Men Over 30

I'm glad you guys brought up the body glide stuff. I'm not overweight but I do get massive taint chaffing when I work catering events on the weekend from all the walking that goes with serving (or just heavy walking days like a Cedar Point visit). I'm gonna look for this and give it a shot.

Btw, if any youngins are reading: I strongly strongly urge you to get your ducks in a row as early as possible. As I'm inching towards 30 (29 next month) I'm wishing I had taken up this second job a little younger so a few things would have been paid down/taken care of earlier.
I definitely get more tired and don't have a desire to go out like I used to. I attributed a lot of that to having kids, though, since I had my first kid at 29. Maybe it is my age. I'm still active athletically but the main thing I notice is that I'm more prone to injuries and when I get injured it takes longer to heal.
Hope we can discuss this topic here without too many juvenile comments/jokes.

So I'm approaching 40, very overweight (but working on that), and have been having erectile dysfunction issues for several months now. Don't really know what to do. It's VERY frustrating. When you're with a woman, you want to perform, but it's like your body just doesn't care. Anyone else experiencing this?

As far as getting a little "help" in that dept, anyone ever used ED pills? Which is the best one? What are the side effects you experienced (like is that stuff about possible vision loss true, or false, or just a very small percentage of users or what?)

And if you don't have the ability to go to a doctor to get it via prescription/health insurance, is there another way to buy erectile dysfunction medication- legally of course? (And I mean the proper official medications from the big companies, not some generic "Niagara" rip off that some dude makes in his garage and you get email spam about it)

Thanks for any serious input. Like I said, it's really frustrating. It's definitely changed my life for the worse. Like it's just not fun anymore. I've been feeling really depressed lately, and I'm sure it's linked- I mean there's other family/work bullshit that's contributing too, but this is the thing that affects me most psychologically.
Imma go with no- I make sure to eat healthy, I still work out 5-6 times a week and still watch just as much porn as when i was in my teens.
Can you get it up while jerking off? If so, maybe it's more a performance anxiety than actual ED?
after so much porn watching, it seems nothing appears enticing anymore. Its harder to come across a girl that actually looks good and doesn't sound like she's faking it. So in the end, it's not ED or anxiety. Just not so hot entertainers. Eh -
Couple suggestions -

Testosterone level may be low - which is a VERY common occurrence once we hit late 30s/early 40s. This is often tied to Selenium deficiency. Test your levels. This is very correctable, with supplements or even Brazil Nuts - 3 before breakfast and 3 before bed, every day, should help.

Blue Ice Royal Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend is another helpful supplement - 2 before breakfast, 2 before bed.

Also, check your Vitamin D-3 levels. Deficiency here can have an effect.

Might consider taking cold showers in the morning and before bed as well. And I mean REALLY cold, as in no warm water at all. 10-15 minutes, hitting the spinal area where the bottom of the neck and middle of the shoulders connect. Should also promote some weight loss, as your body responds to the cold. Recommend you start with luke-warm water and gradually make it colder. Another option is a cold compress on the same spot for about 30 minutes during the afternoon/early evening.

Exercising and weight loss will also help, in general, as your blood will circulate better.

Another necessary thing is cholesterol. A steak here, whole eggs there - you also need the choline in the egg yolk, so double up and get the choline and cholesterol. Yes, your body manufactures cholesterol, usually in the 3am-5am range of sleep, but a necessary ingredient of testosterone.

Should go without saying, but lay off the porn and self-pleasuring. Try it as an experiment, at the very least. Start using your active imagination instead. Instead of being involved, porn gets you used to watching - not the same!

As for ED and other useful drugs like amoxicillin, simvastatin, etc., they're on sale (without a prescription) at Mexico airports. Take a vacation there and pick some up on the return flight. Just be sure to read up on the side effects of such things before you take the plunge - though I recommend you get them here through your physician, or go to an "emergency" health clinic.
Few updates:

Went on the Dukan diet for five weeks. Started at 216 lbs... and I'm now down to 181 lbs. All lost without any exercise.

Crash dieting may have caused my immune system to weaken... as I landed a solid case of Epstein Barr Virus. It's been four weeks of feeling like shit. It's also causing pleurisy, which basically gives you chest pain that radiates into your shoulders/neck (feels like what I imagine a heart attack to feel like).

