quote name='Tsukento']What's funny is that a used copy of the first game is $2.99, while a used copy of MP2 is $1.49. Was the second really bad or something? o_O; I nearly picked it up, but they couldn't find the disc and tossed the case.[/quote]

i remember alot of reviewers saying the second game was too short or ended abruptly or something. i thought it was ok overall for the kind of game it was. max payne 1 was awesome except for that drugged up dream walking board. that shit was cheap and annoying.
[quote name='Tsukento']What's funny is that a used copy of the first game is $2.99, while a used copy of MP2 is $1.49. Was the second really bad or something? o_O; I nearly picked it up, but they couldn't find the disc and tossed the case.[/quote]

This game is great but it is short and proly the reason why its 1.99. Easily beatable in a 4hour sitting. But the gameplay is far better in part 2 while it lasts... many copies of this game did they overprint. They are in MASS quantities EVERYWHERE, and for $10 or less (most placed $5 or less). I'm talking Fry's, Circuit City, Best Buy...
[quote name='karkyco'] many copies of this game did they overprint. They are in MASS quantities EVERYWHERE, and for $10 or less (most placed $5 or less). I'm talking Fry's, Circuit City, Best Buy...[/quote]

Yeah I thought it sold OK. Definitely should have sold all the new copies by now, but like mentioned they are everywhere...

I love Max Payne...Has the 3rd one been cancelled?
This game is decent and worth playing through, but the first one is definitely superior. Play that first.
Yes this is an old deal, but seriously DON'T BUY THE PS2 VERSION!!!

I bought it when the deal first appeared(a year ago??) and got it within a week using SAVER shipping.

I played it for more than a half hour, got to an area where you had to jump between tenements, missed and died. The fucking game started me AT THE G##DAM** BEGINNING OF THE GAME!!! There is NO way to save the PS2 version unless you get to the 'official' save points:bomb::bomb::bomb:

What sucks is that the first MP on PS2 didn't have such a LARGE save point distance.

So unless you enjoy replaying LARGE chunks of a game, AVOID THE PS2 MP2!
Okay, I'm a fan of the series, you've been WARNED! ;)

Max Payne 1 was amazing. Being the first with bullet time, the story was really good, and it controlled pretty well (I'll come back to this). Overall, like Sin City, I found it darker than my usual tastes, but it was a good game... so I had to admit I liked it.

Max Payne 2 - Damn... did folks not like the story? I thought it was INCREDIBLE! Sexy, Serious, Comical, this game had a little bit of everything. There were a few places I was like, where the hell am I supposed to go now? But I'd get past that and man, it was fabulous.

As far as the length of both games... I thought they were pretty well done. I mean, go too nuts and you end up with Duke Nukem forever. Instead, the company spent a year or so coming up with the story, putting together the graphics, and making it all come together. My hats were off to them THEN and NOW. My biggest regret was not being able to find the Max Payne 2 shirt in an XXL. I'd have wore the hell out of it. :)

CONTROLS - Okay... this is where Max either wins or takes a beating. I should probably mention I played both on the PC first, then tried them on the consoles. But I own every console, and like to think I'm objective. Simply put, Max Payne 2 is NO Halo. Unlike Halo where I got used to the controls and they felt good in short period of time, I couldn't get used to the Xbox or PS2 controls within a reasonable amount of time. It was a shame, because on the PC, both games control SO well. So much so, that I actually played through 2 the 3 times on all three difficulties. *** minor spoiler *** The ending DOES change if you beat it third time on the hardest difficulty, which was TOTALLY cool. I'd highly recommend it, though many may not be impressed if they don't get into the game. Once again, STORY people! *** minor spoiler over.

Overall, Max Payne 2 was my pic for game of the year on PC when it came out. It had guns, the girl, good graphics, an amazing story, and it played SO well on PC. I remember trying to write the folks that wrote the game... I was SO impressed. The idea of no 3 just sucks, and I hope it isn't true. But in all honesty, it's been a while since 2 was released and I'd kind of forgotten about the sequel. I'm currently excited for Halo 3, and which Lucasarts would get off their ass, quit f'n around, and make Full Throttle II like they promised at E3 2002 and 2003. But that's probably a fantasy...

At $2, what do you have to loose? I bought it for $10, didn't like the controls on the consoles, and went back to the PC version. But for $2, that's cheaper than lunch... give the SOB a try and let us know what you think! ;)
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