MMA (UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator, Invicta, etc.) Discussion Thread -- Version II

Yep...gotta say, good for the UFC. In some ways, this could have just been a 3 strikes things. He had the DUI, the cocaine, and now this. Honestly, not protecting him is the best thing they could ever do for him. It's on him now to grow up and try to salvage his career. You'd think for as much as Jones is around Mike Tyson, he would have picked up on a cautionary tale or two. But I guess that's what ego does to you.

I still like Jones as a fighter and think he is legitimately the best ever (when you factor in the level of competition he has run through)...but it's sad that a guy like Demetrious Johnson gets no attention or respect from media/fans. Just shows that the sport and people's understanding of it has a long way to go.

Figured AJ would gas against Jones and get submitted.

No idea who wins. AJ has some nasty power, but so does DC. Sorta hoping DC backpacks AJ and gets the RNC.

Good for UFC. Cormier didn't impres vs. Bones, but I'm not sure who else you could of put against Rumble at the current moment.

Hopefully next month lives up to the hype after last week sucked (in my opinion).

The last two fights were both awful for their own reasons. They hand picked a guy for Rampage to pummel. The guy had no business in there and looked like he had never boxed before. They kept touting how he was an undefeated boxer. The combined records of the guys he has fought was about 10 - 70, so pretty much complete bums.

Then hearing Jackson say how happy he was he went against a real MMA fighter and not someone who wrestles. Rampage is just delusional and should've stayed in Bellator where he belonged. They could've put him against Kimbo.

The Mighty Mouse fight was just horribly boring. He was in 100% control starting in the third round. Everytime he would take him down and take his back a little, get into side control, etc. and just sit there. I am all about grappling, but there was a ton of time of just MM sitting in side control not really trying for anything. Then the submission at the end was the icing on the cake. He finally decides that maybe he will go for a finish and gets it with pretty much no trouble. He could've finished that fight almost anytime during the last 10 - 15 minutes.

I can see where you're coming from...but for me, the Mighty Mouse fight was the perfect fight and the type of fight that leaves no doubt. You always hear with KO's (and even subs in the case of Cat Zingano) "I just got caught", "It happens"...which is usually followed by some form of "I want a rematch."

But when you get dominated for 5 rounds AND finished, it wasn't lucky, it wasn't that you just made a simple mistake. It was that your opponent was superior to you in every way. That's what I loved about the Dillashaw/Barao fight. There was no "Chris Leben factor".

Now, if Mighty Mouse had gassed and backed off ala Cain Velasquez vs. Dos Santos, then yeah...I'd agree with you. But he made Horiguchi run with him...and Horiguchi couldn't keep up.

Pure dominance in its highest form is beautiful...almost art.

Also, I couldn't agree with Joe Rogan more about Matt Hume. Amazing trainer who doesn't give bullshit "he can't compete with you!" feedback. The level of talent in the UFC would be amazing if more trainers weren't just Yes Men.

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Continuing on the Jon Jones story...his Reebok deal has also been terminated and he's been removed from the UFC rankings (Aldo is now #1 P4P). This is crazy to see somebody fuck up so badly. He had to lose so much money because of this...and for what? Because he likes to party and get high. If that doesn't show you you have a drug problem, I don't know what does. Even the most enthusiastic of drug users probably would risk losing $20+ million.

Unless he really had something worse than weed in his car, he probably would have been better off just staying there, getting busted for being high, and facing the consequences. At least then, he could have apologized and helped the woman he crashed into. Running away and leaving her there is so messed up. Really makes you wonder how gone his sobriety was.

yeah i was looking up new Mexico laws and he would have been better off staying, get a 2nd DUI and a weed possession charge then getting the hit and run. i guess if he had a lot of coke then it might have been just as bad for him to stay.
That's what I almost wonder is if he had so much on him that he would have been charged with intent to sell rather than simple possession.

I guess a big factor would be if he called his lawyer as soon as the crash happened, and the lawyer said "Take your drugs and get the hell out of there!" (and I'm totally picturing Saul Goodman here, lol...New Mexico and everything)

Or, like I said...he was just so drunk/high/coked up that his brain actually thought running, coming back for money (which he has an endless supply of) and leaving illegal drugs on the scene was the smartest option.

