Morning NYC radio show mocks Tsunami victims


121 (100%)
I don't know if you guys at NYC caught this early this morning, but here:

January 22, 2005 -- A popular hip-hop radio show is in hot water over a parody that mocked victims of the South Asian tsunami catastrophe, calling them "screaming chinks" and "little Chinamen."

Yonkers-based Asian Media Watch accuses the WQHT/Hot 97 "Miss Jones in the Morning" show of "repeated racist attitudes" and demands the program's "elimination."

"The host broadcasts a horrifying song that mocks the dead South Asian tsunami victims, uses the racial slurs 'chink' and 'Chinamen,' and calls the drowning victims 'bitches,' " said AMW director Kai Yu in a letter to Hot 97's John Dimick.

Station-owner Emmis Communications issued an apology late yesterday.

"We apologize to our listeners and to anyone who was offended," Dimick said. "[The show's entire seven-person staff] has agreed to contribute one-week's pay to the tsunami-relief efforts." John Mainelli

The audio clips and the song in question can be downloaded on this page:

I can take a joke as much as the next guy, but this one's a little hard to swallow.
meh :roll:

This country would be better if we could not joke about anything and if we did we would get arrested or fined :roll:
What the shit? Why's that one woman screaming at the other because she said she said she didn't want to be a part of the skit/topic.

**You could hear GOD laughing, swim you bitches, swim***

Wow... just wow. That's completely taseless, but i do agree. Free speech is there for a reason.
[quote name='spoo']meh :roll:

This country would be better if we could not joke about anything and if we did we would get arrested or fined :roll:[/quote]

You're right, I should make a song about 9/11 and the idiots who jumped out the window screaming like little girls. AHHH, SAVE ME MOMMY!!!!!! SPLAT!!!! :rofl:
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Bullshit.[/quote]

What's bullshit, the guys who put that stuff on or the outrage?

Free speech protects speech that you don't like, not speak you like. Though what they said was offensive, they should have the freedom to say what they want. At the same time, people should have freedom to boycott and protest them as much as they want. Just the way the country goes.
Ohhhhh boy. This will not end well.

*zips up flame suit*

*zips up the flame suit's flame suit*

*puts on Master Chief helmet*

*puts on flame helmet over Master Chief's helmet*

Okay, i'm ready.
[quote name='Scorch']Ohhhhh boy. This will not end well.

*zips up flame suit*

*zips up the flame suit's flame suit*

*puts on Master Chief helmet*

*puts on flame helmet over Master Chief's helmet*

Okay, i'm ready.[/quote]
*Tosses a box full of ill-tempered moths and runs away*

This is just plain awful. :evil:
[quote name='Scorch']Ohhhhh boy. This will not end well.

*zips up flame suit*

*zips up the flame suit's flame suit*

*puts on Master Chief helmet*

*puts on flame helmet over Master Chief's helmet*

Okay, i'm ready.[/quote]

No energy sword? Im dissapointed.
[quote name='shadow9689']Errr...they're pushing it. Too far.
You can't really joke about 100,000+ people dying =/[/quote]

its 250,000+ now.
For the free speech people...

No one is saying that the government should step in and censor her. She has a right to say what she said.

That being said...

It was an increadibly rediculous thing to say, and we have every right to be angry with her. She'll probably get fired, or sponsors will pull their ads, and deservedly so. They've been hosting the song on their website until recently, the link for it is still there, under "Funny Shit".

Now, if they aired this in order to show how horrible something like that is, thats one thing. But they seem to be under the impression that its funny. I hope they find the unemployment line to be funny too.
Yeah, she has every right to say what she wants. She shouldn't be arrested or anything for saying what she said, beause you're right, it IS covered under the first ammendment.

...that being said...

She works for a public radio company, and they have every right to fire her (and they should). I would imagine that part of her job description would be being paid to be entertaining and appropriate on the radio, and she wasn't being either. They could fire her for unsatisfactory performance.

There's a big difference between saying something on the street for free and getting paid to say something on the radio.

