My customer support experiance with Eidos


CAG Veteran
Hello fellow CAG listeners and fans, I have been asked by Cheapy D to post this thread after sending him an email about my recent dealing with Eidos Interactive.

As many of you may know Eidos is the publisher of the new MMO Age of Conan which has been released with much media fanfare. I was one of the lucky gamers to find a copy of the Collectors Edition on a retail shelf. Upon getting my new game home though I discovered a defect in my included 128 page art book where one page was folded and cut leaving the colour code margin along the page. Knowing that the game is sold out worldwide I understood that I could not simply return it so I looked in the manual for the publisher of the box content. Found out soon Eidos Interactive was responsible for producing the box and extras material so I gave their number a call. This is where things became problematic and sad...

Calling Eidos Interactive I was greeted with a message stating that there was no support given for Age of Conan by Eidos but I left a message anyways thinking that this issue I had was not "technical". Later in the afternoon I got a call back from a customer support rep Kathie McClure who explained to me that while Eidos was willing to replace my art book they would require that I pay shipping charges to return my defective product to their [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Redwood City, CA location. I asked if they would be willing to send a pre-paid envelope as the fault was not mine and I had already paided full retail for the game. Kathie said she was unable to do this and gave me an RMA number. I allowed her to know that I was not satisfied with this response and would contact them back.

After giving some thought as to my next step I decided to call Eidos back but this time ask to speak with a manager in regards to how I had been treated. I also during this time found that to ship the book to them would cost me $25USD as I live in Ontario Canada and would want delivery confirmation on the package. Before dinner I was called by Victoria, Eidos Interactive Customer Support Manager and explained my situation to her. The answer I was given was that I should have visited the Eidos website prior to my purchase and reviewed their warranty contract that states the customer is responsible for shipping charges. I explained then to Victoria that this was a tacky and insulting answer to give a customer, she replied that her answer is the "bottom line" and I was then out of luck if I did not wish to do it their way. Upon hearing that I allowed Victoria to know that I felt as a paying customer I should not have to incur any additional expense to receive a product I had already paid for. As well their lack of desire to show integrity as a company in this matter would result in me no longer doing business with them in the future. Victoria sounded uninterested and reiterated that she would not budge on the policy and if I was unhappy to file a complaint.

I knew at that point just what type of company I was dealing with and let Victoria know that I would be contacting various game media outlets allowing the community to know how Eidos treats their customers. After the conversation ended I called the retailer Future Shop who was both surprised and unhappy to hear how I had been treated and let me know they would be willing to take the game back. They also got me in contact with their corporate head office about this issue and they would be contacting Eidos on my behalf to let them know this was not a small issue. I was also recommended to file a complaint with the BBB as this type of treatment would be frowned upon.

So the message I hope you will take from this is two fold. One that Eidos Interactive does not care about their player base as they could not bring themselves to send something as simple as a book to a customer who deserved one. The second is that before you give any game company your money think twice about how you might be treated if you do run into problems. Funcom does not even have a phone number for Age of Conan and as you have seen Eidos would prefer to "stick it to the customer" then do what is right.

I have included links to the Age of Conan thread I created as well as some pictures of what I found in my box. On a side note TenTonHammer's John Hoskin Editor in Chief also has replied back and even offered to send me a copy of one of the books they have but he regreted they only had a few of the small books in their offices. I will keep this thread updated as more media outlets and responses come in. Lets let Eidos know that customers are not doormats and deserve to be respected.

Age of Conan Forum Post
Customer Support Link I was directed to


[quote name='powerlink'][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]

So the message I hope you will take from this is three fold. One that Eidos Interactive does not care about their player base as they could not bring themselves to send something as simple as a book to a customer who deserved one. The second is that before you give any game company your money think twice about how you might be treated if you do run into problems. Third is the fold in my art book!!!!

Edited for truth!!!

I woulda been pissed too.
Of all the things to rant about for Age of Conan, its a flaw in the artbook? Wow. Just wow.

