Morning NYC radio show mocks Tsunami victims

I went to a comedy club last week, and the opening act comedian was joking on the tsunami situation. Nobody laughed, and he looked very stupid. People were against him for the rest of the show. I find most things funny, however, I was kind of offended. Oh well...must be my age.
Free speech protects a person's right to say what they want, but it does not shield them from the consequences of what may result from that.
One thing that I think has been overlooked so far is the fact that radio airwaves are a controlled, in-demand comoddity. Radio stations must get a LICENSE in order to broadcast. In the case of commercial radio, the station pays a fee to gain the license for a given bandwith, but they also agree to follow the rules set up by the FCC. It is a privilege to broadcast--not a right. The people broadcasting, however, are well within their rights to say whatever they want--but it is also well within the rights of the FCC to pull the company's license if they don't follow the agreement, or doll out fines to offending companies. Remember--the broadcast company AGREED to the rules before-hand. If the DJs don't like them now, there's not much they can do about it other than broadcast within the guidelines. Put up, or shut up, essentially. The FCC is not infringing on their "rights to free speech" in any way.

If the DJs are so intent on broadcasting their "free speech" they are free to do it on CB channels. Those are largely unregulated bandwith set aside for the public's use. They can put whatever garbage they want on there.
thats fucked up....if they dont get fired, i just understand the world....some weatherman got fired for saying Martin Luther sounded like he was getting ready to say Koon, but corrected himself....i heard this on the howard stern show, and maybe theirs a thread about it already, but he got didnt sound like it was intentional to me....but whatever
Exactly dobiewan, although I personally don't agree with some of FCC regulation.
They KNEW they were gonna take some heat for those statements, and I hope it costs them their jobs.

These people are overpaid, c-list celebrities, with influence, but most of all they are professionals that are not representing only themselves; they represent the whole station, and their sponsors (aka Sprint). Representing, the number 1 source for Rap, hip hop, and R&B, in NEW YORK CITY and the whole tri-state area, their comments were pretty ridiculous.

You have the right to come to my face and say what you want, but if you think that you're not going to get a fist in your face, then you're just stupid.
[quote name='balzak520']Exactly dobiewan, although I personally don't agree with some of FCC regulation.
They KNEW they were gonna take some heat for those statements, and I hope it costs them their jobs.

These people are overpaid, c-list celebrities, with influence, but most of all they are professionals that are not representing only themselves; they represent the whole station, and their sponsors (aka Sprint). Representing, the number 1 source for Rap, hip hop, and R&B, in NEW YORK CITY and the whole tri-state area, their comments were pretty ridiculous.

You have the right to come to my face and say what you want, but if you think that you're not going to get a fist in your face, then you're just stupid.[/quote]

I have the freedom of free speech but you don't have the freedom of free violence.

And after you punch me in the face I will be pressing charges.

It is ok to punch someone in the face for expressing the right of free speech :roll:
Actully it's cooler if I can record your free speech and play it for the public so someone else can express a fist in your mouth.

Saticefaction without the lawsuit! :D
[quote name='spoo'][quote name='balzak520']Exactly dobiewan, although I personally don't agree with some of FCC regulation.
They KNEW they were gonna take some heat for those statements, and I hope it costs them their jobs.

These people are overpaid, c-list celebrities, with influence, but most of all they are professionals that are not representing only themselves; they represent the whole station, and their sponsors (aka Sprint). Representing, the number 1 source for Rap, hip hop, and R&B, in NEW YORK CITY and the whole tri-state area, their comments were pretty ridiculous.

You have the right to come to my face and say what you want, but if you think that you're not going to get a fist in your face, then you're just stupid.[/quote]

I have the freedom of free speech but you don't have the freedom of free violence.

And after you punch me in the face I will be pressing charges.

It is ok to punch someone in the face for expressing the right of free speech :roll:[/quote]

Some of it is a grey area. After all, you can't threaten physical violence.

