Metal Gear Solid: Subsistence LE for the PS2.

Probably any store that has LE's coming in. Call CC or Wal-Mart or something the day it comes out and they might have it. Or check Toys R' Us, they never seem to sell out of anything at release.
Good thing I preordered mine at GS sometime in Feb. Try preordering in store at GS or EB if its not too late. It's coming...
I might sell my Existence disc after I watch it. I don't know, it's such a cool collectors item. I wish I pre-ordered 2 of them.
Also check out BB. Some stores will get a good number while others may receive less than a handfull. Is the LE the same price as the regular version?
From what I learned, it seems the Metal Gear Saga DVD IS the limited edition part, as the Existence disc is part of the $29.99 game. I saw it one day and now it is no longer listed as a sku on any retailers anywhere online or off, and I was informed they scrapped it as they did not have enough to fill ANOTHER bonus disc. Even Konami's web site only talks about 3 discs in the $29.99 version: Persistence, Existence, and Subsistence. If someone can find proof of the $39.99 one and what it contains, please link the page where you found the info.
[quote name='sswan117']From what I learned, it seems the Metal Gear Saga DVD IS the limited edition part, as the Existence disc is part of the $29.99 game. I saw it one day and now it is no longer listed as a sku on any retailers anywhere online or off, and I was informed they scrapped it as they did not have enough to fill ANOTHER bonus disc. Even Konami's web site only talks about 3 discs in the $29.99 version: Persistence, Existence, and Subsistence. If someone can find proof of the $39.99 one and what it contains, please link the page where you found the info.[/QUOTE] there has been TOOO MANY THREADS ON THIS! KONAMI THIS!!!!!!!!!!
Girl at GS told me that they'd still get a few extra LE's in. She said she'd swap my $29.99 preorder with the $39.99 LE when i pick up the game.
[quote name='scrapdawg02']Girl at GS told me that they'd still get a few extra LE's in. She said she'd swap my $29.99 preorder with the $39.99 LE when i pick up the game.[/QUOTE]

I received the same thing at EB. The guy said that their store was only getting two, and only one was preordered (by another employee). I don't know if all of their stores are only getting a couple or if it is based on preorders. I doubt this will be that popular outside of MGS or limited edition game fans, so there will probably be some available either in stores or ebay.
[quote name='scrapdawg02']Girl at GS told me that they'd still get a few extra LE's in. She said she'd swap my $29.99 preorder with the $39.99 LE when i pick up the game.[/QUOTE]

Marry her!
I asked the employee at bestbuy 2day to look-up when they will be getting in MGS3S ... he said sometimes next week & there is 2 different price.. 29.99 & 39.99.

So the limited edition is not EB & GS exclusive.. you be able to find some at BB & other electronic stores...
[quote name='Spoon_si']I asked the employee at bestbuy 2day to look-up when they will be getting in MGS3S ... he said sometimes next week & there is 2 different price.. 29.99 & 39.99.

So the limited edition is not EB & GS exclusive.. you be able to find some at BB & other electronic stores...[/quote]

I'd be surprised if BB will get the LE, it isn't listed on (nor Circuit City). Since BestBuy caters more to the general public and EB/GS to the enthusiest, I would tend to doubt that BB would get the LE. Even if they happened to get this in, how many would they get per store (since they don't do preorders)? I would only guess a few per store, and this probably wouldn't be even worthwhile for BB to stock.

Except for Ultimate Spiderman LE (which is still easily obtainable), I have never seen BB carry LE videogames. BB has carried collectors edition titles like Halo 2 and True Crime:NYC, which weren't all that limited. AFAIK BB has never carried titles like Resident Evil 4 Premium Edition, or Shenmue LE.
[quote name='Spoon_si']I asked the employee at bestbuy 2day to look-up when they will be getting in MGS3S ... he said sometimes next week & there is 2 different price.. 29.99 & 39.99.

