Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

That is an awesome commercial for Black Ops but I'm wondering what MAMBA means on Kobe's noob tube. I think it'd be really borked up if it's a black anatomy joke.

I'll be around tonight starting around 9:30 EST for anybody who wants to play tonight. If I don't see anybody, I'll be playing Burn Zombie Burn! and just message me as necessary.
[quote name='pogipinoy27']bfgn?[/QUOTE]
Sorry Fredrigo, I wanted to put my best foot forwards into the Black Ops game night. If they make the requisite improvements, I'd say it's only going to replace MW because it has new challenges, not because it's a fundamentally better game. CTF is limited to 3 flags per round if that's any indication/comparison to our 26 flag CTF matches in MW2.
3 flags is BS. Totally not a fun game type with that crap. And is it just me but are there still a bunch of MF'ing campers galore in BLACK OPS?
Where aim assist goes, people will camp. Especially when they aren't used to the game and people auto aim and to shoot them in the back. Mw2 will always have campers also because of auto aim and rediculously stupid game breaking perks.
[quote name='Mr. 420']Where aim assist goes, people will camp. Especially when they aren't used to the game and people auto aim and to shoot them in the back. Mw2 will always have campers also because of auto aim and rediculously stupid game breaking perks.[/QUOTE]
Dude, you're shitting in the wrong thread, GTFO.
Completely off topic but I figured I'd give you guys first crack.

Any of you guys have Borderlands? I picked up the GOTY with the 4 DLC voucher and wouldn't mind starting up a gameshare with anybody interested. $5 a share for $40 of DLC.

To kinda steer myself back on topic, it looks like I may have to force Black Ops to output in 720p to make it more playable. I really like what we had/have going on with our group.
[quote name='Mad39er']Completely off topic but I figured I'd give you guys first crack.

Any of you guys have Borderlands? I picked up the GOTY with the 4 DLC voucher and wouldn't mind starting up a gameshare with anybody interested. $5 a share for $40 of DLC.

To kinda steer myself back on topic, it looks like I may have to force Black Ops to output in 720p to make it more playable. I really like what we had/have going on with our group.[/QUOTE]

Why would you need to force it into 720p? Not looking right on your TV?
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Why would you need to force it into 720p? Not looking right on your TV?[/QUOTE]
Absolutely shitty on my TV. It's upscaling from whatever it is less than 720p to 1080p and looks horrible on a 42" plasma. I'm hoping making it 720p may make the picture quality come up rather than "stretch" like it's doing now.
[quote name='Mad39er']Absolutely shitty on my TV. It's upscaling from whatever it is less than 720p to 1080p and looks horrible on a 42" plasma. I'm hoping making it 720p may make the picture quality come up rather than "stretch" like it's doing now.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm...I assume you've already tried it but have you looked into adjusting the actual picture on the TV? Maybe you need to change the display format when playing Black Ops?
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Hmmm...I assume you've already tried it but have you looked into adjusting the actual picture on the TV? Maybe you need to change the display format when playing Black Ops?[/QUOTE]
There is nothing wrong with my TV, the settings nor the format, as I use my tv as my computer monitor as well. I do not need to troubleshoot my TV. Black Ops runs at a lower resolution than MW2, which is why things stretch in 1080p as the PS3 is upscaling a tad too high.
[quote name='Mad39er']There is nothing wrong with my TV, the settings nor the format, as I use my tv as my computer monitor as well. I do not need to troubleshoot my TV. Black Ops runs at a lower resolution than MW2, which is why things stretch in 1080p as the PS3 is upscaling a tad too high.[/QUOTE]