A KKKer yelling epiteths at racial groups would not be a sympathetic character in the courts.
[quote name='spoo'][quote name='balzak520']Exactly dobiewan, although I personally don't agree with some of FCC regulation.
They KNEW they were gonna take some heat for those statements, and I hope it costs them their jobs.

These people are overpaid, c-list celebrities, with influence, but most of all they are professionals that are not representing only themselves; they represent the whole station, and their sponsors (aka Sprint). Representing, the number 1 source for Rap, hip hop, and R&B, in NEW YORK CITY and the whole tri-state area, their comments were pretty ridiculous.

You have the right to come to my face and say what you want, but if you think that you're not going to get a fist in your face, then you're just stupid.[/quote]

I have the freedom of free speech but you don't have the freedom of free violence.

And after you punch me in the face I will be pressing charges.

It is ok to punch someone in the face for expressing the right of free speech :roll:[/quote]

Obviously, I was making an example. The point was to expect consequences :p. Legalities aside.
[quote name='Zman310'][quote name='Ugamer_X']I found what Michael Savage said much more offensive.[/quote]

What an open minded, caring individual.
Savage was already fired from MSNBC for telling a gay caller to get aids and die. Thats his shtick, he tries to be as extreme and over the top as possible, in order to draw attention to himself. He's just a spectacle, a side show, theres no substance there. He wants people to hate him, he wants to offend everyone he can, because otherwise he's just an inconsequential right wing nutjob, one of many on talk radio. If I bought products from any of his sponsors, I would certainly stop. The only one remotely close is Rockstar Energy Drink, which Savage's family makes. Never bought it and never will.
Just to lay a side note here. The song was written by their producer Rick who once worked for the infamous (yet funny) Opie and Anthony. O&A were busting on the situation yesterday. They admitted that it was a touchy subject and the parody sucked. And well, it did suck. God awful over the top singing and slapping words in places just to make it fit. Definetly not one of Rick's best pieces.

This is commercial radio and some guidelines of decency and taste need to be followed. They should be fired. Oh yea so should that hack Stern too. Time to let him out to the pasture to graze on his own cow pie.

Now excuse me, it is time to tune up the XM Radio for Opie, Anthony, and Jim Norton.

To take words from lil Jimmy to the Hot 97 host, "I hope you drive drunk into a pregnant lady the night before Christmas..." (Whoops I hear the indecency bell ringing.
First thing on todays O&A show is...the firing of Hot 97 DJs....


It always takes at least 2 days for the media to press radio owners to fire their "black" mark.

(edit: ok the firing is not official yet)

The incident is not the first time HOT 97 has been accused of racism and poor taste. The station made headlines when deejay Star, now at another radio station, called Jennifer Lopez a "rice-and-bean eater" and satirized the plane crash that killed R&B singer Aaliyah in 2001
If it was a publicity stunt, I guess it worked (did a Google News search and there looks to be over 100 articles on this). They say no publicity is bad publicity... But that was not funny, just offensive to be offensive IMO.
Like many people, I believe in the freedom of speech unequivocally. I will fight to my death for your right to call me an asshole. I don't think the government has any right to censor anything.

That being said, having the freedom to be an ignorant, racist, and tasteless asshole doesn't mean you should exercise that freedom. The right to do something doesn't make it right. If you pull a stunt like this, there may not be any consequences as far as the law is concerned, but there will be social consequences. Besides, it's like picking up a megaphone and screaming to the rest of the world "HI! WE'RE STUPID ASSHOLES! PLEASE HATE US!" Why would you want to do that even if you were free to do so?

Being on a public radio puts in your hands certain responsibilities, sort of like journalistic integrity. I'm not mad at these people for exercising their rights to be stupid. I'm mad that these people are so fucking stupid in the first place. In any case, they'll probably get what they deserve in one form or another.
[quote name='Zman310'][quote name='Ugamer_X']I found what Michael Savage said much more offensive.[/quote]

What an open minded, caring individual.