Anyways, MANY places will expect you to pay return shipping on stuff. If you start a thread on each thinking its the end of the world you sir will be shitfucked.

Edit -

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I also during this time found that to ship the book to them would cost me $25USD as I live in Ontario Canada and would want delivery confirmation on the package.

Doesn't Canada have a bookrate? I know shipping crap to Canada from America it shouldn't cost near that, so I presume Canada to America doesn't either.
Cheapy D himself asked me to post this thread.

cheapyd to me
show details 9:22 PM (2 hours ago)


You should post your story on our forums, in the Shopping Discussion forum:

Include a photo too![/quote]

Well, from the sounds of it you asked him to post it and he OK'd it, and I never denied it either way, it just seems your throwing a huge fit over a small thing. I mean your the type person that it seems would hold up a line for 20 minutes because someone put pickles on a hamburger at McDonalds.
From working in a Printing plant during HS I know that many books end up like that during the printing process. Would Eidos call their printer and complain that the book was defective? no. I have recieved several books like that in my life, the simple way to fix it is fold it out and take a siscors and trim away the excess. to get upset about a minor flaw even in a special edition is something very childish!! look at the millions of copies of FFVII that got misprinted!! some people pay more just to get the misprint.

so, suck it up. get out a siscors and trim away the excess and live your life. this forum is for bragging rights. not crying rights.

I could see if your disk was scratched and they wouldnt take it back, but one minor flaw in an instruction manual.....
No offense, but that doesn't seem like a big deal at all to me. If it is to you more power to you and I hope you get your problem resolved.
[quote name='Sinnbox']so you joined CAG this week? welcome, sorry to give you such a cold reception.[/quote]

Actually, he joined tonight just to post this it seems.
I don't honestly think this is that big of a deal.

The company wasn't trying to misprint the books. Stuff happens. Sure, it's folded and has some excess, but the art is still there. If this thing were to happen to me, I would simply shrug and go on with my life.

But, even if it is a big deal to you. They offered to replace it for you without a struggle! I mean, it's normal to pay shipping for something like this when it's more of a trivial issue then a problem with the game.

Seriously, this is a minor issue / annoyance. No company is going to have workers flip through every page of every book to make sure they are 100% perfect. I think your OC-ness is making your thought process unreasonable.

I'm with Sinnbox and georox on this issue. The situation is not disturbing at all. The damage done to it was a fluke. Honestly, I would not have offered a replacement with free shipping either. If the game didn't work or something, then you would have a legitimate complaint.
Happy to see that some members saw the point of the thread instead of trying to just call me out for joining tonight (sorry I listen to the show never had a need to join the forums until tonight). I too work in customer service and deal on a daily basis with companies directly and vendors. If you are alright with paying for something and having it delivered not as intended then enjoy. There is no rant I do not get into a fit all call names. Customers are within their rights to expect to get what they pay for, not to pay find problems then pay again to get the issue resolved.
[quote name='georox']Of all the things to rant about for Age of Conan, its a flaw in the artbook? Wow. Just wow.

Anyways, MANY places will expect you to pay return shipping on stuff. If you start a thread on each thinking its the end of the world you sir will be shitfucked.

Edit -

Doesn't Canada have a bookrate? I know shipping crap to Canada from America it shouldn't cost near that, so I presume Canada to America doesn't either.

haha silly silly
Our postal system sucks. We don't even have anything remotely close or comparable to USPS as far reasonably priced services go. To send a game with DC domestically within Canada cost about $8-$12

The only cheap way he could send it is light packet or lettermail if it weighs under 500g and there is no DC or insurance on that.
[quote name='powerlink']..[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]. I will keep this thread updated as more media outlets and responses come in... [/FONT][/quote]

LOL. sounds like election day, or 911.
For what the collectors edition costs Id be pissed to. To whoever said that hes the type of guy to complain at mcdonalds that he got pickles on his burger...why wouldnt he complain? Its their fucking job to make the burger right and if they fuck up then he gets a new one. The dumb bastard in the back of the line who is jonesing for mcnuggets can go to hell. A person should always get what they pay for. No matter what the cost. To the OP, I hope they fix it for you.
My epic sense is tingling. This thread is going to become epic soon, in the way fail is made of.