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Haha Jones' lawyer seems like kind of an idiot to me. At the 45 second mark:

"I know obviously he wouldn't want to be dealing with this right now" and "Jon is a great guy" specifically. I mean, he 100% caused this, it's not like some random circumstance that happened to him. But what do I know, maybe any sort of "Jon feels bad about this" comment could be used as an admission of guilt.

Well, there's always the "addiction is an illness" angle too. Where before, he wasn't an addict and the UFC didn't need to worry about it, it could easily be spun into "denial" and "youthful hubris" now to avoid prison time. He may not have enjoyed his one day in rehab before...but I could easily see that being his court ordered sentence (along with community service) as a "this is your LAST CHANCE" message to get his life together.

Well, after all the shit talking between them Khabib got hurt and his fight with Cerrone is off.  No new opponent for Cowboy yet at 187.

Edit - Looks like Jorge Masvidal and Josh Thompson have already offered to step in.

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Well, after all the shit talking between them Khabib got hurt and his fight with Cerrone is off. No new opponent for Cowboy yet at 187.

Edit - Looks like Jorge Masvidal and Josh Thompson have already offered to step in.
I thought I read it was going to be John Makdessi. Cerrone will stomp him.

And Gustaffson just withdrew from his fight with Texiera. Shitty ass week.

I'll watch it just to see the spectacle, but I don't have strong feelings about it.

I guess I'm pulling for Manny since Floyd is so full of himself and thinks he's the greatest fighter of all time. In a way, it would prove MMA's argument that claims like that are worthless if the top fighters spend their entire careers ducking each other.
Masvidal and Thompson had offered to take the fight with Cerrone on Twitter right after it was announced that Khabib was out but the official replacement is Makdessi.

Yup I'm watching too, but just because my friend's brother is ordering it and it's just a fun Saturday out. Couldn't care less about either of them or boxing in general. 

lol...boxing is so stupid. Basically, any time your opponent starts to do well, you can just do some illegal hold or move to stop them. And the announcers call it "part of the game". Yes, being a strategical pussy. Super impressive...

It's like "Ref...ref! He's beating me. Make him stop!" lol. So dumb.
Poor Mark Hunt. He looks like he aged 5+ years since his fight with Werdum that was on like 2 weeks notice.

I don't know if he was injured, sick, or something, but he looked super out of shape. He looked sooooo much better vs JDS, Werdum, Bigfoot, Nelson, etc. He was done cardio-wise in the 2nd around tonight.

Even though he ate that huge knee from Wedum, up until that point he looked great on 2 weeks notice. He looked fine going 5 rounds against Bigfoot. It was a back and forth fight with JDS and he had a gnarly broken toe from the first round, and he stilled moved much better.

He just seemed so slow and lethargic. His cardio was shot, which is disappointing. Maybe it is finally time for him to hang it up.

Nothing against Stipe, but I think his last two fights have been against people on the downward swing. Hunt tonight plain just did not look good. JDS also looked pretty lousy when he beat Stipe. I think 50 minutes of being smashed by Cain might have permanently hurt JDS and taken something away from him. I think Wedum or Cain would both have no problems with Stipe (but who knows).

I do like watching Stipe train with CroCop though. It is always fun to see CroCop and I was happy for him when he beat Gonzaga (even though Gonzaga teaches BJJ at club not far from me).

feeling a little nostalgic about the best mma ever (gomi @ 1:45 trying to getting a fatality and rua @ 5:58 trying to score a field goal) :applause:


LMAO...heavyweights. I love Andrei Arlovski, but Good God...just take turns hitting each other with steel chairs. It would be more technical. :lol:

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Well, the Weidman/Belfort fight was interesting. Kind of what I expected though. Weidman's stand up isn't as good as he thinks it is (as the Machida fight showed)...but Belfort wasn't going to be able to keep that fight standing. Belfort just represents a time when nobody gave a shit about takedown defense, haha.

All right...I'm just going to say it...a coked out Jon Jones straight out of prison with no camp would destroy either of these guys. Cormier just stands there and watches bombs come in and Rumble is horrible off his back.

