Monado: Beginning of the World / Xenoblade (Wii) Pre-Order @ amazon ($59.99)

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Before coming in here to complain MSRP isn't a deal, please listen for a bit!

There is an increasingly growing campaign, spanning multiple forums and gaming sites (NeoGaf, IGN, GoNintendo, Kotaku, Destructoid, Gamefaqs, Nintendoeverything, and more), trying to get Nintendo to listen up and release this (+The Last Story and Pandora's Tower) in the U.S.

The campaign includes snail mail writing, e-mail, phone calls, facebook, and twitter and the turn-out has been beyond all expectations thus far. Comments on Nintendo's Facebook had passed 1,300 in just 24 hours.

But actions speak louder than words, so to convey that Nintendo fans really want this, people have decided to show for it by pre-ordering on amazon -- hoping to get it to the #1 sales rank in video games from #12,000+


Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #30 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#5 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

See this too:

So the deal is this, please pre-order it to help get it released in the U.S. Remember: actions speak louder than words.


It costs nothing to pre-order! also, if the game does come out, the MSRP will surely drop to $49.99.

Edit -- Update #1:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #25 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#4 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #2:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #24 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#3 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #3 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#16 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#3 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #4 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#9 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#1 in Video Games > Wii > All Games

Edit: Update #5 on amazon sales rank:

Amazon Bestsellers Rank:
#4 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
#1 in Video Games > Wii > Action
#1 in Video Games > Wii > All Games
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Lol, video was great. Sums it all up doesn't it.

It's times like these that makes me want to pirate Wii games instead of just backing up my collection. Hopefully Nintendo changes their stance on this.
[quote name='62t'][snipped to omit video insert][/QUOTE]

Hah.. kinda saw that coming.

And, quite honestly, I think NoA is milking all of this for the free PR.

I may be in the minority here, but I'll admit: prior to this thread, I had never even heard of these games. But after walking into this thread not expecting much, I ended up being quite intrigued. Via Amazon's discussion board, I learned more about Operation Rainfall and their objectives. I'll commend them on their efforts thus far.

But after the recent FB post by Nintendo, it would seem like any hopes of the games being localized have been vanquished. However, the group seems more determined than ever now, leading some to believe that the FB post is a "test of faith." Assuming it's all going to Nintendo's plan, this would cause the group to increase their efforts.

Thus, leading to more public awareness of the games, which leads to more interest, and ultimately, more buyers! Of course, this would only work in Nintendo's favor if they localize these games. If not, then that's one more plate that they can add to their "Hall of Shame," making their whole "Wii U is also for long-time/hardcore gamers!" claim looking like a joke.
[quote name='62t']1. Yes it Xenoblade.
2. No price yet. Will likely be $50
3. Nintendo said no.
4. Wii is not region free.[/QUOTE]

tnx.. and boo. That is super gay that the Wii isn't region free. I thought I would at least be able to import it from the UK

This honestly boggles the mind.. if they are releasing it in the UK, why the hell not do a US release too? Seriously, wtf? While it would still be annoying i can kinda understand if they didn't want to bother with any localization at all. But they are already going to translate it over to english for the UK.. is it that hard to release it in NTSC format?

fucking a-holes

I already really dislike nintendo. I havent cared about them much since the days of the N64. I actually just bought my Wii last November or so. Honestly seems like they just love throwing out shovelware, and mario games, and to hell with bringing over the few actually interesting/good games that Japan gets.

As someone who actually kinda hates Nintendo, this pisses me off. I cant even imagine how those of you who are actual Nintendo fans and supporters feel after getting screwed like this
[quote name='immanewb']Hah.. kinda saw that coming.

And, quite honestly, I think NoA is milking all of this for the free PR.

I may be in the minority here, but I'll admit: prior to this thread, I had never even heard of these games. But after walking into this thread not expecting much, I ended up being quite intrigued. Via Amazon's discussion board, I learned more about Operation Rainfall and their objectives. I'll commend them on their efforts thus far.

But after the recent FB post by Nintendo, it would seem like any hopes of the games being localized have been vanquished. However, the group seems more determined than ever now, leading some to believe that the FB post is a "test of faith." Assuming it's all going to Nintendo's plan, this would cause the group to increase their efforts.