Edit: I think it's funny that both dafoomie's and my posts are almost identical in format. Neat!
:shock: That was horribly offensive even without the reference to the tsunami victims. I can't believe how that one lady went off on her Asian co-host just because she didn't want to be affiliated with a song that was derogatory to Asians. The song itself is horribly unfunny. It seems to me that the crew of the show must have already been haboring anti-asian setiments to even find something like that remotely humorous. And the fact that they got away with just a slap on the wrist is just insult to injury.
They'll probably get away with it because the host is a minority (black), and only white people can be racists. Oh, and only black people can be discriminated against, too.
I completely agree with dafoomie and evilmax17. While everbody is open to their opinions, you still must face the consequences and take responsibilty.
Freedom of speech... let it roll. If you don't like it just don't listen.

I'm even more shocked that Yonkers has a place called 'Yonkers-based Asian Media Watch' --- that is what scares me!!!
They would be up in arms if anyone made fun of 9/11 like that. They were already up in arms when some Israeli's made jokes about it.

I could say a single word to the host, and she'd be horribly offended (or at least act like it).

And they have the balls to make fun of a tragedy that killed 250,000 and counting.

Think of the outrage if it were about 9/11, and if they said Niggas and Spics instead of Chinks and Chinamen. Think of the outrage if they called the people jumping off the towers bitches. Sounds like a KKK song.

Freedom of speech... let it roll. If you don't like it just don't listen.
NO ONE is saying that the government should censor these people, or arrest them, or fine them, or stop them. They have every right to say whatever they want, but I have every right to not like it, I have every right to speak out against it, I have every right not to do business with their sponsors, their company has every right to fire them (they are employees of the radio station working on a company show), and their sponsors have every right to pull their ads. They exercised their rights, now I'm exercising mine. Why do you hold their rights over mine?
[quote name='dafoomie']For the free speech people...

No one is saying that the government should step in and censor her. She has a right to say what she said.

That being said...

It was an increadibly rediculous thing to say, and we have every right to be angry with her. She'll probably get fired, or sponsors will pull their ads, and deservedly so. They've been hosting the song on their website until recently, the link for it is still there, under "Funny Shit".

Now, if they aired this in order to show how horrible something like that is, thats one thing. But they seem to be under the impression that its funny. I hope they find the unemployment line to be funny too.[/quote]

Good post dafoomie :)

I agree that people should be allowed to say what they want without the censorship. At the same time when you open your mouth you need to consider the consequences / backlash against you by the public if what you said is deemed unacceptable. In this case I think public pressure will have the radio station deal with the people responsible for the skit appropriately ... maybe someone can send them some food stamps? ;)
[quote name='divine_comedy']Wait till somebody comes up with a song for the 9/11 victims.[/quote]

There have been. They're, for the most part, funny. do have the right to do whatever you see fit. Attacking the sponsers, company, etc... seems a bit extreme. But, hey - whatever makes your boat float. If I were you I would just listen to another station... maybe?

Freedom of speech... let it roll. If you don't like it just don't listen.
NO ONE is saying that the government should censor these people, or arrest them, or fine them, or stop them. They have every right to say whatever they want, but I have every right to not like it, I have every right to speak out against it, I have every right not to do business with their sponsors, their company has every right to fire them (they are employees of the radio station working on a company show), and their sponsors have every right to pull their ads. They exercised their rights, now I'm exercising mine. Why do you hold their rights over mine?[/quote]
I completely agree with dafoomie. It's one thing to make fun of the disaster which is both completely tasteless and just plain wrong. The real issue here is that the radio station thinks it's ok to use the words "chincs" and "chinamen" in a song.

There needs to be a cultural shift in this country, where people stop whining about how they are oppressed and start acting like reasonable members of society. If you don't want to be called racist slurs, don't propogate them against others on a major voice for your culture (here being a large radio station).

In simple, straightforward terms, African-Americans and any other offending minority need to realize:

It's f'd up to make fun of any other race, we crackers and whiteys were raised with a fear of offending any other race and accepting others with open minds, you as a culture should too.
[quote name='soulwish2003'] do have the right to do whatever you see fit. Attacking the sponsers, company, etc... seems a bit extreme. But, hey - whatever makes your boat float. If I were you I would just listen to another station... maybe? [/quote]

The listeners maybe able to switch stations, but I think we forgot about the rights of the asian co-host on the show. She's clearly uncomfortable with the song and offended by it. She doesn't have the option of just working for another station. Should she have to put up with it? Her rights were violated and I think thats when the song is no longer covered by free speech. Even amazing enough one of the co-host made a threat (serious or not) against asians Don't try to tell me thats covered under free speech.

