Medal Of Honor - Gen. Discussion & Info - October 12, 2010 - Beta: 6/21/10

I froze while I was aiming on some stairs, no clue what caused it though. I do like the C4/IED secondary explosive that is mapped to L2, it's a nifty feature.
And after the two of you dropped & got back in, my game froze. That was enough for me for one night. I decided to pass out while playing Dragon Age instead - that also involves less people for me to get killed.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Hmmm, played about an hour before it randomly froze.

The hit-boxes are absolutely horrible. You can not hit somebody while strafing, even while leading/trailing them.

No VOIP either.[/QUOTE]

For VOIP, you have to go to the options and turn it on. Even then me and my friend had trouble getting it working, but we did. And yeah, the hitboxes really suck.

I'm not very into this beta. I just got it today, and the graphics definitely give me a headache. Considering how my PS3 freezes with every damn game I have, the freezing is even worse for me on the beta than everyone else. I really need a Slim. But I'm not sure if I'm getting the game or not, because if I get a headache, I don't want it.
Started BFBC2 recently and my dislike for the demo was wrong. I really don't like how matches take so long though. MoH definitely is the in-between for both BFBC2 and MW2 though.
i canceled my pre-order on this game once i started playing the beta. i know's it's a beta but idk if the game as a whole will be worth it to me. i guess i'll just wait to see it after it's release.
I really like what I am seeing with this beta. I just started playing this morning. Got about 5 matches in, played as both sides. Let me say, I guess cause I liked BFBC2 so much, I like this beta a lot. (multiplayer is made by DICE, so go figure.) I did not get to experience the frustrating freezes like you guys did. I guess the big ass patch fixed a lot of problems. The only complaints I have are the hitbox(same with the BFBC2 beta and demo.) and the quick freeze when you get killed. Other than that, If this has a great SP, the MP will just be icing on the cake.

One question, anybody know when the beta ends?
I liked the beta, and I think its got some potential, but I think its too tough to get into. You will undoubtedly get destroyed until you start to get reeeeal good and high leveled with more unlocked stuff. Speaking of, leveling up takes a bit too long without 25+ kills per game and around 10 deaths or less per game.

Another thing, any class other then Rifleman is pretty much useless. I worked with the utterly terrible Sniper class (that has the same scope as the LMG or AK-47!?) all the way up to getting the bolt-action, one-shot-kill rifle. It sucks, just like the other one did, and doesn't always even one-shot people. I stopped using it after that and went to the LMG on the Rifleman class, and I've done much better in both sniping and overall terms, which is just stupid.

I also do not like the quick, lag-like freeze when you start to get hit. Why is there a delay on getting hit, moving, and dying? Because of the delay, it always looks like I'm dying behind cover.
Obviously the video is on the PS3, but maybe that's the full version. It could also be being played via multiple consoles in the same room, not actually online, where some lag might come into play as soon as you get killed.
I got the feeling this game is going to thrive or just die on the side of the road. I am not going to take the risk, but I liked the game. I get hard lag/freezes when I get shot though. That could just be how they programmed it in the game though.
[quote name='Firedog150']I think that the single player portion is going to be good. And the MP is going to be mediocre at best.[/QUOTE]

After playing the beta, the MP plays a lot like CoD, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If DICE makes the game a bit more unique, it'll be great. DICE had a history of very good MP shooters.

The SP, on the other hand, will probably be pretty generic. I'm not expecting much from it, but these games aren't usually about the single player experience.
[quote name='Brownjohn']After playing the beta, the MP plays a lot like CoD, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If DICE makes the game a bit more unique, it'll be great. DICE had a history of very good MP shooters.

The SP, on the other hand, will probably be pretty generic. I'm not expecting much from it, but these games aren't usually about the single player experience.[/QUOTE]

Well considering the SP isn't going to be made by DICE, maybe some help here and there, but there are all sorts of stuff that looks good in previews. Only time will tell.
[quote name='Brownjohn']After playing the beta, the MP plays a lot like CoD, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If DICE makes the game a bit more unique, it'll be great. DICE had a history of very good MP shooters.

The SP, on the other hand, will probably be pretty generic. I'm not expecting much from it, but these games aren't usually about the single player experience.[/QUOTE]

I don't see too many similarities between MW2 and MoH, personally. MW2 is much faster paced, has a lot more weapons (beta might account for some of the weapon limitations in MoH), I think even the worst maps in MW2 are very comparable to MoH. And most importantly, MoH is more team based then MW2 is in any mode.

Medal of Honor, like Bad Company 2 (to a lesser extent though. I didn't like that BC2 relied on teamwork) is based on the idea that you will always win with teamwork.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I don't see too many similarities between MW2 and MoH, personally. MW2 is much faster paced, has a lot more weapons (beta might account for some of the weapon limitations in MoH), I think even the worst maps in MW2 are very comparable to MoH. And most importantly, MoH is more team based then MW2 is in any mode.

