NBA Jam out now!!!

I dont know why people are complaining about the price. Everyone thinks this game is supposed to be 15 bucks for some reason. (as seen on joystiq) Maybe because it was a free download when buying nba elite, and most downloaded arcade games are 15 bucks or less. I dont know.... But this isnt an arcade game, the wii version is 50 bucks, and now the 360/ps3 version is the same price, and you get more! So i dont know what people are crying about when it comes to how much the game costs. Its still 10 bucks less than other new 360/ps3 games.

Personally i cant wait to get it, and the free title update to add more online features only makes me like this even more. I dont care that i have to wait for the extra online features, i get to play the game earlier this way. So its win/win in my opinion.
Must've not had enough time to stop the already printed reviews for NBA Elite. That game got a nice 5.5/10 from OXM. The only positive was that NBA Jam was packed as a freebie with the game.
I still cannot believe they want $50.00 for this. Yes, it's a nice update, but it's NBA Jam, and you were offering it for free as a pack-in. You want us to forget all that which has already been printed and go like lambs to the slaughter and hand you a $50.00. Hmm, no thanks...back to Dreamcast and Showtime 'til price drop.

Oh, and those of you arguing with: 'Oh, but it's $50.00 on the Wii', are living on another planet. It's not worth $50 on the Wii either. It's a stripped down version with no online multiplayer, and don't let me get started on the manual. It's about 2 pages long, and contains about 2 sentences worth of information. Skip the manual, and the CD if you're not even going to try.
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[quote name='The 7th Number']I dont know why people are complaining about the price. Everyone thinks this game is supposed to be 15 bucks for some reason. (as seen on joystiq) Maybe because it was a free download when buying nba elite, and most downloaded arcade games are 15 bucks or less. I dont know.... But this isnt an arcade game, the wii version is 50 bucks, and now the 360/ps3 version is the same price, and you get more! So i dont know what people are crying about when it comes to how much the game costs. Its still 10 bucks less than other new 360/ps3 games.

I guess for me, I compare it to new $60 games out like NBA 2k11, Halo Reach, Fallout, etc and I don't see how it will have the depth that those games will have. I would prob pay $20-$30 for it but just don't see it being a $50-$60 (to me, anyways).
Anyone who thought this was going to release at $30 or even $15 is an idiot. There is no way in hell that this game would cost $30 or less when the Wii version which has LESS FEATURES costs $50. Saying it should be really cheap because it was supposed to be free with Elite isn't a good argument. EA isn't stupid (well....not always) they knew Elite was a piece of shit that wouldn't sell by itself, so they threw Jam in as a bonus to drive sales. Turns out Elite was so bad they couldn't even release it at all.
I pre ordered NBA Jam tonight, and i got an email saying it was under review. Whats this mean? I did use a $20 off code from halo reach, and saver code for free shipping. hmmmm this is what the email said.

Thank you for choosing Your order #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has been submitted to our verification specialists for review. While this review process may take up to 24 hours, our goal is to review your order as quickly as possible. If we require any additional information to complete this process, you will be notified via email.
[quote name='dragonjud']I still cannot believe they want $50.00 for this. Yes, it's a nice update, but it's NBA Jam, and you were offering it for free as a pack-in. You want us to forget all that which has already been printed and go like lambs to the slaughter and hand you a $50.00. Hmm, no thanks...back to Dreamcast and Showtime 'til price drop.[/quote]

I always thought of it the other way around... 50 dollars for Jam 10 for Elite.

Anyhow, I will gladly give 50 bucks for it considering its a better version of Jam than what we were suppose to get and just be thankful that its not tied to Elite anymore and its online play will probably be more populated for it....

I imagine more people wouldn't buy elite (myself included) for a stripped version of Jam than will baulk at the 50 dollar price tag for Jam.
Any word on if they will fix players such as Al Harrington, Ariza, Al Jefferson, Courtney Lee? I expect it to be a straight up port though, just graphical updates.
All right, I don't get why people are complaining about the price. I know this was suppose to come with Elite originally, but wasn't that a stripped down version, one with less features than the Wii version? Now, we're getting a better version than the one on the Wii, considering this will have online. What's the issue here? Did people really think we were gonna pay $15 for a game that is already $50 on the Wii with less features?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']All right, I don't get why people are complaining about the price. I know this was suppose to come with Elite originally, but wasn't that a stripped down version, one with less features than the Wii version? Now, we're getting a better version than the one on the Wii, considering this will have online. What's the issue here? Did people really think we were gonna pay $15 for a game that is already $50 on the Wii with less features?[/QUOTE]I really feel like this is just another variation on the argument that comes up whenever a game is described as being short, like Enslaved or Limbo. One side will argue that since the game is only X hours long, it's not worth full price, whether that means $60, or 1200 points, or whatever. The other side argues that it's the quality of the experience, not the length, that should be considered. Really, neither side is wrong, because both arguments are based on how that particular person assigns value.