We shouldn't be sending as much as we're sending. Bush has a lot of gall writing a check for 135 million dollars. This is more a UNICEF deal, it's a U.N. deal, it's a Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, George Soros, Bill Clinton bleeding-heart-liberal deal. I don't want to send them any money. You know, a few airplanes with some medical supplies and a little lip service would have been fine for me.

Hey the song is much worse, because it uses racial name calling and makes fun of these people dying. However this guy at least makes some valid points, whether they or right or wrong is simply an opinion. By no means do I agree with him, I just think the song is much worse, and I can't believe someone would take time to do something like that, but that's the world we live in, and it kinda sucks.
[quote name='dafoomie']They'll probably get away with it because the host is a minority (black), and only white people can be racists. Oh, and only black people can be discriminated against, too.[/quote]

I am not racist and it disgusts me to think of people as such. What the hell does look, or skin color have anything to do with anything.

On the opposite note.

When I moved to Lansing Michigan I was happy that I would actually get a radio station (Power 96.5 an extension of JLB from Detroit) With decent R&B play as well as "Hip Hop" style music. The only thing that related was 104.5 WSNX in Grand Rapids and that was all alternative for the most part (at the time of my move)

Now I rarely listen to 96.5 as they commonly put down "White" people and I grew tired of it. The always run the "Black Issues" and why "Whities" are holding the Black back etc etc.

They even had a "Miss Jones" moring show on there about a year or two back and it sounds almost identical to this chic on that broadcast.

So in regards to your quote dafoomie I feel you there.
[quote name='FrankySox'][quote name='Zman310'][quote name='Ugamer_X']I found what Michael Savage said much more offensive.[/quote]

What an open minded, caring individual.

We shouldn't be sending as much as we're sending. Bush has a lot of gall writing a check for 135 million dollars. This is more a UNICEF deal, it's a U.N. deal, it's a Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, George Soros, Bill Clinton bleeding-heart-liberal deal. I don't want to send them any money. You know, a few airplanes with some medical supplies and a little lip service would have been fine for me.

Hey the song is much worse, because it uses racial name calling and makes fun of these people dying. However this guy at least makes some valid points, whether they or right or wrong is simply an opinion. By no means do I agree with him, I just think the song is much worse, and I can't believe someone would take time to do something like that, but that's the world we live in, and it kinda sucks.[/quote]

We're the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world by far. not only should we be sending this money, we have a responsibility to. When a tragedy of this scale occurs, we must help as much as we are able.
[quote name='shadow9689']Errr...they're pushing it. Too far.
You can't really joke about 100,000+ people dying =/[/quote]

American Ignorance at it's finest :D
It was on broadcast radio.

Broadcast Radio operates on licenses from the FCC and the chief purpose of radio is to edify, educate and entertain the public.

Broadcasts that fail all of the above are operating contrary to the public interest.

A person on the radio has the freedom to say whatever they like, but we as listeners and as the tacit owners of the airwaves have the right to react and respond to what was said over the airways, which we own.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of responsibilty for what you say.

You can shout "FIRE!" in a crowded theater, but you will be responsible for any injuries or harm that occur because you exercised your freedom of speech in a negligent manner.

The thing that really points out the racist intentions of this is the fact that probably a majority (if not way more) of the victims were not in fact Chinese, thus really making reference to Chinese people in the tsunami, or (vice-versa) the tsunami victims as being Chinese, nonsensical.

Does anyone know what the tensions were like the following morning (after Miss Jones and Miss Info got into it)?
I always thought that HOT97 was a classless station and had pretty crappy programing way back when I used to live in NYC. These people deserve whatever is coming to them.
I stopped listening to the show a while ago when they kept on making jesus jokes, I believe in him but i dont practice a religion. and i myself who pretty much is quite insensitive found it stupid and ignorant.