Thus, leading to more public awareness of the games, which leads to more interest, and ultimately, more buyers! Of course, this would only work in Nintendo's favor if they localize these games. If not, then that's one more plate that they can add to their "Hall of Shame," making their whole "Wii U is also for long-time/hardcore gamers!" claim looking like a joke.[/QUOTE]

Hey, if you became aware of these games via the campaign, then the whole operation can already be declared a success. It wasn't a waste of time and pre-orders and voices did not fall on deaf ears. Nintendo got the message, developers for the message and were very thankful, and awareness of the game was spread.

Thanks for contributing everyone. =) Even if it wasn't the best result.

Wii really gets the "the worst console this gen" award.

Sure, they have a few first party titles that are great and some third person titles.

Now way in hell it matches the juggernaut collection of great third party and first party games from the 360 and PS3.

If you are a only Wii owner, I feel for you.

really I do.

nintendo, I loved the gamecube, my only console last gen. Now way in hell am i touching the 3DS (rehased DS with tiny improvements) and the Wii U. The Wii U will probably suffer the same fate as the Wii after the next Xbox and PS drop with substantially better hardware. Third party will flock to that.
Nahhhh, WiiU will be in a much better position than Wii. Wii's problem was that it was missing modern functions like proper shaders, etc. that made it impossible to scale software to it. It forced devs to make software from scratch that wouldn't work on other platforms. WiiU won't have those same problems. The games will still be relatively simple for devs to port but they just won't look as sharp.
Won't look as sharp? We don't know the tech.

Better position than the wii? With old game ports(batman will be like a year old if it comes out on wii-u), usual 1st party games and nintendo's refusal to bring over good games? I don't need old game ports, especially if the other companies will have new consoles out in 2-3 years anyway which will trump the wii-u, they'll stop getting ports then too. I don't care about the graphics, I just want the games, which is why I wanted these games.
Wait, so Hitler is on our side for Operation Rainfall, he should have been portraying the braindead exec that is blocking Xenoblade and Last Story from coming to the US ;)
just noticed something when i pre-ordered this (figure pre-ordering doesn't hurt) it listed Solatorobo: Red the Hunter under 'people who bought this'...

is that another one that is just a huge cock tease of shit that wont come out, like this and Soma bringer, or is that game actually coming out? I had heard good things about it

[quote name='ral1121']Wow.

Wii really gets the "the worst console this gen" award.

Sure, they have a few first party titles that are great and some third person titles.

Now way in hell it matches the juggernaut collection of great third party and first party games from the 360 and PS3.

If you are a only Wii owner, I feel for you.

really I do.

nintendo, I loved the gamecube, my only console last gen. Now way in hell am i touching the 3DS (rehased DS with tiny improvements) and the Wii U. The Wii U will probably suffer the same fate as the Wii after the next Xbox and PS drop with substantially better hardware. Third party will flock to that.[/QUOTE]

+1.. i really dont know what happened to nintendo. They've become a joke of a company just churning out loads of shovelware. The reason i waited so long to get a wii was that there really wasn't much worth getting. A weak ass console with a gimicky controller. Thats all this really is. Honestly i use it more to play gamecube games in progressive mode than i do to play wii games =P

Hey, at least the DS has a lot of fun rpgs
[quote name='Kenshindono']just noticed something when i pre-ordered this (figure pre-ordering doesn't hurt) it listed Solatorobo: Red the Hunter under 'people who bought this'...

is that another one that is just a huge cock tease of shit that wont come out, like this and Soma bringer, or is that game actually coming out? I had heard good things about it[/QUOTE]

It's coming out in the U.S. on 9/27/2011 from XSEED. Pre-order it here:

Btw, if you're wondering how many pre-orders were made for Monado, here are some rankings.

#9 Bestseller for the Week of June 20, 2011:

#4 Bestseller for the Week of June 27, 2011:

#85 Bestseller for the Month of June 2011:

Operation Rainfall started on the 22nd. amazon pre-orders kicked in a lot just a few hours before this topic was made.
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A lot of people upset sure, but since when did Nintendo actually cater to anyone outside of Japan?