Bought our first house four weeks ago as well. Just returned to work from a week long housework vacation.

Three warts on the bottom of my right foot.
[quote name='Backlash']I'm still active athletically but the main thing I notice is that I'm more prone to injuries and when I get injured it takes longer to heal.[/QUOTE]

I think I cursed myself with this post, because I tore my ACL completely two weeks ago and just had surgery to fix it. So no athletics for me for quite awhile. Silver lining: more time to play Dark Souls, I guess.

As for the topic at hand: no ED here, thank god. I would never make fun of someone who had it, though. I'm sure it sucks.
I didn't even bother with the reconstructive surgery when I tore my ACL...

So the darkness has come over me again. I simply don't give a shit about anything other than playing with my dogs. I'm sick of my cover band and my original deal is stalled as my cohorts are all trying to get their schedules arranged to get together. I'm somewhat bored at work, had a really weird blow out argument with my regular side action that basically felt like we'd been in a 10 year marriage that fell apart, my regular friends are all sort of in limbo as life shake ups have been happening and most of all everyone else seems to be the same way. My buddy even emailed me today thinking that he wants to cancel our round of golf on Saturday morning because he "just doesn't feel like lugging around a set of clubs for 9 holes". It's like an apathy pandemic is breaking out or something.

To that end, St. John's Wort doesn't seem to be doing the trick anymore so I might move over to Chromium Picoliante. Has anyone ever tried that? I'm thinking that it could also help curb my carb cravings (10+ meals a week with pasta or rice and god only knows how much beer I consume as well) which could also help to trimming off some belly fat.
[quote name='monash65']Hope we can discuss this topic here without too many juvenile comments/jokes.

So I'm approaching 40, very overweight (but working on that), and have been having erectile dysfunction issues for several months now. Don't really know what to do. It's VERY frustrating. When you're with a woman, you want to perform, but it's like your body just doesn't care. Anyone else experiencing this?

As far as getting a little "help" in that dept, anyone ever used ED pills? Which is the best one? What are the side effects you experienced (like is that stuff about possible vision loss true, or false, or just a very small percentage of users or what?)

And if you don't have the ability to go to a doctor to get it via prescription/health insurance, is there another way to buy erectile dysfunction medication- legally of course? (And I mean the proper official medications from the big companies, not some generic "Niagara" rip off that some dude makes in his garage and you get email spam about it)

Thanks for any serious input. Like I said, it's really frustrating. It's definitely changed my life for the worse. Like it's just not fun anymore. I've been feeling really depressed lately, and I'm sure it's linked- I mean there's other family/work bullshit that's contributing too, but this is the thing that affects me most psychologically.[/QUOTE]There are plenty of sites where you can buy prescription drugs from foreign countries. When I was in India a few months ago I saw that prescription drugs were sold over the counter at chemists (pharmacies). Wish I had bought some antibiotics, since I get sinus infections a few times a year and going to a doctor just to get prescribed amoxiciliian as always, really sucks.
[quote name='nasum']I didn't even bother with the reconstructive surgery when I tore my ACL...

So the darkness has come over me again. I simply don't give a shit about anything other than playing with my dogs. I'm sick of my cover band and my original deal is stalled as my cohorts are all trying to get their schedules arranged to get together. I'm somewhat bored at work, had a really weird blow out argument with my regular side action that basically felt like we'd been in a 10 year marriage that fell apart, my regular friends are all sort of in limbo as life shake ups have been happening and most of all everyone else seems to be the same way. My buddy even emailed me today thinking that he wants to cancel our round of golf on Saturday morning because he "just doesn't feel like lugging around a set of clubs for 9 holes". It's like an apathy pandemic is breaking out or something.

To that end, St. John's Wort doesn't seem to be doing the trick anymore so I might move over to Chromium Picoliante. Has anyone ever tried that? I'm thinking that it could also help curb my carb cravings (10+ meals a week with pasta or rice and god only knows how much beer I consume as well) which could also help to trimming off some belly fat.[/QUOTE]

Damn dude - snap out of it. You are in a band AND you get regular action with no long term commitment. You are living the dream!

I think I may have tore something in my shoulder. I can barely put a shirt on in the morning and I absolutely cannot lift anything above my head (even a 5lb. weight). There was no "incident" or anything so I don't know how this could have happened.