Alright, alright just trying to help you figure out the problem...I guess I should have known better then to try and help you the professor out...:roll:
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Alright, alright just trying to help you figure out the problem...I guess I should have known better then to try and help you the professor out...:roll:[/QUOTE]
I'll try to be as polite and nice as possible but here's how it is. The last time you tried to help, it wasn't required, asked for or even helpful. In fact I'm firmly in the court of you knew considerably less about networking than Kaiser who can't even reliably tweak his own router(I really wish I could help you with this one, Kaiser). I recall getting annoyed and possibly upset. I just don't want to go down that road with you or anybody else, I'm cranky enough about Black Ops being subpar in quality compared to MW2.
[quote name='Mad39er']I'll try to be as polite and nice as possible but here's how it is. The last time you tried to help, it wasn't required, asked for or even helpful. In fact I'm firmly in the court of you knew considerably less about networking than Kaiser who can't even reliably tweak his own router(I really wish I could help you with this one, Kaiser). I recall getting annoyed and possibly upset. I just don't want to go down that road with you or anybody else, I'm cranky enough about Black Ops being subpar in quality compared to MW2.[/QUOTE]

The fact of the matter is that you are "cranky" about everything. Always talking about your work being so hard, you getting injured all the time, getting sick, feeling bad, your dog pulling you around, etc. etc. etc. You've always come off as a pessimist and a control freak who wants to be Mr. Boss to everyone involved in the thread, and I think that is entirely what you are.

Just because you helped start the clan doesn't mean that you can control what people say and do and how they play. I remember another post where you were trying to lay down numerous ground rules for people to abide by when playing the game, and I believe that is what we were going at it about before.

You can complain about Black Ops displaying poorly or anything else so wrong with your life, but why do you bring your anger into the threads!? I mean, even in your last post your said "I'll try to be as polite and nice as possible" like you're holding back a massive Hell-fire fueled rant...
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']The fact of the matter is that you are "cranky" about everything. Always talking about your work being so hard, you getting injured all the time, getting sick, feeling bad, your dog pulling you around, etc. etc. etc. You've always come off as a pessimist and a control freak who wants to be Mr. Boss to everyone involved in the thread, and I think that is entirely what you are.

Just because you helped start the clan doesn't mean that you can control what people say and do and how they play. I remember another post where you were trying to lay down numerous ground rules for people to abide by when playing the game, and I believe that is what we were going at it about before.

You can complain about Black Ops displaying poorly or anything else so wrong with your life, but why do you bring your anger into the threads!? I mean, even in your last post your said "I'll try to be as polite and nice as possible" like you're holding back a massive Hell-fire fueled rant...[/QUOTE]

I'll add my 2 cents....maybe you should just back off. I've never seen you play with us...Mad said you played with him one time and I take him at his word. You've stated your PSN id is in your signature, handle, something, but it is not and you won't post it since you do not play with us, maybe you should just develop zipper lip and keep it closed. People who play can complain about direction. Hell, I bitch all the time about the clowns who play with us and don't call out shooting down aircraft (pet peeve of mine in MW2 since I usually have to swap classes). I say "clowns" because they know who they are and know I am just bitching....they either ignore it or start barking out if they are taking it down. Mad bitched here the one time and I agreed with it. People were playing bad and we were getting severely spawn camped.

I'll finish off by saying I know where Mad lives, know what he does, and know how he was injured. Maybe you're just an insensitive ass who doesn't have a job or not a well paying one. I know I would not have wanted to swapped jobs with him this summer when he was complaining about it.

I'll not post here again....come play BO with us if you want your opinion to count.
[quote name='jmbreci']
I'll finish off by saying I know where Mad lives, know what he does, and know how he was injured. [/QUOTE]

Hmmmm... Does he pick up illegals and drop them off at INS? Maaaaybe a prostitute outreach program?

Dont leave me hanging, evil. That's just not fair >.
[quote name='jmbreci']I'll add my 2 cents....maybe you should just back off. I've never seen you play with us...Mad said you played with him one time and I take him at his word. You've stated your PSN id is in your signature, handle, something, but it is not and you won't post it since you do not play with us, maybe you should just develop zipper lip and keep it closed. People who play can complain about direction. Hell, I bitch all the time about the clowns who play with us and don't call out shooting down aircraft (pet peeve of mine in MW2 since I usually have to swap classes). I say "clowns" because they know who they are and know I am just bitching....they either ignore it or start barking out if they are taking it down. Mad bitched here the one time and I agreed with it. People were playing bad and we were getting severely spawn camped.