NOA isn't really a pro-consumer company... Sucks I'll never play the games, but it makes me glad I got rid of my Wii and won't have to buy another home console from them in the next 3+ years.
I'm pretty much done with Nintendo, and that was before this. My wii stands unused, for months at a time. Awaiting some kind of RPG, something to actually dust it off. Time to check the Gamestop TIV's... if these aren't coming out.. there's really nothing else I want on it.

Wii U looks pretty lame as well. I'm not really sure what Nintendo is doing these days. The screwed up the 3DS launch with out a killer app, and then the Wii U's cool controller.. you can only use 1? It's like they just sit around Nintendo and smoke the KGB and come up with lame ideas.
[quote name='heratio']Wait, so Hitler is on our side for Operation Rainfall, he should have been portraying the braindead exec that is blocking Xenoblade and Last Story from coming to the US ;)[/QUOTE]

I think that would be an insult even to Hitler.;)

On a more serious note, I'm all in favor of OpRainfall, and I think it should continue to do what it's doing. But remember Mother 3. All the interest, promotion, pre-ordering, and complaining isn't guaranteed to do anything.

But maybe, just maybe, NoA will listen to money. All you gamers that are waiting for Xenoblade, Last Story, and Pandora's Tower, don't give Nintendo another penny until we get some concrete commitment from them about this. No Wii U. No 3DS. No Skyward Sword. If you really can't go without, then at least buy used so none of that money goes to Nintendo. After all, Nintendo clearly has a bad allergic reaction to money. Even tell Nintendo why you aren't buying, so that maybe they will interpret the lower sales correctly (no guarantees there, either).

It's clear that Nintendo sold out whatever remained of its hard-core fanbase this gen to pander to the 'casuals' (I don't particularly like the psuedo-derogatory connotations of that word in this context, but you know what I mean). So let's see just how far that demographic alone carries them next gen, especially when the Wii U is going to have to compete against things like the smart phones and tablets that weren't a factor in the Wii's time.
I'm just bummed that there's no realistic or feasible way to hurt Nintendo of America's bottom line in a meaningful way. It's the same as when they denied Mother 3 to the US, they really just don't give a sh*t no matter what people do. This is especially true in the case of O.R., since it involved actual pre-orders (and significant numbers/results) on Amazon.

If I ever do bother getting a 3ds for third party games it will be used (and I hate buying used shit). And I wasn't going to bother with the WiiU because I can already play the kind of crap that will be on it on my 360 and PS3, and without an expensive gimmicky controller.

I'd say people should write their favorite third-party companies and have them pressure Nintendo, but we already know that Nintendo doesn't give two damns about their third party publishers.
[quote name='joestar3']I'm just bummed that there's no realistic or feasible way to hurt Nintendo of America's bottom line in a meaningful way. [/QUOTE]

dont buy Zelda Skyward Sword and when the wii u comes out dont buy that as well
[quote name='JanusZeal2']But maybe, just maybe, NoA will listen to money. All you gamers that are waiting for Xenoblade, Last Story, and Pandora's Tower, don't give Nintendo another penny until we get some concrete commitment from them about this. No Wii U. No 3DS. No Skyward Sword. If you really can't go without, then at least buy used so none of that money goes to Nintendo. After all, Nintendo clearly has a bad allergic reaction to money. Even tell Nintendo why you aren't buying, so that maybe they will interpret the lower sales correctly (no guarantees there, either).[/QUOTE]

No, that'll just make them lower their domestic commitment even further. "Why continue to localize these games if the sales have been dropping so much?"
[quote name='JanusZeal2']

It's clear that Nintendo sold out whatever remained of its hard-core fanbase this gen to pander to the 'casuals' (I don't particularly like the psuedo-derogatory connotations of that word in this context, but you know what I mean). So let's see just how far that demographic alone carries them next gen, especially when the Wii U is going to have to compete against things like the smart phones and tablets that weren't a factor in the Wii's time.[/QUOTE]
Speaking of their hard core fanbase, weren't they the ones saying we fucked up online and we are going to fix that on Wii-U yet the people that would be using the online would be the ones who would play Xenoblade.

