Modern Warfare 3 Discussion Thread - Out 11/8/11. New Multiplayer Trailer!

[quote name='Mad39er']I've said it before in the 360 thread about another hit detection video, I'll say it again. The guy is trash, plays like trash and expects to be rewarded for it. The hit detection was spot on except he wasn't ADSing, he took the chance that hipfiring would score kills.

I do enjoy nubstomping and he'd probably get killed by me the most. Screenshot of nub-abuse.

That picture is really telling. You're playing with a bunch of noobs and split screeners, i'd be doing 27-1 or better myself if that was my opposition. How did you get into that game anyway?
[quote name='blitz6speed']That picture is really telling. You're playing with a bunch of noobs and split screeners, i'd be doing 27-1 or better myself if that was my opposition. How did you get into that game anyway?[/QUOTE]
Well, I did say it was nub abuse but you're right, I could have done better. I was rusty, I hadn't played in almost 2 months. I didn't do anything special, I just joined the lobbies I felt would get me better results through out the night, ie; ones without multi-prestige parties.

When you have a party that joins lobbies instead of joining matches, you can pick and choose what feels right, I prefer not to pit people I play with against full parties unless I'm sure they're able to handle it. Like I'll pick a lobby that is less likely to have a party with people who aren't high performing killers because it's more fair that way. I also hate dealing with the nub on our own that gets completely slaughtered and is the token killslut for the opposing team. I've done this since MW2 and Black Ops, it works out pretty well.
[quote name='Mad39er']Well, I did say it was nub abuse but you're right, I could have done better. I was rusty, I hadn't played in almost 2 months. I didn't do anything special, I just joined the lobbies I felt would get me better results through out the night, ie; ones without multi-prestige parties.

When you have a party that joins lobbies instead of joining matches, you can pick and choose what feels right, I prefer not to pit people I play with against full parties unless I'm sure they're able to handle it. Like I'll pick a lobby that is less likely to have a party with people who aren't high performing killers because it's more fair that way. I also hate dealing with the nub on our own that gets completely slaughtered and is the token killslut for the opposing team. I've done this since MW2 and Black Ops, it works out pretty well.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, 9 times out of 10, i get thrown into matches in progress even with parties, but the times i do get into a lobby, i get quite choosy if i see a clan with prestiges everywhere. One thing i hate about COD is that if i leave a match, DO NOT PUT ME BACK IN THE SAME LOBBY! I left for a reason! Why cant it just put that lobby on a block list?

Anyway, had some super fun matches tonight. I got gold on the Scar, which brings my tally to 3 gold guns (m4a1, scar, type-95) and i am REALLY close on the striker. Few more games in dome and i got that one as well. I started leveling up the M16, but the gun is so horrible. I just went to the PP90 which i am just thrashing with atm. The last game i played, i have to admit, it was one of the funnest games of COD ive ever had, felt like WW3 with multikills everywhere, lots of crazy action and fun moments. Its what COD is all about. I am now also exclusively playing Dropzone. Loving it.
Blitz - you want to gold the striker easily just join a drop zone match. Seriously, I rarely use the shotguns and went from lv 0 to 4 in a match while using overkill and it was my second weapon. I think drop zone is perfect to level up blast shield and shotguns because things are getting lobbed into the zone and people bunch up there. A little smoke and come in with shoguns ablazin'. Got my only shotty triple kill in drop zone...then again, I don't use them much. :)
I got my gold Mk14 but too bad I'll lose it again to Prestiging, I did think it was fun to hit Gold camo on a gun but I think the gold looks fugly. I half want to unlock the Mk14 for my Prestiges but it looks like I need 3 tokens for the 3 title and emblem combos and 5 for the custom class slots...That about fills up the next 8 Prestiges for me. I'll have one left over to reset from 10th Prestige, if I get to that point.
[quote name='jmbreci']Blitz - you want to gold the striker easily just join a drop zone match. Seriously, I rarely use the shotguns and went from lv 0 to 4 in a match while using overkill and it was my second weapon. I think drop zone is perfect to level up blast shield and shotguns because things are getting lobbed into the zone and people bunch up there. A little smoke and come in with shoguns ablazin'. Got my only shotty triple kill in drop zone...then again, I don't use them much. :)[/QUOTE]

