Narc will definitely cause a ruckus.

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According to the july issue of Electronic GAming NARC will be a gta like game in which you are a cop that walks the line between right and wrong. You can choose to be a good cop or turn into a bad cop. You can even go to dealers to buy and take drugs including crack.

Now check this out - if you start taking drugs you get addicted and you have to continue to go back to the dealers to get your fix throughout the game or else the screen will get blurry among other effects which include the rumble feature.

If this game hits the shelf with the drug gameplay mentioned it is sure to get the soccer moms rioting.
[quote name='Scrubking']According to the july issue of Electronic GAming NARC will be a gta like game in which you are a cop that walks the line between right and wrong. You can choose to be a good cop or turn into a bad cop. You can even go to dealers to buy and take drugs including crack.

Now check this out - if you start taking drugs you get addicted and you have to continue to go back to the dealers to get your fix throughout the game or else the screen will get blurry among other effects which include the rumble feature.

If this game hits the shelf with the drug gameplay mentioned it is sure to get the soccer moms rioting.[/quote]

The thing that's really going to rile is that the drugs give you nice power-ups, so while there is a down side (the addictive effect) there's an up side too. It's not really what the anti-drug crowd wants put out there. I have my doubts that the game is going to make it to market in the form it's in now.
I have my doubts that the game is going to make it to market in the form it's in now.

I kind of want it to hit the shelf with the drug gameplay just to see what would happen and how big of a stir it would cause. You have to be curious.
it would be cool to see the arcade version hidden into this version.
and i like the idea with the drugs. GTA 3 and VC had drugs (although your character wasn't taking them on a regular basis)
you could put a "the kids will have a better understanding of the effects of drugs" spin if the soccer moms get too riled up.

i'm looking forward to this game, can you arrest people in the remake like you could in the arcade version?
[quote name='punqsux']who's developing this game?[/quote]

Vis Entertainment (State of Emergency 1 and 2, Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick.) Midway is publishing it.
NARC is supposedly a remake of a really old arcade beat em up in which your role was to beat the living crap out of stereotypical drug dealers. I remember that they dropped needles and other various drug related items that boosted your score if you picked em up. Other than that...It was forgettable. The last boss was an REALLY ugly ass fat bastard. =0
Yeah, I read that article, and I can't believe they are doing this. Not because I'm some holier-than-thou zealot who thinks games are t3h devil, but because it is gonna prove all those politicians and soccer moms right in a way. Just like that trash BMX XXX, this is gonna put a big, ugly face on gaming and give those shitheads something to fuel their own diatribe. It seems that every time games come close to being considered legitimate entertainment, some company has to put it all at stake and make a piece of garbage like this.

Sometimes the game releases and, whaddya know, there is substance to the questionable material (READ: GTA). But this game looks like crap that is simply running on shock value. And Vis is developing it?!? Man, sign me up!
im sure it'll be released the way it is....i think ppl are starting to realize that games are just games, much like movies are just movies....most moms now know to not let their kids buy something with mature ratings....not to mention that retailers aren't aloud to sell mature rated games to minors

im personally looking forward to this game, especially with the drug usage in it, though im totally against drugs
[quote name='trustcompany1013']....not to mention that retailers aren't aloud to sell mature rated games to minors[/quote]

You know, this should have been the end of the whole "VIDEOGAMES ARE BAD FOR KIDS" debacle. This even goes as far as to take the responsibilty of the parent to govern what their child sees and plays and puts it in the hands of the retailer, who may also be punished for breaking the rule.

I felt so terrible when I first heard about this rule, because it made all of those groups aware that they can pass the buck in terms of their child's welfare. It's like parents bitching about their kid watching too much tv. TURN THE GODDAMN THING OFF AND TAKE HIM TO THE PARK IF IT IS SUCH A PROBLEM. And now, when a child is playing an 'inappropriate' game, it's my fault, not the irresponsible parent's fault for not being involved with the child and what it was engaged in.
The whole thing with the drug usage is something that doesn't appeal to me.

I know a lot of people in my neighborhood alone who are addictive to some of that stuff in the game, and it's fucking scary watching and listening to the things they do.
[quote name='Eclipse']lol oneiroket...Those pics rock. =P[/quote]

Where is the guy on Angel Dust that can throw dumpsters?
The thing that's really going to rile is that the drugs give you nice power-ups, so while there is a down side (the addictive effect) there's an up side too. It's not really what the anti-drug crowd wants put out there. I have my doubts that the game is going to make it to market in the form it's in now.

