MGS4 Headed to Xbox 360

I think I should stay off the Internet for awhile. Hell hath no fury like an already backed-into-a-corner Sony fanfuck scorned.

As Harry Osborn might put it, "You knew this was coming, geeks!"
He says it has happened to every other MGS before, but MGS3 was always a PS2 exclusive.

I'm still a little weary, but I hope it is true.
[quote name='zewone']He says it has happened to every other MGS before, but MGS3 was always a PS2 exclusive.

I'm still a little weary, but I hope it is true.[/QUOTE]

I can't see it staying exclusive, but yea, that part you mentioned, and the whole 'snake tales' thing makes me question the source. Still, I pretty much expected this from the get go. MGS4: Subwhatever, will be multiplatform, but I see no reason as to why Konami would spill that news this soon.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']There is less disc space so SOMETHING will have to be cut out.[/quote]
Wrong. Or at least, not necessarily. Why are so manypeople too stupid to figure out that for Xbox 360 games that "need" to be over 9 gigs, they can simply use multiple DVDs? Blue Dragon clocks in at around 22 gigs, so they simply split it up across 3 DVDs. Very simple. There is nothing they could put on a Blu-Ray disc, that they couldn't span across multiple DVDs. People seem to have this perception that Blu-Rays are these magical super advanced things that can hold some sort of mystical data format that nothing else is capable of (I blame Sony's marketing), when in reality, they are NOTHING more than higher density DVDs, which in turn are nothing more than higher density CDs. They all still use the same file systems. I've actually heard uninformed people who genuinely believe that it's only possible for games to run in 1080p, for instance, if they're stored on a Blu-Ray disc. Again, I blame Sony's bullshit marketing.

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']They will have to re-do the entire code seeing how the entire thing was built with the PS3 in mind.[/quote]
Uh, yeah, same case applies for most ports.

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']And yes, because you know Uncharted, R&C, White Knight Story, Lair, Little Big Planet, Warhawk, Eye of Judgement, Haze, Heavenly Sword, Socom, and Hot Shots Golf are all non-existant reasons for people to want to play PS3..........[/quote]
I'm nitpicking here, but as an FYI, Haze isn't exclusive. And people are actually looking foward to Eye of Judgement?!? That's news to me.
The whole lead-in about the story sounded too fanboyish if you ask me. He said he has waited to say this forever or something like that? But tell me, how much do you think the 360 version would be downgraded? I mean, 1080p would pretty much be out of the question due to the number of discs for the game (5-7 discs for 1080p since it's a 50gb game it sounds like).

The HDD, pretty much a bad secret to begin with. The Halo 3 beta changed, and since no prior date was announced (to my knowledge) his credentials come into question. Sure, negotations might be taking place, but it doesn't mean anything IS DONE at the moment. Once again, I point out this is speculation that it's going to happen, even if the source can be trusted.

And for the Final Fantasy comment, tell me how many posts before hand said along the lines that PS3 is dead. Trying to calm a flame war is something not many try.
I'm nitpicking here, but as an FYI, Haze isn't exclusive. And people are actually looking foward to Eye of Judgement?!? That's news to me.

That's the first sign of panicking. Loyalists will start spreading the 'AAA'/'must-have' designation out thinner and thinner, ultimately culminating in such system-movers as Capcom Untitled First-Person Survival Horror Game and Square-Enix Non-FF RPG.

And for the record, the only one he listed that I will have to play eventually is Ratchet. The rest of those aren't exactly generating a fever pitch inside me.

EDIT: The one major pitfall for those of us that would happily wait for the 360 version is that you know a lot of very spiteful, petty people on the Internet will be all-too-happy to ambush you with all sorts of plot spoilers, whether the thread topic is about the game or the next Animal Crossing. Maybe some of you don't care too much about that, but for me, Metal Gear has always been about the overall experience, not just the gameplay, at-times inscrutable storyline or not.
[quote name='jollydwarf']I'm nitpicking here, but as an FYI, Haze isn't exclusive. And people are actually looking foward to Eye of Judgement?!? That's news to me.

