N64 game case project - live!

[quote name='Backlash']Crap, me too. I really hope we didn't lose those![/QUOTE]

Yeah that would suck if we did. If we need a new place to host files I have a website we can use. Also I emailed some people on ebay and asked if they could scan the front, back and spine of their boxes at 300 dpi and I got one person that said they would do that for me tonight or tomorrow.

Edit: Instead of scanning the box one of the sellers just took pictures of them. The pictures look pretty high resolution though but they have the date in the corner so I don't know if someone could edit that out or not. I think that someone will more photo editing talent than myself probably could. I'll upload them to the raw scan site if that starts working again or I'll put them on my website. Since the guy with the box was kind enough to take the time and take photos of the box I'll advertise his auction. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8214963920&sspagename=ADME:L:RTQ:US:1
Okay guys, my turn to contribute some raw scans. I don't have the time to do well polished covers at the moment, but I would be more than happy to get you guys some good quality box art. Are there any top priority titles you would like me to try and do, or should I just start nailing off all of the ones I have in alphabetical order?

I probably have about ~150 or so unique boxes.
Awesome! I'd say just check the list linked from the first post and do whichever you feel like. Personally, I still need Space Invaders and South Park Rally to complete my collection.

Unfortunately, the raw scans site seems to be down right now. I'll PM the owner, but we may need an alternate FTP site. If we do use an alternate site, I propose the following naming scheme:

[quote name='Backlash']Awesome! I'd say just check the list linked from the first post and do whichever you feel like. Personally, I still need Space Invaders and South Park Rally to complete my collection.

Unfortunately, the raw scans site seems to be down right now. I'll PM the owner, but we may need an alternate FTP site. If we do use an alternate site, I propose the following naming scheme:


If you can't get ahold of the person that was running the ukbeats site I would be willing to host some raw scans. The only thing though is that I don't know how to create a photo upload thing like he had.
has any single person thought about just saving all of the raw scans...if not people need to start saving whole sites of scans so we don't get screwed again...

I'm personally thinking of backing up the whole snackbar-games archive now too.
[quote name='cyrix`']has any single person thought about just saving all of the raw scans...if not people need to start saving whole sites of scans so we don't get screwed again...

I'm personally thinking of backing up the whole snackbar-games archive now too.[/QUOTE]

Good point, though backing up snackbar probably isn't necessary. The raw ones, though, obviously need some backup. It wasn't a big deal when we all had more time to create finished covers (mostly slash).

That said, I pieced together one for Space Invaders based on pics from the internet. The front and back are bad resolution and I had to make a totally custom spine, but it's not too bad. I'll upload it later (when I get home).
So here is my Space Invaders cover.

Again, I had to use low res pics of the front and back and the spine is completely custom because I couldn't find any pics of it. I just tried to kind of match the look on the front with my limited Photoshop skills. Still, it looks much better than the plastic box on my shelf.
[quote name='Backlash']This project is officially underway, with several covers already created! So, here are the details:


We are using the generic game cases from MediaShelving.com. They can be bought cheaply, but only in bulk (100 at a time). So, unless you have a ton of caseless N64/SNES/Genesis games, you will probably want to have one person buy them and then split the cost.

They can be found here. Make sure to get the ones with Full Sleeve (to put the cover in, of course).

Existing covers

These must be printed on legal size (8.5x14) paper (in color of course!). Regular white paper should work fine, not sure about glossy or other stock yet.

Finished covers (in alphabetical order)

Complete list of games - shows scans we already have and the ones we still need

SnowCone (host of the GBA Cover project) is also hosting the N64 covers. They can be found at his Snackbar-games site. I don't believe they are all up there yet, but this we should be able to get them in synch soon.

How can I help?

We need scans! You can create a scan for any N64 game that we don't yet have. Scan the back, the front, and the top at 300 dpi or better resolution.
Ideally, you would then crop and resize your scans to the correct dimensions and then upload it. If your Photoshop (or Gimp, etc) skills are lacking, then you can just upload the raw scans to our ftp site (graciously hosted by nate1749) and others can fix them up.

Right now we actually have quite a few raw scans waiting, and we also need help turning raw scans into finished covers. See the details in the next section (especially slash's guide).

Upload finished covers here:
Make sure to choose N64 for the format.

Upload raw scans here:
http://ukbeats.com/n64/raw - this is a sort of photo album thing

login: n64covers
pass: n64covers

You don't need a login to view any images, only to upload. You must login (link in upper right) to upload new images.

How do I turn my scans into covers?

We are keeping the horizontal orientation of the original boxes to a) keep the original art as perfectly as possible and b) make it much easier to complete this project. The spines will still look normal when the games are all lined up on your shelf.

