ミ★  Only wants listed... If you have something, LMK and maybe we can work it out! 

my totals:

A003.The Last Remnant Bradygames - 360 - All pages are in great condition - small tear on cover and slight bend on front cover - B - gameguy1001 - $9
B123.:dvd:Wolf's Rain PERFECT COLLECTION - A - gameguy1001 - $25
B133.:dvd:Solty Rei Volumes 1-6 + Collector's Box All volumes include the slipcovers - All are S except Volume 2 which isn't sealed, but is otherwise A - gameguy1001 - $18
B134.:dvd:Requiem from the Darkness Volumes 1-4 - A - gameguy1001 - $8.50
B144.:dvd:Wrath of the Ninja: The Yotoden Movie - A - gameguy1001 - $2.50
C057:ps2:Eternal Ring Agameguy1001 $1
C276:360:Rainbow Six Vegas Bgameguy1001 $1

just need some pm's so i know who i got to pay what to, i am canadian to, and will be paying by money order. please pm me so ican get these paid for. thanks!!
Since everyone is doing it...

My totals to the best of my knowledge:

Phase One:

A144.Valkyria Chronicles ~ wish your smile ~$-$A- KillerRamen - $7+3 (Shipping)=10

Phase One Total: $10
Phase Three:

Console Gaming
C124Ico$A$-KillerRamen $27.5+3 (Shipping)=30.5
C193SNESSuper Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back-KillerRamen $2+3 (Shipping)=5
C197N64 -$Pokemon SnapCart$-KillerRamen $1+3(Shipping)=4
C215Chibi-Robo A -KillerRamen - $5.5+3(Shipping)=8
C237Panzer Dragoon Orta$ -KillerRamen- $3.5+3(Shipping)=6.5
C326Atari Flashback$- Used -KillerRamen- $4.5+3(Shipping)=7

Phase 3 Spending
Phase 1:$10
Phase 2:$0
Phase 3:$61

...I'm quite proud of myself for being under budget. I still buy way too many games, but I've gotten a lot better. :bouncy:
[quote name='Spyder187']Mufukas needs to go to big lots and buy some shipping shits dere n all. Be chargin a foo all jacked up inflation n shizzz.... wtf you is da post office?[/QUOTE]

yeah, whatever he said...f them for making you bid and pay the 3 bucks
[quote name='thelonepig']Working on the list. We've combined all of the phases and are working through buyer by buyer dividing out the sellers and getting totals. We just made it to the Ds (alphabetically) after about 1 1/2 hours, so expect something up a bit later tonight.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for all your hard work! Also thanks to dv8mad for putting on another fantastic lowball!
Here are my 2 things:

B196.:hd:Hulk - S - jcmeadows - $1
B197.:hd:The 40 Year Old Virgin - A - jcmeadows - $1

They both should fit in one mailer so I would think $3 bucks total shipping but whatever, lol. So whoever is the seller can send me a pm with there paypal address in it I will pay ASAP, thanks.
We're nearly done - just adding in totals at this point. Expect the list in the next 6 - 8 hours.

That may sound like a lot, but dv8 and I worked on this together for a few hours last night before I went to bed and he took over, then several hours this morning before he went to bed and I took over. Yeah, nonstop lowball stuff for 24 hours. Woot!
[quote name='helluvagood']how much will shipping cost for 1 strategy guide and 7 games to Canada??[/QUOTE]

$216.55 lol

no seriously, the shipping thing was posted and an agreement as part of bidding. but that is also i am sure a big reason a lot of things sold for so cheap is nobody knew who owned what so had no idea if they would be paying $6 or $60 in shipping. I had about 20 items i would have bid past what they went for but after factoring in the possible $60 extra was not worth it. As far as shipping supplies, the post office will provide free flat rate boxes, or bulk rate on padded envelopes is about .22-35 each in lots of 100+. a regular game, with a paypal label first class shipped with DC and the mailer is about $2.53 and thats overweighing by 2 oz to make sure there is no problem.

so for each single item, $3 is perfectly great, but if we know in the future which items would be bundled in shipping with which items.. you'll pull a lot more in sales and individual sellers would get additional bids on items that normally wont as an impulse buy people will say, " ah, theres only a few hours left, ill toss a buck or two on Game X and toss it in my bundle. " least i know i do.

and do cut em slack, they will verify all the bids are correct and up to date and get it all worked out, i know just from my 130 or so item lowball on my own, i invested 9 hours one day, 6 the next, and probably 15 hours getting it all organaized.. it is a lot of copy, paste, typing, answering , work.. it is tedious, and it is NOT exciting.
Hey, thanks to whomever is calculating all these totals and such.

Just a heads up, I plan on sending my payment by money order (snail mail). I just wanted to make sure that the seven days from the auction's end also includes this compliation time on the bids. I'll likely need those days, since I'm depending on US snail mail.
Well, I must say that was a fun introduction to lowballs for me. I'm still a bit ticked on missing out on an item because someone just put a number and no title that I didn't notice though.

