Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe Collectors Edition (360/PS3) $60 same price as regular!


24 (100%)
Woot.. pre-ordering this right now



So yeah.. same price as the regular edition.

According to "sources" over at, the bundle will include a 16 page comic book, a making of DVD, a giclée(?) print, a t-shirt, and to top it off, it will come packed in a velvet case. Because with a game that features Scorpion burning the Flash to a crisp you want to have classy packaging. has the bundle listed for $70, $10 more than the regular edition.
(thanks blueswim)

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[quote name='SynGamer']Is the CE in a Steelbook case?[/quote]
velvet case.

in case i don't want this game, i hope i don't forget that i preordered it off of amazon haha, that would suck
I bought the PS3 edition of SC4 for the d-pad and vader, and was ticked off to find that there was no voice chat online when in-game (only in the lobby). It wasn't even mentioned in the reviews, because apparently PS3 owners don't care about the social aspect of gaming (whereas voice chat omitted from a 360 game would light the community on fire).

So, I guess what I'm getting at is, since this game needs a good d-pad even MORE badly than SC4 does (since MK games have lots of combos like forward, forward, back which is too slow with an analog stick), is there any word on whether or not the PS3 version of the game will actually do online play right?
Oi I just preordered the ps3 one ... hahaa... I sent myself a calendar notice on goggle calendar to remind me if I want to cancel or check on the price and stuff haha...

I must be on crack lol!
Thanks for the post, OP. In for one on the PS3. Like fireburnerr, I'm going to keep my eye on the reviews/previews and the calendar; in case I need to cancel the pre-order.
Thanks a lot, OP. I got a feeling this thing is going to be a disaster, but like others, I'll keep an eye on things, and if it does end up being decent, I won't mind getting the CE for $60.
[quote name='stewie75']I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable.[/quote]:lol: Awesome reference! George likes spicy chi...I mean velvet.

Thanks OP! Awesome find! In for 1. :applause:
[quote name='Vcize']I bought the PS3 edition of SC4 for the d-pad and vader, and was ticked off to find that there was no voice chat online when in-game (only in the lobby). It wasn't even mentioned in the reviews, because apparently PS3 owners don't care about the social aspect of gaming (whereas voice chat omitted from a 360 game would light the community on fire).

So, I guess what I'm getting at is, since this game needs a good d-pad even MORE badly than SC4 does (since MK games have lots of combos like forward, forward, back which is too slow with an analog stick), is there any word on whether or not the PS3 version of the game will actually do online play right?[/QUOTE]

the update for SC4 gave it in-game chat

ether way, thats a game company problem, not the ps3's since every other game has in-game chat

i gotta think about this one *thinks about Deadly Allience...shudders*
Why is there even a special edition for this game? I'm not trying to ride on the OP or anything (good find actually), but Midway is synonymous for "rushed incomplete game". Ed Tobias is a poor man's Ed Romero.
Very tempting, but still trying to unlock all the extras in the tower of SCIV. (I have experienced no lag playing online.... but I am not a hardcore players that notices every little counter hit not working.)
[quote name='refusedchaos']ether way, thats a game company problem, not the ps3's since every other game has in-game chat[/quote]

Well, the 360 version of the same game had it, so it's still a matter of stuff being optional in the PS3 version that's required in the 360 version (there are several other PS3 games that lack in-game chat as well).

But the question was more about whether anyone knew, since the big issue I had was that people on the PS3 side thought it was such a minor issue that it wasn't even worth mentioning so I had no idea when I bought it, whereas if the same thing happened to the 360 version (which it wouldn't in the first place) it would've been a huge ordeal that I surely would have seen.

I really want this one for the PS3 as the MK games are extremely dependent on a good dpad, and I can't imagine using that 360 pad, but the voice chat is still more important to me and I don't want a repeat performance. I'm hoping before it comes out someone will specifically mention yes or no on this issue.