I totally understand that some people won't buy NBA Jam until they can get it for $20 or $30 or whatever they feel is the right price point. Same reason I haven't bought Singularity (as one example) yet. There's really no point in arguing with someone about what a game is worth, since every game will have different value to different people.
Personally I think $50 is too much for NBA Jam on the 360 and PS3, but isn't that the same price of the lesser Wii version? Not to mention the game was originally $60 when it was going to come with NBA Elite (which was the only reason to buy Elite). For me I won't pay $50 for it because there are many other games I would rather spend $50 on this Holiday season. For $20-$30 I would consider picking this up though and I do work at a local used video game store which will likely get this in rather quickly after release so I may get it on the cheap then too. Like everyone else I have many fond memories of the original and T.E. NBA Jam games on my SNES, easily my favorite basketball games ever.
[quote name='Danimal']There's really no point in arguing with someone about what a game is worth, since every game will have different value to different people.[/QUOTE]

The argument here is a little different, though. People are acting like this is not a full-game. It is. Whether or not it's worth $60 to you is debatable, but you cannot argue whether or not it should be price like any other full retail release.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe22']Wait.. so it's $60 now? Wow.. I thought it was $50. That's even more ridiculous![/QUOTE]

Do you do anything besides trolling, Smitty? It's no wonder you're banned from Xbox Live.

Anyway, I'm sure there will be some deals on this game during the holiday season.
[quote name='JohnDoeHoe22']Wait.. so it's $60 now? Wow.. I thought it was $50. That's even more ridiculous![/QUOTE]

Who said it is $60? all sites have it for $50.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']For those still confused, here is a chart from EA about the differences between the version that was going to come with Elite and the full retail release that comes out tomorrow...[/QUOTE]
funny, theres like 4 features that count as separate, but all are regarding remix


theres a remix mode
you can play remix 2 on 2
you can play remix online
you can play remix multiplayer

sounds like one of those bs reports i did in middle school to stretch things out.
[quote name='jza1218']Looking forward to picking this up tomorrow. Loved it on the wii, so I'm going to enjoy getting whooped online in HD.[/QUOTE]

I really want this game but while I have no problem with its release date price tag I'm going to wait for a price drop as I think it will come fairly quickly based upon what the market is doing and EA isn't doing anything to make it worth preordering.
Passed by Bestbuy today (15th) to see if by any chance they had it up like Gamestop did (I have a bestbuy gift card so I'm waiting on them). I didn't see it so I asked the guy and he tells me all new games come out Tuesday, just like movies. Because of that he didn't want to check. I told him to check in the back anyway and he couldn't find it. He checks the computer and it says the 17th. I tell him you just finished saying all new games come out on Tuesday. He says "I was wrong" and walks away.

I Would have preferred the Southpark BP episode "saurry" apology. lol...
I ended up ordering on Amazon because I had more credit, otherwise I would have done KMart fo sho.
I just hope for wallet's sake that the BF deals are for Wii only, and Wal-Mart/other retailers don't mark down the others as well otherwise im really gonna kick myself.
I want this for sure, I held off on the Wii version because of the PS3 version, but I just can't buy it right now. I really feel like this could be $30 by Christmas, I just don't see it selling well at all.
If they drop the price by $10 I'll bite, otherwise I'll pass as I got NBA2k11 for the same price and it is a deeper game by far.
will be waiting until black friday for this one. Expecting it to drop to ~30-35 by late next week. I will most definitely bite then.
I might pick this up if CAGs will be playing online and are open to a newb. I mean a crappy at sports games newb. :) But... I'll wait to see if there's a price drop.
[quote name='crunchewy']I might pick this up if CAGs will be playing online and are open to a newb. I mean a crappy at sports games newb. :) But... I'll wait to see if there's a price drop.[/QUOTE]

I am certain you'll be able to jump in without much problem. It should be easy to pick up and play :).
[quote name='Ichigo1993']I am certain you'll be able to jump in without much problem. It should be easy to pick up and play :).[/QUOTE]

It's pretty much the ultimate pick up and play sports game.
Maybe I am wrong, but wasn't this $40-50 for SNES? If it's half as much fun, not really upset about the price.