Seriously,the more and more I hear about the Wii-U can someone say Dreamcast except no one will make original games for it due to low profits and not enough sales to warrant an original title except for shovelware that costs nothing to make.
[quote name='joestar3']I'm just bummed that there's no realistic or feasible way to hurt Nintendo of America's bottom line in a meaningful way.[/QUOTE]

Aren't they already being hurt by the fact that they've deprived themselves of any potential income these three games would have brought?
I'm thinking about pulling a shawshank redemption, in complete futile efforts. If you don't know the movie, the main character is in prison and to get funding for the library there begins writing the senate once a week(I think), for years. When they give him a tiny check to hopefully make the letters stop, he starts writing two letters a week, until they really give in. I'm bored, I don't expect to ever see the games in an american store regardless but it's just one of those issues that gets under your skin and annoys the hell out of you despite the logical reasoning of why it really shouldn't.

[quote name='Thrinn']Aren't they already being hurt by the fact that they've deprived themselves of any potential income these three games would have brought?[/QUOTE]

You'd think. Sure, it's a layman looking at the numbers and just guessing at the math, but I posted about this a few pages back. Look at jrpg games or type of games for any console this generation. You will see japan buying AT BEST half the copies that game has ever sold, and in most cases it's around 1/4. Think of that number, 1/4. You make a game, sell 200k copies in japan, and never translate it so that's all you do. If you do translate it, you sell atleast 400k if not 700k+. Are too many games being sold at discount prices or something? Is that the cause? $20 sales in the US versus $70 in japan? I don't know.

The game is made and out and too many hundreds of thousands of things have been translated at this point for it to be an issue. A couple of people who have never met working over the internet can turn around anime episodes in hours with fairly good translations, localization and editing. A similar group of people learn how to hack into images of countless types of games to then both translate the entire game - menus, text and dialogue subtitles - to then put out patches because they're fans of the work and know other people want to play too. fucking Fatal Frame IV has such an english patch available since nintendo published the game, the fourth game in a seemingly well liked horror hit with "core" gamers, and then decided not to bring it over. Maddening.
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You guys just wait till the Wii U comes out, it'll be the bird movie killer. Who knows, after a few years we'll be able to watch 360/PS3 trailers on our monofunction chunk of white plastic.

Preordered this and Solotorobo, don't know why the dog has a full head of human hair, but whatever.
[quote name='Vortextk']You'd think. Sure, it's a layman looking at the numbers and just guessing at the math, but I posted about this a few pages back. Look at jrpg games or type of games for any console this generation. You will see japan buying AT BEST half the copies that game has ever sold, and in most cases it's around 1/4. Think of that number, 1/4. You make a game, sell 200k copies in japan, and never translate it so that's all you do. If you do translate it, you sell atleast 400k if not 700k+. Are too many games being sold at discount prices or something? Is that the cause? $20 sales in the US versus $70 in japan? I don't know.[/QUOTE]
My guess:

1. Declining popularity of the Wii
2. Declining popularity of the JRPG genre in the West
3. Lukewarm reception to niche Japanese experiences like Sin & Punishment 2 and No More Heroes 2

Nintendo is adding up those factors and according to their internal math, Wii JRPGs aren't worth the effort. It's important to remember what a tiny minority we (Americans who have even heard of games like Last Story and Xenoblade) are among Wii owners and gamers in general.

Also, companies like Atlus and NISA have years of experience serving and marketing to a tiny, specific niche. Those companies might very well be able to make a profit on a Xenoblade localization, but Nintendo simply doesn't have that same expertise, so their calculations are going to be different.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']My guess:

1. Declining popularity of the Wii
2. Declining popularity of the JRPG genre in the West
3. Lukewarm reception to niche Japanese experiences like Sin & Punishment 2 and No More Heroes 2

Nintendo is adding up those factors and according to their internal math, Wii JRPGs aren't worth the effort. It's important to remember what a tiny minority we (Americans who have even heard of games like Last Story and Xenoblade) are among Wii owners and gamers in general.
To be fair though, I own both NMH2 and S&P 2 and while they are both good games, they are nothing that is really I need to play this about them. I mean they are good experiences but they don't have that I need to buy this for $50 type of deal. Xenoblade is an amazing I need to play it type of experience.

