Most value you have got out of a game

Super Smash Bros. Melee was given to me as a gift. I've played the hell out of that game, and still return for more!
I've gotten some games free, so obviously any value per no cost would be the most. Of games I bought, NBA Hangtime for N64 is probably #1. I paid the full retail price for it, too, like $60 when it first came out. Since it's my favorite game of all time, though, I've probably played it thouands of times, making that money seem a pretty good value. I'd perhaps also note Goemon's Great Adventure for N64, which I found used for $2 in a Blockbuster and very much enjoyed, one of the best N64 games out there.
OK, I've got that infamous spreadsheet that tracks Cost Per Hour, and here go my big winners:


Backyard Hockey $0.49
ESPN Golf $0.44

SSX Tricky $0.66

FIFA 2004 $0.11

Forsaken $0.10
Serious Sam $0.40
Unreal Tournament 2003 $0.25

R4: Ridge Racer Type 4: $0.62
Wipeout 3: $0.20
Wipeout XL $0.43

Playstation 2:
Amplitude $0.58
DDRMAX $0.91
DDRMAX 2 $0.77
Surfing H30: $0.94


ESPN NFL 2K5: $0.36
ESPN NHL 2K5: $0.88
Links 2004 $0.71
NFL 2K3: $0.60
NHL 2003 $0.29
Sega GT Online $0.83
Star Wars Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds $0.02
Test Drive $0.87
THPS 3: $0.28

UFC $0.62

Gauntlet Legends $0.67
NBA Hang Time $0.83
Wipeout 64 $0.67
The most time I've spent with a game is Baludur's Gate 2 and its expansion pack. It usually takes 50-60 hours to beat the game and its expansion pack, and I've beaten it 3 times. I plan on doing it a forth time sometime this year.
I also spent a ton of time playing Perfect Dark and Unreal Tournament/UT2k4 in multiplayer with the bots.
The many variations of Tetris

Whether it be on the original Nintendo, the Game Boy, my cell phone or the Worlds Xbox Live edition...I've put in TONS of hours onto it.
Final Fantasy Tactics- over 100 hrs. the first time through with several more after.
GT3- Only PS2 game I had for months and I played the hell out of it.
Diablo 2- Can't even imagine how much time I spent here....
Civilization 2- This game almost single handedly saw me through college
Super Street Fighter 2- Me and me brother would play this for at least an hour every day after school...
Ah memories... :)
Best value? Incredible Crisis. For $9, I've played it hundreds of times.
That said, I've certainly gotten my $50 worth out of Castlevania:SOTN, Rez, Silent Hill 2, Diablo II, Warcraft III and PSO (DC).
Honorable mention to Phantasy Star, which I payed $80 for at release, and finished at least four times consecutively. Still drag it out occasionally.
Probably either Worms Armegeddon ( too bad I can't get it to work anymore), Tecmo Super Bowl for SNES (countless seasons spent as the Dallas Cowboys), NBA Jam TE for SNES, Also Animal Crossing has to rank up there, I traded a 5$ CC game for it and played it every day for about 3 months. Tetris for GB is another title I've gotten tons of play from.

EDIT: thought of a few more, Diablo 2, Civ 2, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Chrono Trigger
GBA - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 253 hrs

On the PC - Hack/Nethack (free) been playing different versions of it since
1987, probably close to 10000 hours.

DC - Metropolitan Street Racer 90 hours +

Xbox - Burnout 3 50 hours + so far....
Warcraft 3 and it's expansion Frozen Throne. I've had this game for over 2 years and still play this game almost every night with friends. The DotA mod for it is pretty fun.
Since Solo and Multiplayer are two very different things...

Solo: Star Tropics for the NES: My personal favorite game ever, a game I play once a year. IMO the most underrated game ever created. Greatest crime in the history of video game history is the hatchet job Nintendo did on the sequel, Zoda's Revenge.

Multiplayer: Goldeneye for the N64. When I was 16 we had a Goldeneye game last almost a continuous week with no interuptions, save for people sleeping. Sadly, my friends and I drifted apart before the glory that was Perfect Dark hit, though we did make a weekend of it that ended up extending to a full week, stuck in a hotel, playing Perfect Dark. I'm tearing up thinking about it, no joke. Sucks to get old, doesn't it?
sf2 turbo for snes. bought it for i don't even know how cheap off a friend in elementary school. still play it all the time when friends come over or when i can't go to sleep at night.
the First resident evil on the playstation I played that sucker everyday even after I got all the endings ,and I do mean all of them , hmmm streets of rage 3 I used to play alone with no cheats and on the hardest level and not use any continues (dont think I ever did ) . Final Fantasy 7 I beat that game like 5 or 6 times dont kno why I think I was trying to figure out who the hell that zack guy was . Final Fantasy 6 my bro had got it for the supernes I watched him play through the whole game then when he finished i played it , then later I got it for the ps1 . Street Fighter alpha 1 played this game so many times in the arcades and then for the playstation used to test myself on the hardest level without losing one round and by wiping akumas ass like nuttin ( and that I did do ) , madden 93 and I wasnt even a football fan until I played this one .oh and ofcourse gunstar heroes I had got it along with Streets of rage 3 and also just played it by myself and beat it on the hardest level . I Spent easily over 100 dollars in quarters for Killer Instinct one , Damn sometimes I wish I could do that but theres no more time after u become an adult ( plus to many games come out that u wanna get )
Ultima V - that game took FOREVER to finish

Diablo 2 & LOD expansion. Probably paid close to retail for both but I'm still playing them 4 years later (probably because that's one game my wife will play with me)