Good for Cormier though. He's a likeable guy...and he's very passionate about what he does.

But Jon Jones will murder him when he comes back. At least it sets up a very interesting storyline though.

EDIT - Wow...Rumble put the belt on him too. Classy move.

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Best event in a long time.

Highlight for me was the Arlovski KO. The whole round I was watching with my friend I was telling him I hope he doesn't get KO'd mid-barrage and then Browne hit him and he spun around 180 and dropped. I thought it was over but Arlovski was able to get back up and finish him.

Good for Arlovski - I hope they give him the next title-shot. Beat Schaub, KO Bigfoot, and KO Browne - I think that should be enough. I don't think Stipe should get it next after losing against JDS and JDS shouldn't fight Cain again. It is now the Arlovski-era (hah - bring back Timmeh for a 5th fight!)

Weidman vs. Belfort went as expected. Belfort blitz and then Weidman took him down and punished him. It was a bit quicker than anticipated, but pretty much how I expected.. Weidman is a monster wrestler and also a monster at jiu-jitsu.

Cormier vs. Rumble also went as expected. I was hoping Rumble would win, but was guessing Cormier would survive some early power and then outgrapple him to a late stoppage. I originally thought it was going to go to the 4th or 5th but end of the 3rd was close enough. I was disappointed how Rumble didn't seem to adjust after the first round takedown. Even though Rumble still won the round in my opinion, that should've set off massive alarms to fight a little bit more conservatively - but that didn't happen.

Also - Rumble needs a jiu-jitsu coach ASAP. That was some nightmarish white-belt level half guard stuff going on there. I'm not sure if he had the slightest idea what to do to recover guard or try to sneak out. He just kept sitting up into him and leaving his arm out to be shoulder locked. If Cormier wanted to take a little bit of a chance he could've tried to posture up and maybe step over a bit to finish the shoulder lock, but I'm guessing he felt content to just tired out a Rumble who didn't know what to do.

I like Cormier, but didn't want him to win after losing to Jones. Now he is just a paper champion until (or if) Jones comes back. Cormier also seems obsessed with Jones, but I doubt Jones feels that way after taking him down multiple times and winning the last fight.

Oh, man...I got a kick out of this. The last 30 seconds is where it gets good. :lol:


lmao...I love AJ at the end. *taps microphone* "Any questions for Rumble?" Dude just lost the biggest fight of his life and he's still cracking jokes. Really shows how far he's come and how grateful he is just to have that kind of spotlight on him. He probably felt like he had thrown it all away just a few years ago.

Cormier needs to be careful though. As much as Jon Jones has developed a reputation for being a coke head, DC could develop one for being an instigator. After the last press conference brawl with Jones, I'm sure they don't want to see this shit again. Unless Bader was in on it and it was just to hype a less than stellar title fight (I doubt it), companies like Fox and Reebok aren't going to be too fond of this behavior either.

When I saw all that it made me wish Humble Rumble won even more.

Cormier just seems to be trying so hard. Is that actually his personality, or something he has been working on since moving on down to lhw? I don't remember him being like that against Barnett, Big Foot, Mir, etc. Cormier looked good on Saturday, but not a single thing he did made me think that he would do better against Jon Snow. Cormier relied on his wrestling, clinch and cage-fighting which he tried against Jones and it didn't work.

I don't like Jones at all, but I really think if he can avoid any serious judicial penalties and stays of the coke - he will be the champion again. Rumble would've been a much more interesting fight since I think it would be the first time Jones would have had to deal with some real power punches.

As for Bader - I think Cormier will roll over him, but at the same time there is nobody else. Johnson just loss, Gustaffson just got steamrolled by Johnson, Glover just loss to Phil Davis, Rashad hasn't fought for almost two years (and even then his last opponent was Chael), and OSP has beat Cummings recently but before that lost to Bader.

The only credible title-shot now belongs to Ryan Bader. Of course that doesn't have to stop the UFC. Maybe they can have Shogun vs. Cormier lol

When I saw all that it made me wish Humble Rumble won even more.