Then, after Miss Info has said the song is offensive to Asians, co-host Todd Lynn informs her: "I'm gonna start shooting Asians." Yes, he really says that. It's at 3:37 on the mp3.
I am black and quite frankly I am appalled at this behavior. Those ignorant people should know more than anyone that racist comments aren't funny or humane. I don't give a damn what happened in the past, black americans who choose to act in an ignorant way shouldn't get a pass on racism towards others. I am tired of "my race" calling each other the n-word as if it is some rite of passage. I am tired of the lack of reponsibilty for their words. I am tired of the blatant stupidity. I am tired of those who think that because of the past they are allowed to make fun of other people. That justifies nothing.

Freedom of speech? Sure. It's easy to say that as long as the speech isn't directed towards yourself. But lets not get into a logic loop of both sides having the right to say what they want. All I ask is their employers ought to send them over to smell the dead bodies and dig mass graves. Look at generations of families wiped off the map. Those assholes shouldn't have any problems if people over there call them the n-word as they walk through all the death. Then as you pick up someones child buried under sand, look their parents straight in the face and try to call them whatever names you like. In fact, broadcast that shit live right back to New York. Call the locals names as they weep over their destroyed existences, as child looks for parent, as husband looks for wife. The problem is that no matter how bad something is shown on TV, some people can't relate until they see it for themselves.
Are we expected to be so tolerant, that we should tolerate intolerance?

[quote name='soulwish2003'] do have the right to do whatever you see fit. Attacking the sponsers, company, etc... seems a bit extreme. But, hey - whatever makes your boat float. If I were you I would just listen to another station... maybe? [/quote]
I'll give you an example. Lets say ABC televises a daily Klan rally and crossburning hosted by David Dukes, and before every commercial break, he informs you that the KKK is brought to you by Sprint. Would you do business with ABC or Sprint, if they continued to endorse such a thing? Or the other advertisers?
Hmm - should the govt get involved?

When Janet Jackson shows her left boob or Howard Stern talks to strippers or Sheridan flashes an NFL player, then I think the govt should stay out.

But this one... I don't know. Looks like the market will take care of it, firing this lady, so maybe Mike Powell (or whoever runs the FCC now) should do the mature thing and let the people punish this mess of a broadcast in their own way.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I am black and quite frankly I am appalled at this behavior. Those ignorant people should know more than anyone that racist comments aren't funny or humane. I don't give a damn what happened in the past, black americans who choose to act in an ignorant way shouldn't get a pass on racism towards others. I am tired of "my race" calling each other the n-word as if it is some rite of passage. I am tired of the lack of reponsibilty for their words. I am tired of the blatant stupidity. I am tired of those who think that because of the past they are allowed to make fun of other people. That justifies nothing.

Freedom of speech? Sure. It's easy to say that as long as the speech isn't directed towards yourself. But lets not get into a logic loop of both sides having the right to say what they want. All I ask is their employers ought to send them over to smell the dead bodies and dig mass graves. Look at generations of families wiped off the map. Those assholes shouldn't have any problems if people over there call them the n-word as they walk through all the death. Then as you pick up someones child buried under sand, look their parents straight in the face and try to call them whatever names you like. In fact, broadcast that shit live right back to New York. Call the locals names as they weep over their destroyed existences, as child looks for parent, as husband looks for wife. The problem is that no matter how bad something is shown on TV, some people can't relate until they see it for themselves.[/quote]

:applause: Right. The people who really make fun of them haven't had something as tragic as their entire family wiped out by a single accident and having no one left, and to feel the loss of what it's like to lose someone so close to you and have them be gone forever. The lady that was screaming at the asian woman in the clip is the kind of person I hate. She wouldn't even let her voice her opinion, and the asian woman was the one who kept her calm the entire time.
Anyone who makes light of thousands of innocent people dying should be taken out back and have their faces blown off. I don't give a shit about "free speech" anywho, their is no damn reason to be an asshole like this. People like this don't deserve to be in America, if not killed they should be put in prison for unlawful use of oxygen.
[quote name='dafoomie']Are we expected to be so tolerant, that we should tolerate intolerance?