All my perks are pro and yes, the only map i use striker on is Dome, and i only play Dropzone these days. Its almost gold anyway, just a few games away.
Never ever have I had to work so hard. I guess that's what happens on a Sunday, camping fucking galore. Every single fucking match, oh my god. K/D didn't drop, ranked at 840 with 344 kills in 3 hours, in the top 25%. Saturday was a much better day than today.
There was some serious lagging in some of those rooms last night. I'll leave out the massive campfests we ran into & people with the cheater controllers. They guy that had it modified to jump shoot was hilarious. I was coming up the stairs in Arkaden and was aimed a bit too high, but he was kind enough to take care of that for me with his head. :D

I still say we should have stuck around with those clowns in Fallen who lost by 35 kills but were claiming that if we were not camping that they would have won. This after I see 3 of them in a room crouching all with sniper rifles. Think I had 2 head shots & a knife to clear the room.

Guess the top 3-4 people (as of 10:30 last night CDT) on the boards were allegedly in the same matches boosting. Not way can you rack up 900+ kills in 3 hours in TDM. That's about 45-50 kills per match for every match, no exceptions. Don't think I've ever seen 45 kills in TDM in MW3.
[quote name='jmbreci']There was some serious lagging in some of those rooms last night. I'll leave out the massive campfests we ran into & people with the cheater controllers. They guy that had it modified to jump shoot was hilarious. I was coming up the stairs in Arkaden and was aimed a bit too high, but he was kind enough to take care of that for me with his head. :D

I still say we should have stuck around with those clowns in Fallen who lost by 35 kills but were claiming that if we were not camping that they would have won. This after I see 3 of them in a room crouching all with sniper rifles. Think I had 2 head shots & a knife to clear the room.

Guess the top 3-4 people (as of 10:30 last night CDT) on the boards were allegedly in the same matches boosting. Not way can you rack up 900+ kills in 3 hours in TDM. That's about 45-50 kills per match for every match, no exceptions. Don't think I've ever seen 45 kills in TDM in MW3.[/QUOTE]
It was definitely the night for Rushers vs Campers, since 90% of the maps are made for rushing, it was painful. Dividing the night into 18 matches, roughly 10 minutes a match, I averaged 19.4 kills per match.

The top dude did boost, he found a way to enter TDM with another player, both splitscreened and shot himself(splitscreened version anyway) a stupid amount of times. You can't hide the abuse, I wonder why he even bothered. It's a waste of $50. At 78 hours he was a 10th Prestige, I've got 78 hours and I'm only 3rd. Either way Namja Saeki is now the champ since they removed the guy who originally "won" it by cheating.

Namja Saeki actually put his feed up on, he looked pretty legitimate but I seriously wonder about how some of those guys get kills. In order to get 900+ he had to jump from lobby to lobby with an MP7/FMG9 Akimbo Marathon/Hardline/Steady Aim class over the course of 3 hours. He was scoring like 20 kills every 5 minutes, legitimately it was impressive but I do question how close he was sitting to the TV for some of those longshots.