Battlefield 1942 & Desert Combat. Paid $19.42 from & I've been playing for almost 3 years now.
Does anyone think I am strange for playing of 25 seasons in Career mode in NASCAR Thunder 2003 on medium race length and 35 races per season. The 2003 version destroys the newest one which I got(2004 or 2005). Best yet, I only spent $20 on it new at KBtoys which sadly no longer exists.
Sim City 2000, Warcraft2, C&C: Red Alert, Counter-Strike, Betrayl at Krondor, Diablo, Duke Nukem 3d, Tribes (PC)
Contra, Rampage (NES)
Tetris (GB)
NBA Jam, Smash TV (SNES)
Goldeneye 007, Mario 64 (N64)
NBA Street (GC)

Basically games through years or so from some systems I've owned/ still own.
probably the time i used my copy of monopoly party for ps2 to ski down a mountain narrowly escaping the avalanche then while hitting a bump and in the air i tied it to my parka and parachuted to the ski lodge. While at the ski lodge i traded it to a street urchin for a much needed sandwich. While munching the sandwich i mistakingly triped over a beautiful young girl that i then had sex with and she left $$$ on the nightstand mistaking me for a gigalo. While counting my $$$ i ran into the street urchin who now had a copy of suikoden 4 with the art book which he sold to me for 5 dolla.
Chrono Trigger. Got it for 10 bones at BB back in the day and I've easily put 400 hundred hours over the years on it. I play through it at least once a year.
PSO for the xbox. Got it with some Xbox live bundle deal from Ebgames October before last. Put tons of time into that game. Probably more than any other console game ever. That and Counter-Strike.
WWF No Mercy for N64. My friend gave it to me like a year after it came out for nothing cuz he didnt play it. I played it for probably 3 hours everyday for 2 years and still play it every now and then with friends.
Worthwhile games:

1) Half-Life/TFC/CS - Spent almost 3 years clanning in TFC made the $40 I paid for worthwile.
2) PSO for Dreamcast - Probably logged about a few hundred hours while it was free to play online.
3) Soldier of Fortune II (PC) - another few hundred hours here for its online play. Paid $50 tho. :oops:
4) StarCraft - another few hundred hours put into this game.
5) Final Fantasy III (SNES) - probably 200-300 hours, although the game was $69.99 when it came out.

Games that wasted my money:

1) Dark Age of Camelot - $20, clocked in 15 minutes, I kid not.
2) Mortal Kombat: Deception CE - paid $60, clocked in 2 hours.
3) Time Crisis 3 (PS2) - paid $40 w/ Guncon, clocked in 2 hours.
4) StarFox Adventure (GC) - paid $50, only clocked in ~3 hours over 2.5 years.
5) Soul Calibur II (GC) - paid $50, clocked in 5 hours at most.
For me it had to be the original Quake. Back when that game was popular there were some nifty sites devoted to giving people good single player levels that people created with the level editor. I probably got on average 5 levels a week from those sites, and many of those levels were better than the actual main game. Quake was the only game I played for about a year and a half. It got a little old after awhile dealing with all the same enemies over and over, but good level design makes all the difference. Heck, it would still be fun today except I'm not sure if you can still find all those old levels for download.
Final Fantasy X for sheer number of hours, although Diablo II took quite a few weeks of my life. Money VERY well spent on both accounts. I haven't had any recent games capture me like that in a long while, bu that's in part because of the length of the story (i.e., Max Payne 1 & 2, Splinter 1 & 2 are all shorter than Final Fantasy x).
I must say my copy of Street Fighter 2 for SNES. I got it with my SNES and still play it till this day. That had been about twelve years ago.
mega man x. i was poor so this had to make duh until xmas. i only got one game a year. still thought awesome game used to play starting on diffrent bose orders just to challenge myself
Either Rollercoaster Tyccon 1 or 2. I paid $12.09 for Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 ($29.99 minus pricematch for $18 from Best Buy when Staples still had the 155% difference PM policy) and $19.99 for Rollercoaster Tyccon 2 and have put at least 500 hours in each game.
It'd probably be Vice City on the PC. Since I was forced to share a computer at the time with siblings, I could only play at 4 AM.

It was a blast. Nothing better than just driving around Vice City at night while listening to the soundtrack.
Has to be Counter-Strike.
I remeber paying $30 for the retail version and playing at least five hours everyday for almost two years.
It would have to either be Halo for $18 on BF in 2003 or Project Gotham 2 for $20 after GGC. I played both of those games to death. I think I have played Halo a little more than PG2 however.
Even though I didn't get it for cheap, I think it's NCAA Football 2003. I played that game day and night until 2004 came out. Played through several seasons of the Dynasty, it's almost sick, good thing they didn't have the EA Profile on there so it showed how much time I put into it!
Most time for value ratio for me would have to be Gauntlet Legends for the N64. Bought it for $20 as part of a sale at the BX. Me and my buds would play it ever day after school trying to get all our chars to level 99. I just checked, and all 9 of my level 99 chars are still on the memory card... Oh the memories.
Xenogears, bought for 30 bucks, played over the course of two years and finally beaten. Ebayed for 70 bucks.

To me, best value EVER.
NHL 2004 for the Xbox. Over 1000 games played and still 11 seasons to go in franchise mode. I'm still playing it even though I bought NHL 2005 and ESPN NHL 2k5. 2k5 has a great on ice product, but franchise sucks, and 2005 is brilliant in presentation, but the on ice game and franchise mode are crap.
Diablo 1- 300 some hours
Diablo 2- 400 some odd hours
FFVII- 700 hours on one save alone(Now THAT'S dedication)
Conkers Bad Fur Day- Hell of a lot of Multiplayer played with it
GTA:SA- Addicted to it
Smackdown HCTP- 300 hours put into it. At least.
bread's done