More Gamestop "Yellow Tags" coming tomorrow (9-9-05)...


I know I know..

"Gamestop sales suck"
"Labor day yellow tag sale sucked"

and im sure tomorrow...

"The new yellow tags suck"

We got word from coorporate to put more yellow stickers in the printer tonight for another bunch of yellow price tags to be printed out in the morning.

There is no list of titles that are being dropped, but last time there were some definite GREAT buys on some older games from this generation, and even a few good buys on some of the newer ones.

Lets not turn this into another GS vs. EB thread, please.

Happy 6th Bday tomorrow Dreamcast :D
It's only been six years since the Dreamcast? That system was/is so awesome. I need to pull that bad boy out and give it some love.

...that sounds dirty.
Man, I remember the release date was 9-9-99 just like the MTv VMAs that year. Happy birthday and props DreamCast! And thanks for the info OP.
[quote name='Lew Zealand']It's only been six years since the Dreamcast? That system was/is so awesome. I need to pull that bad boy out and give it some love.

...that sounds dirty.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, same here. I just bought Zombie Revenge for it for $3.96, so once that arrives, I'll be playing.
I went before and the only thing I saw that I wanted to buy was Musashi Samurai Legend for $20 but it's $20 a lot of places now.

Ah well not like there's a GS near me anyways.
I'm gonna have to give my DC a hug tomorrow. Happy birthday, you son of a bitch!!! Sadly it's true, Sega is a bitch; DC would have done so much better without their shitty business plans.....
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I'm gonna have to give my DC a hug tomorrow. Happy birthday, you son of a bitch!!! Sadly it's true, Sega is a bitch; DC would have done so much better without their shitty business plans.....[/QUOTE]

What he said. Especially the "son of a bitch" part.
YMMV on that. I got a DC during the $20 DC at EBgames deal online, but I got the last one they had at the B&M store.
I got a DC for
$20 Shipped on Ebay, It came with
-The System
-All the Cables
-2 Controllers
-and one VMU

not bad at all. When I was looking there was like 10 new auctions every day. I just keeping waiting until I found a really good auction for cheap.
I think it'd be awesome if GS got in a big shipment of Dreamcast games, possibly from the EBs they're merging with and put them all on yellow tag. Then again, it'd also be awesome if Dreamcast wasn't dead.
hrm I thought dead of knight was female I could be wrong unless your BF thats going to OSU is your "life parthner" kinda BF(not that theres anything wrong with that :) ). I still need to get a power cord for my DC anyone have a spare one?
btw does anyone know what the 'yellow tags' are?

They are holding back price changes for a whole week and doing them at once, calling it a sale. you might find one or two good buys per store, but for the most part it is going to be 1-4 bucks off of what it was......
[quote name='masksofvenom']btw does anyone know what the 'yellow tags' are?

They are holding back price changes for a whole week and doing them at once, calling it a sale. you might find one or two good buys per store, but for the most part it is going to be 1-4 bucks off of what it was......[/QUOTE]

duh didnt u read the last thread?
[quote name='Odenat']hrm I thought dead of knight was female?[/QUOTE]

I think/thought so too.

And happy birthday, DC! I won't be playing you, because you are at home...
[quote name='Genocidal']I think it'd be awesome if GS got in a big shipment of Dreamcast gaems, possibly from the EBs they're merging with and put them all on yellow tag. Then again, it'd also be awesome if Dreamcast wasn't dead.[/QUOTE]


None of my local EB's and GS's have DC games.
I prefer the DC much more, but in the interest of fairness I should point out that the PS One also launched on 9-9 in 1995.
y2k dont buy another PSP just for MGA lol. It will go down in price soon enough(both). Anywho, i think ill celebrate my DCs birthday by popping in sword of berserk which i got but have yet to play :)
Just a thought, but could the recent yellow tag "sales" be part of the merger w/ EB? EB has always had yellow tags for used games, white tags for new games. Perhaps GS is simply transitioning towards doing something similar for all their stores as well.
Don't leave out Final Fantasy VIII. That was released on 9/9/99 as well.

I picked it up at the Dreamcast midnight sale with my friend ... then my car got a flat on the way home ... and we got mugged. He lost his DC, but I managed to hold onto my FF8.

What a terrible night.
[quote name='masksofvenom']btw does anyone know what the 'yellow tags' are?

They are holding back price changes for a whole week and doing them at once, calling it a sale. you might find one or two good buys per store, but for the most part it is going to be 1-4 bucks off of what it was......[/QUOTE]

hahah, yet another person making a fool out of themselves. Nice lie, my riend, but we have been doing price changes all week thanks. Go back into your hole now
[quote name='swetooth9']maybe if we make a list of the good buys, us CAGs might appreciate the yellow tag GS sales a little more...[/QUOTE]

yeah, we need some type of definitive list that is organized and cogent.
[quote name='Scorch']6 years and my launch Dreamcast is still going strong![/QUOTE]

I second that! My DC is still going strong. I wish the DC had a chance, because some of the dreamcast games STILL look better than PS2 games coming out.
[quote name='Weedy649']y2k dont buy another PSP just for MGA lol. It will go down in price soon enough(both). Anywho, i think ill celebrate my DCs birthday by popping in sword of berserk which i got but have yet to play :)[/QUOTE]

Sorry about going off topic, but just in case you do buy a new PSP, make sure it's Firmware 1.5 and not upgraded to 1.51 or above. You can only run homebrew and emulators off the PSP firmware 1.5 and below. The newer produced PSPs are coming with 1.52 and above (just like the entire European launch). So if you buy used, be sure to turn it on and check the firmware.
[quote name='tcrash247']Anyone check out GS today yet?[/QUOTE]

I just went to the Gamestop down the street from my job and they are still putting out the tags but I didn't really see anything spectacular:

Final Fantasy: Spirts Within PSP Movie New is $14.99 normally $19.99 (Purchased this one because I love Final Fantasy)
Replacement Killers PSP Movie New is $14.99 normally $19.99
NFL Street PSP Used is $39.99 normally $44.99
Metal Gear Solid: Acid PSP Used $29.99 normally $29.99
Halo 1 Xbox Used is $9.99 normally $14.99
Doom 3 Collector's Edition Used is $39.99 normally $44.99

There are a lot of games that have been marked down but I didn't pay them much attention.
NFL Street PSP used is $39.99? TIME TO HOARD OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never had a Dreamcast. One of my friends did back in the day mainly just so he could play the Berserk game (Sword of the Berserk I think it was called). Best manga ever = Berserk.
[quote name='mkelehan']?[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by uzumaki_star
Metal Gear Solid: Acid PSP Used $29.99 normally $29.99

Now thats a deal! Man, I love when Gamestop lowers their prices ;-)
[quote name='Rozz']Originally Posted by uzumaki_star
Metal Gear Solid: Acid PSP Used $29.99 normally $29.99

Now thats a deal! Man, I love when Gamestop lowers their prices ;-)[/QUOTE]

Its a mis type in store before last weeks yellow tag it was 34.99 used

As for any of the deals, only handheld games seemed kinda nice, Super Ghouls n Ghosts for 9.99 on GBA, and I acutally bought Sprung for my DS, i kinda liked the game for waht little i played at work. Got it for 12.99 - employee discount :)
I love my dreamcast, but it is hard to celebrate its birthday when the dreamcast died so young. Oh Billy Joel you are so, so right!
The Gamestop price drops are little behind. EBGames has more of lower then that for a month now. That is why without promotions they are willing to give you more in trade. They charge you $2-$5 more per game. Sprung was $9.99 used at the EB Games I was at on Wednesday(without discounts).
bread's done