Cormier just seems to be trying so hard. Is that actually his personality, or something he has been working on since moving on down to lhw? I don't remember him being like that against Barnett, Big Foot, Mir, etc. Cormier looked good on Saturday, but not a single thing he did made me think that he would do better against Jon Snow. Cormier relied on his wrestling, clinch and cage-fighting which he tried against Jones and it didn't work.

I don't like Jones at all, but I really think if he can avoid any serious judicial penalties and stays of the coke - he will be the champion again. Rumble would've been a much more interesting fight since I think it would be the first time Jones would have had to deal with some real power punches.

As for Bader - I think Cormier will roll over him, but at the same time there is nobody else. Johnson just loss, Gustaffson just got steamrolled by Johnson, Glover just loss to Phil Davis, Rashad hasn't fought for almost two years (and even then his last opponent was Chael), and OSP has beat Cummings recently but before that lost to Bader.

The only credible title-shot now belongs to Ryan Bader. Of course that doesn't have to stop the UFC. Maybe they can have Shogun vs. Cormier lol
Jon Snow knows nothing. But seriously I think he is just promoting the fight if Bader does happen.

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Jon Snow knows nothing. But seriously I think he is just promoting the fight if Bader does happen.
Yeah - probably, but it just feels like too much after how much he hyped the Jones fight - the shoving, the little brawl, the fighting after the interview, etc.

It was funny, but Cormier came off as a dick when he said he'd love to fight Bader, because he'd love to pretty much have the easiest fight possible at LHW.

I don't dislike Bader, but he is always going to be remembered for his losses. The loss to Glover when he had him rocked, the beautiful KO he was on the receiving end of from Machida and Tito Ortiz's guillotine. Tito finishing Bader was one of the highlights of that summer. If only Tito retired then. Bonnar should be ashamed of himself for that last fight.

Yeah, I kind of feel like the "easiest fight in the division", "this is my press conference" and "get the fuck out of here" comments were over the line. The biggest knock people had on Jon Jones was that he was an arrogant asshole. At least he did it after being one of the most dominant champions in the sport's history. Cormier is essentially a paper champion who hasn't even defended the title and he's pulling this shit.

I do think it's just trying too hard to be "marketable" though. When you see him in regular interviews and when he's commentating, he's usually very complimentary and knowledgable. Turning into a ghetto superstar just to try to attract more PPV buys is a terrible look for him. If you're going to put the guy down, at least use the proven Chael Sonnen method. He actually said "come on" as though they were going to fight right then. What in the actual fuck, lol.

I liked DC's comments on Bader because fuck Ryan Bader.  :D/

He is a jobber in MMA and he should know his place in life.

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I liked DC's comments on Bader because fuck Ryan Bader. :D/

He is a jobber in MMA and he should know his place in life.
lol...maybe. But it's not like the division is exactly booming right now. Like Dokstarr said, who else is there? Personally, I'd love to see Cormier vs Gustafsson to see if Gus can give DC the same problems that Jones did. But the timing isn't right there.

Bader is riding a four fight win streak. He deserves a shot as much as anybody. Seriously, just go look at Jon Jones's list of opponents. He basically put most of the contenders in that division out to pasture. It's nothing like it was 2-3 years ago.

Teixeira - Back to back losses...35 years old

Gustafsson - Possibly damaged goods. Has taken two beatings. JDS syndrome?

Sonnen - Retired

Belfort - TRT-less. Moved back to MW

Evans - Injured for two years...35 years old

Machida - Moved to MW

Rampage - Has won 4 straight...only 1 of them in the a catchweight. Lost previous 3 UFC fights...including one to...ding ding...Ryan Bader. 36 years old.

Shogun - Seriously damaged goods. Has lost 4 of his last 5 fights.

And before that...Ryan Bader, haha. Like it or not, he's the most worthy contender right now.

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More dudes fantasizing about a chance to go one on one with Ronda Rousey.


Somehow, fuck doesn't realize what he's saying though, haha. I love his follow up though. " probably wouldn't even be that long."

