MGS: Essential Collection


2 (100%)
I dunno if this topic belongs here but....

Is anyone able to preorder this yet at ebgame ? I went to Scarborough towncentre ebgames and they told me its not in their computer. Its weird because it comes out this month.
I think most Future Shops should have them, or at least had. Mine had 6 in transit all week and when we finally got them yesterday they sold out. I got myself a copy at least.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']I still have to try MGS3. MGS1, is in my top five games of all time. I tried to play through 2 on the xbox, but couldn't stand the controls and camera. I am afraid that if I play MGS1 again, it may ruin the magic... I am told 3 is way better than two (not by reviews, but by friends), so I may have to give this a go.


You will not be sorry MGS2 is absolutely great and MGS3:S is by far imho the best metal gear game ever and i've played them all.
I just ordered it from Futureshop, like 5 minutes before the deal was over.

I chose to pick it up at a store. Apparently, there's one in Quebec City that still has copies although it's being verified right now by FutureShop...
I got it from Future Shop, dissapointing thing is that they made the box billingual and bigger to hold the French manuals :cry:
I gave up of EB Games and picked it up at Future Shop today. Kanata FS has two left. I've been playing the GC Metal Gear Twin Snakes all weekend waiting for this to come out. It's my first time playing a metal gear game I'm really enjoying the plot, characters and game play. I just beat Psycho Mantis yesterday.
Eb isn't going to have in until at least Thursday this week. Someone claimed it wasn't even out in Canada yet *rolls eyes*

Thank god for futureshop
I know HMV has it, the website says they have it in stores, and I saw a few copies myself (for $29.99). I wonder why HMV would get it before EB? Ah well.
I ended up getting mine from Zellers. I missed FS's 10% off deal but managed to claim 30,000 extra HBC points with coupon. Yeah, I gave up on PlayAsia.
this is semi related, i am looking for mgs3 subsistance cuz the pack doesnt come with disk2, does anyone know where i can buy that in vancouver? or any online retailers, tnx in advance

I am the luckiest bastard on Earth! I GOT Two (2) Metal Gear Solid 3 DVD's....

In other words, in my package, they put a MGS 3 DVD in the MGS 3 box and ANOTHER MGS 3 DVD in the MGS 2 box..., seriously.

And I can't go back to Futureshop till thursday... :( ahhhh
It's not complicated. Instead of having MGS 1, 2 and 3, I have MGS 1 and MGS 3 (albeit two times).

They just forgot to put a MGS 2 DVD... It blows.
[quote name='chasu']this is semi related, i am looking for mgs3 subsistance cuz the pack doesnt come with disk2, does anyone know where i can buy that in vancouver? or any online retailers, tnx in advance[/quote]

If you are looking for disk2 because you wanna play online, you should know they shut down the servers.

This is absolutely the last straw with ebgames, still not in. I from now on will no longer buy new games from them ever. I would buy it at futureshop but the closest one to me is soldout.
[quote name='afterburn999']If you are looking for disk2 because you wanna play online, you should know they shut down the servers.

This is absolutely the last straw with ebgames, still not in. I from now on will no longer buy new games from them ever. I would buy it at futureshop but the closest one to me is soldout.[/quote]

no i want disk 2 because it contains metal gear original and metal gear2, i really want it just to finish the collection. i am aware that they shutdown the server, thanks for the heads up

even thou the online was shutdown, it is still ridiculous of them to take out the disk 2, because if u notice, when you pop in the mgs3 from the essential collection. in the game starting menu, it actually says its disk 1!! and even the originall metal gear solid: snake eater at least has monkey vs snake as bonus, this pack actually has less than the original!

i probably shouldve just bought subsistence when it was avaliable, but then ive gotten snake eater and was under the impression that this pack would have subsistence included. and now that ive bought the pack i am kindda choked that its not in it. i actually saw subsistance in my local futureshop just couple days ago... i guess others have planned to do the same thing as i am and realized afterward too
GameCentre Toronto downtown has MGS Essentials the American release without the bilingual packaging.

I ended up buying mine from there instead and cancelling my EB Games preorder. Their prices are amazing compared to EB Games.

things of note:

The Club PS3 was $29.99 used
Assassins Creed is $29.99 used
Virtua Tennis PS3 new is 19.99

They also had DMC4 and Uncharted new for $49.99.