So the limited edition is not EB & GS exclusive.. you be able to find some at BB & other electronic stores...[/QUOTE]
Thats really really awesome. You rule for posting that info, now I won't have to worry too much about not getting it.

[quote name='Logical Dolphin']I'd be surprised if BB will get the LE, it isn't listed on (nor Circuit City).[/Quote]

It usually takes them awhile...DMC3:SE wasn't listed on eithers website until about 2 weeks after it was released. I remember because I kept checking every single day...but eventually Gamestop got it in so I got it from there.
[quote name='whoknows']
It usually takes them awhile...DMC3:SE wasn't listed on eithers website until about 2 weeks after it was released. I remember because I kept checking every single day...but eventually Gamestop got it in so I got it from there.[/QUOTE]

Exactly... Wild Arms 4 wasn't listed on there for awhile, same with Megaman X Collection, but they put them on there a few days after release.

The fact that BB has it in their computers is a good thing... I kind of figured IGN wouldn't do a review of the LE if there never would have been any way to get one, other then a preorder that was sold out about a month before the game hit.
What I would like to know, is if those two price points for Subsistance have two different SKU's associated with them. I don't think Spoon_si took note of that, or said if the two price points had different item descriptions. I believe Subsistance (regular edition) had an MSRP of $39.99 last year before dropping to $29.99.

You can currently preorder Subsistance (Non-LE) from BB, CC, Outpost, Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc; but you can't preorder the LE at any of these sites (nor was there any evidence the the LE was ever available to order at these places).

I hope BB gets this in, but I don't think this is going to happen. If you didn't preorder I think your only option is to check EB/GS to see if they received any extra copies.

BTW, check out the updated official site for US MGS: Subsistance:
[quote name='Logical Dolphin']What I would like to know, is if those two price points for Subsistance have two different SKU's associated with them. [/QUOTE]

I tried to preorder this at Gamestop today and the employee that was working there told me that I couldn't preorder the limited edition version, but I could put down $5 on a normal version and possibly use that to get a limited edition copy when they get some later in the week. He told me that the limited edition didn't have a SKU, but said that it was in their comp that they would be receiving it...*shrugs*

All I know is that I'm preordering anymore damn special versions a few months in advance next time. :headache:
You can always get a refund for your preorder from EB/Gamestop and just buy it elsewhere if Best Buy or someplace gets the and EB doesn't have any.
[quote name='exRounder']So can anyone give me some feedback: how rare is the Saga disc as well as the LE respectively?[/quote]

It looks like the Saga disc will be obtainable for the time being. However, it is looking very likely that if you didn't preorder the LE, chances of finding it "in the wild" isn't probable.

EDIT: took the Saga disc off their website, still has it. If you want the Saga disc you should order it ASAP.
EDIT 2: My mistake, still has the Saga disc. They also have a link that sells the game without any bonuses.
Okay, this has gone from important to critical. The LE is going for over $100 on Ebay. This is DEMENTED.

Where can this game be bought online? I have yet to find even a single place that even lists it, even out of stock.
[quote name='sonarrat']Okay, this has gone from important to critical. The LE is going for over $100 on Ebay. This is DEMENTED.

Where can this game be bought online? I have yet to find even a single place that even lists it, even out of stock.[/QUOTE]
you cant/ Only eb and gs sold it. You only chance is to try every store in your area.
Konami is gonna have a lot of pissed off people if they don't print more of these suckers.

fuck the "Limited" label, dammit, and give us paying customers what we want.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Konami is gonna have a lot of pissed off people if they don't print more of these suckers.

fuck the "Limited" label, dammit, and give us paying customers what we want.[/QUOTE]
the problem is the sales for MGS3 were not that good, so Konami decided to reward people buying early.
[quote name='whoknows']Thats really really awesome. You rule for posting that info, now I won't have to worry too much about not getting it.

