Media finally says it! Hillary cant win


39 (100%)
I always found it amazing how disgusting our media is. Instead of pointing out the fact that Hillary was in a next to impossible position of winning, they continue to give the illusion she could still beat Obama. I know it comes down to the big business media conglomerates trying to make a buck, but some honesty would be nice.

I like Chris Matthews - but only because I can't stand him, the right can't stand him, and the left can't stand him. He must be doing something right.
I think it is going to come down to the super delegates.

My father and I were talking and he made an interesting point. Around 30 something percent of democrats said they would vote for Obama if Hillary didn't win, wheras 60 something percent said they would vote for Hillary if Obama didn't win.

It seems like those in Obama's camp would be willing to vote for Hillary, but many hillary supporters would either just not vote or vote against Obama. Therefore Hillary is a much more attractive candidate than Obama, at least to the super delegats when they're considering electability.

Have any of you heard this? Know where it's from? Think it's true?
[quote name='pittpizza']I think it is going to come down to the super delegates.[/QUOTE]

Eh. Mine was funny.

EDIT: Pitt, I haven't read a thing about the willingness of Obama voters to vote for Hillary and the opposite of that, so I dunno if it's true. If there is a huge gap, I imagine it'd be the Obama folks not wanting to vote for Hillary, with her being somewhat of a wasteful Joe-Liebermann-in-2006 spoilsport. But stranger things have happened.
Bottom line, if the Democrats want one of their own as a President, their ONLY chance is Obama.

Frankly if Hillary won the Presidency I would believe she stole it like Bush. She's too divisive. Republicans HATE her and think she's the Antichrist as well as some Democrats JUST don't like her and possibly won't vote for her. She CLEARLY comes off as full of shit most of the time which adds to her problems as well. Obama has Charisma, almost as much so as JFK.
Truthfully what I'd like to happen is Obama to win the popular vote and come close in the Electoral then have the Super Delegates pick Hillary. It would help rip the Democratic Party apart and might give me a shot at recruiting some of these disenfranchised voters to vote for Paul.
With some Republicans hate for McCain and Hillary about being tied I might be able to get them to vote for Paul. Granted I know it's a long shot but it's better than all the candidates currently.
Cochese is right. They have been saying for weeks that she can't win the nomination even with winning Pennsylvania and every other primary from here until the Convention.

Listen, here's the problem. I've kinda been thinking about this awhile. Someone asked me how Howard Dean plays into this because he had heard his opinions might make an impact on the outcome. Well, it's true since Dean is the Democratic Chairman. So, theoretically he is supposed to be the highest official within the Democratic Party. There's no doubt that Hillary and Obama are stayin in this until the end. Plus, there's will probably be no "dream ticket" like they want. But I think that's been part of the problem. I think the Democrats have been trying to convince Hillary and Obama (behind doors) to come together for a "dream ticket" but neither one has been willing to concede to being the vice-president nominee which is part of why it's continued on so long. Which all means that when we get to the convention, three things can happen. One, they can go with the popular vote and give Obama the nomination, two, a large amount of super delegates may pledge to Hillary giving her the edge and therefore the nomination, or lastly, all of the super delegates (and there's enough, and it's been done before) could get pissed that they aren't conceding to a dream ticket and pick a completely different candidate like Al Gore (who won't do it) or John Edwards.

Who knows. But honestly, it all really means that the popular vote doesn't mean much to them in the grand scheme of things unless they can use it to show a person's electability in a general election.

But no, she can't win the popular vote.
[quote name='Sarang01']Obama has Charisma, almost as much so as JFK.

Yes, but history shows he wasn't a great president and would have done even more damage had he lived.
[quote name='boo']Yes, but history shows he wasn't a great president and would have done even more damage had he lived.[/QUOTE]

Accuracy of that statement notwithstanding, what does that have anything to do with Obama? I hope you're not trying to say charismatic people make for poor presidents.
[quote name='boo']Yes, but history shows he wasn't a great president and would have done even more damage had he lived.[/QUOTE]

Look I never said I'm a giant fan of JFK but it makes the person electable. Even if Hillary were a man against Obama, the closest comparison would be like Nixon vs. JFK or her as H.W. Bush in the scenario. That Charisma trumps even if Hillary didn't have all those stigmas.
Charisma is a crucial component to an effective executive.

