Motor City Machine Guns/Beer Money 2010 tag team feud of the year wrestling topic

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So instead of an additional match.....they're going to just throw in 10 extra people IE: jobbers or "legends"

OR.....everyone from NXT seasons 1/2 (16 I believe total) plus the regular mid-carders/main eventers
Interesting. A few weeks ago I put together a roster of 30 guys pretty easily from the WWE roster. That said, I think 40 will be somewhat difficult to pull off, unless you bring in some one-shot returns (e.g., Booker T).

I think WWE Creative sees what we saw a few weeks back: the dearth of upper-card talent in WWE right now means that there are few participants who you could reasonably expect to win the match itself. As a result, they had to give the RR match another gimmick (40 instead of 30) as a sales point.

Speaking for myself, the show is 2 weeks from today, and not a single wrestler has been announced for the match. I think that's rather weak promotion.
[quote name='mykevermin']Interesting. A few weeks ago I put together a roster of 30 guys pretty easily from the WWE roster. That said, I think 40 will be somewhat difficult to pull off, unless you bring in some one-shot returns (e.g., Booker T).

I think WWE Creative sees what we saw a few weeks back: the dearth of upper-card talent in WWE right now means that there are few participants who you could reasonably expect to win the match itself. As a result, they had to give the RR match another gimmick (40 instead of 30) as a sales point.

Speaking for myself, the show is 2 weeks from today, and not a single wrestler has been announced for the match. I think that's rather weak promotion.[/QUOTE]

I think Big Show and Alberto Del Rio have been announced for the Rumble...but has been pretty weak.
[quote name='Scorch']I thought that they usually announced participants on the Raw and SmackDown episodes prior to the Rumble.[/QUOTE]

That's probably been the trend for years now, but I always enjoyed the Lord Alfred Hayes "WWF Update" segments where they'd go down the list of wrestlers on the PPV.

Now, let's be clear. It's pretty obvious that every WWE Superstar™ ever is going to be in the Rumble match. So there aren't any reasonable doubts as to whether Yoshitatsu, CM Punk, or Tyler Reks are going to be in it (okay, maybe Tyler Reks). But thinking from the standpoint of wanting to promote a show to potential buyers, you want to eliminate any doubt (even absurd doubt) that Superstar so-and-so will be in the match.

So, I'll admit that doubts of who will be in it are erroneous, that's beside the point: hype the show on who will be in it, so people in doubt (who are on the fence as buyers) order the thing.
myke I couldn't agree more. At this point Cena, Show, Punk, Mysterio, Kofi, Morrison, and about every other mid-carder should be cutting promos about how they are going to win the Royal Rumble. Instead we get nothing, not even announcements as to who is in the match.

With three matches announced so far I'm expecting a divas match and maybe some other mid-card IC or US title match to be announced soon.
MVP wrestled his first match since leaving WWE at a Northeast Wrestling event in Poughkeepsie, New York, defeating his former rival from WWE in the main event, Matt Hardy.

MVP cut a promo earlier in the night and mentioned how he saw only wrestlers backstage, no sports entertainers. During the match, MVP did the three german suplexes followed by the cutthroat gesture that Chris Benoit did and then pointed up at the sky in an apparent tribute to Benoit. After the match, Hardy and MVP congratulated each other and posed for the fans.

You forgot that the crowd started booing him after he did that. Either way, it was pretty stupid of him to do that, despite Benoit's wrestling tenure.

I think it's obvious that nobody will ever be able to fully disassociate what Benoit did in the ring with what he did during his last moments. I'd like for it to happen, but I know that it won't. Excuse my enormous reaching here, but it's similar to OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson in the way that they were known more for their actions outide of their entertainment roles.

At this point I'm kind of just rambling, and I what I said probably doesn't make too much sense, so feel free to sling those stones.

EDIT: Speaking of rambling:

The pic of him doing an elbow drop out of the Enola Gay had me in tears.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I think it's obvious that nobody will ever be able to fully disassociate what Benoit did in the ring with what he did during his last moments. I'd like for it to happen, but I know that it won't. Excuse my enormous reaching here, but it's similar to OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson in the way that they were known more for their actions outide of their entertainment roles.[/QUOTE]

Yep. WWE can't do anything with him unless it's a part of their original programming (i.e., if they release an entire program/ppv that he was in). I think I've read before that they edited out some of his promos when they put up old Nitro programs on WWE 24/7.