Good to hear about the SC4 update though, but unfortunately too late for me.
[quote name='edavis0780']Midway is synonymous for "rushed incomplete game".[/quote]

If you took a shot for every time the phrase "not in this version" was used in the IGN Q&A for Midway's TNA iMPACT(I hate their spelling), your liver would explode.
I am one of those lucky gamers with all three systems. Anybody know which system this game is beign programmed on, because I'd prefer to get that version. TIA
I am in for the :360:

New d-pad coming and have the arcade stick for the system (sure MK doesn't really need a stick but damn if I dont get the use out of it) I just can't find myself buying PS3 games when they are coming to the 360 also. Maybe its because of the on-line being so much better IMO.
[quote name='BlueSwim']If you took a shot for every time the phrase "not in this version" was used in the IGN Q&A for Midway's TNA iMPACT(I hate their spelling), your liver would explode.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that really sucks for TNA, nothing says "I'm ready to compete with the WWE" then releasing a game that's missing tons of stuff that's been in Smackdown games for years. Anyways I'm in for one because it's a weird concept. And I'd love to know the logic behind the velvet box.
I wouldn't jump out of my pants to drop $60 on this game, unless you're a hardcore MK or DC fan. Graphics looks nice but gameplay looks weak as hell (ehh, typical MK I guess).
ordered one for each system hoping the orders get cancelled and I get a GC for each...if not I'll get my ps3 pre-order and check updates on the game to see if its worth $60...Thanks OP
pre-ordered a ps3 version and the 360 version. I have both systems, but I am not sure which I want. I like the 360 online a lot more, but the d-pad is my concern with the 360 version.
[quote name='Pravus']pre-ordered a ps3 version and the 360 version. I have both systems, but I am not sure which I want. I like the 360 online a lot more, but the d-pad is my concern with the 360 version.[/quote]

Yeah, agreed. Soul calibur was awful for the 360.. much easier on the PS3 to play on.

Dunno.. PS3 just sounds better to play on.

Plus hopefully better online play.. like the ones without the four year olds who spam the same move over and over again, then get beaten and cry and call you a cheater @_@

SORRY MR 4 YEAR OLD BUT WHEN ALL YOU DO IS HIT RIGHT + Y Y Y Y Y all game its not that hard to counter by hitting LEFT ON THE CONTROL STICK TO SIDESTEP AND COUNTER for five minutes -_-V
You d-pad worrying guys just need to buy an arcade stick for your Xbox 360 already. That's the best way to play every fighting game anyway...
I just got this email from Amazon CSR. News to me. Anyone else know about this? They adjusted my order, but...

"NOTE: Only orders placed before September 1, 2008 are eligible for a price difference refund under the Post-Order Price Guarantee policy. As of September 1, 2008 we are no longer offering discounts if prices change on our website after you make a purchase.

I hope you will understand our limitations in this regards."
I just pre-ordered the PS3 version. MK means a lot to me, so I hope that they do not screw it this time.

MK .. I miss the old good times!

Thanks OP :)
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[quote name='mhnajjar']I just pre-ordered the PS3 version. MK means a lot to me, so I hope that they do not screw it this time.

MK .. I miss the old good times![/QUOTE]

I really don't like the 2D ones as much as the 3D iterations. MKII was my favorite 2D one. Honestly, when I go back to play old MK games, I don't feel the least bit nostalgic.

I am not going to preorder any of these LE MK games because they plummet to under $30.
Looked through the posts to decide. Agreed that it will be better on the PS3 controller as the D pad on the XBox is lacking.

in for 1 ce for ps3, thanks op.
[quote name='bigsick']Looked through the posts to decide. Agreed that it will be better on the PS3 controller as the D pad on the XBox is lacking.

in for 1 ce for ps3, thanks op.[/QUOTE]

I believe the new xbox pad will be out before this game which would help the :360: out. But again an arcade stick is the way to go if you play any fighting games. I get the most out of mine.
[quote name='joshnorm']I believe the new xbox pad will be out before this game which would help the :360: out. But again an arcade stick is the way to go if you play any fighting games. I get the most out of mine.[/quote]

Did MK ever map anything to the right analog? That would suck and make the arcade stick unusable. But it's been a long time since I've played a 3D MK so I can't remember.

If they do end up using the right analog, I may have to switch to PS3.
I don't think you can use a stick for this game. I thought they were doing different stuff with the d-pad and analog stick.
bread's done