Name a band you can't believe you didn't know about sooner.


20 (100%)
I recently started listening to The National and they are freaking great. I cannot believe I never listened to them before. I can't imagine not knowing about them now.

Last year, I was introduced to The Gaslight Anthem - same thing. I listen to them all the time now.

Any bands out there that you didn't "discover" until seemingly everyone else did that you couldn't do without today? I'm always on the hunt for good new music but if I find more than one band a year that I really love I consider myself lucky.
Type O Negative. I knew of them, but never listened to them. I bought Bloody Kisses a few weeks ago after hearing Black No. 1 on Sirius and LOVED it. After buying a couple more albums, I'm a fan of theirs. Unfortunately it's a bad time to get into them since Peter Steele died a year ago tomorrow.
The Mountain Goats
That song called Diludad (or something like that) came up on Last.FM and hooked me in so hard that I couldn't imagine listening to anything else for awhile. I went to youtube, found the song and listened to it probably 20 times in a row to break down its structure.

Warren Zevon
While definitely not recent, it's the best example I can think of to address "Why didn't I ever listen to this before?!?" Sure, we all know Werewolves of London but the lesser known material (Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner, The Vast Indifference of Heaven, Gorilla You're A Desperado, etc...) is just awe inspiring in terms of clever lyrics, song structure and production value for the time. The first time I heard Boom Boom Mancini I knew this guy was about the greatest ever.

That chord progression is just SO STRONG!
Mastodon is one of those bands. I never heard them until Crack The Skye came out, and I went back to listen to older stuff like Blood Mountain. Awesome drumming and the way the two guitars intertwine is rather complex, but still easy to groove on.
These days I hardly listen to anyone who's either still alive or made most of their music before I was born. But there have been a few people who once I got 'into' them I had to hear everything by them.

I can't believe it took me so long to get into Monk too. I had avoided him for a while thinking he was too traditional for my tastes.
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[quote name='tcrash247']Type O Negative. I knew of them, but never listened to them. I bought Bloody Kisses a few weeks ago after hearing Black No. 1 on Sirius and LOVED it. After buying a couple more albums, I'm a fan of theirs. Unfortunately it's a bad time to get into them since Peter Steele died a year ago tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

You know, this actually. I had been listening to them rarely before he died but went on a binge afterwards. Kind of annoyed with myself for not starting sooner.
Interesting thread. This phenomenon happens far too often to me. The most recent is Animals as Leaders, great instrumental prog metal.

Before that, it was probably Manticora. What surprises me is their ability to put out album after album with solid material. All 7 of their albums range from great to fucking fantastic.

And chiefly was Angra. I was blown away when I heard Temple of Shadows and still can't believe they aren't more popular (they are pretty popular in Brazil, their home country).
Alot of the "indie rock" bands I got into in the 90s had diminshing returns though.

I was really into Sonic Youth, Pavement, GBV, Sebadoh but after their 3rd or 4th albums I lost interest, and then if you got into members side or solo projects the quality really dropped off.

Oh, another one who turned me on to the european scene. (I could do this all day)
One of the more recent ones for me was a band called Rage. I bought Nuclear Blast's 20th Anniversary 4 disc set a few years ago. One one of the discs, there's a song by Rage called Full Moon. I would say that was one of my personal favorites, but the collection was so good that's hard to say.

Go on a little later and I get their Speak Of The Dead album. All I had for the longest time until recently I finally delved more into their discography.

Of course, I have a lot of bands like that. I have their names written down somewhere because I heard one or two songs, but haven't had a chance to check them out yet.
[quote name='tcrash247']Type O Negative. I knew of them, but never listened to them. I bought Bloody Kisses a few weeks ago after hearing Black No. 1 on Sirius and LOVED it. After buying a couple more albums, I'm a fan of theirs. Unfortunately it's a bad time to get into them since Peter Steele died a year ago tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
Good man. They're my favorite band. I've told this story before, but my favorite concert memory is assuredly always going to be Halloween night 2009. Stood right in the front, right in front of Peter the whole time. Obviously no one knew it at the time, but that would be the last show they ever played. And holy shit do I wish I kept that half-empty bottle of wine he threw into the crowd. He threw it to me and I passed it around. Dumb, dumb, dumb. And I can't believe it has been a year already.

Anyway - my actual answer is Devin Townsend. Have been listening since around 2003/2004, but I could have been in on the ground floor when his first solo record came out in '97...the guitar player in my band tried to get me into it but I ignored him because apparently I'm retarded. Heck, another mutual friend of ours did the CD enhancement for his 3rd album, and I was still too blind to see what they found out years earlier. Next to Type O, he's probably the favorite.
Devin Townsend- He is fucking brilliant.

Porcupine Tree- Steven Wilson in general has become my favorite artist, period and his main band Porcupine Tree is just amazing.
I feel like nearly every band in my library has never gotten the attention it deserved from me. I mean, I used to always listen to the radio, never had any CDs, and my music collection on my computer was downright pitiful (300 songs). It took forever to start listening to the stuff that they never play on the radio.