Well, isn't that actually more realistic? Drugs have to have some benefit that draw people to them... Not feeling pain after using one actually makes sense. They'll only have a major problem if the anti-drug crowd doesn't have an appropriately severe drawback to thier use as well.

I doubt this will get anyone (with the exception of pro-legalization people) that riled up, because it isn't exactly morally ambigious.. use drugs enough in the game and you end up as a "bad cop", and hunted down by the police.

I wonder if this one with start with the "Winners don't use Drugs" splashscreen like the arcade game.
(or maybe it would begin with a "Truth: The Antidrug" splashscreen.
I was reading either May or June's GI issue, and they were talking about this game and how it was about to spark controversy.
First it's GTA. This series is just known for being so damned controversial but yet everybody seems to be playing it. But the people complaining mostly are the ones who either have 8 year old kids running around playing it and pretending to be Tommy Vercetti, or whatever, because their mind can't handle the fact that it's just a game, and while stimulating does not completely alter your human self or whatever the people like to mention.
However, the reviewer or one of the creators who made this game was extremely upset about the mention that it would spark controversy, he kept arguing that the game was not only realistic, but it should teach a lesson to people because it's like real life. If you keep taking drugs, you're going to get hooked, and it's going to screw up the entire gameplay. Or, you can lead a straight life. His argument was mostly valid and I for the most part agree with it. And people shouldn't be blaming the creators who make the game, because ESRB rates the ratings how they see fit, and if a game is rated 'M' for Mature, there's no way that the company wants 8 or 9 year olds running around playing vice city, manhunt, and anything else that is extremely violent they can get their hands on.
[quote name='trustcompany1013']....most moms now know to not let their kids buy something with mature ratings....[/quote]
Wouldn't that be great if it were true? Not too long ago I saw a mother buying her kid, who couldn't have been more than 10, GTA: VC. Her friend that was with her pointed out the M rating on the game but she passed it off saying "it's not as bad as a wrestling game".
[quote name='jmcc'][quote name='punqsux']who's developing this game?[/quote]

Vis Entertainment (State of Emergency 1 and 2, Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick.) Midway is publishing it.[/quote]

well then narc is going to blow soooo hard :(
imo, narc looks gay as shit...

that hand-to-hand combat move he does gets so annoying..i looked at a trailer and every 10 seconds it shows him doin that move...its so fuckin gay...there are too many gta look-alikes comin out...
after hearing that the makers of state of emergency are making it, here is my prediction..

the people all look cartoonish and retarded..

items are unproportional (sp) ..

the game all around sucks..

you hear what the game is about and think its gonna be cool, then you buy it and it blows ass.

thats just my guess...
[quote name='BigNick']Sweeet! I'll buy it. I think games like this are cool, cause its stuff you would not get to do in real life.[/quote]

Speak for yourself.
[quote name='uesc']it would be cool to see the arcade version hidden into this version.[/quote]

the original is going to be on the next Midway Arcade Treasures collection

Her friend that was with her pointed out the M rating on the game but she passed it off saying "it's not as bad as a wrestling game".

I can see the logic in that. Anything to keep kids away from wrestling sounds good to me. Wrestling games turn kids into simps, just look at the GameFAQs wrestling boards. :D

Anyway, the real test will be when the game actually comes out. I hope the whole drug thing isn't just a gimmick to cover up a crap game, like the boobs in BMX XXX or the swearing in Kingpin.
[quote name='BigNick']Sweeet! I'll buy it. I think games like this are cool, cause its stuff you would not get to do in real life.[/quote]

I've done it in real life.
[quote name='howard'][quote name='BigNick']Sweeet! I'll buy it. I think games like this are cool, cause its stuff you would not get to do in real life.[/quote]

Speak for yourself.[/quote]

I mean, only the cool kids huff smack.
I think this game will cause a big fuss from the soccer moms and politicos, it IS an election year, afterall. The idea is intriguing, tho, I'll probably at least rent the game.
I am against this game if they do not show the accurate effects of drug use. If they show someone getting really high, they better show the low too. I am talkin about the real medical happenings, not the crap the gov wants us to think or what the drugees say. Have it be accurate, like being able to OD and shit. Otherwise kids might get the wrong message.
Good point, you should also be able to build up a tolerance; i.e. you continually have to take more in order to get the same effect.
[quote name='randomizer9']Good point, you should also be able to build up a tolerance; i.e. you continually have to take more in order to get the same effect.[/quote]

word, realistic as possible
In addition to the side effects I think that you also have a money issue. Something to the effect of you make money in the game and you can use it to unlock new guns, powerups, etc.; but if you're hooked to a drug then you're gonna be spending your money on it.
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