MLB '08: The Show - Online League League Part 2 - [Temp. PPD]

All right guys, at nyprimus4's request, I'll be commissionating...commissioning...uh, yeah..the league, haha. I'm going to get it set up in a minute, and send out the invites. Once I get OP privileges with this thread, I'll keep the first post updated with schedules, rotations, etc. But for now, getting it up and running will at least move us in the right direction.

We've still got 6 AL and 6 NL teams. Our 12th man (cdrw123) picked the Dodgers, so talon, you've still got the Angels...meaning none of us will have to face Sabathia (YAY!!!) If anybody has any questions or concerns, just let me know...and if not, PLAY BALL!!!

EDIT - Ok, a few things about how I set the league up. It's going to be a 16 game/16 week season. The way the math works is you'll play each team in your division twice, and then each team from the other division once. Thus: 6 teams - 1 team (yourself) = 5 teams x 2 games each = 10 games + 6 non-divisional teams/games = 16 games, with one week to get each game played.

Also, I left most options on EXCEPT hot zones. I figure if you don't know baseball well enough to know how to get guys out, then maybe Mario Super Sluggers is more your speed. I left guess pitch on because I think it makes the game both easier and harder. And I left strike zone on as to not completely intimidate people new to the game. Fast play is also on (of course). I hope this is agreeable to everyone.
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n8rocker, sorry about leaving the game, but the lag was unbearable so I didn't see the point of prolonging our agony. I thought it would be bad, but that was a mess. Anyway, maybe its good cause it gives me a couple of ideas.

First, maybe we need to do some connection testing or something before we really get going. If my connection is like it was tonight with everyone then I don't think anyone is gonna wanna play me or anyone with a connection like that. Also, it might be good to make sure we have mics when we know we're gonna have lag so we can tell the person we need to try again another time. Who knows, but they're just things to think about about to make sure everything runs smoothly.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']n8rocker, sorry about leaving the game, but the lag was unbearable so I didn't see the point of prolonging our agony. I thought it would be bad, but that was a mess. Anyway, maybe its good cause it gives me a couple of ideas.

First, maybe we need to do some connection testing or something before we really get going. If my connection is like it was tonight with everyone then I don't think anyone is gonna wanna play me or anyone with a connection like that. Also, it might be good to make sure we have mics when we know we're gonna have lag so we can tell the person we need to try again another time. Who knows, but they're just things to think about about to make sure everything runs smoothly.[/quote]

Hey, glad you decided to come on here...the PS3 "keyboard" was driving me nuts. But yeah, see, this is where this game perplexes me. With many sports games, there's a signal strength bar...or ping meter, or whatever, and it at least gives you an idea of how strong the person's connection is. I KNOW my internet has been acting funky lately, but I completely reset my home network last night, and actually got through a game without much lag at all (this was also at like 2 am eastern time though).

Since I was the one hosting our game today...I would think the lag would be more on my end. Honestly, I've seen worse than what we had though, and judging by the posts in the first CAG League thread, they had plenty of lag and troubles connecting there as well. Also, it's a known fact that The Show has been laggy online for like the last 3 years or so. So who's to blame?

I'm strongly considering calling my ISP tomorrow and bitch about it just to see if they'll do anything (especially considering I'm paying for their "internet plus" option). But the odd thing is, sometimes I get disconnected from "Sportsconnect" but my PS3 stays connected and I can still message people. This makes me want to blame it on SCEA. The problem is, I don't know if any of the stuff I experience is "normal" or if it's just me.

I'm going to try to play some other online games (Madden, NBA 2K8, Halo 3, etc.) and see if they're all running slow. This game is driving me nuts. I don't know where to draw the line between a crappy connection and having unrealistic expectations. Also, wouldn't a voice chat just strain the connection even more? I don't know. A million questions, a million answers. I do want to get this figured out though.
Yeah chat might hurt the connection. I guess we can just IM within the game if we need to quickly let each other know what is going on.

I played another game with a random person and it was laggy too, but tolerable. The game we had, I'm not sure what it looked like on your end, but for me I couldn't even respond to anything.

The random game I just had made me think it should be a league policy not to rush pitches. What I mean is I think fastplay on is good, but when I was playing this random guy I didn't even have time to get my batter ready and the next pitch was coming. I mean it doesn't seem unreasonable that we could expect a few seconds between pitches right?
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Yeah chat might hurt the connection. I guess we can just IM within the game if we need to quickly let each other know what is going on.

I played another game with a random person and it was laggy too, but tolerable. The game we had, I'm not sure what it looked like on your end, but for me I couldn't even respond to anything.

The random game I just had made me think it should be a league policy not to rush pitches. What I mean is I think fastplay on is good, but when I was playing this random guy I didn't even have time to get my batter ready and the next pitch was coming. I mean it doesn't seem unreasonable that we could expect a few seconds between pitches right?[/quote]

Yeah, I get the feeling that you don't play The Show online much. There are A LOT of people who rush pitches...especially if you start beating them. You can somewhat combat it by holding R2 even before you step into the box...but if a guy wants to be a jerk, he'll find a way.

I think it should be general human decency not to rush pitches, but some people are just assholes. I purposely take my time pitching..even let guys get their leads (you shouldn't have to be a total dick to win games. Anything people do is defensible if you know the sport well enough).