But I'd have to say that the number one band for me right now that fits this description is Between the Buried and Me. I'm not normally a hardcore death metal fan, but I just fucking love them. Wish I would have discovered them when Colors first came out. :whistle2:(

EDIT: Don't know how I didn't think of them before, but add Dream Theater to this list. fucking awesome band that I never even heard of until Rock Band 2. :/
[quote name='Cheddahz']I just found out a band by the name of Hella, that I wish I would've discovered earlier. I have been on a "noise" or "math" music mood lately and discovered this band after listening to some other bands. Bloody amazing...[/QUOTE]

I'm from Sacramento and I remember seeing them in like 2002 or 2003 when they were first starting, maybe 2001, and it was pretty bad, glad they've gotten A LOT better.
While not a band and certainly not recently, I still remember the first time I heard jack Johnson three years ago. I went out the next day to buy all of his CDs. I've been a big fan ever since
Reverend Horton Heat. Big punk fan, but somehow never got around to the Reverend.

Different end of the spectrum, but also recently started listening to Vampire Weekend. Really enjoying 'em.
OP is always a good source of interesting threads

For me its Skillet. I heard monster and thought it was Three Days Grace about six months later I figured it out and been liking the band
Swervedriver. Just got into them this year. Never even heard a peep about this band and then somebody recommended it to me as music to listen to when you're high. Needless to say he was right about that but the band is amazing without any outside influences.

Just for you Javery- Swervedriver is a mix of rock and shoegaze.
Here is an example (not too much on youtube for streaming unfortunately so find their stuff elsewhere for high quality sound)
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I'm definitely going to have to listen to a bunch of these bands. I haven't heard of most of them...

It might help to put a genre in there with each band too just so you can weed through the stuff you know you won't like (country).
For me, it's Arcade Fire(indie rock).

I remember about two and a half years ago I was over on the forums at and noticed a bunch of the artists(the real ones, not the faux ones that produce most of the winners in the derbies) were chatting about them. I looked the up and immediately fell in love with Wake Up. Bought Funeral the very next day, with Neon Bible and the debut EP coming shortly thereafter. Suffice it to say, they're my favorite band now. I know a lot of people got pissy that they won Album of the Year a couple months ago, but they most definitely deserved it most out of all the contenders... But what do I know, I'm obviously a bit biased. :razz:
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the dreaming, had listened to stabbing westward since the first cd and was sad when they broke up, then about 4 years ago i found out about the lead singers new band and saw they had a demo out and that a cd was coming within months
[quote name='Mixer236'] I know a lot of people got pissy that they won Album of the Year a couple months ago, but they most definitely deserved it most out of all the contenders... But what do I know, I'm obviously a bit biased. :razz:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they deserved to win, hands-down. I think even the Grammys knew they'd win before the envelope was opened, by how they had it all set up for them to play the show out, left their stage all set up, and then scheduled enough time for them to play an entire second (superior) song that would logically have been their standard performance song.

That night the Grammys were redeemed in my eyes. It'll be back to shit again next year though.

That's definitely another band I was late to catch on to. Metric is another one.
I just got into The National too a few weeks ago. Bought Boxer and High Violet. Haven't listened to all of them yet. They're pretty good, but I gotta give the edge to Arcade Fire. The Suburbs is honestly the best start-to-finish album I've heard in a long time. But their earlier albums are definitely on par with The National's stuff.

Javery, if you haven't listened to The Suburbs, you really should give it a shot.
This was quite a few years ago, but Tom Waits, I found out about him when I was around 15 (I'm 25 now), such an amazing musician and story teller. I won't lie though, he's not for everyone.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Yeah, they deserved to win, hands-down. I think even the Grammys knew they'd win before the envelope was opened, by how they had it all set up for them to play the show out, left their stage all set up, and then scheduled enough time for them to play an entire second (superior) song that would logically have been their standard performance song.

That night the Grammys were redeemed in my eyes. It'll be back to shit again next year though.

That's definitely another band I was late to catch on to. Metric is another one.[/QUOTE]

Totally in agreement with you there. And, also, Metric is another great band. Emily Haines is pretty kickass.
Oh, any love for Band of Horses? Been getting into them a lot more lately... KNew of them for a while but they just now seem to have clicked with me. Some other more recent bands I've been into:

The Joy Formidable
Broken Bells
Broken Social Scene(not a new band, but another one that's recently clicked with me.)
The Temper Trap
Howling Bells
Lydia(Ya gotta be careful if you look them up, there's two different ones. The good one has the album called "Illuminate")
Paper Route
The Shins
The Silversun Pickups(but who hasn't heard of them yet?) :lol:
I'm gonna go with Alkaline Trio. I never really got far into their catalog, but there's a ton of songs I really like.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I just got into The National too a few weeks ago. Bought Boxer and High Violet. Haven't listened to all of them yet. They're pretty good, but I gotta give the edge to Arcade Fire. The Suburbs is honestly the best start-to-finish album I've heard in a long time. But their earlier albums are definitely on par with The National's stuff.

Javery, if you haven't listened to The Suburbs, you really should give it a shot.[/QUOTE]

I really like Arcade Fire - The Suburbs is awesome. I like Funeral as well but I never got into Neon Bible. I need to listen to that one more...
Sanctus Real
Scouting For Girls

To me, none of them really sound like their names might imply, which I find appealing.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Interesting thread. This phenomenon happens far too often to me. The most recent is Animals as Leaders, great instrumental prog metal. [/QUOTE]

Animal as Leaders is not that old at all. I don't know how you would have known about them any sooner. The first album released Apr 2009. They didn't even tour until summer of 2010(not even a year later).

For me, I am pretty good about learning about a band in advance due to seeing a bunch of shows.

A few that I missed that I can remember...
- Fall of Troy - started listening 1/2 year after Manipulator came out
- Rage Against the Machine - started with Bulls on Parade
bread's done