That's the first sign of panicking. Loyalists will start spreading the 'AAA'/'must-have' designation out thinner and thinner, ultimately culminating in such system-movers as Capcom Untitled First-Person Survival Horror Game and Square-Enix Non-FF RPG.

And for the record, the only one he listed that I will have to play eventually is Ratchet. The rest of those aren't exactly generating a fever pitch inside me.[/quote]

Actually Haze is a timed exclusive, which is a pseudo-exclusive, but for anyone who wants to play it this year, it is an exclusive. And as Cheapy said, Eye of Judgment type arcade things in Japan are really popular and will probably sell systems. And reading the PS3 forums here and at Ign, quite a few people are looking forward to it. Hot Shots Golf is also a pretty big seller, because it's a fun game.
I'm looking forward to Eye of Judgement, but I don't think I'd put it on that list with those other titles. I'd Killzone would've been a better choice to put there.
[quote name='KingBroly']The whole lead-in about the story sounded too fanboyish if you ask me. He said he has waited to say this forever or something like that? But tell me, how much do you think the 360 version would be downgraded? I mean, 1080p would pretty much be out of the question due to the number of discs for the game (5-7 discs for 1080p since it's a 50gb game it sounds like).

Based on previous interviews with Kojima, I'd say it is really unlikely that MGS4 will require a substantial graphical downgrade to fit on a standard DVD. Evidence thus far points to Kojima using uncompressed audio for MGS4, which is why so much space is needed--it apparently has little to do with the graphical assets. I doubt it'd be too difficult to get MGS4 onto two (or three, tops) standard DVD discs by compressing the audio content.
I'm basing the MGS4 downgraded on 360 based on the number of discs it would require the 360 to play MGS4. I don't think too many people will be happy with a 5-7 disc game. People can handle 3, but 5-7 is a bit of a stretch.
[quote name='dpatel']I'm looking forward to Eye of Judgement, but I don't think I'd put it on that list with those other titles. I'd Killzone would've been a better choice to put there.[/quote]
I was going to put Killzone, but since we haven't seen any actual gameplay footage, I didn't think it was a good idea.

Anywyas, Sorry Cheapy, didn't see that in the little bit in the original post or anything else. Although, if it is someone at MS, I am sure some heads will fly with lawsuits.
Holy crap.

Isn't this thead like a month old?

I read the post dpatel made about Fantavision.... what the hell, I've read this exact thread before....

Wow, sorry to go off topic.
But this has to be the strongest feeling of deja vu I've ever felt in my life.

I'm really serious, this isn't a sarcastic post.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I was going to put Killzone, but since we haven't seen any actual gameplay footage, I didn't think it was a good idea.[/QUOTE]

Yea. In terms of status though, I'd say Killzone would be more up there with the titles you listed, than Eye of Judgement. But, either way, you were just listed reasons to own a PS3, and both Killzone and Eye of Judgement would be reasons, depending on the gamer.
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm basing the MGS4 downgraded on 360 based on the number of discs it would require the 360 to play MGS4. I don't think too many people will be happy with a 5-7 disc game. People can handle 3, but 5-7 is a bit of a stretch.[/QUOTE]

I agree that 5-7 discs would probably be too much for most people. Perhaps I misunderstood your initial post?

My point is that allowing for 1080p on the 360 version would not result in a 5-7 disc game, because it is audio that is taking up so much space, not graphical assets such as textures.

Edit: Again, I may be missing your point. If so, I apologize.
[quote name='dpatel']Yea. In terms of status though, I'd say Killzone would be more up there with the titles you listed, than Eye of Judgement. But, either way, you were just listed reasons to own a PS3, and both Killzone and Eye of Judgement would be reasons, depending on the gamer.[/quote]