The only thing I can think of is that this is the cumulative effect of me sleeping on my arm on my SHIT mattress. This goddamn mattress has been killing my back for well over a year and now I think because there is no support the weight of my head on my arm at night somehow tore something in my shoulder. I am planning to replace it but we are in the process of putting an addition on the house so I'm waiting until that is done before springing for a new mattress.

I hate that goddamn thing so much I'd be better off sleeping on the hardwood floor. Could this really be the source of my shoulder problems?
[quote name='monash65']It's VERY frustrating. When you're with a woman, you want to perform, but it's like your body just doesn't care. Anyone else experiencing this? [/QUOTE]

Could it be stress related?
I hit 30 on September 18th, so I'm just a few days / weeks over 30 now.

People still think I'm 12-18 years old when they see me.

High school and college girls ask me out still. I've had a pair even lie about their age (found out after they facebooked me).
One time my shoulder was injured and I don't remember any particular incident causing it. One day I reached up to shampoo my hair and I realized I could barely get my left arm up that high. I got an MRI but it was inconclusive so I basically just ended up doing a bunch of physical therapy and letting it heal over time. Took a few months but it's pretty much fine now (maybe slightly weaker than my right).
Yeah, being in a cover band isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially in this economy where bars will pay you $100 for a night (8-10 years ago the band I was in made $800-1,200 a night and we split that 5 ways) if you're pretty good. You'll draw 50-150 people and have to put out a tip jar just to make enough money for getting to the venue and paying for parking if needs be. Then there's the hours spent practicing so that the actual show isn't even $1 per hour of the work you put in.

Originals are just as bad because you typically don't get paid until you're proven. Even a shitty cover band can put up a "We play band X (or variety of music X) and you like them but they're not touring so see us instead" ad and draw a few fans of the band. Like everything else, it sucks to be a working musician right now unless you're under a session contract with a big label or you're in J-Lo's backing band or something like that. At least with originals, once you get sick of your own stuff you can just write more. With a cover band you're pretty much limited to the hits that all the fans of the band want to hear.

As far as the regular side action is concerned; yeah it was great most of the time, but it's gotten a little old over the last year or so as she's been dealing with ex-husband BS. We've gone from hooking up at least once a week to now maybe once every other month and not even shagging every time. Then there's the one that wants me something fierce (even though we're completely incompatible) who in maybe 6 or 7 shags I've yet to be able to climax with her.

I'm bored.
[quote name='nasum']it's a sabbath tribute deal so only them. Mainly the Ozzy era with a few Dio tunes as well.[/QUOTE]

I think that is the only answer that wouldn't end in me mocking you!

$800 a night is pretty good for a cover band. Bars don't know how much to pay, so if you can get a guarantee, rather than door sales it is always a better route.
[quote name='b3b0p']High school and college girls ask me out still. I've had a pair even lie about their age (found out after they facebooked me).[/QUOTE]

Sir, I hope that this is a statement bordering on bragging, rather than a complaint!

I just celebrated my 38th birthday yesterday. Not quite a milestone, but getting closer!

Sabbath band if anyone wants to point and laugh. I'm the guitar player.
Audition as a bass player for these guys in a week or two as soon as I learn more of their material. The biggest drawback is that they want someone who can do upright too and since I don't have one I'm pretty terrible at it. I can usually get a decent fake upright sound with right hand technique and some gate/compression to take out the attack but it's nigh impossible to get that "woody" sound from an electric.
note, the recordings are unmixed scratch tracks so the singer sounds like she's not even in the same universe as the rest of the band. She needs to get dialed back and there's just no kick drum at all. Hell, the toms are the loudest thing in the whole recording. I hope they didn't pay much for the recording as there's stuff going on here that simply cannot be fixed in post.

Happy belated man!
[quote name='Kylearan']As for ED and other useful drugs like amoxicillin, simvastatin, etc., they're on sale (without a prescription) at Mexico airports. Take a vacation there and pick some up on the return flight. Just be sure to read up on the side effects of such things before you take the plunge - though I recommend you get them here through your physician, or go to an "emergency" health clinic.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot for all the info, seriously. I'm thinking this is a stupid question, but you don't mean an urgent care clinic do you? Or do you?