It looks like the MP7 is the go to gun for this type of game event, I'm just way more methodical in my approach. I'm glad I placed in the top 25%, I just wish they'd show how many people competed. 19+ kills an hour wasn't bad but just a couple hours earlier with Thom I was wiping the floor with people, 25+ kills per match.
Hmmmm....tried that setup last night and swapped out Hardline for Quickdraw since I have not leveled up either weapon, was loud, and running support for my rewards. Not too bad once I got the hang of the MP7. 17-8.....need to level up that FMG9 now so that I can get akimbo since that is the real "pleasure" in using that weapon. I almost felt bad leaving that room, but it was late.
So can someone clarify this? Do the ps3 ELITE members get the content this month or next month? That's total bullshit if we get it in Feb.... probably won't get elite anymore if that's the case....I didn't spend money on a POS worthless app just to find out we get the content later than xbox
How can you guys play this game? Despite their flaws, I still had tons of fun with Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. With this, I get frustrated beyond belief. Every little thing pisses me off. Strikers, Akimbo FMG9s, Type 95s, shitty maps, etc etc etc. I still keep coming back to play it, but I never play for more than an hour because of boredom/frustration.
I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong with this game. I had the same problem with Modern Warfare 2. Just had a match with 1 kill, 1 assist, and 18 deaths, I give up. It's just impossible for me to not get killed by someone I don't see shortly after moving away from the spawn point, and when I do see someone, their one shot beats my 10 (direct hit) shots every time. I kicked so much ass on World At War, I'm alright with Black Ops on some of the maps, but that's it. I really want to join the phenomenon that everyone's playing, and even my non-gamer friends are better at these games than me.

I see people saying this game sucks compared to previous CoD games, but they praise MW2 and the game seems identical in every way to that game, or at least with me dying every 5 seconds and not standing a chance unless I camp. It's rare that I pay good money for a new release game, but a friend talked me into getting this one. I want to punch him in the face.

It's a shame World At War is hacked to death now, I REALLY enjoyed that game though nobody else did. Everything was perfect with it.
[quote name='Luriden']I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong with this game. I had the same problem with Modern Warfare 2. Just had a match with 1 kill, 1 assist, and 18 deaths, I give up. It's just impossible for me to not get killed by someone I don't see shortly after moving away from the spawn point, and when I do see someone, their one shot beats my 10 (direct hit) shots every time. I kicked so much ass on World At War, I'm alright with Black Ops on some of the maps, but that's it. I really want to join the phenomenon that everyone's playing, and even my non-gamer friends are better at these games than me.

I see people saying this game sucks compared to previous CoD games, but they praise MW2 and the game seems identical in every way to that game, or at least with me dying every 5 seconds and not standing a chance unless I camp. It's rare that I pay good money for a new release game, but a friend talked me into getting this one. I want to punch him in the face.

It's a shame World At War is hacked to death now, I REALLY enjoyed that game though nobody else did. Everything was perfect with it.[/QUOTE]

basic gameplan to this game. SMG class, run around the outer edges of maps since theyre pretty much all small squares and shoot people in the back who are either spawning or actually trying to play the objective game. Your K/D ratio will go through the roof. I really hope whatever map packs they release, balance out the different classes.
I'll probably be on tonight after either 7 or 8 CDT. Feel free to friend me (tell me you are a CAG) and I will send out invites.

Mad - don't you need some practice for Sunday's next competition? Is there one tonight?
[quote name='jmbreci']I'll probably be on tonight after either 7 or 8 CDT. Feel free to friend me (tell me you are a CAG) and I will send out invites.

Mad - don't you need some practice for Sunday's next competition? Is there one tonight?[/QUOTE]
Actually tonight is a Free For All event starting at 10pm EST, Sunday is the next TDM event. I probably need to brush up on more FFA-style skills and some hardcore stuff, I seem to have lost a bit of my edge despite my killing sprees. So if you're up for a change of pace, I may just be your huckleberry.
Creeping towards breaking 1.80, had some good games with Evil, Kaiser and Thom but ran into a stretch of campers at the end. Also using the PP90 for the first real time in my Prestiges, it leaves some to be desired at range but it's not bad.
Too bad I was about to pass out last night due to lack of sleep. I had to drop off. Except for that one level with the team of 3-5th level prestige guys and us with people standing in doorways & camping, it was all fun.

Mad's words of encouragement always inspire me to better things. Two examples from last night:

After Mad calls in an Attack Heli (or was it an AC130) in Downturn and seeing my name pop up several times in a row quite quickly:
Mad: they are hiding in the bank
Me: I know. I wish it would quit spawning me in the bank

Due to 4 quick bank deaths, I start 1-6 but finish something like 11-8.

