Most value you have got out of a game


39 (100%)
What is the most value you have gotten from a game that you have bought. mine has to be worms 2 bought it for $15 and probably put about 5000 hours into it over 5 years doing cases ladder matches. A close second is Counter Strike which I got for $30 and put probably about 3,000 or so hours into it. As far as consoles go tecmo super bowl probally was the game I got the most use of, Although Ahlo 2 is threatening to take that title.
Probably PSO for the cube. Got it for free. Btw is the plus version any better or worth getting if i already have it, that is the regular version for the cube?
Halo 1, bought for $50 but I played it for about 2-4 hours every single day for almost an entire year. DDR Konamix I bought for $40 with two crappy dance pads, played it every day for a year and a half, and still pull it out every now and again to play.
Rhapsody for PS1. Bought for ten bucks and never played it. Then noticed it was hot on Ebay and sold it for $105.

Can't really think of anything else since I'm not big on multiplayer and tend to gravitate to games with little replay value.
I might go with Worms Armageddon, but unfortunately, it got stolen.

Mechassault and Mechassault 2 are games I've played online for hours and hours on end, thats value right there.
Diablo II.... I cant even venture a guess as to the number of hours... I must say in the area of 5000 hours...

Disgaia... hours and hours of play... I think I'm at about 150 and half done.

Then FFX, I had a blast in the battle arena, I'm at 120 hours and still havent beatten Nemesis.

Halflife 2 was worth $60 for the ability to kill people with toliets alone!

Team Fortress Classic... lots o time there...
Finally... Sven co-op... too friggen cool
I paid $5 for a used/complete copy of Grandia 2 for Dreamcast at a little mom and pop video place that was getting rid of DC stuff. I completed it in around 45 hours, and that's probably my best value on a cost per play time ratio in recent history. Overall, my $2.50 Streets of Rage 2 Genesis cartridge got a lot of play over the years as well, probably my all-time best purchase on a cost per play basis.
I am not sure if this counts, but I bought this application call Klik n Play for computer by Maxis a good 10 years ago. I have sent hundreds of hours trying to make games. Has anyone else ever used this?

As for video games, I bought Courier Crisis for PS for $10 a while back and spent tons of tim with it. Also Zelda Ocarina of Time I spent $15 with strat guide from my friend when it first came out.
Probably either Front Mission 3, which I picked up in excellent condition used for about $17 and one of the few games I actually beat (both storylines = 80+ hours total and I'm playing it through again right now) or Gladius which is the only CC $5 game that I've really played extensively, 40+ hours in one storyline and I'll probably play it through again for the other storyline.
Final Fantasy VII & X

Gran Turismo 3

GTA Vice City


Rainbow Six 3 & Black Arrow

Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat Series

Sports Titles Football, Baseball, Hockey, Wrestling

Most time I ever put into one game was probably Final Fantasy VII about 90 hours and defeated the ultimate weapons!
WWF No Mercy. Got it as an xmas gift and played it almost every day for about 2 years straight.

Chrono Trigger back around 1996. Paid $71 for it and played that until I had everyone up to level 99.

Current time killer is the obvious one, being online a couple times a week with it.
Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES - they were $free$ with the system and I think I've never played more on any game, admitedly, back then I didn't have a job, or classes to attend, but still I put a big chunk of my life into playing those games. And I remember when the racoon tail was some high tech sh*t
I know i'll get made fun for this, but I have to say Animal Crossing, I got it on release and I still check up on my character and go visit my wife's town, I even made second character for even more traveling.
Probably NFL 2K5 for XBOX. I've played numerous seasons. Probably about 8 or so. I started over when the Roster Update came out. and I may start over again since there is supposed to be a final roster update. Pretty good stuff.

