MLB Power Pros - Out Now! - Gamespot 8.0, IGN 8.4

[quote name='defiance_17']Carnival Games isn't a very good comparison. It actually kind of goes along with what I was pointing out--from what I can find, it's still selling like crazy despite poor reviews. The pick-up-and-play, mass-appeal mini-game compilations are a big part of what is fueling this Wii fire. On the other hand, Power Pros is getting consistently solid reviews, and probably won't move half as many units.

And I'm not saying that Power Pros is geared at "hardcore" gamers. I'm just saying that excellent games can go unnoticed simply because not everyone seeks out the same information that you and I do, and not everyone is willing to take chances on the more unconventional titles.

Don't think I'm trying to bash the game; I'm planning to pick it up this afternoon, actually. It's just going to be forgotten about by 99% of gamers before Christmas.[/quote]

So do the right thing and spread word of mouth!
I got a mom to buy it today instead of the bigs, when I was at the store. The parentsgo in and have no idea about the games.
[quote name='mickeyp']I got a mom to buy it today instead of the bigs, when I was at the store. The parentsgo in and have no idea about the games.[/quote]

Was it for herself?
For everyone thats gone thru Success mode and not gotten the minor league contract, I found something out.

During Success mode, you play 'Ever Victory' University in your second and third years. Apparently, you need to beat them both times or your Success mode is automatically lost. So make sure you save before playing them each time and reload if you lose!

There may be other ways to 'lose' success mode, but losing to EVU is one sure way.
[quote name='mickeyp'] The parentsgo in and have no idea about the games.[/quote]

That suprises you?

Why you think little 10 year old jimmy gets to play GTA and shooters?
[quote name='Puffa469']For everyone thats gone thru Success mode and not gotten the minor league contract, I found something out.

During Success mode, you play 'Ever Victory' University in your second and third years. Apparently, you need to beat them both times or your Success mode is automatically lost. So make sure you save before playing them each time and reload if you lose!

There may be other ways to 'lose' success mode, but losing to EVU is one sure way.[/quote]:shock: I came nowhere near beating them my first year, close the second year.
I don't think you need to beat them in the second year, but then I think you would have to go all the way in the third.

Then again, I've beat them both times, so I don't know.
[quote name='AK85']That suprises you?

Why you think little 10 year old jimmy gets to play GTA and shooters?[/quote]

I meant that they buy the kids games that are not even good or fun. I told a lot of parents to research the games on the internet before they buy so they can have an idea of what is good. They must all think I am crazy. They do thank me and seem to take my advice though.
I know this is the Wii board for this game but I have the PS2 version which is also fantastic.. How is the game play with the Wii mote is it easier or pretty similar to the Wii-sports baseball? (when I had my wii I actually enjoyed this more than bowling lol)

[quote name='Derrick1979']I know this is the Wii board for this game but I have the PS2 version which is also fantastic.. How is the game play with the Wii mote is it easier or pretty similar to the Wii-sports baseball? (when I had my wii I actually enjoyed this more than bowling lol)


It's the same since you don't really use motion control.
[quote name='mickeyp']in success mode , we saw a lot of dialog and no playing . How do u play?[/quote]

You don't play a whole lot in success mode. Possibly 1 game your 1st yr. Then possibly 1 or 2 or 3 your 2nd year. Same the 3rd year.

Even then you aren't playing a whole game, just a little portion of it.
the gamecube controller works really well, IMO. especially with fielding. B Y X are situated like 3rd, 2nd, 1st base resepectively.
[quote name='iversonwii']the gamecube controller works really well, IMO. especially with fielding. B Y X are situated like 3rd, 2nd, 1st base resepectively.[/QUOTE]

How people survive without a Wavebird, or how Nintendo hasn't produced a new Wavebird-like wireless controller, is astounding. Seems a lot of Wii games will need or can be best used with a GC controller.

And I'm not talking about those Frankensteinian Wiimote+Classic backward-engineered thingys.
So you don't use the motion control at all for the game?

I'm still interested in this. It might show up on my Christmas list this year :)
[quote name='daroga']So you don't use the motion control at all for the game?

I'm still interested in this. It might show up on my Christmas list this year :)[/quote]There's only motion control in one mode.
[quote name='botticus']There's only motion control in one mode.[/quote]

Technically two modes.

You can play an exhibition game, 1 or 2 player. And theres also a home run derby, also 1 or 2 player.

The exhibition mode is kinda like Wiisports baseball in that the fielding and baserunning is handled automatically, although you can shake the Wiimote like a crying baby to get extra speed when running the bases.

This game has gotten me to go back and play alot of classic baseball games, and now Im even about to watch the Indians/Bosox game, and I never watch baseball. Go Indians! I went to highschool with Joe Borowski. :D
I just picked this up today primarily to this large thread, and the comparisons to Baseball Stars. I really wish this game used the motion control more. I really hope the upcoming Mario Baseball does it right -- I was infatuated with the GCN version.
[quote name='Puffa469']Technically two modes.

You can play an exhibition game, 1 or 2 player. And theres also a home run derby, also 1 or 2 player.