And that is one thing that always bugs me about the internet. People are always like "I don't like that game therefore it isn't a reason to own the system nor should it be for anyone else." I mean, I am not the biggest fan of FPS's or Halo, but I can understand WHY people enjoy them because of their MP experiences. Same with Racing Games. Gran Turismo and Forza are not "must have" games for me, but I can understand why people like them with all the customization options and realism and look forward to them. And also, I know Japan loves games like Folklore, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and those type of games, but I have no clue what types of games Europe likes and what sells systems to them. And people must realize this Next-gen war is not about the US, or Japan. Europe is a HUGE market and the fight for dominance there is important. I know in some countries they can't play violent games so FPS aren't huge. So, claiming that there is NO reason to buy the system for anyone when we don't know how it will do in Europe and Japan is kind of close-minded IMO.
You know, maybe the ESRB should just define "exclusive" just so everyone can shut up about exclusives. I'm kinda getting sick and tired of it.
i bet FFXIII will jump ship too. i mean wtf is left on PS3 that is exclusive and that is worth a damn? why would anyone buy a PS3 this year OR next year at that?

i love the PS1 and PS2 and this is actually kind of sad to see the PS3 tank so bad.. Sony is screwed.
Nah, Square's really persistent about not moving titles to other platforms until 10 years have passed. Then...oh boy!
[quote name='tehweezner']i bet FFXIII will jump ship too. i mean wtf is left on PS3 that is exclusive and that is worth a damn? why would anyone buy a PS3 this year OR next year at that?

i love the PS1 and PS2 and this is actually kind of sad to see the PS3 tank so bad.. Sony is screwed.[/quote]

Crap man! Have you not read previous posts about how this is all about the first-party material?
Did you not see the awesome stuff Sony showed off at the Gamer's Day conference a couple weeks ago?
I can see FFXIII versus going to the 360. Not sure about FFXIII. We already know the FFXIII franchise isn't exclusive, and Versus seems more suited for the 360.
With 1st party games being pretty much the most important type of games this generation, the question is who has the better first party games?

Also, which system gets the MOST REAL (aka I get it, you never will, or if you do, it'll suck terribly and be far away) exclusive games?
[quote name='zewone']He says it has happened to every other MGS before, but MGS3 was always a PS2 exclusive.[/QUOTE]

You misread it I think, he never said EVERY other MGS game has been ported he said a Metal Gear came out exactly a year after a system launched (MGS2 came out a year after the PS2)
[quote name='KingBroly']You know, maybe the ESRB should just define "exclusive" just so everyone can shut up about exclusives. I'm kinda getting sick and tired of it.[/quote]
What's the ESRB have to do with any of this? They just rate games for their retail release.
I'm just putting them out there. Maybe I should've said ESA. I'm just saying the word "exclusive" nowadays is pretty much DOA unless an independent body says this is what exclusive means. Cuz right now, I want to punch someone everytime that word is mentioned by a game company.
hopefully for Konami xbox owners will buy it this time aorund...
[quote name='Apossum']hopefully for Konami xbox owners will buy it this time aorund...[/QUOTE]

Yea. MGS is a great series, and it pisses me off at the amount of people who will be excited by this news just so they can claim that its another 'nail in Sony's coffin'. Be excited that a great game is coming to your system, and not excited that this will affect some stupid 'console war'.
[quote name='KingBroly']I'm just putting them out there. Maybe I should've said ESA. I'm just saying the word "exclusive" nowadays is pretty much DOA unless an independent body says this is what exclusive means. Cuz right now, I want to punch someone everytime that word is mentioned by a game company.[/quote]
The ESA possibly could, but I don't see the reason for them to do it. They've got better things to do than worry how publishers use the term "exclusive." If it bothers you that much, just ignore it.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I'm nitpicking here, but as an FYI, Haze isn't exclusive. And people are actually looking foward to Eye of Judgement?!? That's news to me.[/QUOTE]Ubi confirmed Haze as a timed exclusive for PS3.

Glad to see you love switching DVD's so much, it did wonders for the Gamecube.
This thread is going to be at twenty pages by noon (EST). And that's pretty fuckin' sad.*

EDIT: Hey, I'll switch a DVD or two to save me from having to buy a PS3 until late '08/early '09, as opposed to late '07/early '08. By that time, the current $599.99 model should be $399.99. That helps, too.

