Metroid: Other M - The CAG Thread

I know that jaredstorm, I was just saying that's really the only Metroid game I've played. So, I'm not really a "fan" of the games, because I've barely played them.
Nintendo Power gave Metroid Prime 3 a 10/10. I wonder why they gave this 8.5/10. I know those things aren't especially related, but this game seems really good!

Srsly though, I'm still on my boycott of numbered scores.

I refuse to buy anything from numbered scores.
I give Starcraft 2 a rating of "bottle of Glenlivet".
[quote name='FallMoon']Nintendo Power gave Metroid Prime 3 a 10/10. [/QUOTE]

Thats weird, considering most feel that's the worst of the Prime series.

Oh well, all previews from everywhere have been really positive, I'm still stoked.

[quote name='The Crotch']
Srsly though, I'm still on my boycott of numbered scores.

I refuse to buy anything from numbered scores.
I give Starcraft 2 a rating of "bottle of Glenlivet".

Nice. Haha!
Maybe the game has Technical bugs or something, I haven't read the Nintendo Power review, so I do not know if there are any technical bugs or not.
Nintendo Power only gave Super Metroid an 8.85
why are you reading Nintendo Power for reviews?

And with that, I'm out until Tuesday.
I think it's pretty cool they gave it an honest score. They could have easily "Nintendo Powered" like they have in the past and gave it a token high score.

Honestly, to those who ask "Why read Nintendo Power reviews?" their reviews are pretty damn honest now. I feel comfortable with their reviews and find myself mostly agreeing with them.

Of course, maybe they did "Nintendo Power" the review score and it's really only a game that's a 3.5, 4.0 caliber. ;)
I snuck a peek at some review scores:

IGN: 8.5
Eurogamer: 8
Giant Bomb: 4/5
CAG: 5/5

Game Informer: 6.25

But then again, no one reads Game Informer for reviews.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']:whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

Yeah, after subscribing to their mag for almost a year, I've pretty much given up on them doing anything close to fair for the Wii. It is good for other consoles, but they really have a big blind spot when it comes to Wii.
I don't read Game Informer for reviews. I don't think anyone does. Same goes for G4 with the exception of Sessler.
both reviews had valid points. you can't pick and choose the good reviews just to show a game in a favorable light

I have this pre ordered but my hype has died down after reading these flaws
Most of the reviews are pretty positive. Game Informer has a history of questionable reviews (Paper Mario TTYD, for example).
I'm kind of glad it is not getting perfect reviews. That way people cannot throw out the argument that it is only getting good review scores because it is a popular franchise. That is all I hear about when a Zelda or GTA game gets a good review score...
Nonetheless, this looks like a fun Metroid game, and a few negative reviews are not going to keep me from (hopefully) enjoying it.
The reviews are mostly what I've expected except for G4's terrible review.

I thought Parish was doing 1up's Other M review.

EDIT: OP updated with some review scores.
I've got the game preordered and I'm definitely still excited to play through it, but several of the negative points brought up definitely seem worth considering. The Wii's recognition that you had switched from holding the wiimote sideways to pointing at the screen in Super Paper Mario was slow, clunky, and often took too long for the Wii to register. It didn't matter in that game as you rarely did it during "action." If the speed of this transition hasn't improved, frequent switches during the action or boss battles (something Gameinformer & Abbie at X-play complained about) could definitely suck.

Even the positive reviews have complained about the awkwardness of using the d-pad for 3d movement in the areas where Samus doesn't just right or left on a programmed path. This is another complaint that seems plausible and frankly has always seemed like an odd design choice.

However, what worries me most is the supposedly poor voiceover and the talk of using multiple 10-15 minute cut scenes for storytelling. I knew from the previews that this game was to have more dialog than the average Metroid, but I can honestly say that I had hoped it wouldn't get in the way of the actual game. It really seems like this is what colored a lot of X-play's and Game Informer's reviews. From Feedback and previous interviews it was quite clear that Abbie liked the Samus character as the bad ass loner bounty hunter of Metroid Prime and clearly dislikes the perceived change in the character in this game. Whether I'll hate the direction of the story as much as Abbie or find it to be quality fan service like Shipwreck and Brad over at Giantbomb is something I can't know until I actually play the game next week.

To simply call the reviews you disagree with terrible seems pretty childish. Reviews are opinions and both of the ones you seemed to dislike appear to bring ample reasoning for their opinion. From reading them all so far, I'm pretty sure I'll probably end up somewhere in the middle as many of the flaws do sound like things I won't like, but the return to third person metroid and the sum of the rest of the parts has me very excited.
Kotaku says that the majority of the cutscenes and supporting cast are at the beginning and end of the game.

Anyway, it doesn't look like I need to finish the Prime Trilogy before jumping into this game, so I will probably play it on Tuesday.