Late response, but thanks to all who responded to my ED question. You guys are great. And to answer the question up there, I have the same problem if I'm using adult movies (I "tested" to see if it would help things), so I know it's not performance anxiety. As for stress, it's probably a factor, though when in the bedroom I am able to focus on sex without thinking too much about job worries so I know it's not a big factor. The only other thing I'm wondering is if it's changing tastes, maybe as I grow older different things are turning me on. But I don't really have the time to go experimenting with weird fetish movies or whatever right now, so....

Since I've already embarassed myself a fair bit, I might as well give you guys a story. There's this one woman who I see fairly frequently through work (don't work directly with her but our companies work together)... she's fairly nice looking woman in her late 30s, and unlike myself actually somewhat in shape. Anyway, we had an "encounter" 3 weeks ago (first and only time we've been together) after going out for dinner and a movie. She's generally a nice lady, but when I couldn't close the deal so to speak, her face and demeanour changed completely. I kept apologizing, like some kind of idiot. What started out a really pleasant evening ended up really awkward by the time we were walking to our cars afterwards. Now I can't even look her in the eye when I have to talk to her.

I feel like such a loser right now. Thank God for internet anonymity I guess... So, anyone else here want to own up to experiencing this too?
well I dated a girl for 9 months who, aside from a bit of a gut, was pretty damn hot and half the time she wanted to go I just couldn't. You might want to get your testosterone checked as that turned out to be part of my issue. The other part was that she wasn't terribly good in bed and didn't turn me on very much. You'd think a guy could overlook the gut in favour of the 44F's, but nope...

Also, managed to get a wonderfully intoxicated girl who wanted to shag like crazy to a place where that could happen and no matter how much I worked to get things moving I just couldn't make it happen.

On the other hand, went out with a woman that was by no means conventionally attractive and stayed up all night with her. Meaning didn't sleep and the alternative meaning as well. Go figure.
[quote name='nasum']well I dated a girl for 9 months who, aside from a bit of a gut, was pretty damn hot and half the time she wanted to go I just couldn't. You might want to get your testosterone checked as that turned out to be part of my issue. The other part was that she wasn't terribly good in bed and didn't turn me on very much. You'd think a guy could overlook the gut in favour of the 44F's, but nope...

Also, managed to get a wonderfully intoxicated girl who wanted to shag like crazy to a place where that could happen and no matter how much I worked to get things moving I just couldn't make it happen.

On the other hand, went out with a woman that was by no means conventionally attractive and stayed up all night with her. Meaning didn't sleep and the alternative meaning as well. Go figure.[/QUOTE]

The older you get the more you need that mental connection over looks.
[quote name='monash65']Thanks a lot for all the info, seriously. I'm thinking this is a stupid question, but you don't mean an urgent care clinic do you? Or do you?

Late response, but thanks to all who responded to my ED question. You guys are great. And to answer the question up there, I have the same problem if I'm using adult movies (I "tested" to see if it would help things), so I know it's not performance anxiety. As for stress, it's probably a factor, though when in the bedroom I am able to focus on sex without thinking too much about job worries so I know it's not a big factor. The only other thing I'm wondering is if it's changing tastes, maybe as I grow older different things are turning me on. But I don't really have the time to go experimenting with weird fetish movies or whatever right now, so....

Since I've already embarassed myself a fair bit, I might as well give you guys a story. There's this one woman who I see fairly frequently through work (don't work directly with her but our companies work together)... she's fairly nice looking woman in her late 30s, and unlike myself actually somewhat in shape. Anyway, we had an "encounter" 3 weeks ago (first and only time we've been together) after going out for dinner and a movie. She's generally a nice lady, but when I couldn't close the deal so to speak, her face and demeanour changed completely. I kept apologizing, like some kind of idiot. What started out a really pleasant evening ended up really awkward by the time we were walking to our cars afterwards. Now I can't even look her in the eye when I have to talk to her.

I feel like such a loser right now. Thank God for internet anonymity I guess... So, anyone else here want to own up to experiencing this too?[/QUOTE]

Things happen; performance isn't automatic and totally relies on many factors (even subconscious anxieties can have huge effects). I know nothing of your medical history, but it would be reasonable to see a doctor for your concerns. I would recommend scheduling a visit with someone in internal medicine or family medicine. They can do a basic exam and order some basic labs. Then, it may even be reasonable to do a trial of phosphodiesterase inhibitors (viagra, cialis, levitra...)... or if there is some other underlying problem, you can get treatment for that. The thing to remember is that almost no matter what the underlying etiology of your problem, it can be fixed!