I cannot remember if it was me dying or missing a guy and you dying in Outpost. I decide to do a mini-MDK spree of 7 until I realize I am out of ammo and bring a knife to a gun fight with 4 people.

Sad that I missed Kaiser and Thom. I may be on tonight, as shall be kid and wife free for several hours.
So I went a little crazy and decided to prestige since I could not stand being level 80. :) MP7 and Dead Silence as unlocks. About 60-90 minutes in and close to level 20....that includes a horrible match against a team of 5th+ prestige in drop zone and my team members were horrible. Drop Zone is the easy way to level up quickly though....number of matches at or over 10k and one over 20k.

It is much better to be on the other side of the FM9 Akimbo.
I played a few games with Thomas last night. Thomas do you have the video from that one match on outpost where I went 31-10? Used SCAR-L, and only had support streak active (UAV, FLACK JACKET, ADV UAV) so it was all bullets. We seemed to be doing pretty well even with some idiot randoms on our team. Probably will hit prestige 4 tonight. Got the NO BOOM FOR YOU trophy system emblem [50 trophy system preventions]. The damn trophy system can actually kill your teammates if they run next to it while it destroys any incoming projectiles... kind of dumb, because in HC RIC mode, it just ends up killing me... doh.

If you had this choice, would you rather prestige or get Blind Eye VI [250 kills] (I am currently at 130) for the emblem? I just love shooting people's attack chopper down before it makes it into the map, and their strafe run is easy points. Maybe drop zone is the game to use for this as "BLIND EYE, ASSASSIN, SITREP" can keep you from dying except for maybe a couple lucky shots or from idiotic spawns.
Anyone else get into Drop Zone matches where your team doesn't know how to play? I mean, you will die several times if you try to hold the is pretty much inevitable. I'm not sure why people care (as much) in drop zone about their K/D ratio.

On a side note, I did do the 3-5-7 for the attack heli last night in a TDM that I got into with my team down 1500-3500...."fun"....
Im not sure if its a hardcore thing or not, as thats what I exclusively play. But really, whats with the wanted shots in this game? Map size is a big problem but whatever, you can adapt to that. But continously getting shot in the back, when youre halfway past a brick wall is annoying as hell. Especially when the guy's line of sight made that impossible, unless the bullets are turning 90º right at the corner.
[quote name='jmbreci']Anyone else get into Drop Zone matches where your team doesn't know how to play? I mean, you will die several times if you try to hold the is pretty much inevitable. I'm not sure why people care (as much) in drop zone about their K/D ratio.[/QUOTE]

That's the problem with every game mode they've ever done in the CoD series. All these morons online think every mode is deathmatch and ruin it for the rest of us who want to actually play for the objectives and whatnot.
[quote name='edson13']Im not sure if its a hardcore thing or not, as thats what I exclusively play. But really, whats with the wanted shots in this game? Map size is a big problem but whatever, you can adapt to that. But continously getting shot in the back, when youre halfway past a brick wall is annoying as hell. Especially when the guy's line of sight made that impossible, unless the bullets are turning 90º right at the corner.[/QUOTE]

I feel your pain, as I see it several times a match for me. I must say it happens when Mad hosts all the time to me....I've just learned that I shouldn't try to knife unless I am backstabbing someone. It is frustrating though...I usually have to watch the killcam....but I feel the same exact way....that or I see about 6 hit markers from my gun and am only hit once but die...only to see from the killcam that I only got off a single shot.
[quote name='Tsel']How can you guys play this game? Despite their flaws, I still had tons of fun with Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. With this, I get frustrated beyond belief. Every little thing pisses me off. Strikers, Akimbo FMG9s, Type 95s, shitty maps, etc etc etc. I still keep coming back to play it, but I never play for more than an hour because of boredom/frustration.[/QUOTE]

Mw3 is easily the most fun i have had in my COD gaming time. Most of the time when i die, its from stuff where i made a mistake. Its not like BLOPS (horrific netcde, worthless online) or MW2 (More random then a slot machine). If you run into games where all the players are doing BS, just leave and find another lobby. I havent been killed by a quickscoper in the last 50+ matches, and the last time i got noob toobed and killed was 1+ month ago. I love it. Campers can still ruin everything, but i just leave and find a different lobby. Also if you see people with mexican flags and mexican usernames/clan tags, they're usually the people who do everything shitty possible in the game, so leave those lobbies immediately.