*--Not to mention inherently counterproductive for everyone.
[quote name='dpatel']Yea. MGS is a great series, and it pisses me off at the amount of people who will be excited by this news just so they can claim that its another 'nail in Sony's coffin'. Be excited that a great game is coming to your system, and not excited that this will affect some stupid 'console war'.[/quote]

I'm excited that I get to play MGS4 without having to buy a PS3. I was considering buyinga PS3 just to play this game. If other people think like I do, this will cost Sony quite a bit of money.
Assuming this is true (could go either way it seems), I'm excited at the possibility of playing the next MGS without having to fork over the money for a PS3.

No rant. No rave. No flaming.
If it's true, it's still a year-long wait. And I don't think Kojima wants to have downloadable content on a series he wants to end.
The fact that there's been a cease and desist pretty much confirms this for me. Look at what happened with Kotaku's Home report, though they seem to have wussed out on this one.
Picked this up at - March 5, 2003
At the end of 2001, one of the biggest titles to be released for any of the current generation consoles was Metal Gear Solid 2. As the follow up to the blockbuster smash hit PSX title Metal Gear Solid, it went on to sell extremely well and be played by many PS2 fans. However, sole owners of GameCube and Xbox would have to do without it. Fortunately, Konami wasn't completely blind to the fact that more gamers deserved to play the epic title, and it released Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for the Xbox a year later in November 2002. This came with new content additions including VR missions and other bonus gameplay like Snake Tales, which lets you go on more objective-based missions -- some quite lengthy. So, there's no question that Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance comes packed with more content than the original MGS2 on PS2.

This Topic - May 27, 2007
At the end of 2007, one of the biggest titles to be released for any of the current generation consoles is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. As the follow up to the blockbuster smash hit PS2 title Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, it will problably sell extremely well and be played by many PS3 fans. However, sole owners of Wii and Xbox 360 would have to do without it. Fortunately, Konami isn?t completely blind to the fact that more gamers deserve to play this epic title, and it is now confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the Xbox 360 will launch a year later in November 2008. It will come with new content additions including VR missions and other bonus gameplay like Snake Tales, which lets you go on more objective-based missions -- some quite lengthy. So, there's no question that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the Xbox 360 comes packed with more content than the original PS3-version.

Looks similar don't they?
Yeah, is this a hoax or what? And NeoGAF doesn't have anything on this. Not that NeoGAF is any more credible, there's people there in the know who could at least indirectly comment.
[quote name='TimPV3']Ubi confirmed Haze as a timed exclusive for PS3.

Glad to see you love switching DVD's so much, it did wonders for the Gamecube.[/quote]Yup. Gave them the prettiest (and arguably the best--especially for me given the controller design) version of RE4 to date doing just that. I don't really see the problem here.

For an online FPS that requires you to switch discs every other round for a new map, that would be stupid. But for a game which is story driven and which has huge chunks of gameplay (8+ hours) per disc, it doesn't make a lick of difference. If it's a pain for you to get up and switch a disc after several hours of gameplay, there's some other problems at work here.
Ehhh, I'm starting to think this is BS too (with how similar the article is to the other one from years ago).

However, I'm sure it will happen eventually, just seems like bad business to announce it now.

And I agree Jolly, this topic will blow up by noonish.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']No offense, but I am not going to believe Destructiod. Especially when this whole rumor thing was started with a swedish site who copied and pasted a 2003 article that talked about MGS coming to the original xbox and GC and just changed teh year and title. Do I think that MGS 4 will go to the 360? Yes I do. But it will be one year later at the minimum and will not be as good as, A. There is less disc space so SOMETHING will have to be cut out. And B. They will have to re-do the entire code seeing how the entire thing was built with the PS3 in mind.

And yes, because you know Uncharted, R&C, White Knight Story, Lair, Little Big Planet, Warhawk, Eye of Judgement, Haze, Heavenly Sword, Socom, and Hot Shots Golf are all non-existant reasons for people to want to play PS3..........

And I am not doubting the ability of Final Fantasy to sell systems... In Japan. In America, it's not as big as a system seller.