I now listen to Howard Stern :D and Star and Buck now that they are back :twisted:
Hmm, I've heard a lot of people laugh at holocaust jokes, more than 250k people died there... Just proves how much us Americans bandwagon on the latest tragedy. I used to have a wall sized american flag in my room prior to 9/11. Then afterwards people claimed I was a stupid unpatriotic bastard because I called them out of faking their patriotism. Yeah...Some people just beleive in stuff while it recently happened. If people still care in a year, I'll be suprised.
Some people I've met are so ignorant it drives me mad, with their annoying use of Jewish and Canadian jokes. I really hate some people.
good thing no one ever got wind of Opie and Anthony's most offense song contest when it first came out or they would've been fired alot earlier then they were. The song is really unfunny, and like others said it seems that Miss Jones and the other hosts harbor hate towards asians.

Hope they get fired but they'll probably be replaced by someone as corny, who'll probably get fired for offending some other group. I got five bucks they offend spics next. peace.
You can't please all the people all the time. If you want regular listeners, your radio show has to have an edge, and anytime you flirt with that edge, you're going to have a segment of viewers who are upset by it. This show sounds like it ventures along the Andrew Dice Clay/Triumph the Insult Comic Dog line of humor, so the people who listen to this stuff should have had an idea of what they were in store for. There is an audience for this kind of humor; it's just not big enough for regular broadcast radio. Perhaps satellite radio is where it belongs.
[quote name='neocisco'][quote name='FrankySox'][quote name='Zman310'][quote name='Ugamer_X']I found what Michael Savage said much more offensive.[/quote]

What an open minded, caring individual.

We shouldn't be sending as much as we're sending. Bush has a lot of gall writing a check for 135 million dollars. This is more a UNICEF deal, it's a U.N. deal, it's a Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, George Soros, Bill Clinton bleeding-heart-liberal deal. I don't want to send them any money. You know, a few airplanes with some medical supplies and a little lip service would have been fine for me.

Hey the song is much worse, because it uses racial name calling and makes fun of these people dying. However this guy at least makes some valid points, whether they or right or wrong is simply an opinion. By no means do I agree with him, I just think the song is much worse, and I can't believe someone would take time to do something like that, but that's the world we live in, and it kinda sucks.[/quote]

We're the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world by far. not only should we be sending this money, we have a responsibility to. When a tragedy of this scale occurs, we must help as much as we are able.[/quote]

Can you really call us the wealthiest nation in the world when we're in the red by 7 TRILLION dollars - thats $7,000,000,000,000!!! I feel for the tsunami victims, but charity begins at home. The U.S. government has no business writing a blank check for tsunami relief, when its own citizens are suffering. Every vital program I can think of has had federal/state funding cut over the last five years - law enforcement/education, etc. American taxpayer dollars should go to Americans first. What about our own natural disaster victims? Some Florida residents lost everything in the rash of hurricanes several months ago and are struggling to rebuild. The $130 million should go to them, not foreign nationals. I have no problem with foreign aid, but it should only be given when money is available (i.e. a budget surplus).
[quote name='goukill1120']good thing no one ever got wind of Opie and Anthony's most offense song contest when it first came out or they would've been fired alot earlier then they were. The song is really unfunny, and like others said it seems that Miss Jones and the other hosts harbor hate towards asians.

Hope they get fired but they'll probably be replaced by someone as corny, who'll probably get fired for offending some other group. I got five bucks they offend spics next. peace.[/quote]

:!: :idea: spics? :!: :idea: :shock:
[quote name='anonymouswhoami'][quote name='neocisco'][quote name='FrankySox'][quote name='Zman310'][quote name='Ugamer_X']I found what Michael Savage said much more offensive.[/quote]

What an open minded, caring individual.