EDIT: Okay, so I read the Destructoid review. Here's a recap (my thoughts are in parentheses):

-story is "absorbing and at times even moving"
-"these are high quality cut-scenes, with superb direction and visual flair", but some last over 10 minutes
-auto-aim replaces manual lock-on, no way to strafe
-combat is akin to "run away to charge, then turn and fire", evasion works well (has combat in Metroid ever been different from "enter room, start shooting"?)
-"when battling one-on-one with a beast of monstrous proportions, you’ll generally run into fewer targeting and Wii Remote issues" (in Prime I rarely had to do a lot of strafing and targeting outside of boss battles)
-finding hidden stuff: "it’s not quite exploration as much as it is “poking around a room to find a ledge or hole.”" (pray tell what the definition of exploration is then: Prime had everything mapped out too, it's just a matter of getting there)
-unlocking items: "the game basically holds your hand and screams “It’s time to use this!” in your face." (have you never played Zelda? The new item you get is the item you need against the next enemy)
-graphics: cutscenes are great, women are awesome, men look like meatheads, some questionable enemy design (sounds to me like it's objectively great)

6.5 seems kind of low. It may not be the "high standard" that Nintendo produces, but even Nintendo's worst is still better than most others. I think the reviewer was more disappointed that it wasn't "classic Metroid".
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[quote name='Jasonofindy'] The Wii's recognition that you had switched from holding the wiimote sideways to pointing at the screen in Super Paper Mario was slow, clunky, and often took too long for the Wii to register.[/QUOTE]

No it didn't.

Also, if I was childish in my disagreement with their reviews, I wouldn't put their scores in the OP. I haven't put the review scores of "fansites" in the OP on the other hand because some people will say they're bias.
[quote name='KingBroly']No it didn't.[/QUOTE]

Congratulations if it didn't bother you, but when I played Super Paper Mario, the Wii was just as slow to recognize the transition and to reacquire the pointer on the screen as it is anytime you point the pointer offscreen. :roll: I'll be very pleased if they've found a way to mitigate this in Metroid: Other M.

However, I don't see any way it worked flawlessly for you in SPM and was sluggish for me unless you somehow have a magical Wiimote or there is some weird environmental factor that makes your Wiimote more quickly zero in and recalibrate on the two red lights of the sensor bar than mine. In any case, I think I'm more likely to trust my own experiences with the wiimote than the impressions of strangers such as yourself or any of the reviewers. (negative or positive)

[quote name='KingBroly']Also, if I was childish in my disagreement with their reviews, I wouldn't put their scores in the OP. I haven't put the review scores of "fansites" in the OP on the other hand because some people will say they're bias.[/QUOTE]

I'm happy to see that as you've never really come off as childish or overly biased, just as someone who really enjoys Nintendo games. What "fansites" did I bring up?
No, that was just my own message about how I'm handling review scores in the OP. Maybe I should've put it in a new paragraph to not confuse you. Or maybe I should put them in the OP so people don't think I'm being bias towards fan sites.

I didn't really use the pointer in Super Paper Mario all that often. I didn't even scan enemies. And maybe it worked for me because when I do it I sort of flick it forward.
[quote name='KingBroly']No, that was just my own message about how I'm handling review scores in the OP. [/QUOTE]

Understood. In any case, whatever the reviews say I hope we both really enjoy the game when we get to play it next week.

Does anyone know if Amazon generally ships out Sunday releases on Saturday or Monday? (for those without Prime and release day shipping).
[quote name='KingBroly']Metroid isn't a Sunday release though.[/QUOTE]

oops. For some reason I've had "Met-8/29" written down in my little preordered list forever. With Amazon's normal FSS times it looks like I'll be playing next Friday or Saturday night then. Thank you for the correction.
[quote name='shipwreck']Switching between third-person and first-person is nearly instantaneous in the game. There's no pause.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the hands on information. It does help quell one of my worries.
GT link was posted but here's their breakdown

Story: 7.0 (they didn't like the script)
Design: 8.3
Gameplay: 8.8
Presentation: 9.2
Overall: 8.6
For some reason that metacritic score is bothering me.

Damnit, I promised myself I wouldn't let myself look. I did though. :(

EDIT: Kotaku's review reaffirms my hype. :)
[quote name='Scorch']G4's review was brutal, but they made a lot of good points..[/QUOTE]

You gotta know, Abby Heppe is an idiot. Just watch the 'Feedback' podcast.
As much as I like GoNintendo
and since I'm a mod on their boards
, I don't really like RMC's writing (in general, not just for reviews).

Anyways, back to blackout.
Man, people are poopoo-ing their pants over the reviews of this baby...

Some people say the controls work perfectly. Some say they suck. Most criticize the story. Some say it is a blast to play and a lot of fun. Some don't enjoy it.

This sounds like a game you might want to, I don't know, actually play before you pass too much judgement?
I'm a fan of Metroid-the-badass as well, but to be honest, from what I've seen so far from videos...I think the cut scenes would've made me cringe from the cheesiness, but wouldn't have been enough to ruin my overall enjoyment of the game or anything. However, this business about Samus having all her power-ups but not using them until this guy tells her he's going to allow her to? That's just unforgivable.
bread's done