Unlike other people in this thread, I would not recommend going to a Mexican pharmacy unless you know what you are doing... amoxicillin and simvastatin would not be expected to have a significant impact on ED... other medications may also have dangerous interactions with other drugs... the only OTC medication that has some evidence for helping ED is yohimbe, but it is a stimulant and can cause problems if you are not otherwise fully healthy.

Also, if you do get testosterone measured, it needs to be done first thing in the morning as that is when it's level peaks... if measured later, it can be falsely low... not all MDs know about this...
Anybody ever have problems with muscle cramps? I've been getting them a lot lately, especially in my legs. I really don't know what to do about it, I've heard drinking more water can help, or getting more potassium in your diet, but I don't know if any of that's true.
[quote name='Clak']Anybody ever have problems with muscle cramps? I've been getting them a lot lately, especially in my legs. I really don't know what to do about it, I've heard drinking more water can help, or getting more potassium in your diet, but I don't know if any of that's true.[/QUOTE]

Yes. I get them from time to time if I'm dehydrated. I drink a TON of water daily and sometimes if I forget and I'm watching TV or something my leg cramps up.
A while back I would often get those frightening calf cramps while sleeping. Hasn't happened for some time thankfully, though I have no idea what I'm doing to prevent them (might just be luck).

Don't think it's age related, but my biggest annoyance right now are frequent muscle twitches. Most recently it was in my right shoulder. That one only lasted for a day, but I've had some that would last for as many as three.
I get the "jimmy legs" (Restless Leg Syndrome) when I go to sleep sometimes. (maybe once or twice a month)
Had them since way before I turned 30 though. They seem pretty random and I can't find any predictors for them.
[quote name='Clak']Anybody ever have problems with muscle cramps? I've been getting them a lot lately, especially in my legs. I really don't know what to do about it, I've heard drinking more water can help, or getting more potassium in your diet, but I don't know if any of that's true.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Allnatural']A while back I would often get those frightening calf cramps while sleeping. Hasn't happened for some time thankfully, though I have no idea what I'm doing to prevent them (might just be luck).

Don't think it's age related, but my biggest annoyance right now are frequent muscle twitches. Most recently it was in my right shoulder. That one only lasted for a day, but I've had some that would last for as many as three.[/QUOTE]

Cramps seem so random for me. I usually get them in the ankle or foot, and they hurt like hell.
I get jimmy legs sometimes - can't really tell what causes them though. Maybe 2-3 times a month.

Been having some nasty very low back pain and I hate to say that I think gaming may be the culprit! I have been playing a shit ton of dungeon hunter 2 on my ipad and I hunch over with that thing in my lap and I'm pretty sure it's messing with my back. I'll be glad when I beat it (for the third freakin' time) and maybe then I can move on to torchlight!
yeah I drink a ton of water and eat a half a banana every single day and still manage to get the jimmy legs now and then so I have no clue what might cause them and no clue why the water and bananas aren't working 100% - that's what everybody says to do though - I remember eating bananas a lot during soccer seasons - I rarely ever got cramps so I suppose they must have helped! The jimmy legs/restless legs don't exactly seem like cramps to me - just an annoying feeling that likes to pop up when I'm going to bed sometimes - like may be from being over-tired/exhausted - but the thing is I've had them when I wasn't or didn't seem to be exhausted. Luckily they aren't a problem - I couldn't imagine having them every night like some people do - it would drive me crazy!
probably not due to age, but since this is also the general bitch about stuff thread.

My jaw is finally about ready to fall off. It's been broken twice in my earlier years (hockey is a bitch I tells ya) so I started getting the whole TMJ deal and now my teeth are pulling away from my gum line as well exposing some roots.

This is so very not cool.
[quote name='bordjon']yeah I drink a ton of water and eat a half a banana every single day and still manage to get the jimmy legs now and then so I have no clue what might cause them and no clue why the water and bananas aren't working 100% - that's what everybody says to do though - I remember eating bananas a lot during soccer seasons - I rarely ever got cramps so I suppose they must have helped! The jimmy legs/restless legs don't exactly seem like cramps to me - just an annoying feeling that likes to pop up when I'm going to bed sometimes - like may be from being over-tired/exhausted - but the thing is I've had them when I wasn't or didn't seem to be exhausted. Luckily they aren't a problem - I couldn't imagine having them every night like some people do - it would drive me crazy![/QUOTE]

There is a prescription medication for RLS now. I used to be on it.

