Metroid Prime Trilogy SEALED, 999 Promo Watch, Guides, Anime and more!

[quote name='Sir Daniel Fortesque']Would you like to trade Metroid Prime Trilogy for a brand new copy (sealed) of FEAR 3?[/QUOTE]

Negative, I could have had that game for cheap along with another during that TRU sale. The trade doesn't par up in terms of value and collectivity.
Bump back!

Ironically I thought I might have had food poisoning from eating health food, it's most likely the flu though since it's gone on for several days now. I had food poisoning that cause explosions from both ends but it was from eating sushi at a cheap buffet in Nevada :lol: Ixtapa has some really nice fishing spots did you go to fish or just to relax on the beach?
[quote name='skiizim']Good to hear your feeling better! We just went there for the fun in the sun though! [/QUOTE] Thanks, I've always wanted to go see some of the pyramids in Mexico but so far all I've done is go offshore there to fish :lol:
That's cool that you are going to Catalina soon, I've only fished there once and my friend caught a huge Mako shark :lol: so far the best fishing has been off the coast of Mexico ;)
[quote name='exaznkid']cml for metroid prime trilogy or pm ur price to me[/QUOTE]

If this is your list I have everything on there. If you want a price please make a reasonable offer if you want to buy it. I would prefer to keep it for trade for rare/HTF items.
[quote name='exaznkid']cml for metroid prime trilogy[/QUOTE]

[quote name='skiizim']If this is your list I have everything on there. If you want a price please make a reasonable offer if you want to buy it. I would prefer to keep it for trade for rare/HTF items.[/QUOTE]

I replied to you the other day, it would be a lot easier if you created your own thread.
I don't believe they are adding 3D to ANY of the games. Multi-player, yes, save states, sure. 3D? Nope. Sucks, because who wouldn't want to play Mario in 3D? Also wish we could have chose from a list the ten we wanted. I have no interest what so ever in Ice Climber or Wrecking Crew.
bread's done