UPDATE: Slash has created an excellent guide for converting raw scans to finished covers. Download it here (13 Mb)

The final dimensions are (in pixels at 300 DPI):

Front, Back:
1536 wide, 2100 tall

294 wide, 2100 tall

3366 wide, 2100 tall

Red N64 Spine Logo:
294 wide, 384 tall

boxart spine image without logo:
294 wide, 1716 tall

The official spine logo (so that the red bar from the front and back will wrap all the way around):

Also, we have decided to use a vertical N64 logo (as noted above, created by slash000) instead of the normal one from the original box tops/spines. Thus, the scan for the top needs to be cropped to remove the original N64 logo. slash000 has also provided these handy tips for getting the correct ratio after cropping and resizing:

If you crop the top and bottom of the scanned spine box-art just a tad, then when you resize it to the pixel dimensions of the case covers they come out at the right proportion. Check this out:

The original spine art:

The original idea was to crop the spine art like this:

The result was that when resized for the case spine's dimensions, it squeezed it inwards a little bit.

However, if you crop the spine art just a little bit more inward to the art, you can resize it to fit the spines and the result is the spine art is the right ratio. Crop like this:

And you get good-looking spines.[/QUOTE]

are we going to get anything free when we upload a pic
[quote name='starmask2k3']are we going to get anything free when we u upload a pic[/QUOTE]

You get the satisfaction of having contributed to a worthy cause and of helping your fellow gamers. You may also get the thanks and admiration of your peers. Everyone here is giving selflessly of their time and skills for the betterment of the community, not for a material reward (other than having an awesome way to display your games!).
Yeah if you really want something out of this than make some really kick ass covers and get some cred. otherwise go somewhere else.

I wish more people would do dc covers :d
wtf, i have no idea why the site is down (i run the ukbeats one). I have access to the directories through FTP though and am backing it all up and recreating it all - the raws are most important so I'm focusing on those 1st. Nothing was lost. The gallery program just seemed to have failed for some reason (of course when I'm not around).

I have no idea why this failed, sorry for not replying I've been out of town on a road trip since August (I think I mentioned that in an earlier post) and just recently got back. I'll try to rebuild the gallery ASAP. Sorry again,

[quote name='cyrix`']has any single person thought about just saving all of the raw scans...if not people need to start saving whole sites of scans so we don't get screwed again...

I'm personally thinking of backing up the whole snackbar-games archive now too.[/QUOTE]

No need to do that, our host backs up the entire site daily. I also have most if not all of the images on my computer here at work. I may download them all and burn them to DVD just to be safe.
[quote name='ZeroHero']Anyone willing to Scan the manuals as well?

NOTE: I didn't go through and read the whole tread :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

I was going to say that I have no hope people would do this, since apparently scanning the boxes is too much for most people. But I just found this site today while searching for something else:

congrats snowcone. also i picked up a couple used n64 games recently so i was wondering if anyone had some spare media shelving cases they would be willing to sell.
To everyone out there that still needs cases:

Who are you, and how many do you need?

Now that I have a printer (and starting Monday, a new job), I'm thinking about dropping the cash for some of these.

I need around 10-15, so that leaves about 85 I'll need to get rid of. So, anyone still looking for cases, either post here or PM me. If there's enough demand, I'll take the plunge. Let me know!
I need another handful. Probably around 8 or so. I actually only need 2 right now, but I don't want to run out again, and I am missing some of the better SNES games.
Alright, 26 spoken for so far. 10 for myself, 8 to Backlash, and another 8 for ryan838. Anyone else interested? I'd like to know at least 50 are gonna be put to use before I go and place the order. Anymore takers?
[quote name='PRMega']Alright, 26 spoken for so far. 10 for myself, 8 to Backlash, and another 8 for ryan838. Anyone else interested? I'd like to know at least 50 are gonna be put to use before I go and place the order. Anymore takers?[/QUOTE]

Actually can you make it 10 for me instead? That way I have a couple extra just in case.
I need 10 for me. How do I pay though? Is it through PayPal?
By the way, this is one of the most ingenious game projects (by fellow gamers) ever created. Kudos to everybody who contributed to it.:applause:
To everyone asking for cases:

I have recently moved into a new apartment, and do not currently have internet access (I'm at work now). However, I should have access within the next few days, or I can use my girlfriend's computer if necessary, but I will be in touch with everyone interested soon.

[quote name='PRMega']To everyone asking for cases:

I have recently moved into a new apartment, and do not currently have internet access (I'm at work now). However, I should have access within the next few days, or I can use my girlfriend's computer if necessary, but I will be in touch with everyone interested soon.


I'm patient, I have all the time in the world
A small update:

My DSL service at home was activated yesterday...but I still haven't gotten the damn modem >.< I'm going to call Verizon after work, so I'm *hoping* by Monday I'll be online.

Once I finish this post, I'm going to tally up all of the requests and see who wants what. If there's enough demand, I might order an extra set of 100 just to split up among the people that don't get one from the original order.

I'll update everyone as soon as I can!

Update: Total demand (including bumping my own up to 20) only reaches 138. Right now, that's not enough to get me to order 200. If demand gets up to around 170 or so, I'll think about getting the second order.