The Lions finally won the Super Bowl :)
This is tough... it's probably Tetris DX because I still play it almost every day and I've had it since it came out... that's not really fair though because it's portable... I'd have to say console-wise either Super Monkey Ball (I got into the competition over at or Hot Shots Golf 3 (I still play it all the time)...
MvsC2 (DC): $50 at launch
Agetec DC stick: $60 at launch

Over 200 hours later and still going

Also logged over 100 hours on Pokemon Red
Warcraft 3 TFT: many hours of online fun.
Monster Hunter: Sent about 150 hours online with this game.
DDR games: Greatest replay value ever.
THUG: I must have replayed this game 8 or 9 times, so much fun.
Goldeneye. I never actually bought it, but my friend lent it to me since we always hung out at my house. We must have put thousands of hours into that game.
Super Smash Brothers N64
Winning Eleven 7
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Mario Kart

Oh, the old rivalriest.... good times good times
I bought MotoGP 2 (Xbox) on release day and must have put more than 1000 hours into it on XBL before I even started getting tired of it. I even have burn in on my tv from playing it so much. Haven't put much time into it lately since I cancelled my Live account. Best racing game ever IMHO.
[quote name='jbroush99']Easily Gran Turismo 3 for me. I never got to 100%, but I played that game for hours per sitting for almost a year.[/quote]

Same, I have 92% done. I have almost every car, each has everything maxed out. Well over 500 hours easy.

Saved many a buck actually staying home playing those....yes, even with the monthly fees.

I think those are probably the top 2.
For me they were...

Quake III Arena (DC then PC)

I played this for 3 years.

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (PC)

After the Quake servers on the DC side died, I got into Elite Force. It uses the Q3 engine and is a much better game overall. The single player is awesome. The multiplayer is awesome. The weapons are much better too. Been playing it almost every day for 2 years now. Usually 30 min to 1 hour a day.
Warcraft III - I played probably thousands of multiplayer games, including player created scenarios and team matches.
DAOC - Spent countless hours for about 3 months, but I was paying per month so it probably wasn't as good of value.
Goldeneye for the N64 - In high school there was a good year or more where a group of friends got together and played this for hours upon hours a week.
In no particular order:

Goldeneye (N64)
WipeOut XL
Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)
Samba de Amigo
F-Zero (SNES)
Street Fighter II (SNES)
Contra IV: Alien Wars (SNES)
Road Rash II (Genesis)
Gunstar Heroes
MegaMan 2 (NES)
Super Smash TV (SNES)
Tempest 2000 (Jaguar)
Virtua Cop and Virtua Cop 2 (Saturn)
Dance Dance Revolution
Burnout 3
Grand Theft Auto III
THe original Bard's Tale. I bought it back in 1986 or 1987 for the Amiga. I put thousands and thousands of hours into that game over the course of several years.
Jade Cocoon 2 - Got to the final bos after well over 60+ hours, it'll take a bunch to get strong enough to beat him, though.

Madden 04 and 05, NCAA 04 and 05, and MVP 04 - I have nearly 38 days of gamplay logged onto my EA Bio for these five games total. About 900 hours there, and I've barely put a week in the newer titles.

Super Mario Kart, TMNT IV - Played these games all the times when friends would come over, great fun for hours.

Animal Crossing - I've had the game for just over a year and have played it for nearly 7-8 months of that time. Lots of hours put into just collecting fruit, items, and such.

WCW/nWo Revenge and the WWF THQ N64 games - Played those all the time for hours and hours against friends.
XCOM Terror from the Deep - paid $2, played it multiple times, probably sank (pun intended?) 200 hours into it

Dynasty Warriors 3 - even though I paid the full $50 for it, I likely put a good 300-400 hours into it, a lot of that being co-op.

Master of Orion 2 - paid $20, played it once or twice a year for three or four years running, average game time of about 20 hours. So I'd say about 150 hours all told.

Capcom vs SNK Card Fighter's Clash - paid about $15 I think, got about 60-70 hours in it so far.
Holy crap! I can't believe no one has listed Tetris. Got mine free with the GameBoy "Toaster" in the good old days when hardware always launched with a game. No game do I go back and play as consistently.

A close second would be Dr. Mario 64. Constantly pulling out the N64 for some 4-way Dr. Mario action.

Non-puzzle game would be Burnout 2 for the GameCube. (I'm really looking forward to picking up Burnout 3 for the Xbox when it drops.)

* Edit - Just noticed javeryh also mentioned Tetris. I'm still surprised Tetris didn't appear earlier in this thread.
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