MLB The Show 09 PS3 $40 new/$35 used at Gamestop

Best baseball game this generation. There is now NO reason to even look at the crap that is MLB 2K9, for non-PS3 owners- I suggest getting a slim and this asap!
This should have been 40 along July or August. It's almost October and the season is about over. At this point in time this should have dropped to 20 dollars or 30 max. Still overpriced at 40, considering what time of year this is.
this game is $39.99 at best buy as well, it was marked as 59.99 on the shelf but when i got rung up i was pleasantly surprised to see it was 39.99.
Just be forewarned, hitting in this year's game is A LOT harder and takes great patience. The AI even has a tendency to come from behind, and get the big hit when you have a lead. This is ridiculously frustrating and could lead to broken controllers if you have a habit of throwing things. Other than graphics, I wasn't really impressed with this year's game and thought 08 was better.

I bought this at launch and after not being able to start my franchise for almost two months (due to various game crashing glitches that had to be patched multiple times), when I started playing, the games felt like a chore, and I think I stopped sometime in July. This was really surprising to me because being a huge Yankee fan, this has been a great season. But playing this game never really felt fun, and was always a grind.

I would say if you're going to buy this, definitely buy it used. 1. So you have an option to return it if you don't like it. And 2. So Sony doesn't get the money and believe their own hype machine that they did a great job this year. It's not as bad as 2K9 by any means, but this was a step backward from last year.
The main problem with this game is the online portion. It LAGS big-time. This has been a complaint about this franchise since at least last season's version. I agree that this is the best baseball game on the market, but proceed with caution if you have any hopes of playing it online.
This game is easily worth $40, it's almost a perfect baseball simulation. the biggest problem for me is there's no hit-and-run online.

As far as the online lag issue, I recommended you use a hardwired connection only unless you've troubleshooted your DSL/Cable wireless connection, now, find an opponent/s with a similar set-up and your online play will usually be solid if not lag free.
[quote name='llNorcalSharkll']As far as the online lag issue, I recommended you use a hardwired connection only unless you've troubleshooted your DSL/Cable wireless connection, now, find an opponent/s with a similar set-up and your online play will usually be solid if not lag free.[/QUOTE]

While that may be somewhat true, it can't be denied that getting a lag free game in The Show is about 20 times more difficult than in almost any other game. It's been like this since MLB 06 on the PS2. The online structure needs desperate attention. There's no question about that.
[quote name='Masterkyo']I got sealed 08 version for $10. Maybe picked 09 version whenever it drop down $10-ish or less :)[/QUOTE]

Same. I just bought a brand new sealed copy of 08 less than a week ago for $10. If you plan on selling your copy, I wouldn't expect more than like $15 or so on Ebay.
Just to add to what I said earlier... I don't play on wireless-- cable only. The same cannot be said for your opponents. If you play against anyone that is on wireless you are basically screwed.
Believe me, if you follow what I've mentioned before you will usually get a good connection online.
Another thing is, take a little bit of time looking at people cards, this will help find quality opponents with good connection.
And just because your opponent set-up via WIFI doesn't mean you'll get lag, I played a guy in Canada with wireless DSL and got a solid online connection.
but before I started playing again, I recall the SCEA server dropping connection on rare occasions, which is strange.....
The only gripe I have with this game is the appalling and inexcusable lack of statistical depth. I seriously sit with World Series 2k3 every so often simply because I can check career OPS, doubles, walks, when I want to sim. It's awesome to play, though. Best baseball game I've played since Baseball Stars.

EDIT: I lied. Two gripes. No homerun derby. Still really dig the game, though. Adding in my own chants and soundtrack is also sweet.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Just be forewarned, hitting in this year's game is A LOT harder and takes great patience. The AI even has a tendency to come from behind, and get the big hit when you have a lead. This is ridiculously frustrating and could lead to broken controllers if you have a habit of throwing things.


I completely agree with this part of the post...i loved mlb 08, but this game is much harder...or maybe i just stink at batting.

it was frustrating and good thing i only threw my controller into the couch, but about 2 weeks ago i finally got fed up and sold the game, hoping mlb '10 will be a bit easier...haha
[quote name='bummy']I completely agree with this part of the post...i loved mlb 08, but this game is much harder...or maybe i just stink at batting.

it was frustrating and good thing i only threw my controller into the couch, but about 2 weeks ago i finally got fed up and sold the game, hoping mlb '10 will be a bit easier...haha[/QUOTE]Yeah, there can be a steep learning curve especially for the casual baseball fan. it's definitely a simulation game with the hardcore fan in mind, however the casual gamer can find setting to help them out as they improve. this game is the main reason I got a PlayStation 3 ;)
[quote name='llNorcalSharkll']Yeah, there can be a steep learning curve especially for the casual baseball fan. it's definitely a simulation game with the hardcore fan in mind, however the casual gamer can find setting to help them out as they improve. this game is the main reason I got a PlayStation 3 ;)[/QUOTE]

All right, dude. You're starting to piss me off with your "I know everything" attitude. First of all, there IS a fucking connection issue with this game. Nobody here gives a shit what your personal experience is because despite your claims you CANNOT promise them a lag free game. When 90% of the people online experience the problem, but somehow, you don't, don't consider yourself the rule. You're the exception.

Secondly, don't call me a "casual baseball fan". I've probably forgotten more baseball than you know. I'd never go as far to say this year's game was bad. But there were plenty of cheap moves made that Sony decided to file under the guise of "realism".

1. The AI comeback as I've already mentioned. When you're pitching a nearly flawless game, hitting your spots and only giving up 1-2 hits, until the 9th inning rolls around, and the AI pulls off 4-5 hits in a row, that's bullshit. Yeah, maybe that happens every once in awhile in real life. But not as often as it does in this game.

2. Infielder fielding is horrible. Yes, in an effort to eliminate "vacuum catches" they took things in the complete opposite direction and made any ball 2 feet away from your fielder impossible to get to. Diving is practically broken. I don't expect every guy to be freaking Ozzie Smith out there, but there are so many inbetween balls that you know you can't reach by running at, but if you dive, the ball will go under/over/through you.

3. It bothers me that when facing #4 and #5 starters, the AI can just freaking paint corners with them all day long like they're Greg Maddux. If you're going to call the game a simulation, not every pitcher should have pinpoint control. Yes, I know there are sliders, but they do very little to change the outcome. And just the fact that in many of the popular sliders, you have to move them to 0-1 to make the game semi-enjoyable shows what a crappy job Sony did this year. When the game needs that much tweaking, how can you be satisfied?

I know I'm hating on this game a lot, but I was just incredibly disappointed by the end product of what had easily become my favorite game series. I'm all for making games more challenging or realistic. But when you accomplish that by screwing with the controls, or by giving the AI unfair advantages, it just comes off cheap.

My main point in all of this is just that I thought 08 was a better and more enjoyable game. And since this is a deal thread, with a few people who have mentioned buying 08 for very cheap already, unless they need the newest rosters (which I doubt since they're only looking at this game now), they might enjoy 08 more. Anybody disagree with that?
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