Most Over-rated game

Prince of Persia for me. Everyone told me to buy it but it ended up being boring around 30% of game completion. Much like State of Emergency
[quote name='Derwood43']I really wasn't that impressed with Spiderman 2.[/quote]

Yeah, same here. I was in EB and one of their employees was really praising it. Now, unlike most of y'all, the employees at EB have always known what they're talking about and been very nice. I swear. But this guy talked a customer into buying it, and IMO, it sounded pretty cool. So then my friend Jeff gets the chance to buy a new game the very next day, I suggest Spider-Man 2, and so does my other friend, 'cause we all thought it would be awesome. He bought it, and I thought it blew. He liked it for the first two days, then he thought the same. That game was just boring as shit. I really hope the EB employee actually liked that game, 'cause I'm afraid my EB might be turning into the EB most of y'all describe.
[quote name='Cornfedwb'][quote name='jimbodan']FF-X and ICO.

FF-X had good gameplay, but man those characters were annoying as hell and the plot was just horrible.

ICO, I just wasn't feeling this game. The controls were clunky, the girl you lead around is basically braindead. It felt like work trying to drag her around.[/quote]

Uhmm... FFX basically raised the bar a few notches for characterization and story in an RPG. Although some Xenosaga fans (and old school FF fanboys, and misc. other fanboys) will beg to differ, I'd easily rate FFX's story as the best yet. Just for reference, I played FF1 when it first came out on my NES and have played every US release since.. I'm not a FF7 starter.[/quote]

Hmm I disagree about the plot. Its not really original or groundbreaking....With exception of Lulu, the characters were either annoying or cliche. What made the game enjoyable was the gameplay. The battle system was great, I enjoyed the leveling system, and the summons were done better than any other FF game.

The first FF game I played was FFVIII - I was a Dragon Warrior kid.
Gran Turismo by far... I ws way excited and even bought the bundle and eveything, but I only ended up disappointed.

All these people keep listing Halo (and Halo 2 wtf) I think this is a case of over hype. Lots of people hear how great it is and then bought an xbxo a year or so after release, played the single player or whatever and dismissed it as a bad game. If you bought the game at launch and played the hell out of it with some friends you'd know how good that game really was. It raised the bar for FPS on consoles.
[quote name='Stargun007']I forgot about the GTA games. I agree that they're also highly overrated. If you only play for a short while, the reviews are spot on. But the more you play, the more problems you see popping up.[/quote]
I beat both, on the PC, and I thoroughly enjoyed them both! The mission variety was rather cool, I thought. I suppose they are overrated though! Practically every reviewer gives them 100%'s!
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Haha. People keep mentioning Halo but it says PS2 forum :p

Though I do have to agree.

As for me, eh, maybe VF4. IMO I just couldn't get into it.[/quote]


VF4 owns all fighters!!
For me it was Zone of the Enders 2. I had heard so much praise for it and it was just kind of a boring mech shooter with a trite anime plot and one of the worst character names ever. I just couldn't dig it.
Metal Gear Solid 2~ Broken stealth gameplay that is too easily abuseable. An enjoyable storyline saves it although it's still not as good as Ghost Babel. Substance is worse because the extra content is useless.

Marvel vs Capcom 2- This is a terrible port: added slowdown, missing frames of animation, tinny sounds & music etc.

Disgaea--No sir, I didn't like it at all. Couldn't stand the characters and the only 'difficulty' I had came from not taking the time to level up characters.
[quote name='Samurai T']FFX and Xenosaga are my two favorite PS2 games, so no where they are overrated to me IMO.

As for overrated, I'd say GTA3 and GTA: Vice City.[/quote]

You must be one of those people who likes sitting there watching a game rather than playing and being told what to do rather than non-linear gameplay
[quote name='Samurai T']FFX and Xenosaga are my two favorite PS2 games, so no where they are overrated to me IMO.

As for overrated, I'd say GTA3 and GTA: Vice City.[/quote]

Weird. Either people don't like the first two or don't like the last two. I enjoyed all of them...Xenosaga not that much, but the cutscenes were at least pretty, progressed the storyline, and the gameplay was okay IMO.
For most over rated Ill go with Grand Theft Auto 3 and VC. I can see why some people like them, but I just dont. I find them pretty boring.
i give GTA3 and Vice City credit for the fact that you rarely 'repeat' missions. For as many missions as they had, you were never doing the exact same thing you had just done, as with Spider-Man 2 for example.
This is basically a nonsense topic . . . no offense.

on the PS2, GTA 3 and VC (I guess Halo on Xbox or Zelda for Nintendo) are the most overrated games simply because they are the most highly rated of games . . . there is nothing to discuss. If you find any fault with them (likewise with FFX and MGS2) then they are overrated.