Uppity Cormier is pretty funny. "I hope Jon Jones was at home watching me win what he thinks is 'his' title"

but like two months ago he was blasting Werdum saying, "Werdum, Don’t Carry the Belt! You’re Not the Champ! The UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez told me to tell you to stop carrying the belt everywhere. It’s making him mad. If you take it to the Florida media tour, he’s going to take it away from you. To be the man, you have to beat the man.”

I'm honestly starting to dislike Cormier - he is just trying so damn hard. He isn't Chael. Delusional Chael was funny. Everyone knows he was acting, but it was still funny talking about he was the champ. Chael said something along the lines of he dominated the fight for 24 minutes, so he was the true champ. Something like that. He also would take down about BJJ when he trains with guys like Oliveira. His schtick was funny.

McGregor's crap is funny too, but if he loses then I hope he pipes down. If he doesn't and keeps talking, then it will be annoying.

Also - Arlovski for title shot. If Cain wins I want to see Arlovski vs. Cain. Cain will most likely steam roll him, but maybe Arlovski could land a flush hit like JDS did and finish him. It could be the finale to the Mark Hunt story that I was hoping for like two years ago.

Cormier only said that about Werdum because Cain is his friend and trainer partner too. Guys from the same camp normally tend to really stand up for each other.

I've never been a big Cormier fan and he certainly isn't making me have a change of heart now that he's the "champ". Definitely starting fake beef to help sell himself and PPVs. 

Cormier only said that about Werdum because Cain is his friend and trainer partner too. Guys from the same camp normally tend to really stand up for each other.
Of course - supposedly AKA guys are close, but I find it funny that a few months ago he was telling Werdum that you have to beat the champ to be the champ and then is now saying that he hopes Jones enjoys watching him with his new title lol

I finally got the chance to watch this UFC and it was pretty awesome. Too bad I didn't get to watch it live. Favorite fight was Brown and Arlovski. I was surprised that Arlovski was able to recover so fast from that punch. He has a history of having a weak chin, but than again he's been fighting in the heavy weight division where each punch can be a instant KO. I was also surprised that Cromier didn't get killed from that punch by Johnson. The sound of the impact from that punch was pretty loud.

DC has lost a ton of respect from me. All the shit he was criticizing about Jones he's turning around and doing the same thing. Sure, it might be a persona, but man just stop it. Had you not got your ass kicked by Jones the way you did, not to mention being taken down by him when you said you wouldn't maybe I would let it slide. I like him as an analyst and I liked him as a fighter but I think this all has gotten to his head. The dude is 36 years old, even if he wanted to paint a legacy, age would catch up with him sooner or later.

I'm crossing my fingers for Rockhold v Weidman. Jacare is rallying for a shot but really who has he faced? Mousasi was the only ranked opponent he has fought and in my opinion would get rolled by a real contender. Rockhold made a great statement in saying that if he could stop Weidman's takedowns, he would outclass him in the stand up. Who's to say he can't? He trains with DC and Cain who are amazing wrestlers.

Finally, glad to see Cerrone getting his title shot. 8 straight wins and it's not like he's been facing tomato cans. Although, if the same RDA that fought Pettis comes out to fight Cerrone, it's gonna be a bad night for him. Regardless how good a run Cerrone has had, I believe he is destined to be a gatekeeper ala Faber / Mendes.

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Yeah, I finally got a chance to watch the full post fight press conference last night...and some of the stuff Cormier was saying, it was just way over the top. Like on an "I'm kidding...but not really" level...telling people "Hey guys. Be quiet. The champ is speaking." If Jon Jones said something like that, my God would he be crucified. And the irony is people like Jones or Ronda Rousey have actually EARNED the right to talk like that. That's why talking the talk and walking the walk is a thing.

Honestly, the biggest thing I want to see come out of this is for it to light a fire under Jon Jones to get his life under control and come back to beat Cormier's ass again. Yes, DC is champ...he finally did it...blah blah. But he is not the evolution of the sport that Jon Jones is. He's not the culmination of decades of martial arts mastery and freak genetics. Having Daniel Cormier as a UFC champion means nothing to MMA.

Wow I didn't watch the full press but it sounds like getting the belt is getting to his head quick. Hopefully it is a one time thing, we don't need another idiot champion.

bread's done