Medal of Honor, like Bad Company 2 (to a lesser extent though. I didn't like that BC2 relied on teamwork) is based on the idea that you will always win with teamwork.[/QUOTE]

Don't like team work in a war game?
Its not that I don't like teamwork, its that I don't get into games that use teamwork. I liked Bad Company 2, but nobody worked together so I got sick of being smoked all the time by the one guy on the other team who was going for the objective.

In MW2, I play Domination/Ground War, which are team based modes, and while the teammates in MW2 can be bad sometimes, for a while I've noticed that they seem more willing to help out to win the game.

Moral of the story: MoH/BC2 players = 100% independent. MW2 players = 50% independent.

Not to mention I like MW2's play style (its faster) more.
Played about an hour of the beta and all I can say is meh.

I dont know if it was because the beta is so stripped down but god damn is it just mediocre in every way. The graphics are not good nor are they bad..they are just there. My friend kept touting destructible environments but it seemed to me like the only thing being destroyed were signs and pallets.

Explosions are weak as hell which really pisses me off. I dont like how they are ripping off COD (although everyone is) but not even coming close to how good COD is. Like the poster said above I am no COD fan but that game is clearly a hundred times better. The mortar strike doesnt even make sense...and with so every little splash damage becomes pointless.

Weapons were ok but not great....that map was ok but not great. Overall the game is just another generic shooter copying off COD. Hopefully they release some more stuff for the beta that proves otherwise but I will probably pass on this.
You should play for more than an hour man. The reason why it is stripped, they don't want to show everything at one time. Save some surprise for the release. Destructible environments will only be in SP, only some walls will be destructible is MP.

While the RL, the grenade and the noob tube are underpowered the score chain attacks are very powerful, you have to call it in the right place. IDK why people say that every FPS that is coming out is now copying COD. What is everybody going to say when Halo: Reach comes out? It copied it too? COD is a great game, but its not the greatest shooter ever. I think every shooter that comes out, has its own great qualities and not just "copying" COD. COD is very run n' gun, Bad Company is more of a team based game. I think MOH will have qualities of BC 2 and COD and add some newer aspects and I think the final product will be great.

The Special ops package is the best, With the M4/aksu with the red dot sight and hollow point ammo.

I think the score chains are pretty damn cool. Start of with the mortar, artillery, guided missile, tomahawk missiles, cruise missiles and F-15 strafing runs. If you dont want to call those in there are team-based score chain bonuses like UAV, match ammo, flak jackets, FMJ upgrade, Those are handed out to the whole team for a short period. So you can either deal death or help your entire team out, which I think is pretty bad ass.

As I said before I think this will be a gem that a lot of people will put on the back burner. I like the way DICE did with BC2, released a beta then a couple months later released a demo. So don't give up on first impressions just yet. Some of the best games are the ones who people hate.

Also, if anybody wants to play just hit me up at my GT and let me know your from CAG. Also the beta is not ending on the 18th, its being extended for an unknown period of time.

I think the SP is what MOH is all about. If the multi-player is good, then that is just icing on the cake.

Ok, I will stop talking.
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I think it is mediocre in every way too. The only thing that was going to set it apart from COD was Dpad Lean. Sadly its not in the beta. I would say this will be better than MW2, but that's not saying much. Certainly not better than COD Classic or BC2 which isn't that hard to do. Someday a FPS will come out that is a real shooter and will own the market.
So I played a couple more hours just to make sure.....and yeah...its has shitty as I thought the first time. The only people who will like this is the ones desperate to say they play something other than COD. I dislike COD but wont endure a generic game just to stand apart.

Now granted this is a beta (although it feels much closer to a alpha) maybe they have some tricks up their sleeves but I doubt it.
I doubt I'll get MoH because of Dice..
They just can't stop failing...
and yes, they are still trying to copy COD which, imho, is no longer a good thing.

I really just want a good's like the whole market is in on a joke where they refuse to make a good game...
Those Xbox 360 players are getting reeeeeal upset :lol:

Anyway, MoH was pretty good as a whole, but I have not found a game yet that can top or even match MW2 in its intensity, speed or overall greatness. MW2 isn't perfect, but everything about it works a good amount better then BC2, MoH or any other.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Moral of the story: MoH/BC2 players = 100% independent. MW2 players = 50% independent.

thats the dumbest generalization i have ever read.
I hope someone would put a cap in me if I ever ran with a gun like that (see the ~5:00 mark).

I still have serious suckage hopes for this....but I'm not spending a dime until multiple people write on here that it is good and I read an independent review that it is good. Even then I may still wait. Yes, the alleged "beta" left that bad of a taste in my mouth.