As far as the less lag thing goes...who knows. He may have had a better connection, or it could have been less people on "Sportsconnect", or just dumb luck. That's what sucks about not being able to pinpoint the cause.
Jesus, I went from commissioning this thing to dropping out. Sorry fellas but if that other guy who was going to be #13 wants in, let him in. n8rocker if you need help with anything PM me but I won't be able to complete the games and don't want to bring down this league.
Yeah I know what you mean about connections. I got Mario Kart Wii to play online for the first time tonight because I changed the channel of my access point from 11 to 1, heh. I'm definitely not saying I'm the authority and I'll go with the flow but I'd hate to have to forfeit games cause they're unplayable due to connections.
hey, since this league has been in hiatus for so long I've sort of forgotten about it. I'd like to drop out, but I dont want to hold up the league at all, but if someone else wants in I'll be happy to stem down. but if not I'll stick around. And since NYprimus dropped, could I take the cubs? I'll try and participate in the league, but I dont want to bring it down.
N8rocker, got ur PM. I will send you a friend invite when I log on tonite. I'm not sure why the trouble with the friend invites.
people have to just basically deal with the lag issues... some games are going to be good, some won't... it's just part of it all...

if you aren't willing to accept you might have a game that is terrible to play once in a while and that you need to fight through, you should drop out.

I have played 11 games in the other league and 2 were pretty bad, but the rest have been smooth.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']hey, since this league has been in hiatus for so long I've sort of forgotten about it. I'd like to drop out, but I dont want to hold up the league at all, but if someone else wants in I'll be happy to stem down. but if not I'll stick around. And since NYprimus dropped, could I take the cubs? I'll try and participate in the league, but I dont want to bring it down.[/quote]

Sorry man, but several people have already accepted the league invite and chosen their teams. If I let people start switching now, it will be pure chaos. I would just abandon the league and start over (since we'll be missing the Cubs and the Brewers), but I don't think it will let me start another one if I do that. I'M not even my first choice of team...but I wanted to play because I love baseball.

Participating in this league commits you to one game a week over a span of four months. I don't think one game per week is too demanding, but if you don't see yourself playing this game in four months...uh, in the height of baseball season, then there's really nothing I can do for you. primus has dropped...but keith will replace him, but we still need you to have 12. It's one game a week man. I'm running this league now, and I promise you that once we get it (FINALLY) started, it will be a lot of fun. That I can guarantee. It's your call man.
wat a game n8rockerasu i dont think i have another like that again. walkoff bloop hit for the win in extra innings 2-1. crazy game
well, cdrw123 (humanoidtyph0on) and I just had a game and the lag wasn't too bad. Definitely not "unplayable". He was the Braves (although I wish he had been the Dodgers since that's his team..and I woulda liked to get some scouting done on him, haha) and I was the Dbacks.

GAME SUMMARY: After four scoreless innings from Charlie Morton and Danny Haren, I took a 1-0 lead in the 5th on an rbi single by Orlando Hudson, only to be erased with one swing in the 6th on a changeup I tried backing up on Chipper Jones (stupid, stupid, stupid! haha)

We were dead even from that point 1-1 / 4-4 / 0-0, until the bottom of the 11th, when Yuniel Escobar hit a swinging bunt down the 3rd base line, and beat out the throw. He then stole 2nd on a called strike 3, for the 2nd out of the inning. Ruben Gotay pinch hit, and hit a 96 mph fastball in on his hands for a broken bat blooper over a leaping Mark Reynolds at 3rd. Game over. 2-1 Braves.

I can't really think of a much tighter game than that. I'd be happy if the league games were of this nature...even with the minor lag. I thought it was pretty damn fun overall. Good game typh0on!
yeah i forgot that default is the braves since that my favorite team so i just hurry up and get the game started. Yeah the lag wasnt too bad, really didnt mess up the pitching that much unless there where guys on base. I noticed you where strugglin with harden early when i a couple guys on base and ur meter was going crazy.

You got a few strikeouts when i was trying to swing but the action never was initiated. Luckily it still worked in the end . Hopefully we can get more games with little to no lag in.
[quote name='cdrw123']You got a few strikeouts when i was trying to swing but the action never was initiated. Luckily it still worked in the end . Hopefully we can get more games with little to no lag in.[/quote]

Haha, yeah...some guys have such a funky delivery out of the stretch, it's just hard to time it especially if there is any lag. Haren's got like a really quick snap delivery, but I eventually got used to it.

I think in like the 9th or 10th when I brought Pena in, I'm not sure if you had Teixeira or Kotsay up, but I got like 3 straight low and outside strike calls. That was pure luck because I don't even know if one of them was on the black. But then again, a broken bat blooper is pretty lucky too, haha. I guess that's just the way the game is.
I've been checking the league everyday and we now have 11/12 people signed up, do we have a 12th? If so, who hasn't accepted the invite?
[quote name='Fuzi0n']I've been checking the league everyday and we now have 11/12 people signed up, do we have a 12th? If so, who hasn't accepted the invite?[/quote]

check the new thread man. I never got ownership of this one, so I made a new one like 2 days ago, haha
bread's done