I don't envy the spot they're in there. They release it unedited, they're "making money off of a murderer." They edit it out, or ignore his legacy, and fans who still like to see his work scream that they're rewriting history. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I think they included him as an entry in their "WWE Encyclopedia" that was released in late 2008 (or perhaps 2009). They had a photo and maybe 3-4 sentences about him. That's reasonable - they can't ignore that he was ever there, yet they have to be very delicate in how they portray him when they do acknowledge that.

Respectful or in bad taste, I think we can all agree that paying homage to Benoit in the way MVP did is a bad idea. Do the three German suplexes, fine. That's more subtle.

Beef, you're on point. The Royal Rumble winner doesn't only get a title match, they get a title match at Wrestlemania. I'd be cutting every promo under the sun if I had a chance at that. They still have two programs to hype the PPV, so perhaps they'll get into high gear tonight. It's still a shame that Miz/Orton and Punk/Cena have had *far* more airtime than the RR match, which has had zero so far as I can tell.
Only the RR commercials have been able to remind me that there even IS a RR coming soon. That, and Del Rio of course. I hope it's good this year. And when I say "good," I'm talking Punk cutting promos in the middle of it good. I hope there are some better guest spots than Jim Duggan too, but that's more of a personal gripe than anything.
It seems like Raw alone has 25 guys that they would put in. More if Bourne/Sheffield/Tarver are coming off their respective injuries.
[quote name='neocisco']RR has gotten more promotion here than on WWE programming.[/QUOTE]
BustaUppa as entrant #40! Make it happen, Vince!
They're doing a good job hyping the Rumble on Smackdown, but on Raw it seems that it is only talked about during Del Rio/Truth segments.
The 40th entrant will be ME. I shall do what, inexplicably, no man has done; hide under the ring until there's one man left, then club him with a wrench.

A poo joke! Oh, John Cena. You're a celebrity to children.
.....Why is Cena doing open with Miz?

Shouldn't Cena be yapping with Punk/Nexus......and Orton yap with Miz?
While Cena's "poopy" joke was lame, here's the thing: imagine if The Rock delivered that same line. Given the kinds of tangents The Rock would tend to go on, I think he would pull it off quite well, word-for-word.

So what is it about Cena that makes it fucking terrible?
Hey, my CD is done burning! Oh, wait, it's just the GM.

Edit: You just agreed with me that it was lame. It was a poop joke. They were lame when the Rock did them, too. I made fun of the joke, at no point did I imply that it or John Cena himself were "fucking terrible."
[quote name='Survivalism']Edit: You just agreed with me that it was lame. It was a poop joke. They were lame when the Rock did them, too. I made fun of the joke, at no point did I imply that it or John Cena himself were "fucking terrible."[/QUOTE]

I wasn't talking to you, I was thinking out loud. Get over yourself.

[quote name='Chronis']Both the Usos and Koz-tino got jobber entranced... Uhhh....[/QUOTE]

Well, they are all jobbers. One of those tag teams has the titles, yes, but you can't honestly argue that doesn't make them jobbers.

EDIT: I'd like to see John Morrison and D'Angelo Dinero feud over their sunglasses.

Look....wear a shirt underneath your shirt, Hulk! It'll help....
It's hard to get into a wrestling match when they cut to commercial 45 seconds into it, and come back from break for another whopping three minutes of it.

The thought of Morrison/Bryan was an amazing match, but they way WWE books matches and produces their television, how am I supposed to get excited about it?
Khali time?

uh oh....they gave mark a new singlet....i guess he ain't a jobber anymore!
Mark Henry (or any superheavyweight or monster heel) is never a jobber on the weeks leading up to the Royal Rumble.

Edit: ........WTF is this?