Honestly dude, heres your choices -

1 - Pay to send it back.
2 - Return it for your money back if there is no other LE, or a new copy of the LE. If Eidos is so fucking evil since they want you to pay to ship it back, just return it and get something different, I mean why would YOU continue to support an evil fucking corporation who only wants your money by playing an MMO? Where you pay THEM money each MONTH! *gasp!*
3 - Suck it up and live with it.

Honestly. Lots of places expect you to pay to ship stuff back if its defective/broken/so on. *Lots.* Bitching about this will only bring so much closure. I hate to say it I doubt anyones going to see Eidos as the evil corporation here, your just an unruly customer at this point. You have options. They didn't come into your house, violate your anus and rob you at gunpoint of your money. Your choosing to *continue* to support them even after your obviously horrible and life-altering experience with their customer service. Not to mention, with all the problems the game itself has, I think this would easily get lost in a sea of "oh my god, MY CHARACTERS BOOBS, THEY VANISHED!" complaints.
[quote name='genfuyung']For what the collectors edition costs Id be pissed to. To whoever said that hes the type of guy to complain at mcdonalds that he got pickles on his burger...why wouldnt he complain? Its their fucking job to make the burger right and if they fuck up then he gets a new one. The dumb bastard in the back of the line who is jonesing for mcnuggets can go to hell. A person should always get what they pay for. No matter what the cost. To the OP, I hope they fix it for you.[/QUOTE]

Complaining about your food at a restaurant is one of the worst moves ever.
[quote name='genfuyung']For what the collectors edition costs Id be pissed to. To whoever said that hes the type of guy to complain at mcdonalds that he got pickles on his burger...why wouldnt he complain? Its their fucking job to make the burger right and if they fuck up then he gets a new one. The dumb bastard in the back of the line who is jonesing for mcnuggets can go to hell. A person should always get what they pay for. No matter what the cost. To the OP, I hope they fix it for you.[/quote]

This is the way I feel about it too. I've had fucked up simple special orders before and people look at me like I slaughtered their children because I complain. The extra stuff in the collector's edition costs extra for a reason, and shafting one of your customers over something like that is inexcusable.
[quote name='georox']My epic sense is tingling. This thread is going to become epic soon, in the way fail is made of.

Honestly dude, heres your choices -

1 - Pay to send it back.
2 - Return it for your money back if there is no other LE, or a new copy of the LE. If Eidos is so fucking evil since they want you to pay to ship it back, just return it and get something different, I mean why would YOU continue to support an evil fucking corporation who only wants your money by playing an MMO? Where you pay THEM money each MONTH! *gasp!*
3 - Suck it up and live with it.

Honestly. Lots of places expect you to pay to ship stuff back if its defective/broken/so on. *Lots.* Bitching about this will only bring so much closure. I hate to say it I doubt anyones going to see Eidos as the evil corporation here, your just an unruly customer at this point. You have options. They didn't come into your house, violate your anus and rob you at gunpoint of your money. Your choosing to *continue* to support them even after your obviously horrible and life-altering experience with their customer service. Not to mention, with all the problems the game itself has, I think this would easily get lost in a sea of "oh my god, MY CHARACTERS BOOBS, THEY VANISHED!" complaints.[/quote]

Its not a problem I wont get bent out of shape if people want to disagree I know many would just "deal with it". To make it known I have yes canceled my account. I do intend to return the game as Future Shop has happily offered to do so. The fact that Eidos wont take care of what some might say is "trivial" is the point. It's sad, shows a lack of integrity as a company. No need to be rude and get offensive just because someone wanted to share a negative experiance.