Now all they would need to do is just give us some info about this damn game. They heavily market Dragon Quest and I am sure the people at Nintendo could bring up enough excitement if they just gave the public info about it.
At the end of the day, this is still a JRPG. Those just aren't guarantee sales in the US unless it says Final Fantasy in the title. As cool as the game looks and has a developer that developed previous well-received titles (none of which I played), I doubt it'd be an easy sell here. Personally I know I've disliked or hated many of the JRPGs that come out even though I still buy them often, so I wasn't particularly hopeful this game was going to be good in my opinion. Earthbound on the other hand, I will never understand why it never got a US release outside of the SNES one... :(

But anyways, why is this thread and the nerdrage still going on? Graveyard this shit.

The only hope left is the end of summer Media Summit Nintendo does. Maybe they'll surprise us then, but I wouldn't count on it.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']My guess:

1. Declining popularity of the Wii
2. Declining popularity of the JRPG genre in the West
3. Lukewarm reception to niche Japanese experiences like Sin & Punishment 2 and No More Heroes 2

Nintendo is adding up those factors and according to their internal math, Wii JRPGs aren't worth the effort. It's important to remember what a tiny minority we (Americans who have even heard of games like Last Story and Xenoblade) are among Wii owners and gamers in general.

Also, companies like Atlus and NISA have years of experience serving and marketing to a tiny, specific niche. Those companies might very well be able to make a profit on a Xenoblade localization, but Nintendo simply doesn't have that same expertise, so their calculations are going to be different.[/QUOTE]

I did my part - pre-ordered Sin & Punishment 2 from Gamestop back in the day. Paid the full $50 for it.
It's funny how less console sales at the moment, but the most bought console of this generation, can be considered in decline. Not that I'm arguing with you, just arguing with the general mentality. Whenever I read some article talking about how slow wii sales are it's like "yeah, because we're running out of people who would even want to buy a gaming console..duh?"

Again, I'm sure I'm an idiot when I look at this math, but you bring up no more heroes 2 and the small hardcore gamers in america. Ok, let's look at numbers. Vgchartz, however accurate you want to make them out to be, lists nmh2 sales for japan at less than 40k. 95k for europe(and others) and 172k in america.

Sin and punishment 2, 58k in japan, over 100k for each the US and europe + rest. Quadruple the sales in all other territories combined compared to japanese only sales.

Am I crazy? Is there some really basic fact alluding to me? This isn't like adding a small boost of 30% sales to your original number, 100-300% is what we're looking at for increase of sales. Even with a japanese + european release you should atleast get another 30-50% increase by listing it in north america. One continent, for a game that's already made and in some cases translated, will boost your sales by sometimes up to half, and we're balking at the idea?

I am NOT SAYING these would be great selling games. I'm saying they would sell substantially better if released in america.
[quote name='imacgod']At the end of the day, this is still a JRPG. Those just aren't guarantee sales in the US unless it says Final Fantasy in the title. As cool as the game looks and has a developer that developed previous well-received titles (none of which I played), I doubt it'd be an easy sell here. Personally I know I've disliked or hated many of the JRPGs that come out even though I still buy them often, so I wasn't particularly hopeful this game was going to be good in my opinion. Earthbound on the other hand, I will never understand why it never got a US release outside of the SNES one... :(

But anyways, why is this thread and the nerdrage still going on? Graveyard this shit.

The only hope left is the end of summer Media Summit Nintendo does. Maybe they'll surprise us then, but I wouldn't count on it.[/QUOTE]

This is not 1994. North American gamers are not ignorant of the JRPG genre. North American gamers can play games that involve text.
[quote name='jer7583']This is not 1994. North American gamers are not ignorant of the JRPG genre. North American gamers can play games that involve text.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to ask someone like him to find some jrpg released worldwide recently that didn't sell better outside of japan.
[quote name='Vortextk']

I am NOT SAYING these would be great selling games. I'm saying they would sell substantially better if released in america.[/QUOTE]
I believe they could be big sellers, I mean all Nintendo has to do is market the game. I mean look at Demon Souls, a little marketing a little word of mouth and that game sold really well in the US. It would work the same here.
It's not outside the realm of possibility, I just don't want someone to come thinking OMG I FOUND A HOLE IN THIS NEWB'S THEORY! So I clarified it a bit, not like anyone arguing that the games shouldn't be released elsewhere have much of a point other than playing devil's advocate or intentionally trolling.
I can think of at least 3 ways Nintendo could make this work. (But they don't like money, so they probably won't do any of them):

1.) Release the 3 games as a "swan song" for the Wii in North America, and a gesture of good faith that they actually do intend to make the Wii U a more "core" friendly gaming system.