Look, this isn't some dude who is gonig to sit in front of a computer reading and writing and making laws. He is the FACE of our nation, the VOICE of our country; the elected figurehead.

For him/her to not be charismatic is simply a testament to the failure American people to either (1) produce a charismatic leader, or (2) Elect him/her. Can you imagine Bush sitting down the Palestinians and Israelis saying "You know, you guys should really stop fighting."

Even if you forget about the fact that he started a war and invaded a soverign nation, would you listen to him? Would you be persuaded by him?

Obama is a guy who just excudes sincerity and confidence. I think he'd be a much better leader, which really isn't saying much.
[quote name='Koggit']Accuracy of that statement notwithstanding, what does that have anything to do with Obama? I hope you're not trying to say charismatic people make for poor presidents.[/quote]

No, not at all. I'm just saying a candidate shouldn't be elected merely for his charisma and appearance. After all, Bush was elected because the general populous found him approachable, to be the kinda guy they could "sit down and have a beer with". There are a ton of other reasons to vote for Obama. So I'm just saying I hope people vote on policies and not likability. This isn't American Idol.
[quote name='mykevermin']Eh. Mine was funny.

EDIT: Pitt, I haven't read a thing about the willingness of Obama voters to vote for Hillary and the opposite of that, so I dunno if it's true. If there is a huge gap, I imagine it'd be the Obama folks not wanting to vote for Hillary, with her being somewhat of a wasteful Joe-Liebermann-in-2006 spoilsport. But stranger things have happened.[/QUOTE]

If those numbers are correct, it could also be a political activity issue in general. Obama seems to have many of the classic Democratic supporters voting for him, while Hillary (if the PA exit polls are to be believed) seems to have large numbers of middle-aged female voters, who tend to be the largest block of non-voters traditionally. In other words, Obama-supporters tend to be voting for him on issues, whereas Hillary supporters tend to be voting for *her*, so if he doesn't get the nomination, she'll pick up his votes, since her positions are not dissimilar to his. But if she doesn't get the nod, he *won't* pick up her votes, simply because he's not her. And yes, I'm perfectly aware of the huge generalizations in that theory.
Actually, she's getting the over 50, women, and non-educated voters. Obama has picked up everything else which includes the African Americans, under 50, and well educated voters. Also, it was really interesting to read in an article that of the people that have registered to vote since January, 6 out of 10 have voted for him which means he's getting people to vote for him who don't usually vote at all.
[quote name='boo']Actually, she's getting the over 50, women, and non-educated voters. Obama has picked up everything else which includes the African Americans, under 50, and well educated voters. Also, it was really interesting to read in an article that of the people that have registered to vote since January, 6 out of 10 have voted for him which means he's getting people to vote for him who don't usually vote at all.[/quote]
He'll be the first person i've voted for.
[quote name='mykevermin']I like Chris Matthews - but only because I can't stand him, the right can't stand him, and the left can't stand him. He must be doing something right.[/quote]

No, he just sucks.
[quote name='trq']If those numbers are correct, it could also be a political activity issue in general. Obama seems to have many of the classic Democratic supporters voting for him, while Hillary (if the PA exit polls are to be believed) seems to have large numbers of middle-aged female voters, who tend to be the largest block of non-voters traditionally. In other words, Obama-supporters tend to be voting for him on issues, whereas Hillary supporters tend to be voting for *her*, so if he doesn't get the nomination, she'll pick up his votes, since her positions are not dissimilar to his. But if she doesn't get the nod, he *won't* pick up her votes, simply because he's not her. And yes, I'm perfectly aware of the huge generalizations in that theory.[/quote]

