Mountain Dew & Doritos [XboxONE promotion]

I've got 3,850 points, I'd like to get $35 out of them via Amazon gift cars or Paypal, whicheverr you prefer.  I'm not sure of the going rate, of these things (been offline for a few weeks), so if I'm way over let me know.  Send a PM, goes to the highest bidder.

Damn! I missed the whole contest! I didn't think I would be able to win, but I just realized that my school goes through at least 75 bags of doritos daily! Oh well, no Xbox one for me...
If anyone lives in Orlando, Florida and still needs points, the Walmart in Sanford (around Rinehart Road) had about 20-30 Gamer Packs in stock. They weren't in a promo stand like I used to see them. Just packed in a stand in the middle of the floor with other Doritos products.

Massivee Unload people  My avabile stuff is my signature

What a great day though, I've FINALLY snagged a bunch fo people in teh game room to actualy remember caps for me.  I have a gr8 feelig abou th next 2 weeks

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I have just over 10,000 points willing to sell for paypal. 

will sell for $75 obo. PM me.

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I'm looking for 20 dew cap codes, and another 2-3k points.  I can offer payment via paypal.  Please let me know, thanks.  

I'm interested in purchasing the Dead Rising 3 DLC: Nacho Man Costume. I have a 300pt code so I'm just looking for 700pts. I have no idea what the going rate is for points but please PM. 

I know right? How the hell is it SPIKING?  You'd think they'd drop crazy because supply is dwindling.   I swear if i get to like 35 K after all this an dthe it's up to 45k.  I can't imagine   Hoping for a score on Black Friday

I am getting tired of asking people at work for their codes and being annoying.  *sigh*

If I don't get one by Black Friday... *sigh*...

I think in a week or two the white cap bottles will start getting harder to find and prices will drop.
I know right? How the hell is it SPIKING? You'd think they'd drop crazy because supply is dwindling. I swear if i get to like 35 K after all this an dthe it's up to 45k. I can't imagine Hoping for a score on Black Friday
It is spiking because we are at cap saturation, nearly every MT. Dew cap is a E2M cap at this point. We are also at "oh shit public awareness of the contest" saturation.

I knew this was going on when they announced it back in march or july or whatever, and have been waiting ever since.

I was lucky enough to have gathered enough caps when it was dropping every night in the first 2 weeks to win one myself. isn't TOO tight? :whistle2:k The rules CLEARLY state:

"Prizes won in the Sweepstakes and awarded by Auction will be shipped generally within 8-10 weeks from notification. Xbox One has targeted launch date of November 2013; therefore, the initial shipments may be slightly delayed; please allow 12- 14 weeks for delivery"

But, I forgot, people hardly ever read the rules. :shame: I don't know why I keep reading "when do the auctions end?" (on December 9th) and "when are my prizes coming" (when the system hasn't even LAUNCHED yet :roll:) over and over online.

You can either wait out the contest until next week and try to snag a system for around 25K-30K on Black Friday, hope for auction prices to drop after Black Friday or just buy one from the store. There is a POSSIBILITY that people will get their systems before Christmas, but the shipping estimation is in place for any delays with the systems being available to ship. So, "maybe...maybe not." We won't know anything until at least next week, after Xbox One is officially available.

If you can pull together some money (maybe through advanced gifts from family, game trade-ins, etc.), just buy it at launch. Or go for the auction and tell your kids that "it's on the way" if it doesn't show up by Christmas. Is the "Christmas day surprise" the bigger deal or having the Xbox One for a discounted price? It's really up to you.

No, you misread what I said. I know when it ends. I realize it probably wouldn't arrive before Xmas. I'm saying IF I won one and knew for certain one would be coming my way I could probably wrangle up the cash to buy one in the store for Xmas and then sell the one from Mountain Dew when it arrives (more than likely after). That way I'm not really spending the $500. That was my point. Yes, I have the money, but there are way too many other things I should spend it on at the moment.
Am I the only one whose not having a problem finding caps? I'm located in Michigan and all Walmart/Speedways have a steady flow. Maybe most people can't read so they don't know about the promotion? Haha

Good luck to those who are still bidding. I will have codes to sell until the end of the promotion. The best advice I can give is to swallow your pride andgo through bottle bins and trash cans.
When exactly does the last auction end? And when does the marketplace close? I didn't actually read the rules n stuff.
The last Auction ends at 2:00 A.M. ET December 9, 2013 and the last sweepstakes ends on December 9, 2013, at 11:59 P.M. ET. The online marketplace is open until 11:59 A.M. ET on January 17, 2014. Codes are available while supplies last and may be banked until January 17, 2014 at 11:59 A.M. ET.

These auctions are getting insane, it went from 33,000 and then spiked up to around 37,000. I actually thought it would maintain at 37,000-38,000 for the remaining time of the contest. But its gone past 40,000 and into the 50,000 for some auctions.

I seriously hope they drop to decent amounts on black friday for the CAG members who haven't won yet, good luck guys!

I'm just saying I saw people posting that they were already seeing green cap non promo bottles in their stores mixed with the white cap promo bottles. In a week or two the promo bottles are going to be very hard to find. 

Add to that auctions every 2 minutes on black friday, I think that's going to clear out a lot of the people who have more than 30k points.Or make it easier to buy unused points from people. 

I'm just saying I saw people posting that they were already seeing green cap non promo bottles in their stores mixed with the white cap promo bottles. In a week or two the promo bottles are going to be very hard to find.

Add to that auctions every 2 minutes on black friday, I think that's going to clear out a lot of the people who have more than 30k points.Or make it easier to buy unused points from people.
Maybe, or maybe not. I saw green caps and then saw a resurgance of the iconic summer ones (a place near my building still has them). So who knows.

Still looking for points

Have: MSP / PSN

Want: Codes for Mountain Dew / Doritos Xbox promo...

Willing to let go for about $1.00 / 100 points code ratio on trades for codes.

Just PM me.

Been lurking on CAG for a while. Glad I can finally post. Thanks for all the deals and info.

I don't get why the Voltage or White Out bottles don't have the promotion on them.
I got codes from Whiteout. The official rules section #4 lists every product that could have codes. Different bottlers may only put the caps on certain flavors or they have old stock that needs to be distributed first.

Has anyone found anymore 300 point Doritos Gamer Packs at Walmart?  I found a fascinating article about them and it really sheds some light on how rare they are/were.  I know I snagged 35 of those 58 packs from my store's specially made pallet last weekend.

Since I need 3 posts to post a link just Google "gamer pack packaging" and it's the first link, which should be packworld.

Where do you guys find your codes exactly? What places and where's good to look for dumpster diving? I thought it was illegal to jump in dumpsters and search for shit? lol let me know :p

I've heard that some people go to plastic recycling places and ask to take the caps. I can't imagine that these places would let you get in their way to take caps, but I don't actually know anything about these locations. It has worked for some people. 

Man, can you imagine how much cash you'd make reselling all those caps you'd get for free? 

Holy crap...I won another Xbox One in a completely unrelated drawing. All that good luck catching up with me this year!

That makes two including the Mtn.Dew/Doritos promotion!

Nah, this was from Xbox One Daily. They had 4 drawings over the past 4 weeks with 2 winners each. And then today a grand prize drawing out of those 8 winners. So I won a game from the smaller drawing and then the console today =).
cool but can it blend?

bread's done