NC - Triangle area CAGs - camping plans for PS3?


Hey folks,

Just wondering who's out there and what your camping out plans are - I still haven't decided where or when, but am considering BB and CC (I'm in Chapel Hill). Would be cool to meet up with some of you and chat/play some DS while we wait.
current scouting report:

bestbuy, cary NC: 30 people in line 12:30pm 11/15/2006
bestbuy, raleigh (capital blvd): 0 people in line, 1:16pm 11/15/2006 *spoke directly to the manager who walked outside and checked for me
bestbuy, raleigh (glenwood): unknown status, new store opening on 11/17/2006 12:30pm 11/15/2006
bestbuy, garner (highway 70) 8-10 people 12:57pm 11/15/2006 *spoke directly to the manager who walked outside and checked for me

please start a scouting report for stores in the RTP here
i work at crabtree mall

the manager at the new best buy said absolutely no camping would be allowed and that he would call security to make them go away

he said "we'll be handing out tickets at 7am."
what a doof. i want to be there to see everyone bumrush the doors
[quote name='tindall311']i work at crabtree mall

the manager at the new best buy said absolutely no camping would be allowed and that he would call security to make them go away

he said "we'll be handing out tickets at 7am."
what a doof. i want to be there to see everyone bumrush the doors[/quote]

I swung by that one and no one was there. So when can people show up at that one? I was planning on going afternoon tomorrow, but I guess maybe not now.
Are tickets a guarantee that you can buy a system or are they like raffle tickets and then they will draw out some numbers? I'd love a system like that as I won't be able to camp out.
i live in raleigh and hadnt noticed any "camping" a few days ago when i went to BB

i got school, so i wouldnt camp anyway...but it will be interesting to see how it goes...

anyone check the circuit city by crabtree? what about the CC in capital? when does that even open?
[quote name='swetooth9']i live in raleigh and hadnt noticed any "camping" a few days ago when i went to BB

i got school, so i wouldnt camp anyway...but it will be interesting to see how it goes...

anyone check the circuit city by crabtree? what about the CC in capital? when does that even open?[/quote]
Actually, I passed by the Circuit City at Crabtree, and I saw two big tents and about 5 or 6 people camping outside.
Hmm, The Capital best buy seems interesting, so are they just not allowing Camping or is no one there just because?

Cary NC store is heck.

Glenwood store that sounds interesting, but yah bumrush for sure.
Durham BB - about 15-20 folks lined up at 5:30 PM today (Wednesday).
Durham Walmart already had folks lined up in the layaway section, but I didn't see how many

Still plan to check:

Target South Square
Target Southpoint
CC Durham

Not receiving non-preordered systems (???):

Any other stores?
Saw a few ppl at the Cary CC, not many though.

Oh, and I work at the crabtree sears, and we're supposed to get 2 PS3s, but don't count on it. We were supposed to get 2 360s last year and they didn't show up 'til January. And employees bought 'em XD

No word on Wiis yet.

Either way, don't look to Sears for a PS3. I'll be shocked if we have any.
I had a friend drop by Glenwood BB & Crabtree BB this morning to make sure they really were empty.

If the Glenwood BB manager is kicking people out, I'm assuming he'll allow people to line up once hte store is closed or what-not?

Going to call and check.

Also at a lot of the targets those "paid bums" are holding line places, they're only getting paid $100 so might be worth paying htem $200 to get a place in line ;)

EDIT: Update, manager at Capital BLVD has told me that there are 30-35 People outfront already and they obviously don't expect to have that many systems.

Glenwood doesn't have a number for its new location just yet, but sounds interesting if they really are booting people out, so worth a try.
[quote name='Darkfire001']I had a friend drop by Glenwood BB & Crabtree BB this morning to make sure they really were empty.

If the Glenwood BB manager is kicking people out, I'm assuming he'll allow people to line up once hte store is closed or what-not?

Going to call and check.[/quote]

I just drove by Crabtree, the new location for Best Buy. Security is kicking people out, however, they made a compromise. There is a dude taking names down on a list which is at 36 as of 10 minutes ago. They are letting people stay in there cars, then they can form the line in the order they got their names on the list at 12:01am. They are then handing out tickets at 7am. They are unloading the units now and they said within an hour they will update with an official count, in which they might get a few more units. But basically you are SOL at this location.

I went by the Wal-Mart at New Hope Church Rd. and there are already 10ppl in line, and they said they probably won't even get the 10 units.

So if you are in the area, go to a small town and try your luck there. Basically you should have been in line yesterday if you want one.

Good Luck to all, i'll be nestled in front of my computer between midnite and 3am constantly hitting F5 in the hopes of an amazon order, or not. Maybe i'll just beat Kingdom Hearts and wait for the 2nd wave.