Cheapy D has asked me to rethink the thread title which I agree with him might be a bit alarmist sounding, not my intention so please dont freak out that I am changing it to something a bit more on topic.
[quote name='powerlink']Its not a problem I wont get bent out of shape if people want to disagree I know many would just "deal with it". To make it known I have yes canceled my account. I do intend to return the game as Future Shop has happily offered to do so. The fact that Eidos wont take care of what some might say is "trivial" is the point. It's sad, shows a lack of integrity as a company. No need to be rude and get offensive just because someone wanted to share a negative experiance.

Cheapy D has asked me to rethink the thread title which I agree with him might be a bit alarmist sounding, not my intention so please dont freak out that I am changing it to something a bit more on topic.[/quote]

So, whats the point in your whole "Hey I'm gonna go defame Eidos because they won't ship me a free artbook because MINE HAS AN EARTH-SHATTERING BEND!"? If you've already decided to return it, I don't see the issue anymore. They gave you a chance to get it replaced. You didn't want to go about doing things in accordance to their terms. After this I just see another irate customer ranting about how the world isn't stopping to suit them.
It isn't a big deal.

But ... You just totally won the lottery. Get enough Internet nerds to rise to your cause and Eidos will be embarrassed into acting. They'll probably send you a boat load of crap to prove that they are a good company and love their customers. We have seen it with a bunch of other trivial shit lately that played out this way, even when it was the consumer's fault (not you), and they won fabulous prizes.
[quote name='georox']So, whats the point in your whole "Hey I'm gonna go defame Eidos because they won't ship me a free artbook because MINE HAS AN EARTH-SHATTERING BEND!"? If you've already decided to return it, I don't see the issue anymore. They gave you a chance to get it replaced. You didn't want to go about doing things in accordance to their terms. After this I just see another irate customer ranting about how the world isn't stopping to suit them.[/quote]

Then I will just have to agree to disagree with you =) keep the caps lock up
[quote name='powerlink']Then I will just have to agree to disagree with you =) keep the caps lock up[/quote]

I use capslock where necessary in good taste. I feel it adds a certain amount of "zazz" to my posts. Some flavor, if you will.
Georox and others, chill. The OP is discussing his experience. You are certainly free to express your feeling that the OP is over reacting or what ever similar sentiments. But drop it. You've said your piece, he's said his.

Don't like his issue, then move along.
Speaking of winning prizes,I hope he wins the lifetime supply of Rice-a-roni, the San Fransisco treat! Thats stuff is so yummy! :drool:
It's obviously their policy to make the purchaser pay for return shipping. From the sounds of that posted conversation, the rep made you aware of the policy, and you chose to press the issue. (Not saying that's definitely how it went...but that's what it sounds like. And of course, the person posting the conversation would almost certainly bend it a bit in their favor.)

If they have the policy in place, they shouldn't have to break it to serve one customer.

Now, if they had denied you a replacement artbook, or made you cover shipping while others got it free...then I could understand the hate.
Wow, where do I begin. . .

[quote name='endlessPRO'] Of all the things to rant about for Age of Conan, its a flaw in the artbook? Wow. Just wow.[/quote]

I'm not quite sure why this is considered a "rant." It's simply an attempt by the OP to make us aware of Eidos' lack of concern for their customers. I thought it was pretty clear that the thread was about the negative experience with customer service (or lack thereof). I didn't see anything along the lines of "I'm going to kill those sons of fucking b*tches for the eternal pain they've caused me." Hardly a rant if you ask me.

[quote name='Sinnbox']I have recieved several books like that in my life, the simple way to fix it is fold it out and take a siscors and trim away the excess. to get upset about a minor flaw even in a special edition is something very childish!![/quote]

How it is "childish" to be upset that you paid $90 (or any decent amount of money) for product X, and received a less than perfect product X? It may "happen,"but thats why there's Customer Service (or supposed to be).