I get what you're saying. An interesting analysis.
Bleh, whoever wins will end up losing in November anyway. Besides, Obama is the worst qualified candidate running for president. Whoever claims no qualification and experience are needed to govern this country well is out of their minds. Obama is nothing more than a snake oil salesmen trying to con his way to the presidency, and he also comes across as a phony, a sniveling weasel acting so full of himself like he's the second coming of Jesus. It's a sad day that someone who's worth voting against would come so soon after George W. Bush.
[quote name='rumblebear']Bleh, whoever wins will end up losing in November anyway. Besides, Obama is the worst qualified candidate running for president. Whoever claims no qualification and experience are needed to govern this country well is out of their minds. Obama is nothing more than a snake oil salesmen trying to con his way to the presidency, and he also comes across as a phony, a sniveling weasel acting so full of himself like he's the second coming of Jesus. It's a sad day that someone who's worth voting against would come so soon after George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]

Well at least there is now concrete proof that the average McCain supporter is as dumb as I thought they were.
[quote name='Msut77']Well at least there is now concrete proof that the average McCain supporter is as dumb as I thought they were.[/QUOTE]

Bravo. :applause: Couldn't have said it better myself.
Keep in mind there are 60 million voters out there who thought reelecting George W. Bush was a wise idea. So there's plenty of outright idiocy to spread around.
[quote name='Msut77']Well at least there is now concrete proof that the average McCain supporter is as dumb as I thought they were.[/QUOTE]

There you go again. Might as well call this racism too why don't ya, since you guys love to pull the race and intelligence cards out nowadays.
[quote name='rumblebear']There you go again. Might as well call this racism too why don't ya, since you guys love to pull the race and intelligence cards out nowadays.[/QUOTE]

There is an intelligence card?

Your post was so chock full o' fail there is no way to even begin to refute it.

You state a dislike of W while at the same time say you are voting for McCain who does not differ from him in any substantial way and that really does not speak well of your cognitive abilities.

BTW I have not accused you of racism, perhaps the lady doth protest too much?
[quote name='rumblebear']Bleh, whoever wins will end up losing in November anyway. Besides, Obama is the worst qualified candidate running for president. Whoever claims no qualification and experience are needed to govern this country well is out of their minds. Obama is nothing more than a snake oil salesmen trying to con his way to the presidency, and he also comes across as a phony, a sniveling weasel acting so full of himself like he's the second coming of Jesus. It's a sad day that someone who's worth voting against would come so soon after George W. Bush.[/QUOTE]

Obama has held elected office for longer than Hillary.
[quote name='Serik']Keep in mind there are 60 million voters out there who thought reelecting George W. Bush was a wise idea. So there's plenty of outright idiocy to spread around.[/QUOTE]

It was people souring on Clinton (which tainted Gore's run), combined with W's "EVERYONE GETS A $300 CHECK! AND I'M CUTTING TAXES!" (an outright brilliant combination, to be sure, as we have seen in his deficit spending).

And with the $150 Billion "$600 check" thing coming this May, he's going out the same way he went in. Bribery.

'member when the biggest thing to worry about in our country was a good ol' Presidntial dick-suckin'?

I do.

Now we have global terrorism (thriving, BTW, according to recent intelligence estimates), half a trillion in Iraq, a quarter trillion in Afghanistan (and that's leaving out all the other, thousands, of lies, mismanagements, more lies, abuses, torture, changing rationales and lack of metrics for success, etc.), gas approaching $4 a gallon, foreclosures up the wazoo, unemployment up, stagnant earnings, commodities pricing going up...

...talking about a Presidential dick-suckin' ain't so bad now, is it?
[quote name='mykevermin']
'member when the biggest thing to worry about in our country was a good ol' Presidntial dick-suckin'?[/quote]

**pittpizza strokes beard while staring upwards with melancholy**

Ahhh, those were the days!

Admission: This is nothing but partisan banter, so spare me.

Maybe Obama's election will put an end to all this devisiveness and hate?

EDIT: Deleted Bad Religion quote b/c I can't suffer any more "washed up punk band" comments. Those hurt. They hurt me deep.