Edit 2: How does Kane not hold the record for most eliminations overall? They said it was HBK with 39. But just in one RR, Kane got out 11. And he's been in 13 RRs. You're telling me he hasn't eliminated 2+ in every rumble he's been in?
The was a decent hype video for the Royal Rumble match. Still doesn't tell us who is in it, but I'll settle for what I can get at this point.
[quote name='Chronis']
Edit 2: How does Kane not hold the record for most eliminations overall? They said it was HBK with 39. But just in one RR, Kane got out 11. And he's been in 13 RRs. You're telling me he hasn't eliminated 2+ in every rumble he's been in?[/QUOTE]

According to Wikipedia, Kane has 36 eliminations, although they include appearances as Isaac Yankem and New Diesel.
[quote name='Survivalism']The 40th entrant will be ME. I shall do what, inexplicably, no man has done; hide under the ring until there's one man left, then club him with a wrench.[/QUOTE]

From now on, Michael Cole just calls every submission hold the anaconda vice.

Holy shit that scared me, I thought it was Batista for a moment.

Edit: ^^And I'm not the only one!
*Remembers what I posted about the link between Punk, Batista, and Nexus.....*

They could easily say that's Batista's brother and everything would be true
Aside from the main event, this show mostly sucked. Dolph-Orton made Dolph seem like a total clown, and while Orton's style didn't help him any, the booking killed him. So of course, after he loses clean, they run a video package showing him as the number 1 contender to the world title. Way to make that title seem second-rate. Nattie-Maryse was nothing, Melina was less than nothing on commentary, but this let do, Ted Jr's over the top rope challenge, which aside from his bickering with Maryse, was pretty stupid and took forever - the lone redeeming thing about it was Cole talking about all the ways you could be eliminated...which were then brought up in better fashion with a swank video package. Danielson-Morrison was weird as a face vs. face match, was too short, but was good while it lasted except for the finish, which saw Morrison barely hit the flash kick and then hit the running knee dealie poorly. So Danielson loses and the Bellas are competing to take his virginity. Also, Morrison didn't even try to ask for a U.S. title rematch, so that belt got buried nicely.

Punk-Cena was very good. I was expecting a short match with a fuck finish, and instead, they delivered a really long match that actually saw some new stuff in it. Cena's counter into the STF from the GTS was nice, as was Punk debuting the complete shot>Koji Clutch into his moveset. It's a shame Cole fucked up and called it the Anaconda Vise, because it was a fantastic false finish. Mason Ryan debuted as the newest member of Nexus, although he looked nearly identical to Jackson Andrews except in height. Same beard, wifebeater, and jeans. More jacked up though, and he didn't get killed by Mark Henry. Which reminds me - Derek Batement's bit with his cologne was amusing - stupid, but it established a new guy on Raw in some capacity.