I'll finish off by saying I know where Mad lives, know what he does, and know how he was injured. Maybe you're just an insensitive ass who doesn't have a job or not a well paying one. I know I would not have wanted to swapped jobs with him this summer when he was complaining about it.

I'll not post here again....come play BO with us if you want your opinion to count.[/QUOTE]

I've posted my PSN ID here multiple times. It is KRAKRABBIT. Maybe some day people will actually get that I have in fact posted it multiple times. And in any case, I am rarely online when Mad is, that's not my fault and that certainly doesn't mean I shouldn't be welcome here ever.

And I'm not saying Mad doesn't have a tough job or environment or whatever, I'm just saying he is always posting so angrily. Barking at me because I'm trying to help him figure out why BO doesn't look right on his TV? He came off as the ass when I did nothing but try to suggest some possible solutions to his Black Ops problem.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']The fact of the matter is that you are "cranky" about everything. Always talking about your work being so hard, you getting injured all the time, getting sick, feeling bad, your dog pulling you around, etc. etc. etc. You've always come off as a pessimist and a control freak who wants to be Mr. Boss to everyone involved in the thread, and I think that is entirely what you are.

Just because you helped start the clan doesn't mean that you can control what people say and do and how they play. I remember another post where you were trying to lay down numerous ground rules for people to abide by when playing the game, and I believe that is what we were going at it about before.

You can complain about Black Ops displaying poorly or anything else so wrong with your life, but why do you bring your anger into the threads!? I mean, even in your last post your said "I'll try to be as polite and nice as possible" like you're holding back a massive Hell-fire fueled rant...[/QUOTE]

Dude, are you actually trying to argue with me about that again? You never played with us. All the times I invited, you were busy with other games. The bigger man in me would have accepted an invite from you were it the other way around because I honestly wanted to see where your game is at. Needless to say the only thing you've done is take offense to me while you really had nothing to do with the topic being posted because... it never affected you nor was it directed at you. Seriously, leave me alone, I leave you well enough alone until you try to get more out of me.

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I've posted my PSN ID here multiple times. It is KRAKRABBIT. Maybe some day people will actually get that I have in fact posted it multiple times. And in any case, I am rarely online when Mad is, that's not my fault and that certainly doesn't mean I shouldn't be welcome here ever.

And I'm not saying Mad doesn't have a tough job or environment or whatever, I'm just saying he is always posting so angrily. Barking at me because I'm trying to help him figure out why BO doesn't look right on his TV? He came off as the ass when I did nothing but try to suggest some possible solutions to his Black Ops problem.[/QUOTE]

I've been hit with a really bad week and you're not entitled to anything from me, not pleasantries or screaming acronyms of the day. You are not somebody I report to, look up to or have to please, I do however choose to hold back the extreme annoyance that comes from you ignoring all the polite ways I choose to deal with you, the fact that I have to be stern and extremely obvious about not wanting your input is quite simply a sign that either you don't care or you're purposely trolling. I honestly wish you would be bright enough to respect the lines drawn in the sand, I'm done having it out in this thread.

I don't know how I can phrase it any better at 2:35AM, so this will have to do.
Whatever, you can rant all you want I'm not stopping you. This all started by me just trying to help you figure your Black Ops/TV setting out with you to help it look better, but you automatically started off by barking that you didn't need to troubleshoot and it wasn't your TV and whatever else you said. Obviously you are a very angry and bitter person, so there's no way we'll ever get along.
Just putting out a feeler, anybody up for a game night tonight? I feel like putting down GT5 for a spell but Black Ops may make me too moody and MW2 was always fun.
[quote name='Mad39er']Just putting out a feeler, anybody up for a game night tonight? I feel like putting down GT5 for a spell but Black Ops may make me too moody and MW2 was always fun.[/QUOTE]

Borderlands b!tch....I need guns! Lots of guns! :) Not even sure if I will get on, but may....something about putting down a 4 year old who knows too much.
So... my nephew was playing Call of Duty MW2 last night. He was playing 3rd person team tactical and got into a room with a hacker, which I was amazed by as I hadnt seen it myself (no, no elevators or whatever).