Anxiously awaiting it myself.
NBA Jam - I have such great memories playing this game years ago on the original PSX. Was thinking of biting at full price, could be a fun Thanksgiving Day game for the family, but will probably wait for the inevitable price drop - and let the fam play with it on XMas instead. :)

Oh, and 3rd on the pick up & play - that's what this game is all about!
I spent so many quarters on this game in the arcade as a kid, and I owned it on SNES and Sega Gamegear. As great of a game as it might be, $50 is a little steep compared to the amount of content you get in games now days. I'll probably pick it up as soon as I find it for $30.

Hopefully, they included ALOT of Easter eggs, like the originals were famous for. Air Morris with big head mode? Yes, please!
Picked it up yesterday along with NFSHP at Toys R Us in the Buy 1, Get 1 40% off and am very happy with it so far. It's a ton of fun and that's a pretty good deal for anyone who wants to buy another game. Or as mentioned K-Mart does have a $20 coupon with it this week and next week but you'll have to wait until at least Friday because their distributor screwed up.
no k-mart near me and no one had it in stock except Gamestop so I got it and so far, am having alot of fun playing it and mainly got it because my bro wanted it really bad but I am glad I got it as well. online is fun and the only negative thing I can say is that it gets repetitive/boring when your opponent is just dunking every single time over and over. Aside from that, hope more people buy it as not alot of people are playing it on xbl but I agree we should start a cag tournament or something.
[quote name='aheineken']I spent so many quarters on this game in the arcade as a kid[/QUOTE]

Between this and NHL Open Ice, wow, I don't even wanna think about how much money I wasted as a kid. I probably could have owned every freaking console at the time, even the overpriced, shitty ones. But those were good times. It was so much fun having people crowd around the machine and watch, especially if someone tried to butt in on your game against the CPU and then you just destroyed them. I miss arcades.

Question: This is an EA game, so I am gonna assume that there is some kind of code packaged in to enable online play. Am I right?
This was my favorite game back in the genesis days. Ended up buying a 4 player Jam Arcade machine off CL a few years back. Needless to say I'm a huge fan of the series. Been watching a lot of videos the last few days and I can't wait to pick this one up over the weekend.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
Question: This is an EA game, so I am gonna assume that there is some kind of code packaged in to enable online play. Am I right?[/QUOTE]
Actually, no online code needed for NBA Jam. Quite refreshing, to say the least. This will be a rental friendly game for those looking to try before you buy.

Of course, I was locked in on buying this the day announced it. Sooo much fun.

In fact, I'd say that it's...


...yeah, I said it.
Wow, very good, then. I've got some GS credit, and the B2G1 coupon from signing up for PowerUp. Gonna wait for a used copy to pop up in my area and pick up some stuff.
..but don't you miss hearing "he's on fire!" haha. by the way, they had the same voice guy in the original game do this game too and they've even added new phrases and such too. so much fun and I love how it has the latest (best) players from each team and being able to unlock over 100 things. here's to unlocking the beastie boys and other celebrity's too.
Damn. I didn't know it was already out. I'm really considering picking this up or 2K11. The $50 price tag is a little steep though.
Is this version any better than the Wii Version (Other than online play, which will probably die quickly after release)

Specially since the Wii Version will be $27 at Target for BF
[quote name='spree4567']Picked it up yesterday along with NFSHP at Toys R Us in the Buy 1, Get 1 40% off and am very happy with it so far. It's a ton of fun and that's a pretty good deal for anyone who wants to buy another game. Or as mentioned K-Mart does have a $20 coupon with it this week and next week but you'll have to wait until at least Friday because their distributor screwed up.[/QUOTE]Thanks very much for posting this, spree. I wasn't aware of the screwup. You saved me a 40 minute trip that I was planning on making tomorrow morning to get this at my closest K-Mart. Maybe I'll just go with the TRU deal, too. My son wants Kirby's Epic Yarn for XMas, so maybe I'll just grab that and NBA Jam.
bread's done