[quote name='Luriden']I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong with this game. I had the same problem with Modern Warfare 2. Just had a match with 1 kill, 1 assist, and 18 deaths, I give up. It's just impossible for me to not get killed by someone I don't see shortly after moving away from the spawn point, and when I do see someone, their one shot beats my 10 (direct hit) shots every time. I kicked so much ass on World At War, I'm alright with Black Ops on some of the maps, but that's it. I really want to join the phenomenon that everyone's playing, and even my non-gamer friends are better at these games than me.

I see people saying this game sucks compared to previous CoD games, but they praise MW2 and the game seems identical in every way to that game, or at least with me dying every 5 seconds and not standing a chance unless I camp. It's rare that I pay good money for a new release game, but a friend talked me into getting this one. I want to punch him in the face.

It's a shame World At War is hacked to death now, I REALLY enjoyed that game though nobody else did. Everything was perfect with it.[/QUOTE]

If you're dying that quickly, i have to assume you are not using the Assassin perk for slot 2. It makes THAT much of a difference. UAV's are stupid easy to get in this game, and are way harder to see/take down then in mw2, so assassin is an absolute must on most game types. The only one where i dont think its important is Dropzone. Try using assassin and move along the walls of the maps, see how you do when you're way less visible.
Feel free to add me if you havent a new(used) headset coming in the the turtle beach px21 from a fellow CAGer for a good deal...Hopefully these will help me a little more with better sound etc...regardless going to be a huge upgrade from my Motorola Bluetooth
[quote name='blitz6speed']If you're dying that quickly, i have to assume you are not using the Assassin perk for slot 2. It makes THAT much of a difference. UAV's are stupid easy to get in this game, and are way harder to see/take down then in mw2, so assassin is an absolute must on most game types. The only one where i dont think its important is Dropzone. Try using assassin and move along the walls of the maps, see how you do when you're way less visible.[/QUOTE]

I agree to a certain point. There are still a number of times where I spawn right next to a member of the opposite team or between two of them. I literally had it happen four times in a row in one match - and it kept throwing me back as the same respawn point every time. No other word for that other than horrible.

If you are in DropZone, then think about Blast Shield instead of assassins.
DROPZONE is perfect for blast shield leveling as well as recon leveling. I got a nice care package drop kill one game that was unexpected. I see people running shotguns all the time and the occasional quick scoped. I have seen games where people go solely for kills, 40+ game after game in DZ.
[quote name='Gannikus']So can someone clarify this? Do the ps3 ELITE members get the content this month or next month? That's total bullshit if we get it in Feb.... probably won't get elite anymore if that's the case....I didn't spend money on a POS worthless app just to find out we get the content later than xbox[/QUOTE]

So when will someone be filing a lawsuit? I am pretty sure they didn't mention that the DLC would still be exclusive to Xbox users first. The ELITE service should have allowed free access to people who purchased the game. They should have set up a season pass feature for DLC with a discount price for PS3 since it doesn't receive the premium content on the same day as Xbox. The service is atrocious. That's my 3 more cent than usual for how much the service is actually worth.
[quote name='langdon_alger']at this point, I don't think they've even announced when the ps3 gets the maps...

so glad I could be a part of this effed up experiment.[/QUOTE]