[quote name='georox']They gave you a chance to get it replaced. You didn't want to go about doing things in accordance to their terms. After this I just see another irate customer ranting about how the world isn't stopping to suit them.[/quote]

What "chance" did they give the OP? To spend $25 for something he/she ALREADY PAID FOR in order to get a book in the condition it SHOULD have come in in the first place? Yeah, very nice of them. Just because something is "policy" doesn't mean it's correct or even justifiable. Asking a customer to pay replacement costs is ridiculous, and simply shows that you don't give a damn whether the customer is satisfied with your company or your product.

Good move OP. I would have called too, and would have been dismayed if I had received the same response. As a paying customer, you're well within your rights to receive the product in the condition it was intended to come in. That doesn't mean just the game, but EVERYTHING you're paying for. Most people don't pay for a Collector's Edition just to say they have it; they pay to have the extras along with it (even if it is only for future resale value). To receive those extras in any condition other than reasonably expected, and be expected to pay the cost of replacement if those extras are not as expected, is ludicrous. You weren't unreasonable expecting to have a book that wasn't bent, and I'm disappointed that anybody here, as consumers, are willing to accept such a response from a company they've paid their hard-earned dollar to.

And if most of you really don't care, like you say you don't, then I've got a bunch of "mint and complete" games I'm willing to sell. Just don't bother PM'ing me when you receive them with bent and/or ripped instruction booklets and tell me you expected otherwise from my description.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']Wow, where do I begin. . .

I'm not quite sure why this is considered a "rant." It's simply an attempt by the OP to make us aware of Eidos' lack of concern for their customers. I thought it was pretty clear that the thread was about the negative experience with customer service (or lack thereof). I didn't see anything along the lines of "I'm going to kill those sons of fucking b*tches for the eternal pain they've caused me." Hardly a rant if you ask me.

How it is "childish" to be upset that you paid $90 (or any decent amount of money) for product X, and received a less than perfect product X? It may "happen,"but thats why there's Customer Service (or supposed to be).

What "chance" did they give the OP? To spend $25 for something he/she ALREADY PAID FOR in order to get a book in the condition it SHOULD have come in in the first place? Yeah, very nice of them. Just because something is "policy" doesn't mean it's correct or even justifiable. Asking a customer to pay replacement costs is ridiculous, and simply shows that you don't give a damn whether the customer is satisfied with your company or your product.

Good move OP. I would have called too, and would have been dismayed if I had received the same response. As a paying customer, you're well within your rights to receive the product in the condition it was intended to come in. That doesn't mean just the game, but EVERYTHING you're paying for. Most people don't pay for a Collector's Edition just to say they have it; they pay to have the extras along with it (even if it is only for future resale value). To receive those extras in any condition other than reasonably expected, and be expected to pay the cost of replacement if those extras are not as expected, is ludicrous. You weren't unreasonable expecting to have a book that wasn't bent, and I'm disappointed that anybody here, as consumers, are willing to accept such a response from a company they've paid their hard-earned dollar to.

And if most of you really don't care, like you say you don't, then I've got a bunch of "mint and complete" games I'm willing to sell. Just don't bother PM'ing me when you receive them with bent and/or ripped instruction booklets and tell me you expected otherwise from my description.[/quote]

Ding we have a winner lol

This folks is the point of the thread, why should we as customers expect to get anything less then what is promised and be happy to then be made to pay more money juts to have it fixed policy or not.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']
What "chance" did they give the OP? To spend $25 for something he/she ALREADY PAID FOR in order to get a book in the condition it SHOULD have come in in the first place? Yeah, very nice of them. Just because something is "policy" doesn't mean it's correct or even justifiable. Asking a customer to pay replacement costs is ridiculous, and simply shows that you don't give a damn whether the customer is satisfied with your company or your product.

Do you think there are many (if any) companies out there that would return/ship a replacement out for free? I'm willing to bet almost none of them would have paid for it. If anything, this was probably similar to a warranty claim...and those are still paid by the consumer.