Again, good luck to all.
[quote name='tindall311']i work at crabtree mall

the manager at the new best buy said absolutely no camping would be allowed and that he would call security to make them go away

he said "we'll be handing out tickets at 7am."
what a doof. i want to be there to see everyone bumrush the doors[/QUOTE]

The one at Crabtree opened already? Damn I was over there like a week or two ago and construction still looked like it was going to take a lot longer. Glad to hear it opened, but pissed because there was probably some good grand opening deals.

North Hills Target only had like 15 people around noon, but I doubt they have any more consoles than the people they had waiting. Bunch of grannies and women in their 20's. Kind of suprised as it definately was not your typical gamer crowd.
[quote name='kdunn77']Anybody catch the fact that about 10 homeless guys are waiting for 2 P$3s.:roll:[/quote]

It's just like in Japan, where poor chinese people were hired. The article was on Kotaku or Joystiq, I don't have the link right off hand.
Nah its in Cary too..

Anyway BEST BUY fuckED US UP. Details later but Lines went to shit, fucking raffles...and BS ones at that. That said Cary store at 34 Consoles total...notbad.
Oh yah so greenwood best buy failed us and cary best buy, so went back and tried amazon/compusa/etc for three hours, didn't work none of them had it, or if they did it was in $1,500+ bundles.

So tried to sleep some, couldn't so 5am now and just showered up and about to leave for some more locations.

in the off chance a CAGer sees this my number is 6302774, local area code of course, I'd appreciate any tips since I'm about bone dry trying to find a PS3.

Although got a good hour in of MotoStorm & NBA2k07 at the Cary bb,it was awesome well motostorm was cool at least:)

lol, and to top it off 11/10 alotment (me #11 although possible 15), then we go inside and at least two peoples cards get declined.....however they let the person charge it on anothers so it went through and other person left, but they gave them a FOUR hour window....and wouldn't even take my name down :(
everything went downhill fast as rumors and speculation of mobbing and violent crowds at the other stores around the state popped up during the night. people who lost raffles at one store were simply moving on to the next and a domino effect of frustrated campers who organized things got the hopes crushed and large groups of hopefuls migrated staking claims on the prize. while police presense and security was adeqaute no universal decision was made until very early (friday morning, 4am on capitla blvd) to do a raffle at most locations several hundred people still felt that bumrushing the doors was the best way to get one. i have never seen anything like what i saw this morning, people jumping out of trashcans and manhole covers in the store parking lot like cockroaches and spriting for the front door. the true deep, dark root of human nature came out in full force today and once you've seen and experienced something like that you're views on the world are forever changed. hopefully best buy corporate and their respective store front landlords pay close attention to the news reports of mass hysteria and panic this poor organization spawned. i stongly believe that creating better policies in the future and most importantly training mangement on sticking to their policies for the duration of console launches will be crucial to maintaining order and keeping a safe and controlled console launch.

with that being said, once raleigh pd and the management got a handle on the situation the lottery went by very smoothly and orderly. as far as rating the whole experience i give it a 1 out of 10 personally because i had been told so many contradicting things that evolved (or devolved as the case may be) over the last 72 hours, but 8 out of 10 for everyone else that showed up this morning hoping for a lottery pick and a chance to win. there was no set precendent or priority as to who gets one or not and at no point in the last 72 hours was did anyone of authority alude to a random lottery at the last minute. things could have much, much better, but they could also have been much worse.

congratualtions to those that won the lottery drawing and for those that didn't just remember life is full of obstacles and how we deal with them and overcome them define who we are.

one last word on the matter. shame on sony for creating such a poor lauch and not meeting the initial demand adequately. in a perfect world people would boycott their products. of course that is just wishful thinking but i am personally washing my hands of this whole experience and will likely never participate in something like this ever again. its not that i'm bitter b/c i did not win the lottery, even if i won i'd still feel bad for those that didn't, i just think that the finger needs to be pointed at someone for this and the issue needs to be addressed appropriately.
Yeah I agree Sony really botched this launch. What made it worse of course is that Sony built up so much adoration over the last two console generations and then proceeded to squander much of it over the last 6 months.

Everywhere I went yesterday there were lines, and then when I read about the guy hiring homeless people to camp out in Cary and the violence in other parts of the country I just decided to give up. The extent that some folks went to get a system, it's just not worth it to me.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who responded to my initial post - it looks like most of you are in the Raleigh area. If anyone's interested in local gaming let me know. My free time will probably be taken up by Zelda for the time being, but last half of December I'll have more time.

My AIM is johnsloan72, and my email address is johnsloan {at] gmail [dot} com.

bread's done