[quote name='soulwish2003'] do have the right to do whatever you see fit. Attacking the sponsers, company, etc... seems a bit extreme. But, hey - whatever makes your boat float. If I were you I would just listen to another station... maybe? [/quote]
I'll give you an example. Lets say ABC televises a daily Klan rally and crossburning hosted by David Dukes, and before every commercial break, he informs you that the KKK is brought to you by Sprint. Would you do business with ABC or Sprint, if they continued to endorse such a thing? Or the other advertisers?[/quote]

I'm sure you mean David Duke. The late actor David Dukes probably had his fatal heart attack brought on all the sooner by the added stress of the coicidental names.;fc=21;ft=60;fm=1
Oh and on the freedom of speech issue, you ARE allowed to say what you want without government persecution, however the position in which you say it in deems what other people, bosses and such, can do to you. So if our president rolled out and started laying disses on the the 150,000 victims you would just attribute his actions as being okay due to free speech and leave it at that? Didn't think so.
[quote name='epobirs'][quote name='dafoomie']Are we expected to be so tolerant, that we should tolerate intolerance?

[quote name='soulwish2003'] do have the right to do whatever you see fit. Attacking the sponsers, company, etc... seems a bit extreme. But, hey - whatever makes your boat float. If I were you I would just listen to another station... maybe? [/quote]
I'll give you an example. Lets say ABC televises a daily Klan rally and crossburning hosted by David Dukes, and before every commercial break, he informs you that the KKK is brought to you by Sprint. Would you do business with ABC or Sprint, if they continued to endorse such a thing? Or the other advertisers?[/quote]

I'm sure you mean David Duke. The late actor David Dukes probably had his fatal heart attack brought on all the sooner by the added stress of the coicidental names.;fc=21;ft=60;fm=1[/quote]
Yes, David Duke. I was thinking of David Dukes of Hazzard, the parody in Stay Tuned.
[quote name='bil4l']Anyone who makes light of thousands of innocent people dying should be taken out back and have their faces blown off. I don't give a shit about "free speech" anywho, their is no damn reason to be an asshole like this. People like this don't deserve to be in America, if not killed they should be put in prison for unlawful use of oxygen.[/quote]

That doesnt sound like an American solution there buddy. I think its a horrible thing to do and for those who say freedom of speech, you cant be on public radio saying fuck every three seconds if at all. There are rules and regulations and racism is not tolerated at any work place in America(at least not supposed to be).

You cant just switch the station either, what if you were a parent who's child listens to the station and this is something that they find funny(mostly because kids tend to try to be cool and that station is supposed to be "cool"). Even worse what if you were one of those who's family was affected by this disaster across seas and had to put up with taunts at school on top of that?

I for one hope the lady is at least fired if not the whole station being fined largely or shut down for letting such nonsense go on.
Soulwish2003, either you're a racist, or you're just naive. Yeah it's an opinion, but there are wrong opinions.

Yes, I believe in freedom of speech, and yes I believe that those people had the right to say what they want. Neither the government nor the FCC have the right to intervene. HOWEVER, you can't just say and do whatever you want and not expect to face consequences. Setting aside laws of government, even mother nature abides by that rule.

I'm sure they realized they were going to catch heat for their words, and they were dumb enough to go along with it. This is also the same retarded station that made fun of 9/11 victims, making whistle sounds as they fell.

The world doesn't work like that, and if you're too naive to realize that, then it's a shame you're caught up in some twisted freedom of speech concept that has no consequences. You can't just expect to say words of racism on the air as a PUBLIC broadcasting station, and expect not have an influence, or get away with it.
The views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of this station or any COMPATIONATE BEING.

That's what free speech is about, You can say what you want but the people giving you the ability to say those things have the right to can you is you use that ability to say something they dont agree with. You cant be arrested but you can loose a ton of money and your livelihood and it's all legal.

It is also ridiculous to think you could get away with making fun of a dissaster this big so soon after it, It's barly been a month and people are still suffering.
bread's done