I might even agree that GTA3 was overrated but it was still one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had (mostly because I had no expectations when playing it and it's "open" world was a blast 3 years ago).

In my experience, GTA3 (VC was definitely overhyped) was right there with playing Super Metroid, Quake (original), and Ocarina of Time . . . as one of my best gaming experiences.

You people just don't know what you're talking about :twoguns:
Pretty much any annually realeased football game like Madden. I will never understand how people fork over $50 every year for the same game, but just diffrent roosters and a couple little added features. Then the magizines always give them great reviews, while games like KOF get fair or poor reviews stating that they need haven't changed much from the last year.
[quote name='LeviathynX']For me it was Zone of the Enders 2. I had heard so much praise for it and it was just kind of a boring mech shooter with a trite anime plot and one of the worst character names ever. I just couldn't dig it.[/quote]

Agreed. Glad I rented this one.
[quote name='jennie25']
final fantasy X not fun? I put in over 150 hours in on that game and ENJOYED EVER FRUGGIN MOMENT OF IT! I don't know what kind of dope your smokin, but I suggest stopping.

If you enjoyed getting the Sun Sigil than I can't trust anything you'll ever say. Leaving aside the rest of the game, that mini-game was the worst thing EVER.
[quote name='Smell']Halo[/quote]

Damn you are one stupid fool...the topic is PS2...and someone on the first page (Had you read the topic before your dumbass reply) already got owned for that as well.
I hate these topics for the most part, only because I love most of the games that are listed. Sometimes, I wonder if people only play highly rated games all the time. After you play some of the garbage out there (like Pirates of the Carribean), you gain appreciation for the Vice Cities and the FFX's.

To me, the most overrated would probably be Clock Tower 3. It gets decent reviews, and it was on the best games that didn't sell well at Gamestop. I got it cheap, but it just wasn't fun. The story is hyped, but it was pretty average through the half that I played. The game is ok, but if you never played it, you really aren't missing much.

Oh, and for the above poster, I enjoyed FFX, Vice City, and GTA III (3 of my top 10 this generation). Xenosaga was all right. I enjoyed it, just got bored with it a few hours in (to be honest, I was burned out on RPG's when I played it, if I played it again, I would probably enjoy it more).
I'm not going to edit my post because I admit it was pretty dumb to not notice Ps2 as the forum. I go from the main site so I often don't notice what forum the threads are in.

Most overrated Ps2 game I guess I'd say is GTA3... I heard so many great things, and when I played it, I wasn't all that impressed.
[quote name='dental_regurgitation']I'm not going to edit my post because I admit it was pretty dumb to not notice Ps2 as the forum. I go from the main site so I often don't notice what forum the threads are in.

Most overrated Ps2 game I guess I'd say is GTA3... I heard so many great things, and when I played it, I wasn't all that impressed.[/quote]

You don't have to notice the forum.. the OP clearly states PS2 game.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']I don't think there's any question it'd have to be GTAIII (with GTA:VC in a close second). GTA has terrible graphical performance, numerous bugs, and quite honestly is not fun after a while (and 90% of the people that play it seem to agree). There's no way either of the games should have received 10s across the board.

Also.. you can't say a game is over-rated because you don't like the genre (disgaea, MGS, etc), it just means you personally didn't like it.[/quote]

First off stating that any game is overated is in fact an opinion it's self. Saying otherwise is quite stupid. :p

2 series I found overated would just have to be any and all Maddens and any of the Gran Turismo. Perhaps they're too "mainstream" for me.
[quote name='Stargun007']Ratchet & Clank was overrated. I never played the sequel, though. And it's not out yet on PS2, but Viewtiful Joe is also very overrated. The style was nice for the first few minutes, but after that it seemed to just become a button masher with about 3 different puzzles that would repeat themselves.[/quote]

Blasphemy! If anything is overrated it's Jak and Daxter.
Metal Gear Solid 2

Seems the reviewers couldn't get past the fact that it was all flash and no substance (prompting the re-release by that name), and ended up overrating that piece of garbage.

MGS2, at its release, was the best-looking and best-sounding game on the market. But the game SUCKED. The tanker level was fun, but it all went downhill the moment (spoiler) Liquid's hand took over Ocelot's body (and apparently his voice box). I mean, God...the plot wasn't "complex"; it was convoluted, nonsensical, and just plain asinine.

It's the worst game ever to meet with tremendous critical praise...right next to Jedi Outcast.
[quote name='wookieballz'] Liquid's hand took over Ocelot's body (and apparently his voice box).[/quote]

dude, its a video game ^^

Yeah, but it's a game that takes itself seriously.