The exhibition mode is kinda like Wiisports baseball in that the fielding and baserunning is handled automatically, although you can shake the Wiimote like a crying baby to get extra speed when running the bases.[/quote]

They're both combined into that one Wii Remote mode. The actual Exhibition and HR Derby modes don't mention motion functionality.
[quote name='EXStrike']They're both combined into that one Wii Remote mode. The actual Exhibition and HR Derby modes don't mention motion functionality.[/quote]

Right, I just didnt want Daroga to think there was only one way to play with the Wiimote, when technically there are two, even tho they are crammed into the one menu option.

I reeeally hope that this game does well enough that we see another Power Pro game brought over here, and that the next game has motion control support in all the modes. I'd love to build up my arm strength swinging my Wiimote around like a retard for an entire season, lol.
For PS2 owners, this game is Amazons DOTD for $20.

I got the new Nintendo Power and their review of MLB:pP made me cry.

They gave it a 6.5, and the review was half a column, or 1/8 of one page. Also, they picked the worst screenshot ever of the game. Its like they are trying to bury this.

Heres an excerpt from the review that focus' on why they didnt like it.

"Power Pros fails to hit it out of the park because the on-field gameplay is dissapointingly simplistic and suffers from lackluster controls. Maybe next year."

WTF? Playing with the Wiimote + nunchuck is the worst option, and it still controls well. Did they even try out the Classic or Gamecube control methods? It controls great with either of those.

Too simplistic? Thats personal preference I guess, but those 'simplisitc' controls hide a surprising amount of depth. This game controls better than any baseballer released on the PS3 or 360. You have total control over both batting and pitching. Its freakin baseball, it hasnt changed significantly in 100 years, what kind of complex control schemes do we need exactly?

This was the lowest scoring game in NP this month, tied with the new Smackdown game.

This is the only game in months that got me to literally wipe the dust off of my Wii and play it again. The Wii gets metric shittons of shovelware crap and movie license drivel, and finally a great, original game comes out and they BURY it! :bomb:
[quote name='clockworkgreen']Any reason other than the little amount of motion control to not buy this on PS2 instead of Wii and save $20?[/quote]

Nope. Loading is a bit faster on the Wii, but thats it really. Neither version supports widescreen or 480p. I imagine playing the ps2 version on a bc ps3 would be the way to make it look the best.
[quote name='Puffa469']Nope. Loading is a bit faster on the Wii, but thats it really. Neither version supports widescreen or 480p. I imagine playing the ps2 version on a bc ps3 would be the way to make it look the best.[/QUOTE]

Yep, it makes me wish I bought the PS2 version to play on the PS3. Every Wii game should support 480p.
I think I'll bite on this when it drops to about $20, I'm tired of paying over that for sports games no matter how good they are. This is on my radar for sure.
[quote name='zerowing']I think I'll bite on this when it drops to about $20, I'm tired of paying over that for sports games no matter how good they are. This is on my radar for sure.[/quote]

Got a ps2 or bc ps3? Its $20 right now on Amazon.
[quote name='clockworkgreen']Any reason other than the little amount of motion control to not buy this on PS2 instead of Wii and save $20?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Puffa469']Nope. Loading is a bit faster on the Wii, but thats it really. Neither version supports widescreen or 480p. I imagine playing the ps2 version on a bc ps3 would be the way to make it look the best.[/QUOTE]

Well, I think you discount the loading difference a little too much. If you tend to save/reload a lot, particularly in the half random Success Mode or in the season, I could see it making a difference in your purchase.

I bought my copy last week via TRU's BG21 sale and am pretty absorbed by the game at this time.
[quote name='snipegod']Well, I think you discount the loading difference a little too much. If you tend to save/reload a lot, particularly in the half random Success Mode or in the season, I could see it making a difference in your purchase.

I bought my copy last week via TRU's BG21 sale and am pretty absorbed by the game at this time.[/quote]

Yeah I reload ALOT in success mode, so it does make a difference to me. But Im not really sure how much longer the PS2 load times are, so I dont know how much of a difference it makes.

In season mode, I never reload, I'll take a loss, unless its against the BoSox. fuck those filthy disease ridden dirtbags!
Is there any way to link a season mode to your profile so it'll compile all of those stats for you from season games? I just opened up my copy and am overwhelmed by the number of options in this game.
If you don't pick this up, since it's $20, you're stupid. The game is great. Seriously. I've been playing it for a few hours now. Okay, it doesn't use the Wiimote except for Wiimote mode, but I really like using just the controls of the Nunchuk and Wiimote without any movement tbh.
Considering the fact that you can make a team using Miis, this game is a perfect replacement for Wii Sports baseball becuase it has so many more features. I never played any version of this in the past and I was suprised by the depth of content in the full fledged baseball modes.

Pick up and play Wiimote mode is great for the little ones and old timers who can't handle full controls yet. With some more spit and polish, like 480p, 1:1 bat swinging - I'd pay another 39.99 for a sequel next year.
The only downer for this is the Success Mode. It's unfortunate you don't get to play "baseball" a lot of the time. It's mostly all text. Once in a while, you'll play a game against a team. And, unless you let Willy take over your body, you can play. :D
bread's done