This isn't strictly an Eidos why claim "they don't give a damn"? If they don't, almost every other company doesn't then too.
Sorry, but even though I feel for you, a lot of other people have brought up great points here. It sucks that your art book isn't perfect, but it's not exactly unheard of for a company to make the consumer pay return shipping on a defective product. Sony fixed my PS1 for free twice, but made me pay to ship it there both times.
[quote name='Rig']Do you think there are many (if any) companies out there that would return/ship a replacement out for free? I'm willing to bet almost none of them would have paid for it. If anything, this was probably similar to a warranty claim...and those are still paid by the consumer.

This isn't strictly an Eidos why claim "they don't give a damn"? If they don't, almost every other company doesn't then too.[/quote]

You're right, many (although I'm not sure I'll agree with "almost none") would do the same thing. I never said it was strictly an Eidos thing, only that it shows they couldn't care less about you as a consumer. Many other companies don't as well. That's still no excuse for asking a customer to pay the cost of their mistake.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']I give this complaint a meh/10. There are more important things in life to be upset about.[/quote]

I agree, like how some on here complain about not getting a black label version of a game and how Greatest Hits/Platinum Hits/Player's Choice/etc games mess up the feng shui of their epic game collections. :roll:

Both that topic and this topic are filled with fail and I agree with geo and the others who said this isn't a major issue.

But, I must also agree with the OP in that they SHOULD get what they paid for and all I can say to them is to escalate, escalate, escalate. If slappy customer service rep #1 refuses to help, ask for a manager. If that manager refuses to help, ask for THEIR manager. If that manager refuses to help.....

See what I'm saying?

Don't get disheartened and don't get impatient, as it may take a while for you to find someone who WILL help in the manner you wish to BE helped, but it WILL happen since NO game company wants their customers telling others to 'steer clear'.
hey josh

Originally Posted by endlessPRO
Of all the things to rant about for Age of Conan, its a flaw in the artbook? Wow. Just wow.

i never posted that
[quote name='endlessPRO']hey josh

Originally Posted by endlessPRO
Of all the things to rant about for Age of Conan, its a flaw in the artbook? Wow. Just wow.

i never posted that


My apologies. When typing my post, I had wanted to quote several people, and had the crazy (and misguided) idea to quote one person, then delete the quote and insert the next person's quote into the [quote name=' . . . . .[/quote'] field. After realizing this was stupid, I figured I'd be better off just opening a new tab and taking separate quotes, copying them, and pasting them in the text box in one "master post." I must have accidentally left another persons quote in the field (I started quoting you first), and forgotten to delete it (and for some reason, it appears this persons post no longer exists). Sorry for that!

And if isn't painfully obvious, I don't know how to quote multiple people in the same post (other than using my tab technique). If anybody could enlighten me, I would greatly appreciate it.
I think that the OP is well within his rights to be upset. Collector's editions are expensive, and its far easier and cost-effective for the company to ship out a replacement art book (come now, the extra $30+ for the extras is a huge markup) than the labor cost of having CSR after CSR deny him and the potential of losing a customer (figuring a few hundred a year in subscription costs, as this is an MMO) over the $10ish it would cost the company to ship him a new art book. Someone in the company needs to review cost-to-benefit ratios with their customer service team. It costs 10x more to gain a new customer than to keep an existing one.
I'm with Sinnbox...
I mean the way customer service handled the situation left something to be desired, but looking at the picture, I wouldn't even think to call customer service on such a minor issue...
I'd just get my scissors, cut off the excess, and leave it at that...
Also it isn't a game publisher's fault for a printing issue, so just like you said you shouldn't pay shipping for something that isn't of your fault, well they shouldn't either...
Good luck with taking this as far as you'd like to, but personally with me, it wouldn't have even been an issue...
I would be pissed also. You paid extra for a collector's edition which may be worth something over time. With this damage the value would be less.
[quote name='powerlink']Then I will just have to agree to disagree with you =) keep the caps lock up[/QUOTE]