We shouldn't be sending as much as we're sending. Bush has a lot of gall writing a check for 135 million dollars. This is more a UNICEF deal, it's a U.N. deal, it's a Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, George Soros, Bill Clinton bleeding-heart-liberal deal. I don't want to send them any money. You know, a few airplanes with some medical supplies and a little lip service would have been fine for me.

Hey the song is much worse, because it uses racial name calling and makes fun of these people dying. However this guy at least makes some valid points, whether they or right or wrong is simply an opinion. By no means do I agree with him, I just think the song is much worse, and I can't believe someone would take time to do something like that, but that's the world we live in, and it kinda sucks.[/quote]

We're the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world by far. not only should we be sending this money, we have a responsibility to. When a tragedy of this scale occurs, we must help as much as we are able.[/quote]

Can you really call us the wealthiest nation in the world when we're in the red by 7 TRILLION dollars - thats $7,000,000,000,000!!! I feel for the tsunami victims, but charity begins at home. The U.S. government has no business writing a blank check for tsunami relief, when its own citizens are suffering. Every vital program I can think of has had federal/state funding cut over the last five years - law enforcement/education, etc. American taxpayer dollars should go to Americans first. What about our own natural disaster victims? Some Florida residents lost everything in the rash of hurricanes several months ago and are struggling to rebuild. The $130 million should go to them, not foreign nationals. I have no problem with foreign aid, but it should only be given when money is available (i.e. a budget surplus).[/quote]

This thread is something else. Let's go on a crusade in the Arabian desert, but god forbid we actually help a third world nation caught in the wake of a tragedy.

Cost of Tsunami aid: $130 million
Current cost of Iraq war: $130 billion
Re-electing the fanatically fundamentalist neo-con chickenhawk who got us into Iraq for President: Priceless
[quote name='NegativeZero']I stopped listening to the show a while ago when they kept on making jesus jokes, I believe in him but i dont practice a religion. and i myself who pretty much is quite insensitive found it stupid and ignorant.

I now listen to Howard Stern :D and Star and Buck now that they are back :twisted:[/quote]

I, like you It appears, listened to Starr and Buckwild when they were on Hot 97. I don't especiallly care for the music, but they were hillarious. Then the new people came on (the ones now under fire) and I stopped listening, because they seemed ignorant and unfunny. Until Starr and Buck came back on the air, my brother used to listen to hot 97 every morning, and I can say that they've made some... questionable comments before, it's just that this goes overboard. Mocking a tragedy of these grandoise proportions is by far one of the scummiest things i can imagine anyone doing. They suspended S&B for things no where near as bad, so I'd like to see these people suspended for a fairly long amount of time, if not fired completely.

Oh boy... they're donating a week of pay for that how generous :roll: . Seriously, for this they should all be kidnapped, taken into a back alley and tortured for 20 hours straight :twisted: . Not because it's racist, just because it's not funny, and that whole radio isn't funny, and it's full of crappy music... someone needs to put them out of their misery, a few bullets would do I guess...
You know I just found this out today--just really behind the times--. This is pretty pathetic. You can seriously go on and on about this and get into bigger issues and all that (like it has already) and seeing it, it's just hard to explain everything.
So here's just a quick list:

Freedom of speech is just being abused.

Some people laugh at anything/anyone no matter how sad the situation is. It's not funny when it happens to them though.

At least the asian DJ took the situation more calmly. And how the crap? Superior? -.- and Sprint? Damn reminds me of Futurama how Fry explained where ads were advertised.. including your dreams.

Too many of these is around (not necessarily 250k people dead), but the facts of racisms. I mean I heard Jin's response on this and I would agree with him for the most part I suppose. Normally I wouldn't care about racism, if someone calls me some racial slur or said a sterotype, it wouldn't take to heart so much, but the tsunami... damn that's harsh.

The world is really just troublesome.
[quote name='nevposey']What provokes people to say such things and not think they are going to face any consequences?[/quote]

The fact that some people think free speech is an absolute without consequences.
bread's done