And Cheapy, I am kind of surprised you would start a thread like this with the potential of flaming based on rumors from a not-so-credible site with no real proof.[/QUOTE]

I'm not surprised, Cheapy favors the 360, not saying that's bad, but people who have more than one system (like myself) tend to have a main system and a secondary (and third) and in this case, its obvious that Cheapy favors his 360, over the ps3 and Wii.
[quote name='Thomas96']I'm not surprised, Cheapy favors the 360, not saying that's bad, but people who have more than one system (like myself) tend to have a main system and a secondary (and third) and in this case, its obvious that Cheapy favors his 360, over the ps3 and Wii.[/QUOTE]True. I could tell when playing online. ;) It's kind of like how I prefer PS3 over my 360, although I own both.

Anyway, I think there's a small chance MGS4 will head to 360, but very little. Xbox fans didn't even want to bother with MGS2, and I doubt many of them would want to bother with MGS4. Most Xbox fans are into Splinter Cell (which sucks IMO), while PlayStation fans are into MGS. Also, I don't believe the extra content, since the game is fully utilizing the blu-ray on PS3.

The thread was locked at Neo GAF anyway, so this news isn't true.
[quote name='KingBroly']Picked this up at - March 5, 2003
At the end of 2001, one of the biggest titles to be released for any of the current generation consoles was Metal Gear Solid 2. As the follow up to the blockbuster smash hit PSX title Metal Gear Solid, it went on to sell extremely well and be played by many PS2 fans. However, sole owners of GameCube and Xbox would have to do without it. Fortunately, Konami wasn't completely blind to the fact that more gamers deserved to play the epic title, and it released Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for the Xbox a year later in November 2002. This came with new content additions including VR missions and other bonus gameplay like Snake Tales, which lets you go on more objective-based missions -- some quite lengthy. So, there's no question that Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance comes packed with more content than the original MGS2 on PS2.

This Topic - May 27, 2007
At the end of 2007, one of the biggest titles to be released for any of the current generation consoles is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. As the follow up to the blockbuster smash hit PS2 title Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, it will problably sell extremely well and be played by many PS3 fans. However, sole owners of Wii and Xbox 360 would have to do without it. Fortunately, Konami isn?t completely blind to the fact that more gamers deserve to play this epic title, and it is now confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the Xbox 360 will launch a year later in November 2008. It will come with new content additions including VR missions and other bonus gameplay like Snake Tales, which lets you go on more objective-based missions -- some quite lengthy. So, there's no question that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the Xbox 360 comes packed with more content than the original PS3-version.

Looks similar don't they?[/QUOTE]
Okay, I'm going to explain this to you VERY fuckING SLOWLY, because so far, you've been coming across as very much a "special needs" individual.

Okay, so that first bit is a genuine IGN story regarding MGS2:S on Xbox from 2003. No questioning that. But that second paragraph is from a thread on a Swedish gaming forum, a thread titles "Make your fake rumour," in which members of that forum were making up their own outrageous rumors, just for fun. One of them took IGNs 2003 MGS2:S story, and modified it to make it about MGS4 and the 360. So, yeah, that "story" is fake, and was known to be fake from the beginning. Just some forumers having fun amongst themselves, and it was never meant to leave their forum.

Now, that fake "story" is NOT the source of the latest MGS4-on-360 rumors that have been tearing across the internet the past couple of days. Ron Workman, a Destructoid writer who supposidly has very reliable ties to Microsoft, claims that he can confirm that it will happen. And that's it, that's the sole source of the proper rumor. One man's word. But again, a supposidly trustworthy man. The fake story you posted has nothing to do with it.

[quote name='KingBroly']But tell me, how much do you think the 360 version would be downgraded? I mean, 1080p would pretty much be out of the question due to the number of discs for the game (5-7 discs for 1080p since it's a 50gb game it sounds like).[/quote]
RESOLUTION IS NOT A FUNCTION OF DISC CAPACITY, YOU GOD DAMNED MORON. You are exactly the sort of easily fooled and manipulated consumer who is led to believe (and buy into) untrue bullshit by companies like Sony, and it's shit like that that's hurting the industry so bad. It's seriously disheartening that there are people who believe this crap.
bread's done