Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes Does Less Than Impressive Numbers

[quote name='oneirotekt'][quote name='WhipSmartBanky']They should've dropped the charade of "I'm a First-Person ADVENTURE" and embraced being a FPS by offering up a more accessible control scheme.[/quote]

I assume by "accessible" you mean "dual analog aiming like Halo et al", which is actually quantifiably LESS accessible. Aiming at stuff with an analog stick is a pain in the ass... you may be USED to it, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating for newbies / people who prefer mouse + keyboard. It is a clunky, time-consuming, highly error-prone control mechanic, and Retro dropping it for Metroid Prime was the smartest design decision they made. MP is about using cool abilities, exploring and managing your position and orientation in a fire fight, and frankly that's infinitely more fun.[/quote]

The auto-lock of the first game was a LOT more error-prone than manual aiming...there were times I'd come across more than one enemy and it would try to lock on to any one BUT the one that was imminently going to hit me.

I'm not saying the game should've had ONLY FPS controls, but dual-stick movement/look-aim should've been an know, to make it more "quantifiably accessible" to non-newbies / people who don't prefer mouse + keyboard.

The game was beautiful and interesting, but the whole "trigger-lock, fire" made it anti-fun for me, IMHO, and the primary reason I won't buy the second one, unless it's like $5 and the completionist in me demands it.
I have way too many games including the first Prime that I've only beaten the first level of. However, it does seem pretty good, and I'll pick the second Prime after I beat the first one and some of my other games.

Also, the DS Metroid Prime is amzing. I will certainly be getting that at launch. That's why portable video games are so great. I'll have time to play it. :)
I still haven't finished the first and won't buy the second one anyways. Its the same thing as the first, nothing is different at all.
well I didn't get it because I'm still somewhat addicted to the orginal MP as well as a crap-load of other games to play through.

Others didn't get it because N didn't promote it very well, nor did they do well to point out the differences between MP and Echoes.

N didn't promote it because. . . well, that's one answer I just don't have ;)
i bought echoes, love it. currently at sanctuary fortress. :)

those numbers are surprising and shocking....dang, ssbm is still selling well! :shock:

mario is in 5 of the top 10 of big n's titles, no wonder they're sticking him in ddr. :( (big n's next mario title = mario save us!) :lol:
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3'][quote name='pumbaa']This makes me wonder how well Zelda will sell. [/quote]

Remember that people were crying (crying for god's sake) at Nintendo's 2004 E3 press conference when it was revealed the next Zelda would feature an adult Link. With that kind of fanatical following, I can imagine the next GCN Zelda will not have much difficulty selling well.[/quote]

I've been to a lot of those press conferences and the first thing you have to keep in mind is that these people are not even remotely representative of the mainstream video game market. Especially those on the younger side who haven't really confronted the need to get a real job yet.

Metroid is the weakest of Nintendo's franchises, especially considering it goes all the way back to the NES. It's only due to the US audience the franchise is alive at all since it never did great business in Japan. This makes Nintendo less inclined to put all their marketing strength behind it compared to a title expected to pull big numbers worldwide.
Nintendo ran a huge marketing campaign to bash Halo, which backfired miserably.. for example, .. bashing ilovebees.

I didn't think NFSU2 was selling all that well.. sad to see I was wrong. Damn you EA!

Don't bash SpongeBob games. They're actually pretty decent platformers! Well, Battle for Bikini Bottom is.. I recommend it!


Now that's sad. That game is AWFUL.


This is what I don't understand. Why do companies waste time with putting out GC ports of this, MK: Deception, etc? The majority of GC owners also own a PS2 and/or XBox, the GC doesn't have online support.. a 950,000 difference is huge.. maybe they pressed fewer copies and didn't take a loss or something..
It should also be kept in mind that any GameCube title is severely handicapped in a crossplatform chart by the greatly larger PS2 installed base. A PS2 poker gamer game was only a couple thousand units behind Metroid on that chart. It isn't that the poker game is a huge hit as its not very hard to do those numbers across 30 million machines compared to less than a third of that amount on the Nintendo side.

