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[quote name='skiizim']What crr_1119 said, I didn't realize you had a list on here and I wasn't trying to ignore you. You should leave a link when you respond or a CML, if you don't know how to do it you go options>>>your profile>>>edit your details>>>and then copy and paste your link in the appropriate box.[/QUOTE]
ah ok, thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to include them in future posts
what type of poster 'roll' are you looking for? i just bought a poster tube at the ups store. only place i could find one. was 3$ for a 24" one.
yeah i was gonna look at craft stores but i was dropping off a game to trade into amazon & thought to ask. if it's multiple posters, you'll probably need the one that's bigger around, and it was close to 5$ after tax. mine was about 2" in diameter, and fit the big AC:R poster from GS in it (then the person decides they don't want it. my luck, lol).

I forgot to let you know where I ate at the fair :lol:

I went during labor day weekend so after 4 P.M there was some food for $1 at various vendors in the carnival area and I ate lunch at the Fish and Chips stand behind the Garden Center :D I think the stand that stood out though was the Gelato one near the racetrack.
that's cool. i was great friends with the owner of 3 local airborne expresses. very rich, but was down to earth like noone with that type of money i had ever met (like there have been alot, lol), and 5 of our best friends worked there through the most of our twenties, lol. i know the in's & outs pretty well. i do feel sorry for you at this time of year coming up. best of luck, bud!
I did send parcel; says its in Cali but not being delivered until Sat? Sorry for the delay but with a package containing Sparkster, its gonna take some time to move that much awesomeness from coast to coast.
bread's done