Movies that make you feel uncomfortable?


So I watched Happiness tongiht and that movie is anything but happy. Now Im pretty hardened by movies since Ive been watching horror films and hardcore exploitation like thriller: a cruel picture since I was little but Happiness kind of stirred that feeling of being uncomfortable in me a little and I was fascinated by the movie.

So now I am looking for other movies that have had that effect on you. I dont mean uncomfortable by like shock value through gore or whatnot, I mean something that was bit disturbing and not just shocking. If that makes sense.
^I had a College class that made us watch that for homework... ugh.

The only thing I can think of atm is District 9. I just didn't have a great feeling throughout the whole movie.
Avatar, I knew the entire story after 10 minutes of the movie. WAY to predictable that it became uneasy to watch; plus the blue man crew love.
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My girlfriend and various family members feel uncomfortable watching Hard Candy with me because I get so stoked on what would be the "molestee" getting back at the molester.
I heard Eden Lake is hard to watch. I'm still waiting for the fucking Blu-Ray. I read a review of the UK release, it basically said "Great movie...and I'll never watch it again."

Bully > Kids. RIP Brad Renfro. Leo Fitzpatrick was awesome in that too. Surpringly convincing as a "tough guy" when the only other big role he had was the weak whiteboy crackhead in The Wire.
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Pretty much anything by Lars von Trier will make you feel disturbed and depressed. I also felt that way with Requiem for a Dream and Deliverance.
august underground's mordum

dude cuts off his dick with scissors then it gets used to fuck some chick whos been beat to shit.

chick gets her intestine's removed then fucked in the wound.

dead babies n shit. all filmed in a "realistic" style. fucked up, makes me get queasy watching some of the scenes. and this ain't no implied activities, you see the whole thing in detail. dead baby's corpse getting fucked in the ass is a little much even for me. that goes beyond shock value of a horror movie.
Had a late night showing of Midnight Express recently, bad idea. Even with a happy ending that is one intense movie.

I didn't read the last post when I wrote this. Compared to that Midnight Express is for pussies.
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[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Pretty much any movie that reminds me of how sad my life is , makes me uncomfortable ;)[/QUOTE]
This makes me uncomfortable.
I really couldn't think of anything until I read crystalklear's post. I used to say I wasn't a squeamish person. I used to eat food while sitting and watching surgeries on television, but movies more and more have pushed the bar to the point where they've gotten too gory for even me. I think Saw III was the one that made me realize that, and now I just avoid anything with that brand of "horror" in it.
Saw isn't that extreme. I think what makes me want to puke when watching Saw is the shitty MTV style directing. Like when someone wakes up and discovers they are in a trap and you get like 37 different quick camera angle shots before Jigsaw even tells them what to do. Then there's like another couple hundred of them during the escape attempt.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I heard Eden Lake is hard to watch. I'm still waiting for the fucking Blu-Ray. I read a review of the UK release, it basically said "Great movie...and I'll never watch it again."

Bully > Kids. RIP Brad Renfro. Leo Fitzpatrick was awesome in that too. Surpringly convincing as a "tough guy" when the only other big role he had was the weak whiteboy crackhead in The Wire.[/QUOTE]

Ditto on eden lake... only movie to ever stir such emotion in me.

The crazy thing is I didn't even see it to feel uncomfortable. Some of my co-workers saw it and told me about it. I can't bring myself to watch it.
samuel L jackson in lakeview terrace was just not cool...
the girl next door was screwed up. It's about a girl that just gets fucked over to the max.
pursuit of happyness - because that is too real and gives me reminders.
and the obvious titles mentioned like requiem for a dream, kids, bully, etc..
I second Gummo wow that movie is really wierd. Ichi the killer also bothered me a whole lot. Some mentally challenged guy who is a killer cus he got picked on at school. He gets off watching the girl he likes get raped. He also then gets of killing. I found that one really bothersome.
Im pretty sure salo 120 days of sodom tops all these I havent seen you guys mentioned hehe.

But I see alot of titles Id not heard of so thanks alot, will keep me busy to say the least for a little bit.
Chronicles of Riddick, because i paid full price to see that movie in theaters, the shittyness is still burned into my mind, dear god...
[quote name='Bob A. Booey']Had a late night showing of Midnight Express recently, bad idea. Even with a happy ending that is one intense movie.