Screens -

Quotes -
Cena - THAT RIGHT THERE WAS 3 WEEKS AGO! Easy, easy, that was 3 weeks ago. THAT WAS LAST YEAR. LAST YEAR! This Is my first time in a WWE ring in 2011, and I AM READY! Just like everyone else, I have a list of resolutions. Take care of CM Punk, WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE, AND GO ONTO WRESTLEMANIA! (Miz comes out)
King - He’s must-see, but must we see him now.
Miz - REALLY!? YOU’RE GOING TO WIN BACK THE WWE TITLE AT WRESTLEAMANIA!? REALLY!? No one wants that. YOU’RE PLAYED OUT, WHILE I’M THE MOST MUST-SEE WWE CHAMPION IN THE HISTORY OF THE COMPANY. Even more must-see than you. Since I became champion, WWE and Raw have been more exciting than it’s been in YEARS. Besides, I hate to break It to you, but the odds say that you’re not gonna win the Rumble. In case you all didn’t here, for the first time ever, the Rumble will have FORTY PARTICIPANTS. IT’S THE BIGGEST ROYAL RUMBLE IN WWE HISTORY, and the winner gets to choose either the WWE Champion or World champion to go against and main event at WrestleMania and I suggest whomever wins the Rumble - you don’t come after me. BECAUSE IF YOU DO, you will suffer the same fate as Orton In our title match in 2 weeks - you will lose!
Cena - YOU. WILL. LOSE! That’s very Ivan Drago of you, but if I CAN CHANGE, AND YOU CAN CHANGE, THEN EVERBODY CAN CHANGE. That title you have should’ve changed twice. JERRY LAWLER SHOULD BE WWE CHAMPION, and if it wasn’t for Riley, then Orton would be champion. Must-see? You guys look like a more feminine version of the Kardashians. Cole has the street cred of the Jonas Brothers, and Miz, the only challenge you’ve had over the last six months is IBS. That means your body makes poopy noises - hey, it’s PG.
Cole - It’s the Ricky Gervais of the WWE.
Cena - King, congrats on the win last week. YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO WANTS TO FIGHT.
Miz - You’re so corny, and I’m tired of the label that I’m afraid to fight - it’s generic, like you. I CAN BRAWL WITH THE BEST BRAWLERS IN WWE HISTORY. YOU KNOW IT, I KNOW IT, AND THE WWE UNIVERSE KNOWS IT. I CAN OUTWRESTLE THE GREATEST TECHNICIANS IN WWE HISTORY. YOU KNOW IT, I KNOW IT, AND THE ENTIRE WWE UNIVERSE KNOWS IT. BECAUSE I’M THE MIZ AND I… will finish that sentence when I destroy Randy Orton.
Cena - Finally - the first sentence you make that makes sense. When I see Cena-Orton at Mania, THAT SOUNDS LIKE WRESTLEMANIA IN A CHAMPIONSHIP-WORTHY MATCH. YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT PAST THE RUMBLE. YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT TO WRESTLEMANIA. Is the corny guy getting under your skin? If we’ve developed a difference of opinion, then I MUST SEE you do something about it.
Punk - Miz, pardon the Interruption - you do not have to explain or prove yourself to the JERK known as John Cena. Miz, you are the WWE Champion. Cena is not! And John Cena, you will not be Champion. Miz has already stated that there are 40 participants, making the odds of you winning lower than they’ve ever been. And when you consider that I and every member of Nexus is in, and my members of the New Nexus proved their toughness last week. And YOU COMPOUND THAT WITH THE FACT THAT THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THE NEXUS IS TO SEE TO IT THAT I WALK OUT THE WINNER, your odds go from slim to a BIG FAT ZERO. I cannot wait to see you take on those odds.
Cole - Can I have your attention please? (massive boos) AND I QUOTE! I wonder what the odds are of Punk beating Cena if the Nexus members are barred from ringside. In fact, if any Nexus member Is involved in the Cena-Punk match, they will be out of the Rumble match!
Hennig - We gotta do something…!
Punk - FAITH!
Cole - Daniel Bryan won the Golden Globe for Bore of the Year.
Cole - This should be a fabulous match.
Cole - The Bellas have a pretty strange relationship with Daniel Bryan.
King - They’re pretty and you think It’s strange that they like him?
Cole - I think It’s strange they like A BORING NERD.
(after five minutes of action)King - WHAT A CLASSIC!
King - Whatever.
Sheamus - Morrison, before you got to me, you were In a pool of mediocrity. I MADE YOU AND I CAN DESTROY YOU! Morrison, you’re not in my league. But Daniel Bryan, you can take that look of yer face cuz yer not in it either. In 2 weeks, when I conquer TIRTY-NINE OTHER SUPERSTARS, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL KNOW IT TOO! The Royal Rumble is designed for a king - and I vow to not only win the Rumble, but to personally eliminate the both of you. LONG LIVE THE KING!
King - After teaming with Orton Randy…Randy Orton last week, I’m picking him!
Brie - I’m trying to be Daniel’s first...
Nikki - The only thing he’d think you’re his first Is if he thinks you’re me!
Vickie - EXCUSE ME!
Cole - I love her voice.
King - I’m glad to see her back - after seeing her front.
Cole - Look at the look in Miz’s eyes…
Miz - I’m the MIZ AND I’M AWESOME.
Punk - Faith. Faith. Faith. One must have humility to truly have faith. One must be willing to sacrifice their all. To bow before the temptations of the bloodthirsty and to truly sacrifice, the soul MUST be sanctified. Millions of the voices of the undead will ring out in the heart and soul of the man-beast. Such are but a few qualities of loyalty.
Cole - What’s your issue with the Divas Champion, Natalya?
Melina - Um…that’s…awkward…
Cole - Thank you - you’ve been a wealth of information tonight.
Ted - You don’t think I can win the Rumble? NONE OF YOU DO, DO YOU!? I’LL THROW ANYONE OVER THE TOP RIGHT NOW!
(Mark Henry comes out)Cole - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
King - Young people, if you ever are asked to join a group or organization that Involves an initiation that is physical - just say no.
Cena - Kick me…
(after Punk hits a complete shot>Koji Clutch combo)Cole - ANACONDA VISE!
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