Anyway, he quit game on it... went into the next game and the map wasn't there... everybody was just floatingand nobody could shoot. In his third game he started getting achievements for things like "commando pro I" when he was already 5th prestige. When he got back into the lobby everything had reset except for the guns and attachments that were currently on the guns... So he has no pro perks and has shotgun attachments and heartbeat sensors unlocked before anything else.
That samething happened to me about a week ago on cod 4, every gun got unlocked, but I'm still on level 35. It's really annoying as it seems there is no way to undo it.
Man, I really hate what's left of the MW2 community. While all the 12 year olds are gone, all that's left is the teenagers who think quick scoping is cool beans. So I pull out my Riot Shield classes and stop the quick scopers dead in their tracks. Then I hear: "Quit that fucking $$$$$$ riot shielding"

Really quick scopers? You're abusing aim assist and I'm the $$$$$$ for riot shielding? Whatever.

After about 2 rounds of it they start noob tubing me to hell.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Man, I really hate what's left of the MW2 community. While all the 12 year olds are gone, all that's left is the teenagers who think quick scoping is cool beans. So I pull out my Riot Shield classes and stop the quick scopers dead in their tracks. Then I hear: "Quit that fucking $$$$$$ riot shielding"

Really quick scopers? You're abusing aim assist and I'm the $$$$$$ for riot shielding? Whatever.

After about 2 rounds of it they start noob tubing me to hell.[/QUOTE]

I know....I always loved the Quick Scopers who bitched when I toobed them. Like you said - whatever.
I like to think I played MW2 a lot before BLOPS came out. I mean, I played it at least 3 times a week for 2+ hours with friends...yet I never ran into 1 modded room in SnD the entire time.

So I start playing SnD on Wasteland and after about 10 seconds, about where I'm about to enter the "cave", an oddly moving harrier appears on the first round of the entire game. So I go inside the cave with my riot shield and sit there for about 10 seconds while this thing hovers. Then boom, every one on my team is dead withing a fraction of a second.

Watch the kill cam, the 30 second kill cam for some reason, and you can see the script kiddie choosing from a list of mods and deciding upon a "Super AC130" . The AC130 floats around at harrier level for some reason and the guy runs into the cave where 3 of us are, he's invisible of course, and we all suddenly die by the ac 130. I stopped playing that day and decided I'd try later.

I've also run into 1 guy who's character model was changed into an AC130. Like an AC130 sliding along the ground, but besides that nothing was changed.

Luckily those 2 instances were from hours of gameplay, so it doesn't happen all the time.
I did run into a couple of groups of hackers in my last two games of the night. One was a group without the prestige emblems in the lobby and the other was a speedhack/gravity match. Overall I'm hoping we get a decent group for tomorrow. I really really enjoyed all the noob killing and nearly got my nuke like twice except idiot teammates really noobed it up and led the other team to me.
[quote name='Mad39er']I did run into a couple of groups of hackers in my last two games of the night. One was a group without the prestige emblems in the lobby and the other was a speedhack/gravity match. Overall I'm hoping we get a decent group for tomorrow. I really really enjoyed all the noob killing and nearly got my nuke like twice except idiot teammates really noobed it up and led the other team to me.[/QUOTE]

Sign me up for mw2 game night. I miss the polish with the game even though I still hate some of the core perks in the game. O well....
[quote name='jax2001']i guess i should go pick this up again[/QUOTE]