At full price. Ew. Im in the same boat with you. Paid 99.99+tax for hardened thinking it was going to be something great, turns out the first 3 months are worth nothing, and you only get 9 months for your 12-month subscription.
[quote name='nakanenui']At full price. Ew. Im in the same boat with you. Paid 99.99+tax for hardened thinking it was going to be something great, turns out the first 3 months are worth nothing, and you only get 9 months for your 12-month subscription.[/QUOTE]

Agree with this 100%. What a waste of three months and now who knows when we will even get any DLC. I would bitch about it to (insert CoD affiliated company) but we all know they don't give a shit. I think I am approaching the end of playing this game, thank God I paid about $10 for this game after the Best Buy trades. The game really isn't that much fun and I just don't see myself playing it much longer. On a sidenote I am about to prestige again and I have to say the prestige icons in this game are the worst to date. They are all so ugly.
FWIW there have been I think two extensions of Elite service so far. I should have an extra month or two, they need to add an easy way to view that. I think I have to check it under the services section.
am I the only one who can't log in to Elite? I clicked o nthe link above and was sent to the login/welcome page....but all of the login links are gone.
There is a lone wolf in TDM tonight for a headset. I may be on to assist after about 10pm CDT, but it starts at 9pm CDT.

Why do people think it's cool to cheat? I mean, I was the host last night in TDM and was getting the hell does that happen? I see guys in front of me while I have my gun / akimbo up, their guns are down - yet they get off 2 shots before I get one off. This isn't that I did not see them...this is they are right in front of me and my screen semi-freezes and the next imagine I have is me lying on the ground. Killcam shows me just freezing there...

Again...up to help out after I get home if anyone is interested
[quote name='jmbreci']There is a lone wolf in TDM tonight for a headset. I may be on to assist after about 10pm CDT, but it starts at 9pm CDT.

Why do people think it's cool to cheat? I mean, I was the host last night in TDM and was getting the hell does that happen? I see guys in front of me while I have my gun / akimbo up, their guns are down - yet they get off 2 shots before I get one off. This isn't that I did not see them...this is they are right in front of me and my screen semi-freezes and the next imagine I have is me lying on the ground. Killcam shows me just freezing there...

Again...up to help out after I get home if anyone is interested[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean about the lag, because I see a guy running at me mid-weapon swap (his hand was behind his head), I am already shooting, and I end up dead... I just wish it was a level playing field. I do not think temp bans are strict enough for cheaters. If they catch you lag switching on purpose (even purposefully glitching too) it should be a console ban.
I had to take a short break from MW3, went and finally cracked open Uncharted 1. Beat the game and all I have left is Crushing run for PLATINUM. Not a bad game, graphics and story and gameplay held up well, unlike say GTAIV which graphics and gameplay really suck compared to current games.

I should be on tonight to finish up another prestige, if anyone else is on and wants to play. I have not played much of the bomb related games, and not really an S&D kind of guy unless we have a team that can complement each others skills.
Must have missed you....could've used someone else last night, although I only played 4-5 matches. How is it that I seem to get stuck in Drop Zone with clowns who have no clue what it is about? Seriously, it's called "Drop Zone", not CTF, not TDM, not Free-for-All. This is what two of the guys said to each other, who were obviously playing together:

Clueless1: "I guess this is not scored like team death match is it?"
Clueless2: "I don't think so since the match shouldn't have a guy who was 1-1-3 at the top"
Clueless1: "I think maybe we are supposed to go to that zone and hold it"
Clueless2: "Maybe we should leave and go play TDM"
Me: "How the hell don't you grasp the objective when the game type is called Drop Zone?"

That was the conversation after they went something like 5-1-14 in two straight matches.
Drop Zone does have a great many people who play like TDM, who run the perimeter picking people off as they spawn and run blindly to the DZ. Also a fair share of QS griefers just running around to piss people off.

I plan to get my 250 Blind Eye Pro destroys by doing DZ and shooting down incoming air support. Probably wont prestige this time until after I get Blind Eye Pro complete, and Last Stand kills (100). Almost halfway through Blind Eye challenge, and 1/5 the way there on Last Stand kills.
bread's done