It usually takes them awhile...DMC3:SE wasn't listed on eithers website until about 2 weeks after it was released. I remember because I kept checking every single day...but eventually Gamestop got it in so I got it from there.[/QUOTE]

Yes there is indeed 2 sku...

bestbuy is always late to get their new games... we'll see tho... my BB just got DMC:3 this week also...

don't wanna get anybodys hope up but, there is a chance BB might not get it...(ex: magna Carta) so if you see a copy at EB or GS.. pick it up...
[quote name='Logical Dolphin']What I would like to know, is if those two price points for Subsistance have two different SKU's associated with them. I don't think Spoon_si took note of that, or said if the two price points had different item descriptions. I believe Subsistance (regular edition) had an MSRP of $39.99 last year before dropping to $29.99.

Yep 2 different SKU's

Standard: 08717201410

LE: 083717201441
[quote name='62t']the problem is the sales for MGS3 were not that good, so Konami decided to reward people buying early.[/quote]

exactly...if it wasnt for the LE's rumored reputation for being low in supply before it was out, i bet half of the people who want the LE now wouldnt want it at all...
[quote name='Spoon_si']Yep 2 different SKU's

Standard: 08717201410

LE: 083717201441[/quote]

You gave me the UPC codes for both product, not exactly what I ment. Perhaps UPC and SKUs are interchangable. I realize the two different editions would have different UPCs.

I was talking about an internal product ID numbers, specific to that company that are translated from the UPCs. For example,'s product ID for Subsistance (standard) is 20141.

If you can you need to see if Best Buy has a different unique number for the LE, it is still not up on
Wow, a co-worked just walked into EB yesterday and picked up 2 copies (one for me and one for him) - no preorder or anything. I guess we just got lucky.
[quote name='rockhero']Wow, a co-worked just walked into EB yesterday and picked up 2 copies (one for me and one for him) - no preorder or anything. I guess we just got lucky.[/QUOTE] well.....nobody lives in MA :p. Try living in the CA bay area. The stores around me suck for games anyways. I would think that a well populated area would get more stock. Guess nobody around here plays games and there is a lack of store traffic.
[quote name='mkg12']well.....nobody lives in MA :p. Try living in the CA bay area. The stores around me suck for games anyways. I would think that a well populated area would get more stock. Guess nobody around here plays games and there is a lack of store traffic.[/QUOTE]

I live in the South Bay, and I had to drive all the way to the Gilroy Gamecrazy to get one. There are more copies that were pre-ordered, but haven't been picked up yet, and I imagine it would be fairly easy to snipe them tomorrow.
I went to eight different stores and walked away with nothing.

This is bullshit. I hope Ebay prices drop to around $50, because that's about the max I'll pay for it.
[quote name='neudog']eBay...:rofl: Seriously though if you didn't pre-order it is going to be hard to find.[/QUOTE]

It's hard to find if you DID pre-order the damned thing. =(

My local gamestop has a bunch of idiots working in it.
I went to my local EB again today, and they told me that an EB 40 minutes away had two copies, so they called them and got one reserved for me (The employee that called reserved the other one.), so after an hour and a half of driving, I managed to go there and back home with a copy of the LE.

Goddammit, I hope to god I never get in a situation like this again. This was insanity.
Those of you that end up not getting the LE aren't missing out all that much.

All you really get, extra, with the LE is the red cardboard outer box for the two disc cases inside. And you don't get the third disc with the MGS4 trailer, and MGS3 in movie form. Yeah that last bit is great for collectors... but you're still getting the meat in the regular version of MGS3 S.
[quote name='adidas']I manage to get one at gamecrazy... MOvie is nice... Stop hatting because you didnt get one....[/QUOTE]

Yeah you jelous bastards. How dare you say the movie isnt a big deal!!!! If I see any more "hatting" on this board, Im calling in the mods! Dont be a playa hatta!
Of course the movie isn't a big deal. Only suckas fall for it. It's nothing the regular edition doesn't have besides the clips being strung together in chapters on one disc.

The only thing I regret about not buying the LE edition is that I missed out on the chance to cash out on the craze for the LE edition. Damn. :(
bread's done