PS: A government attorney drove to work today blasting "Murder the Government" by Antiflag.
Frankly, against McCain either is the lesser of two evils. While Obama is to me the better choice, I hope either way the Superdelegates vote with the American public.
If you go by the polls lately, the convention is SUPPOSED to vote for Hillary. Howard Dean says that the factor the voters are supposed to consider is their electability. Hillary does much better (according to recent polls) against McCain.

Of course, things will change between now and the Convention, and between the convention and November elections, so Obama may be considered more electable. They both have their fair share of negatives for the Republicans to drag through the mud.
I don't believe those polls Hillary can do better against McCain. It's Hillary and that's enough to know. She's too alienating because of her history and the fact Conservative talk show people have built her up to be the Anti-Christ.
Like I said before, if Hillary were to win the Presidency I'd truly believe this would happen because she stole it, just like Bush. I'm not a fan of all three though I believe or would like to believe, even if there's no immediate pullout in Iraq, the first step or steps would be taken. I don't believe McCain would do this at ALL. Even saying this I'm sick and fucking tired of this "Vote for the lesser evil" crap. It's not worth it to do so especially since their differences aren't that big mostly. Granted I approve of the fact McCain doesn't want mandated Healthcare as I don't approve of Obama or Clinton trying to sneak in me getting a shot of something as part of it. I'd rather be dead. I'm voting for the person who doesn't want to 1984 this country, Ron Paul. Any other vote I truly consider voting against my interests overall.
Saying Hillary "stole" the election isn't very fair. After all, a vast majority of the super delegates are elected officials. If polls are showing Obama having a rough time against McCain, I'd rather have Hillary up against him.
[quote name='SpiderLocMTGO']Saying Hillary "stole" the election isn't very fair. After all, a vast majority of the super delegates are elected officials. If polls are showing Obama having a rough time against McCain, I'd rather have Hillary up against him.[/QUOTE]

Obama has it locked up already, even if the supes were contemplating giving the nod to her they certainly are not going to now with her support of the gas tax holiday nonsense and her willingness to use it as a club.
Obama won North Carolina by a good margin, and Hillary barely beat him in Indiana. She can celebrate the Indiana win all she wants, now he's even more delegates ahead of her.

Just let it end
Its not over yet in indiana!! he might actually pull it out of his ass! lets hope and then we can let the cancer that is hillary get out of the way
[quote name='homeland']Its not over yet in indiana!! he might actually pull it out of his ass! lets hope and then we can let the cancer that is hillary get out of the way[/QUOTE]The first time I checked today she had an INSANE lead, and now he might actually have a chance. Holy shit!

If she loses Indiana, will she finally quit? Not like the tiny win makes much of a difference anyway.
Media finally says it? They have been saying it for awhile.

MSNBC just read a Clinton email in which she didn't ask for any money. Clinton could very well be dropping out by the end of the week, but she is a HUGE evil bitch, so never say never.
After the Hilary Nut cracker doll... thank fucking god. Now, does that mean I'll vote for Obama...? Maybe I'll just pass on voting period... :roll:
[quote name='pittpizza']Then don't vote and keep bitching Sarang, that's effective.[/QUOTE]

Apparently you didn't read my entire comment. I said I'm voting for Ron Paul in the Presidential Election.
I was meaning to do so in my Caucus as well but found out I was too late.
There is some Clinton worker on MSNBC going...

"She will win the purple states that Obama can't..."

So it's November? We held the general election already?1 Wow!

Stupid supporters supporting a stupid bitch.
Hillary has two choices right now.
1. Drop out gracefully, unite the party, and become the governor of New York.
2. Keep on going and try to destroy the party, and Obama, which will make her lose most of her support.
As much as I'd like her to do option 1, I have a feeling like she will do option 2.
[quote name='fullmetalfan720']Hillary has two choices right now.
1. Drop out gracefully, unite the party, and become the governor of New York.
2. Keep on going and try to destroy the party, and Obama, which will make her lose most of her support.
As much as I'd like her to do option 1, I have a feeling like she will do option 2.[/QUOTE]

She's doing #2:

What a dumb coont.
bread's done