I've also taking these Hyland tablets before to some success. I do recall them putting me into a very deep sleep.

I notice the cramps in my legs happen pretty often if i sit down on my knees, like in a kneeling kind of position. Happened yesterday when I was fooling with hooking up a TV and had to kneel down to reach behind it. I jumped up faster than I probably have in a while. I've gotten those early morning cramps in my calf too, last time it stayed sore the rest of the day it cramped so badly. Wish I could prevent them, it's really getting on my nerves, happens in some of the most inopportune times too.
started the chromium picolinate last week and I'm noticing much more energy in the mornings (still don't want to get out of bed right away but when I do get up I don't feel like laying down on the floor...) as long as I turn some lights on. Better concentration too as long as I lay of the caffiene for the first couple hours at work. All in all I'm liking it much better than other herbal anti-depressant deals I've tried.
[quote name='nasum']started the chromium picolinate last week and I'm noticing much more energy in the mornings (still don't want to get out of bed right away but when I do get up I don't feel like laying down on the floor...) as long as I turn some lights on. Better concentration too as long as I lay of the caffiene for the first couple hours at work. All in all I'm liking it much better than other herbal anti-depressant deals I've tried.[/QUOTE]

Mornings are no problem for me - I need something to give me energy at night - I fall asleep on the couch at like 10:30!
Ever since I was a wee lad getting out of bed in the morning has been the hardest thing to do every day. I'm very slow to wake up (don't they say it takes almost two hours to get to full brain/body capacity? I'm more like 3.5) and if it weren't for barking dogs begging to go potty I'd probably sleep for another 4 hours every day.
Same here. I've never been a morning person.

Seldom get out of bed before 8 or 9. Often sleep into 10-noon on the weekends.

One of the big draws of an academic job for me was mostly being able to avoid having to be in work early. Just have to come in for morning meetings periodically as I ask to only teach afternoon/evening classes, and can do my research work and course preparation anytime I want during the day. So I do a lot of working from 11 or noon to 10pm-midnight.
Holy shit, this thread is full of horror stories. I'm turning 33 in 1.5 months and my only aging issues I can think of are that I don't bounce back from drinking as fast and I get tired more easily(more from lack of exercise).

I guess I'm lucky?
[quote name='usickenme']I find that taking magnesium really helps with muscle soreness and cramps[/QUOTE]

It's excellent for sleeping, too - take it about 45 minutes before going to bed.

Can't remember having any soreness or cramps, either, so double-kudos.
For some reason, I'm finding myself being real tired during the day, they only sleeping like 5-6 hours at night. Example: I went to bed at 9pm, got up at 2am, and can't get back to sleep. Anybody else have this problem?
I'm 21 years old and I've been having this problem lately. I can't go to sleep until 3 or 4 AM unless I take sleeping pills. I took some last night and fell asleep around 10 PM. Woke up at 6:20 AM and felt alright. About 2 hours later I was extremely tired and went back to sleep from like 9AM to 12 PM. Even after that I felt like I needed to sleep longer. My body was tired and I could barely keep my eyes open but I forced myself to stay awake. I also have been waking up extremely sore out of no where.. It is really annoying and becoming a nuisance -_-
[quote name='2DMention']For some reason, I'm finding myself being real tired during the day, they only sleeping like 5-6 hours at night. Example: I went to bed at 9pm, got up at 2am, and can't get back to sleep. Anybody else have this problem?[/QUOTE]

I have insomnia but it's mainly from depression. Most days I feel like Charleton Heston in the fucking Omega Man.

I come home from work around 9 PM, can only sleep an hour or two and wake up close to midnight. Then just kinda pace until 5 or 6 AM. I don't care anymore to watch movies, watch TV, read, can't play a game for more than 30 minutes without turning it off and just walk around in the back yard chain smoking and drinking just enough to get tired, all while thinking endlessly about whatever shit bothered me that day.

I guess the strange thing is that even though I don't sleep well, I'm never tired except prior to that 1-2 hour nap. After that I can sleep for just 3-5 hours prior to work and function fine all day as far as energy is concerned.
bread's done