Metal Gear Discussion Thread

[quote name='CaoPi']I thought SNake died at the end after falling of that cliff with the Metal Gear battle in MGS 2 whats he doing in MGS4?[/QUOTE]

Well he was in the ending with Raiden so I figured he was okay.

Does anyone know how much Subsistance will be? I'm hoping for a $20 price tag.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Well he was in the ending with Raiden so I figured he was okay.

Does anyone know how much Subsistance will be? I'm hoping for a $20 price tag.[/QUOTE]

Right now is marked as $49.99
Subsistance will prolly be $50, the lowest i can see it is $40.

yes its pricey, but konami really went all out on this release, i mean the first editions of this game are going to be 3 DVD's, thats one hell of a youre getting 3 full games, plus a TON of extra crap.

itll be my first full priced game since culdcept.
[quote name='punqsux']Subsistance will prolly be $50, the lowest i can see it is $40.

yes its pricey, but konami really went all out on this release, i mean the first editions of this game are going to be 3 DVD's, thats one hell of a youre getting 3 full games, plus a TON of extra crap.

itll be my first full priced game since culdcept.[/QUOTE]

I think its worth the $50. I really can't wait to play MG1 and MG2 on my TV and to also test my skills online. I don't know anyone else personally that plays MGS as much as I do so I can't compare my skills.

Culdcept is also awesome. I didn't pay full price for though. I would have if I would have known how great it is. I found it for $3 at EB back in April and have racked up almost 200 hours.
I think it's worth $50 also, I just thought it would be reduced since MGS 3 already dropped. It does have alot of cool extras.
it would be worth it if I did have freakin braodban to play online... sux being behind on internet speeds.

I can't remember from where, but I think someone stated that the nightmare part of MGS3 was going to become a full game that's currently in development. It was actually pretty fun killing all the police zombies with what looked like keyblades... it reminded me alot of the game Painkiller...

Anyone else here big Otocon fans? ever since MGS1 he was my favorite, even over snake. In MGS2 he became a huge asshole, but I still liked him more due to him being alot more fleshed out. I'm glad to see he's back in 4... and for some odd reason he looks like a more american version of Hideo :lol: but yes, otocon is the man :)

secondly, anyone else here pumped up about MG Ac!d 2? The first one lacked alot, but this one seems to do what the first one was trying to do. I love card based video games (other than all those yugio crap and whantot), not to mention the new heroin Venus looks pretty hot (and for some weird reason, Hideo's dev team on the project seem to be damn proud about the boob physiscs they've got in there... watch all the trailers for it and you'll see what I mean).
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']The boss battle at the end of mgs 3 was very epic. I loved it, the music, the swaying flower bed. Who could of done it better?[/QUOTE]
i loved the whole shagohod chase sequences as well, very time crisis-esque.

the fury and volgan were major letdowns though, i mean i know im playing on easy, but these guys were ridiculously easy, especially to follow up the battle with the end.

another thing i didnt like was the eva escort mission at the end, it really stopped all the momentum the game build up during the shagohad/volgin battles.

but hinestly, thats about all i can say i disliked about the game, it took me about twice as long to beat as mgs2, which i was pleased with, but though it ended too soon...

and i have to say, the lighting in the cut scenes, especially from before you battle the boss through the rest of the game, is AMAZING. there were parts in there that look photo-realistic done with in game graphics, just incredible programing, but im a sucker for lighting ^^

maybe i should get some sleep? ^^
Right now I'm in the woods before The End (after you leave the warehouse). I've just gotten to the part in the map where there's a little cabin with the toy frog on the shelf (it's my understanding there's 7 and I think I've found 5 so far, not sure how you "activate" them but I've just been shooting 'em). Anyway, where is the sniper rifle at? I'm thinking it'll make the battle with The End a bit easier.

Also, my biggest bitch about his game is the camera. Too many times I've had to go into FP view just to see what's in front of me, and for that alone I may consider picking up substance.

Also, can you use your save from MGS3 in substance? Like if for some reason I stopped playing right now could I pick up where I left off but in Substance? Just wondering.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Anyway, where is the sniper rifle at? I'm thinking it'll make the battle with The End a bit easier.[/QUOTE]
It's in the small shed to the west, his parrot will be standing on the sorner of the roof, you can kill/capture it and eat it, and it will appear later as a ghost. :)
fight the end with a pistol, it will refine your aim and your stalking abilities.

(i dont know where the sniper rifle is, but it would have made that battle a hell of alot easier ^^)

im skeptical on the new camera, the only reason the camera was a problem on this as opposed to the last 2 games is the lack of any serious form of radar.
anyone other than me get the tsunukit hingy snake blob? I love the fact that it gives you the infinite facepaint, which makes the game get really crazy really fast.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']
Anyone else here big Otocon fans? ever since MGS1 he was my favorite, even over snake. In MGS2 he became a huge asshole, but I still liked him more due to him being alot more fleshed out. I'm glad to see he's back in 4... and for some odd reason he looks like a more american version of Hideo :lol: but yes, otocon is the man :)

I'm a fan too. I think his character model looks great on the ps3. I know I'd do him.

[quote name='CrimsonPaw']I've just gotten to the part in the map where there's a little cabin with the toy frog on the shelf (it's my understanding there's 7 and I think I've found 5 so far, not sure how you "activate" them but I've just been shooting 'em).[/QUOTE]

Actually there is one in each area. If you shoot all of them you unlock something. It was either stealth camo or infinite ammo facepaint.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']
Also, can you use your save from MGS3 in substance? Like if for some reason I stopped playing right now could I pick up where I left off but in Substance? Just wondering.[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering that too. In MGS2, it wasn't transferrable, so I am assuming it won't be for MGS3. I have also stopped playing so that when Subsistence comes out, I don't have to do it all again.
I just got MGS2:Substance for PC ($10 at Fry's), and wow, what a weird port. I've heard of Capcom making bad PC ports, and I guess Konami's lazy as well....but with a PS2 controller, it's definitely playable. I've only just beaten the Tanker part, and yeah...a lil let down. I just remember that wonderful Fall weekend I played the shit outta MGS. I'm looking forward to beating this, and moving on to MGS3 though.
[quote name='dpatel']Actually there is one in each area. If you shoot all of them you unlock something. It was either stealth camo or infinite ammo facepaint.

yeah... I did do that and it was sure as hell a huge pain in the ass. The hardest being the sidecar chase scenes... every area that you are in the sidecar there's a frog... and it's hard to hit them.... this is when the RPG is your best friend :)

oh, and it gets you the stealth.

Anyone here do the "get all animals/eat em" trick to unlock the EZ gun for any mode? it's a cheap gun, but fun to get.
bread's done