WOW, so you're better than him because you don't use capital letters...
Actually the whole issue with Caps Lock is that it was originally used to accentuate a certain word or two, and people would type using Caps Lock all the time and it would seem like they were screaming, etc.
He actually used his Caps quite effectively, and you put in some smug comment of how you're better than him because you don't resort to his type of shenanigans...
The high and mighty attitudes on some people really irk me sometimes...
[quote name='joshythegreat18']
Good move OP. I would have called too, and would have been dismayed if I had received the same response. As a paying customer, you're well within your rights to receive the product in the condition it was intended to come in. That doesn't mean just the game, but EVERYTHING you're paying for. Most people don't pay for a Collector's Edition just to say they have it; they pay to have the extras along with it (even if it is only for future resale value). To receive those extras in any condition other than reasonably expected, and be expected to pay the cost of replacement if those extras are not as expected, is ludicrous. You weren't unreasonable expecting to have a book that wasn't bent, and I'm disappointed that anybody here, as consumers, are willing to accept such a response from a company they've paid their hard-earned dollar to.

And if most of you really don't care, like you say you don't, then I've got a bunch of "mint and complete" games I'm willing to sell. Just don't bother PM'ing me when you receive them with bent and/or ripped instruction booklets and tell me you expected otherwise from my description.[/quote]


The amount of crap people are willing to accept as normal these days is alarming. Yes, it's a minor flaw but OP should be getting what he paid for. Anyone who doesn't understand this, doesn't understand the value of the money they spend daily.
Personally, I'd be pissed if my book had a flaw in it.

But what I would have done would be different, I'd build a bridge and get over it after I talk to the now infamous "Victoria". Either that or I would ball up and pay the damned shipping that pretty much any company is going to charge you.

Rather than going and denouncing this evil corporation (who's main objective is obviously to take over the world one shipping charge at time) I would spend my time either playing the game (rofl fail) or trading it in to get my money back (you said this was an option).

I betcha this whole 'terrible' customer service was a semi-fluke and if you had talked to a Victor, rather than Victoria, you may have had a better experience. One interaction can't base a legitimate outlook about a massive company.
[quote name='goatindaruffness']WOW, so you're better than him because you don't use capital letters...
Actually the whole issue with Caps Lock is that it was originally used to accentuate a certain word or two, and people would type using Caps Lock all the time and it would seem like they were screaming, etc.
He actually used his Caps quite effectively, and you put in some smug comment of how you're better than him because you don't resort to his type of shenanigans...
The high and mighty attitudes on some people really irk me sometimes...

Nope never said I am better then him so please don't put words in my mouth. I said simply that I would have to disagree with how he felt and prior to the thread cleanup there was some rude comments. As for the caps, a few of the comments posted had been removed by that point by a mod which were somewhat over the top.
[quote name='Undrallio']Personally, I'd be pissed if my book had a flaw in it.

But what I would have done would be different, I'd build a bridge and get over it after I talk to the now infamous "Victoria". Either that or I would ball up and pay the damned shipping that pretty much any company is going to charge you.

Rather than going and denouncing this evil corporation (who's main objective is obviously to take over the world one shipping charge at time) I would spend my time either playing the game (rofl fail) or trading it in to get my money back (you said this was an option).

I betcha this whole 'terrible' customer service was a semi-fluke and if you had talked to a Victor, rather than Victoria, you may have had a better experience. One interaction can't base a legitimate outlook about a massive company.[/quote]

It is actually the fact that I spoke with not one but two separate customer service reps one who explained her decision was the "bottom line" as far as Eidos was concerned. At that point I asked if there was any other option and was told I could file a complaint but that was it, which I did.

(not directed at the quoted comment)
I have no desire to use this thread to receive either handouts or free swag due to my experience. I only wished to let other gamers know of how poorly they can expect to be treated. As was said they were happy to loose a customer over a shipping fee that would have cost them as a company close to nil and would have shown that they care about making their customer happy. For me after spending 90 dollars I felt well within my rights to just get what I paid for, not have to take scissors to it or pay to return it.
bread's done