I don't mind Joe from Viewtiful Joe morphing into a superhero who has mastery over time...I mean, in the context of VJ, that makes perfect sense... :)

MGS, though, relies heavily on plausibility. Naturally, sentient dismembered body parts with convoluted backstories and bad accents aren't really a good fit.

I tried suspending my disbelief, but it's kinda hard when you've got a balding gun-slinger talking in a terrible pseudo-British accent because his right hand isn't happy with what his left hand is doing.
[quote name='wookieballz']~punq

Yeah, but it's a game that takes itself seriously.

I don't mind Joe from Viewtiful Joe morphing into a superhero who has mastery over time...I mean, in the context of VJ, that makes perfect sense... :)

MGS, though, relies heavily on plausibility. Naturally, sentient dismembered body parts with convoluted backstories and bad accents aren't really a good fit.

I tried suspending my disbelief, but it's kinda hard when you've got a balding gun-slinger talking in a terrible pseudo-British accent because his right hand isn't happy with what his left hand is doing.[/quote]

All the bosses and characters are larger than life, and reality has to be suspended. Grey Fox comes back to life for MGS, Fortune can not be shot, there was a vampire in MGS2, and the list goes on and on.

All the backstories do, is show how heavy misinformation can be in society and unless you find out for yourself, you should not base your opinions on someone elses words as they could have an interest in what you end up doing.
One more vote for Gran Turismo...I remember dropping like $9.99 on a used copy and still being pissed as shit that I'd wasted my money. graphically pleasing, but about as fun as a skin rash.
[quote name='wookieballz']Metal Gear Solid 2

Seems the reviewers couldn't get past the fact that it was all flash and no substance (prompting the re-release by that name), and ended up overrating that piece of garbage.

MGS2, at its release, was the best-looking and best-sounding game on the market. But the game SUCKED. The tanker level was fun, but it all went downhill the moment (spoiler) Liquid's hand took over Ocelot's body (and apparently his voice box). I mean, God...the plot wasn't "complex"; it was convoluted, nonsensical, and just plain asinine.

It's the worst game ever to meet with tremendous critical praise...right next to Jedi Outcast.[/quote]


Did it ever occur to you that the arm-posession was an ACT? The whole thing was a setup, with Ocelot at the top of the food chain. The Liquid angle was filling in that part of the Shadow Moses formula. Did you finish the game?

I'd say both GTA games are over rated. Sure, they are good games, but c'mon. They ARE fun, but not "oh my god, I this is the best video game EVER" that some people make them out to be
[quote name='ragtop70']The most overrated series is Final Fantasy. Every game is given a 9 or a 10 out of 10. I wouldn't give a 5.
The most overrated game on cheapassgamer is Ico. Everyone goes on and on about how they loved it and how great it is. I played all the way through it and I hated it. It is completely repetitive and senseless. I sold it for $7 at a yard sale yesterday.[/quote]

I started Ico the other day and i've now put it away never to play again, after about 40 minutes. Complete trash.
[quote name='smalien1']What is the most over-rated ps2 game in your opinion?

I say either Xenosaga or FFX both have good graphics and story, but c'mon people admit it they just aren't fun
Other than those two similar titles I really didn't like Midnight Club 2[/quote]

:shock: Don't get me started on FFX, the game is awesome. Metal Gear Solid gets my vote.
For me it's gotta be Halo. I was never a big First person shooter fan, but I do know a good game when I see one. And Halo is a good game, I've even played it alittle However I don't see a huge diffrence between Halo and any other shooter, like all the World War Shooters, Golden Eye, and Metroid Prime. They all play the same. Except Makken X, now that's game.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']For me it's gotta be Halo. I was never a big First person shooter fan, but I do know a good game when I see one. And Halo is a good game, I've even played it alittle However I don't see a huge diffrence between Halo and any other shooter, like all the World War Shooters, Golden Eye, and Metroid Prime. They all play the same. Except Makken X, now that's game.[/quote]

i agree but isn't this in the ps2 forum ?

i say metal gear... while good... its still overrated. beat it and haven't touched it since.
[quote name='rajchakrabarti'][quote name='Rodimus Donut']For me it's gotta be Halo. I was never a big First person shooter fan, but I do know a good game when I see one. And Halo is a good game, I've even played it alittle However I don't see a huge diffrence between Halo and any other shooter, like all the World War Shooters, Golden Eye, and Metroid Prime. They all play the same. Except Makken X, now that's game.[/quote]

i agree but isn't this in the ps2 forum ?

i say metal gear... while good... its still overrated. beat it and haven't touched it since.[/quote]

Your right I didn't realize that.
Before the PS2 launched i would have to say Bouncer was EXTREMLY hyped & it sucked.

Recently there's been alot of "hype" for Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I've had the DC version for years now & i just don't get how people are paying/trading alot to get this game.
bread's done