I didn't read the last post when I wrote this. Compared to that Midnight Express is for pussies.[/QUOTE]

See midnight express didnt do anything for me because I was constantly irritated with the main characters acting. At its heart it was a good movie but I just never once could believe what he was trying to portray and randy quaid just seemed out of place a little to me and that threw me off some also.

Only thing I liked about it was john hurt because he is a great actor.
american me: prison gang rape that ends with an asshole shanking.

exorcist: based on real story enough said.

the crying game: thought the chick was hott only to find out hey not a chick.........

arachnaphobia: i hate spiders the movie is full of them hell i hate seeing spiders in any movie.

a time to kill: what they did to that little girl is haunting and stays with you very fucked up shit.

schindlers list: you see it you know why.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Precious.

The crazy thing is I didn't even see it to feel uncomfortable. Some of my co-workers saw it and told me about it. I can't bring myself to watch it.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Brutal sounding, aint fucking with it.
[quote name='Squall835']I can't believe no one has mentioned Oldboy yet. That movie is all kinds of messed up.[/QUOTE]

i finally saw that movie and outside of the ending i dont get the whole omg this movie is so sick thing. i liked the movie alot but the "surprise" of it is whats so shocking but i was still kinda like so thats it?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Precious.

The crazy thing is I didn't even see it to feel uncomfortable. Some of my co-workers saw it and told me about it. I can't bring myself to watch it.[/QUOTE]

You talking about that movie from last year with the fat black woman thats illiterate and pregnant or something? Thats the only precious I ever heard of and it doesnt exactly sound like it would be uncomfortable.
[quote name='gargus']You talking about that movie from last year with the fat black woman thats illiterate and pregnant or something? Thats the only precious I ever heard of and it doesnt exactly sound like it would be uncomfortable.[/QUOTE]

IDK , to me it was like watching a black fat puppy getting beaten for 2 hours .
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']IDK , to me it was like watching a black fat puppy getting beaten for 2 hours .[/QUOTE]

Huh. To me it looked like a feel good overcoming diversity type of movie and thus did not interest me.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Saw isn't that extreme. I think what makes me want to puke when watching Saw is the shitty MTV style directing. Like when someone wakes up and discovers they are in a trap and you get like 37 different quick camera angle shots before Jigsaw even tells them what to do. Then there's like another couple hundred of them during the escape attempt.[/QUOTE]

I should say I would agree Saw isn't that extreme. I enjoyed the first one, found the second to be decent enough, but by the third, it became clear where the franchise was going. It became less about twists and story and more about pushing just how gory they could get. By that point, several movies (like the aforementioned Hostel) were moving in that direction, and it was just the point where I realized this sort of thing makes me uncomfortable to watch, so I stopped doing so.
I gotta admit though, the twists at the end of the Saw movies makes it worth sitting through. Saw VI seemed the most unecessary of the bunch, but I kinda liked it.

Elwes is back for Saw VII. So at least they can get their shit together and return to the roots rather than see how long they can keep this shit going on fumes.
[quote name='salty tbone']Hard Candy was the most recent one for me. You won't watch Juno the same way again.[/QUOTE]

You should watch An American Crime
The only thing uneasy about Hard Candy was Ellen Page' shitty acting. Not that I dislike Ellen Page though. Whip It was a fucking awesome movie.
[quote name='gargus']Im pretty sure salo 120 days of sodom tops all these I havent seen you guys mentioned hehe.

But I see alot of titles Id not heard of so thanks alot, will keep me busy to say the least for a little bit.[/QUOTE]

That one like a car wreck seriously!
[quote name='gargus']Huh. To me it looked like a feel good overcoming diversity type of movie and thus did not interest me.[/QUOTE]

There was absolutely NOTHING to feel good about in this movie. It was horrible for the main character the whole way through and when the credits roll you are sitting there going "wait, what!? that's it? she's fucked!"

Very uncomfortable movie. No diversity of ANY type was overcome. NONE.
Requiem for a Dream for sure, the constant film cutting and soundtrack add to that uncomfortable feeling and I just feel real uneasy watching it. As someone mentioned the tendon cutting scene in Hostel...Ummm not that it is a movie but season 4 of the Wire was gut wrenching. The moral dilemna in Gone Baby Gone was something that made me stir over and over in my head for a long while.
Sure these have all been mentioned as I see a couple just on page 3.

Requiem for a Dream
American History X (especially the curb stomp scene)
21 Grams
bread's done