On the PS2 if you reach just 5% of the installed base you have a big hit. Even 1% is a profitable title if the dev budget was under control. To do the same sales on the GameCube requires reaching a percentage of the user base that most publishers would not even dream of assuming was possible.
[quote name='Scorch']Nintendo ran a huge marketing campaign to bash Halo, which backfired miserably.. for example, .. bashing ilovebees.

I didn't think NFSU2 was selling all that well.. sad to see I was wrong. Damn you EA!

Don't bash SpongeBob games. They're actually pretty decent platformers! Well, Battle for Bikini Bottom is.. I recommend it!


Now that's sad. That game is AWFUL.


This is what I don't understand. Why do companies waste time with putting out GC ports of this, MK: Deception, etc? The majority of GC owners also own a PS2 and/or XBox, the GC doesn't have online support.. a 950,000 difference is huge.. maybe they pressed fewer copies and didn't take a loss or something..[/quote]

I wouldn't call it a huge marketing campaign. Registering a couple dozen domains costs only about $250 if you don't go for the cheapest registrars. Nintendo already has ample hosting capacity and they didn't exactly put a whole lot of material on their satire sites. It's just a single picture and some text. It doesn't even link to the Metroid site. This took perhaps an afternoon and less than $300 to set up. The TV ad with the girl getting her ass armor plated probably cost ten times that per second.

I'm not a NFS fan but why wouldn't you expect big sales for the sequel to a major multiplatform hit?

Companies continue to produce GameCube ports because they think there is money in it. If you have a well organized operation and are not going to invest great effort in system specific features, a port can be done fairly cheap. If the GameCube version's cost were limited only to those costs that came after it was a complete design for the PS2 the cost would likely only be about a fifth of the originating version. The GBA version probably cost more since its more of a distinct project with little reuse of the assets from the console version.

If the title's accounting is done collectively for all the consoles it only matters that the GameCube version is minorly profitable rather than what is needed to sustain the company since this further spreads out the cost for those portions of the project shared across all platforms.
Why didn't I buy MP 2?

I loved the first one. I understood it for what it was, a game that was something new, while building on past elements of a successful series based on action and exploration. But there will people who want another typical shooter, which is fine, because there are plenty of those out there to choose from, and there will be for years. I think there's plenty of (if, nowadays, perhaps too much) room for many, many, FPSs and FP-perspective (key) games in the marketplace, even one that tries something different.

To put it simply, I didn't spend $50 on any title this holiday season, and I haven't in at least a year. I mean, hello, what site are we on? :D
I think its sad that Metroid Prime 2 isn't selling better. It is better than the original Metroid Prime in so many ways(something I thought would be impossible to beat because the original was such a masterpiece).

I know Metroid won't ever reach the success that Halo or the GTA series has, but having played all the games Metroid certainly deserves to cause I consider it the best of the bunch.

There are so many Nintendo fans here who seem to have and enjoy the original Prime. I understand about wanting to save money and having a big backlog of games, but Nintendo and Retro need you on this one. This game needs to sell well if we're to expect another one come time for the Revolution. Retro has done such an oustanding job on this series and I can't think of any other game(except RE4) that is worth full price to play.

I think Prime 2 was just way underhyped and underpromoted. I barely saw any ads for it on TV and Nintendo was so focused on pushing the DS in November that they seemed to not care about the GC. It is truly sad as it is one of the best games out on any console and deserves to sell as one of them.
I wanted it for christmas, and ill get it soon (gotta beat it on hard just like i did for the first) but I just started playing disgaea and thats got me right now.
You know, I'll worry when Mario games start to do less than impressive numbers. Despite it's "hardcore cred" and critical acclaim, it's not like Super Metroid set the world on fire when it first released.
I didn't buy this game because:

1) I am not that big of a Metroid fan (especially Metroid Prime) so I refuse to pay over $15 for this game
3) I was unimpressed with the demo
4) I was saving my money ro buy RE4
bread's done