Would someone be kind enough to post this on the Snackbar forums and the SNES game case project thread, as Backlash mentioned? So much to do, so little time to access the net :p Thanks!
I decided on not getting the cases. I already have a list of things to buy before buying the cases (gameboy player, gcn memory cards, accessories). Thanks for considering selling the cases though. It will help a lot of people.

Edit: I basically set up my Christmas wish list already. :bouncy:
This absolutely rules... I just wish I could get ahold of 6 cases... I have some old SNES games somewhere but they're in a closet at my parents place...

Anyone got 6 cases they wanna sell/trade?
Another update: just placed a request for a quote (which is apparently the first step towards placing an order). Net access at my apartment is now scheduled for activation November 23rd, and the very next day I'm heading home for the holidays until Nov 28th. Assuming the cases have arrived by then, my plan is to get them shipped by the following weekend.

So, in an attempt to make this fair, I've come up with the following breakdown:

20 - PRMega
08 - Backlash
10 - ryan838
10 - RockinX
15 - Chargeup45
06 - s1eepinglionhart
10 - gwing00
21 - Demontooth

My apologies to RockinX, Chargeup, and Demontooth for cutting the numbers from your requests, but as I said, I'm trying to be fair and letting everyone at least get *some* cases. Let me know if this is ok with everyone, and I'll look into pricing once I get the final price. Thanks!
[quote name='PRMega']Another update: just placed a request for a quote (which is apparently the first step towards placing an order). Net access at my apartment is now scheduled for activation November 23rd, and the very next day I'm heading home for the holidays until Nov 28th. Assuming the cases have arrived by then, my plan is to get them shipped by the following weekend.

So, in an attempt to make this fair, I've come up with the following breakdown:

20 - PRMega
08 - Backlash
10 - ryan838
10 - RockinX
15 - Chargeup45
06 - s1eepinglionhart
10 - gwing00
21 - Demontooth

My apologies to RockinX, Chargeup, and Demontooth for cutting the numbers from your requests, but as I said, I'm trying to be fair and letting everyone at least get *some* cases. Let me know if this is ok with everyone, and I'll look into pricing once I get the final price. Thanks![/QUOTE]

I only need 6 I just asked for 10 in case I needed extras and to try and boost the total up to 100. So I am willing to give up 4 cases to RockinX, Chargeup, or Demontooth.
[quote name='ryan838']I only need 6 I just asked for 10 in case I needed extras and to try and boost the total up to 100. So I am willing to give up 4 cases to RockinX, Chargeup, or Demontooth.[/QUOTE]

I'm fine with the 21 or the 25, whichever is easiest.
Final tally:

20 - PRMega
08 - Backlash
06 - ryan838
10 - RockinX
15 - Chargeup45
06 - s1eepinglionhart
10 - gwing00
25 - Demontooth

I got the quote and placed the order. Total comes to $60.69, divide that by 100, it's about $.61 per case, plus shipping. Shipping will obviously vary, depending on the number of cases and locations, so if you all PM me I can figure shipping costs. Paypal is preferred, I'll give you each my Paypal e-mail when the cases are ready to be shipped. If anyone has any problems, let me know. Thanks!
I dont get this really. Are you guys making cases for n64 games, like basiclly a fake instruction bookelt and cover and then selling them? If so, I want one, for Super Mario 64.
Thanks for doing this PRMega... Now to hope that a) I can find my instruction booklets for my N64 games and b) the project catches up and ends up with the scans for the games I own. :)
i need 30-40 cases, anybody want to go in with me?
i may just order some and then sell/trade what im not going to use.
but id rather just go in with someone.

I love the topic and I'm all for preserving the boxes of video games! I think you will have a blast looking through my selections of all of my box art covers. I did 99% myself from my personal game collection of games I own or owned in the past.

Please visit www.gamescanner.org
[quote name='GameScanner']Hello!

I love the topic and I'm all for preserving the boxes of video games! I think you will have a blast looking through my selections of all of my box art covers. I did 99% myself from my personal game collection of games I own or owned in the past.

Please visit www.gamescanner.org[/QUOTE]

Oh god, where have you been!? Heh, j/k but seriously, thanks so much! This is exactly what is needed to get this thing back off the ground!

I see you even have South Park Rally so I can redo that horrible hand-made one I did.

Of course, the spines won't be right :( (unless you can scan spines in?) But still, much better than nothing!
[quote name='Backlash']Oh god, where have you been!? Heh, j/k but seriously, thanks so much! This is exactly what is needed to get this thing back off the ground!

I see you even have South Park Rally so I can redo that horrible hand-made one I did.

Of course, the spines won't be right :( (unless you can scan spines in?) But still, much better than nothing![/QUOTE]

Thank You, I have been looking for Doom 64 Cover Art for ages, and now I have it, I think I can make a custom spine for my case though. Now I only have two more games to find covers for, Aerogauge and Vigilatie 8. Thanks again.
bread's done