2.) Port the 3 games to the Wii U for North America. Strengthens their launch or near launch lineup, and also signals that they intend to make the Wii U a more "core" friendly gaming system.

3.) Let one of the last system updates for the Wii be one that strips out the region lock, so that interested gamers can then import the European versions. We know Xenoblade is coming out there, and I've heard that Last Story may be headed there as well. Not sure about Pandora's Tower though. They're probably planning to bury the Wii anyway as soon as the Wii U hits shelves, and an imported game is still a sold game, so what's the harm?

So there's at least 4 ways for North American gamers to play these games, and the choice is Nintendo's. (That last line wasn't a typo).
[quote name='JanusZeal2']I can think of at least 3 ways Nintendo could make this work. (But they don't like money, so they probably won't do any of them):

1.) Release the 3 games as a "swan song" for the Wii in North America, and a gesture of good faith that they actually do intend to make the Wii U a more "core" friendly gaming system.

2.) Port the 3 games to the Wii U for North America. Strengthens their launch or near launch lineup, and also signals that they intend to make the Wii U a more "core" friendly gaming system.

3.) Let one of the last system updates for the Wii be one that strips out the region lock, so that interested gamers can then import the European versions. We know Xenoblade is coming out there, and I've heard that Last Story may be headed there as well. Not sure about Pandora's Tower though. They're probably planning to bury the Wii anyway as soon as the Wii U hits shelves, and an imported game is still a sold game, so what's the harm?

So there's at least 4 ways for North American gamers to play these games, and the choice is Nintendo's. (That last line wasn't a typo).[/QUOTE]

Im currently exploring the forth option... fellow CAGs can feel free to PM me with any suggestions or tips
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I believe they could be big sellers, I mean all Nintendo has to do is market the game. I mean look at Demon Souls, a little marketing a little word of mouth and that game sold really well in the US. It would work the same here.[/QUOTE]

so much so that even Sony publicly stated they regretted not publishing the game.... and now there is a multi-console sequel
There's a reason the trade-in value at Gamestop for a Wii is $15. There hasn't been a truly interesting release in forever.. the only reason I had it was for these 3 games.
[quote name='nervousxtian']There's a reason the trade-in value at Gamestop for a Wii is $15. There hasn't been a truly interesting release in forever.. the only reason I had it was for these 3 games.[/QUOTE]

Lol is it seriously 15?
[quote name='uthoria']so much so that even Sony publicly stated they regretted not publishing the game.... and now there is a multi-console sequel[/QUOTE]

On the other hand you have White Knight Chronicles in which Sony jumped ship on when the sequel was announced. Now D3 is publishing it. Atlus wasn't expecting very much out of Demon Souls, either. They quickly sold out of the small initial production run they did and DS was difficult to find for a month or two. There are just too many factors involved for these publishers to accurately judge which JRPGs are worth releasing outside of Japan.
[quote name='jubeininja69']have atlus or ignition secure rights and bring these over. nintendo won't bring these over.[/QUOTE]

Companies like Atlus would probably love to bring these games over. Problem is, Nintendo won't let them. If they decide not to publish a game, they tend to refuse to let other companies do it either.

Even though letting another company have the rights to publish a game would give Nintendo guaranteed money regardless of how the game sells.
[quote name='Thrinn']On the other hand you have White Knight Chronicles in which Sony jumped ship on when the sequel was announced. Now D3 is publishing it. Atlus wasn't expecting very much out of Demon Souls, either. They quickly sold out of the small initial production run they did. There are just too many factors involved for these publishers to accurately judge which JRPGs are worth releasing outside of Japan.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to think that a game that topped Amazon's best sellers list through pre-orders alone would be worth releasing outside of Japan.
[quote name='JanusZeal2']I'd like to think that a game that topped Amazon's best sellers list through pre-orders alone would be worth releasing outside of Japan.[/QUOTE]

True, but I can't help but think it hit #1 primarily because of flash mob voting. Less than a week later it has dropped to #10. Who knows where it will be on Amazon's charts in a couple of weeks. Sadly that alone isn't enough to motivate Nintendo.
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