Bitter, party of one here.
Hey mad you picking this up too. I am giving this game a shot to get some stress relief over classes (and I got it for 10 dollars yay amazon). Hope to be on on wednesday to play a few rounds.
I had no idea that the PS3 version came with an HD remastered version of Frontline. Immediately switched my pre-order from the 360 over to the PS3 because Frontline is one of my favorite PS2 games.
[quote name='kagekiri']Hey mad you picking this up too. I am giving this game a shot to get some stress relief over classes (and I got it for 10 dollars yay amazon). Hope to be on on wednesday to play a few rounds.[/QUOTE]
Definitely getting it from Kmart, I've got $45 in coupons, I'll end up getting that and FONV for like $35.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']There have been no advance reviews of this game. That's usually not a good sign, right?[/QUOTE]

Nah, not really. The game has been available for public beta a few times so people have played it and formed their opinions. I enjoyed what I played, but tweaks were needed. If they fixed them, like they said they would, then it'll be fine.
Waiting for Mad's Blog review (see what I've volunteered you for). The two reviews I've seen so far are not promising for MP. Unless someone convinces me otherwise (NoKill doesn't count) I'm going to skip it. I already have BF2 laying around gathering dust.
I was all about picking this game after taking a look at the not so sure I want to. Still waiting to see what others think.

What really is confusing is the Score chain rewards. Do they just become automatically available when you hit that certain score? How many times can you use it? Do they effect only you or the entire team? I was really hoping they would not put rewards like this in the game.
The multiplayer looks mostly unchanged from the beta, and because of that I am not too hot about MoH. Black Ops is coming out in a month, and the true comparison can begin then as far as MP V MP goes.
I'll be picking this up, beating the campaign on both frontlines and the actual game, dabbling a little off to multiplayer and off it will go. I'm a bit disappointed, I was expecting a lot more. Oh well.
Heading out now to Kmart to pick this up, I may or may not blog about it but either way you'll know my official response since I'm a bit of a FPS snob.
I guess the gameplay mechanics aren't too bad, but I gotta say I'm pretty disappointed by the visuals. Reviewers weren't kidding about those blurry textures, and then there's pop in, floating ragdolls, ugh all sorts of screwy things. On the other hand the particles and lighting are pretty damn good, but the screens and videos always made me think this was a visual contender with COD, but it really isn't so that kinda sucked. I like how the game is a bit more consistent than COD, it feels more tied down to it's scenario than the Modern Warfare games which have you bouncing throughout the world (and space) just for the sake of maximize the amount of unique scenarios.
I was able to play a couple of hours of both the online and campaign components and I like it so far. Sure the campaign is short, but I bought it for the multiplayer. It's been pretty cool so far, but I don't like the spawn camping. Basically, the other team can trap your team, and vice versa, on certain maps and there's no way to get out of it. I like the way everything looks, feels, and sounds though. Very realistic and just a lot of fun. I got it for $40 so I think I paid a fair amount for me, personally. Others may not agree.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']5 hour campaign? Wow.[/QUOTE]
Well. At least PS3 owners get a free copy of Frontline on PSN.

I spent like $20 on it after factoring in old/new credits, so it's not too bad.
Played last night, man, it was so plain... I played on HARD and it was nothing like MW2 hard and I suck too. But I don't care, the trophies are easy enough :)

I haven't play MP yet, but man, there are a crap load of MP trophies :whistle2:( Which I might not get to earn them all...
[quote name='eau']Well. At least PS3 owners get a free copy of Frontline on PSN.

I spent like $20 on it after factoring in old/new credits, so it's not too bad.[/QUOTE]

I entered the code came with MoH, but I don't remember seeing Frontline at all... How do we get it for free again? I thought it was packed with the game...
[quote name='Serpentor']I entered the code came with MoH, but I don't remember seeing Frontline at all... How do we get it for free again? I thought it was packed with the game...[/QUOTE]
fronline has its own disk icon right up under the moh disk
Yeah it's got it's own little install icon when you pop in the disc. Dumb question, but do you need the disc to run frontlines, or is it good to go once it's been installed? That'd be pretty cool if it was, it would basically secure everyone who ever comes across the disc a free copy of frontlines, of course it's EA so I'm cautious about such potential generosity.

The HD remake is pretty cool, it looks like they upgraded some textures and there's some new lighting and stuff but the sharper textures kinda clash with the crappier ones (take the first level, the water is shimmering and smooth but whenever there's a wave it's a jumbly mess of pixels that sorta hovers over the water). Also, I don't remember your comrades looking like the headbangers from Brutal Legend.

Edit: Also, they give you a more modern control setup, which I greatly appreciated.

I played on HARD and it was nothing like MW2 hard and I suck too.
Yeah I have a tendency to run and gun... COD would always put me in my place because of this habit, but in this game I can charge into a room with guns blazing and before I know it, the whole place is cleared out (and then I have to listen to all the queued-up dialogue as it tries to keep up: I clear out a room then 2 seconds later "over there, behind the clear"). Perhaps it's just the nature of the game; COD usually kept you at a distance from your enemies but MOH has you breaching alot of small areas, regardless it's still too easy.
bread's done