My local GS has a huge section of the used 360 and PS3 games devoted to MW2. I guess stores have had a lot of trade ins. As I mentioned in the BOs thread, until the 11th, GS is giving an extra 50% on all trade ins towards another used item (as low as $1). That means a min. of $45 for it in later today I believe.
[quote name='SynGamer']My local GS has a huge section of the used 360 and PS3 games devoted to MW2. I guess stores have had a lot of trade ins. As I mentioned in the BOs thread, until the 11th, GS is giving an extra 50% on all trade ins towards another used item (as low as $1). That means a min. of $45 for it in later today I believe.[/QUOTE]

not sure i'm ready to give up on BOs yet except i have put it in timeout for a few weeks. amazon has mw2 new for $20. i'll see you guys next week.
[quote name='nakanenui']I can play MW2 maybe from 6PM PST to 9PM PST.[/QUOTE]
You betta. I need to tweak my network settings again but I should be ready to host game night.
Maybe I can convince the wife to let me play earlier too (Might be on like at 4 PST). My connection will probably be crap. I saw "strict" NAT type last night, for some unknown reason. Maybe if I get rid of (or upgrade) my wireless router and place it behind my PS3 router I could get a better connection? Who knows.

Cable Modem -> NETGEAR Wireless Router -> DLINK Router -> PS3 (the laptop is wireless). I dont have anything else leaching off my network, so the lag would probably be on my service provider. Maybe I should pay them on time... LOL.
at least I can get my revenge for Laguna Seca by running around Mad lighting up the sky like a Christmas tree....with OMA (of course) so I never run out of ammo.

Still say we need to find a match with snipers and have everyone except for Noobkill, Monkey, or Mad running with Riot Shields. Would probably be good on Highrise....then again, WTF do I know?
[quote name='nakanenui']Maybe I can convince the wife to let me play earlier too (Might be on like at 4 PST). My connection will probably be crap. I saw "strict" NAT type last night, for some unknown reason. Maybe if I get rid of (or upgrade) my wireless router and place it behind my PS3 router I could get a better connection? Who knows.

Cable Modem -> NETGEAR Wireless Router -> DLINK Router -> PS3 (the laptop is wireless). I dont have anything else leaching off my network, so the lag would probably be on my service provider. Maybe I should pay them on time... LOL.[/QUOTE]

Definitely switch our routers around. I have Modem-->Router (wired)-->Router (wireless) with the PS3 obviously hooked up to the wired router. I do have my Ooma phone sitting in front - which I may kill for gaming.
[quote name='nakanenui']Maybe I can convince the wife to let me play earlier too (Might be on like at 4 PST). My connection will probably be crap. I saw "strict" NAT type last night, for some unknown reason. Maybe if I get rid of (or upgrade) my wireless router and place it behind my PS3 router I could get a better connection? Who knows.

Cable Modem -> NETGEAR Wireless Router -> DLINK Router -> PS3 (the laptop is wireless). I dont have anything else leaching off my network, so the lag would probably be on my service provider. Maybe I should pay them on time... LOL.[/QUOTE]Dude, you have 2 routers? No wonder you're having a hard time tweaking settings and keeping things consistent. evil might be able to help you a bit more with that than I can but I'd say definitely keep the PS3 wired to the faster primary router and DMZ the IP of the PS3 on that particular router.

[quote name='jmbreci']at least I can get my revenge for Laguna Seca by running around Mad lighting up the sky like a Christmas tree....with OMA (of course) so I never run out of ammo.

Still say we need to find a match with snipers and have everyone except for Noobkill, Monkey, or Mad running with Riot Shields. Would probably be good on Highrise....then again, WTF do I know?[/QUOTE]
You already got revenge for Laguna Seca, if you're that bloodthirsty... I'll start using the E brake, muahahaha.

On an unrelated note, am I installing the map packs or are we okay with tons of noobs on the original set of maps?
bread's done