Their used games are very reasonably priced, and I would highly recommend them to anyone.
[quote name='afterburn999']You will not be sorry MGS2 is absolutely great and MGS3:S is by far imho the best metal gear game ever and i've played them all.[/quote]

Are the controls any better in 3 vs 2? Like I said, MGS1 is one of my top 5 ever. But when I played 2 (on xbox), it just felt dated.

Maybe, I'll just skip two, and try three.

The controls are mostly the same in 3, except in 3 there's a new CQC (Close Quarters Combat) system (using the O button I think) to hold or kill enemies but it's not that much different from before otherwise.

I don't think BC has them in yet today, not my EB at least...I can't believe this delay. :/ Hopefully it shows up later this afternoon.
[quote name='Icetron']The controls are mostly the same in 3, except in 3 there's a new CQC (Close Quarters Combat) system (using the O button I think) to hold or kill enemies but it's not that much different from before otherwise.

I don't think BC has them in yet today, not my EB at least...I can't believe this delay. :/ Hopefully it shows up later this afternoon.[/quote]

why not just get it at futureshop, theyve had them since last friday, might be sold out now thou
[quote name='snowsquirrel']Are the controls any better in 3 vs 2? Like I said, MGS1 is one of my top 5 ever. But when I played 2 (on xbox), it just felt dated.

Maybe, I'll just skip two, and try three.


The ps2 controls are way better than the xbox controls.
[quote name='chasu']why not just get it at futureshop, theyve had them since last friday, might be sold out now thou[/quote]

Not in BC, unless the site is inaccurate. I went to FS on Saturday anyways, nada.

And my EB STILL didn't get it in yet, I have no idea what's up now. :bomb:
I just picked it up from EB Games today. I hadn't checked there at all before this so I can't really report exactly when they got it. I'm just glad I have my own copy of MGS1, though :) And MGS2 on PS2 cause the Xbox controller felt unnatural for MGS. Oh, and my friend kind of stole Subsistence from me... so I'm happy with everything :)

Thank god I have a PS1 memory card though!
Well, I grabbed it at StupidStore tonight ($29.99). I was impressed to see that it wasn't just a case with a bunch of discs.

I just put a couple hours into 2, and I must say that it does control better with a PS controller, versus, the xbox. Took me a while to get used to the fixed cam, and mostly overhead view. For some reason I was expecting the newer two to have go to a more of a 3rd person shooter style. Once I realized/accepted that it was basically the same as MGS1, things started to go smoother.

Anyway, nice package for $29.99.

I know what you mean snowsqirel took me a few hours to get use to the gameplay mechanics it's unlike anything I've ever played before. I like it now though I'm on the second disk now on the GC:Twin Snakes version. Is any one else playing the first game?
I have stated before in this thread, that I loved the first game. My brother is not really a gamer (still not next gen, buys a game a year), still talks about that game as his favourite ever. I may buy the essentials for his b'day, if he would ever get off is wallet, and buy a ps3.

I may pop it in again, just to see how well it holds up.

I really wish they would have included the MGS VR missions from PS1. We had so much fun trying to find new and faster ways to do those.

yea, i really wish they had the vr and some other goodies, like the document for mgs2. this pack is rather ghetto. i guess its a good way to get into the series for newcomers
EB still didn't get it, I didn't call them though. I'm just going to pick it up at Best Buy tomorrow, did an order online already.

I'll refund my preorder from EB on Monday.

Just wondering, the wrong disc problem isn't too common right? I don't really want to deal with another hassle after waiting for EB for so long.
[quote name='Icetron']EB still didn't get it, I didn't call them though. I'm just going to pick it up at Best Buy tomorrow, did an order online already.

I'll refund my preorder from EB on Monday.

Just wondering, the wrong disc problem isn't too common right? I don't really want to deal with another hassle after waiting for EB for so long.[/quote]

Wrong disc problem?

And does anyone else find it odd that nowhere in the package does it mention that it is the Substance and Subsistence (barely) version of 2 and 3? Not that it isn't, but no mention of it anywhere just struck me as strange. That and the French manuals make the box big enough to hold a whole other DVD case.
I saw this bundle at RCSS (Edmonton, southside) the other day. Just sitting there chillin' behind the glass case. For a collector's bundle, it seems everyone got a few copies to sell. Which is good, I think.
bread's done