Excellent job keeping things together dv8 and thelonepig (and anyone else who helped behind the scenes)!
[quote name='Gryphondare']I'm still a bit ticked on missing out on an item because someone just put a number and no title that I didn't notice though.[/QUOTE]

My first lowball too. I saw some people doing that so I made sure those weren't what I was bidding on. Then again, I only bid on one thing.
Some of these bidders are worrying me...Everyone that had a bid in this lowball understood that it was 3 dollar per item...whats hard about that?

If this wasnt the case, there would have been more bids and I am sure that you wouldnt have won some of the things that you did.

Should be sending my invoices out tonight or whenever its ready.
Phase 1 - Steal Lowballs
Phase 2 - ???
Phase 3 - Profit!

I only won 2 items from the same person, everything else was different. $3 shipped doesn't bother me, just hopefully it could mean an upgrade to Priority for the 2 items. :D
Alright, I'm going to start adding the list to the front page. It' not 100% complete as totals are still being worked on. I hope that getting it out of wordpad and into the CAG window will make for easier scrolling/editing.

There are also still some ??? on the list for sellers because, even with a month notice, I received multiple emails and PMs from people with their items and some things are not so easy to track down the owner... If you see your item listed without your name, post here ASAP!

I am going to paste some into the first section now and then see what it looks like. Probably have to edit some things before submitting, so I'd say give it at least 5-10 minutes before you start seeing something happen.
I'm very happy with the Lowball this year; I made sure to stay away from phase 1! Guides are way to expensive to ship to Canada, also the fact I would never use them and just let them "look pretty" on my shelf :drool:.

I'm happy that I got mostly everything I went for especially Viewtiful Joe 2. I got the first in last years Lowball so it was only fitting that I get the sequel for this one. Here's hoping that someone posts the DS game next year! :lol:
[quote name='DigitalNerd']Yeah should I contact my seller?

Well ACE I'm ready to pay whenever I get your paypal info.[/QUOTE]

same hither
[quote name='IanKazimer']Hey DV8. I know you're slammed, so no rush, but clear out a message or two from your inbox when you get a sec. Just want to touch base about that PSP.[/QUOTE]

Didn't you know? You only get the PSP. You have to pay for all the other parts separately including shipping. Thought someone explained this to you already. :D
[quote name='Squarehard']Didn't you know? You only get the PSP. You have to pay for all the other parts separately including shipping. Thought someone explained this to you already. :D[/QUOTE]


Nah, it's just about getting things from Japan. Never had anything delivered to me from overseas.
Wait, I'm confused. I want to pay for my item:

C108 Devil May Cry 5th Anni. Coll. - $17.50

but how do I know how to pay? Do we not even know who is selling this item. haha.
[quote name='GaveUpTomorrow']Wait, I'm confused. I want to pay for my item:

C108 Devil May Cry 5th Anni. Coll. - $17.50

but how do I know how to pay? Do we not even know who is selling this item. haha.[/QUOTE]

He explained that a page or two back.

Basically if it's ???, he's still working on confirming all the details with the seller and so on, so you will have to wait until he gets it cleared up.

Oh dv8 and your assuredly filled inbox. I'll post this here in hopes you'll scan the pages and come across it. When you toss me an invoice for Resonance of Fate, include the price of EMS as shipping. >.> (all $51ish or somesuch... stupid FFXIV making me need to finish current games in the next 3 weeks ^^; )

Of course, if I get an invoice from you without EMS, I'll contact you in some other way. =D
[quote name='Saratinous']@DV8

Oh dv8 and your assuredly filled inbox. I'll post this here in hopes you'll scan the pages and come across it. When you toss me an invoice for Resonance of Fate, include the price of EMS as shipping. >.> (all $51ish or somesuch... stupid FFXIV making me need to finish current games in the next 3 weeks ^^; )

Of course, if I get an invoice from you without EMS, I'll contact you in some other way. =D[/QUOTE]

You'll probably have some extra time even with FF14 calling your name, since theyre limiting the class system to 8 hours per week:hot:
[quote name='BLink']Is there a way to get all the sellers information in one place or do i have to search the whole thread?[/QUOTE]

Front page.
[quote name='Potatoeman']You'll probably have some extra time even with FF14 calling your name, since theyre limiting the class system to 8 hours per week:hot:[/QUOTE]

Eh, it's a bit more intricate than that, and I don't see it affecting me really... then again, you never know, I might start releasing tirades of curses a week in when I have to stop crafting and actually go out into the world again. XP
Ok, thanks for the explanation. I've read as much as I could but I must have missed it. Should have been added to the first post.

[quote name='Squarehard']He explained that a page or two back.

Basically if it's ???, he's still working on confirming all the details with the seller and so on, so you will have to wait until he gets it cleared up.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='BLink']Im a little blind so I dont see any paypal emails from the sellers.[/QUOTE]

They don't list their PP addresses (if they accept it) you have to contact them.
[quote name='Porksta']They don't list their PP addresses (if they accept it) you have to contact them.[/QUOTE]

Oh ok, thats what I was looking for, thanks for the info.
bread's done