NCAA 09- Big 10 Online Dynasty (Week 4- Play by 8/11- MAJOR NEWS IN OP)

I am no go on this. I am waiting on my copy from TRU from the b1g1 glitch. If that falls through I will be getting it for the 360 but I don't want to hold you guys up until I know for sure if is going through.
[quote name='ivanctorres']I am no go on this. I am waiting on my copy from TRU from the b1g1 glitch. If that falls through I will be getting it for the 360 but I don't want to hold you guys up until I know for sure if is going through.[/QUOTE]

Wait... How did you accept the invite, then?

Anyway, my friend Kenny will play as Michigan. He is registered here as "Its Orange Baby", which is also his Gamertag. I'll be inviting him here in a minute.
[quote name='Matt Young']Wait... How did you accept the invite, then?

Anyway, my friend Kenny will play as Michigan. He is registered here as "Its Orange Baby", which is also his Gamertag. I'll be inviting him here in a minute.[/QUOTE]

If everyones ready can we start tonight?
If Kenny gets in today, we can start tonight. If not, then tomorrow.I want him to post in this thread, though. I can get a hold of him, but I don't want you guys to have to worry about not being able to reach the guy for games. He's very reliable, but if you don't have a means of reaching him, it won't matter.
Okay, so that's him, LOL. But I'll send the invite to him in 20 minutes or so when the WWE pay per view ends. Then I guess once he accepts, I can start the regular season.
I set my ready to advance sometime Saturday. Is it just me, or did the recruiting seem quite a bit tougher with the online dynasty? As Indiana in my offline, I am in the top 3 for 2 five stars and 3 or 4 four star recruits. For the online dynasty its not even close to that.
[quote name='Archsamurai11']I set my ready to advance sometime Saturday. Is it just me, or did the recruiting seem quite a bit tougher with the online dynasty? As Indiana in my offline, I am in the top 3 for 2 five stars and 3 or 4 four star recruits. For the online dynasty its not even close to that.[/QUOTE]

I don't know. The whole recruiting process feels tedious and unsatisfying to me. so i try to get through it as quickly as possible.
I just went after all Ohio States recruits, like I said, Minnesota is a team you better not disrespect this year. I'm a little worried though how easy offense is so I'll pry get blown up a couple times this year.
Season has started! Play your games by next Monday! Each week, the schedule will advance at 8 PM Pacific/9 Central/10 Eastern on Monday.
[quote name='Matt Young']Season has started! Play your games by next Monday! Each week, the schedule will advance at 8 PM Pacific/9 Central/10 Eastern on Monday.[/QUOTE]

Ima player Ima player Ima player, use a wash cloth with warm water. Don't be a dope and use soap....

Allright sorry, did you just use default scheduling for the non-conference?
Yeah the default schedule for IU is a joke. On my offline when I played a generic D2 school (FCS Southeast or something) they were seriously 35 overall. To illustrate how bad they were, I returned a punt for a touchdown by running from one side of the field to the other 5 times. So I imagine everyone will go into the conference season at 3-0.
I seen something about it. I think it has to do with dynasties having the exact same name. Since ours has the commish's name, we should be good.
Hopefully we're all safe from that.

I changed my first game from @ #7 Missouri to @ #25 Wake Forest before we started the season. I just beat them 28-7. Nowhere near as impressive as Dan's game, though.
Some people at OP may have found a way to eliminate disappearing dynasties

"Well fellas myself and AA believe we have come up with a solution to PREVENT tragedies within the online dynasty (OD) mode. Now glitches, bugs, and the like may occur...but a very simple strategy can be put into place.

Let's say I start up an OD. I invite 8 users and we all get through the preseason and all that great stuff. What should I do?

How about back up your dynasty file! I would advise the OD commissioner to simply save the dynasty as an offline dynasty file to just have on your console.

So all you need to do is have the OD commissioner save the dynasty file to their console after every week you advance. It doesn't take long and can save you severe frustration, which many on this and other boards are going through.

Now for the problem with not being allowed back in your dynasty and not being allowed to retire from the dynasty...

Have another member ALSO back up the dynasty file. You have two people backing up the dynasty file on their console so if the commissioner is unable to restart the league you have a backup member ready to take over the reigns. They can upload the offline dynasty to the servers and invite all the members will all be able to pick up right where you left off!

To get the person back as commissioner: Not too sure. I tried to delete the OD file from my console and was successful. However, when I went to the OD section of NCAA I saw my dynasty was still there. I guess you can't delete your OD from the servers unless you retire.

Hopefully this works to the point where you only lose a week's worth of games/stats if you have a problem.

Question for you guys who have had somebody "hijack" your dynasty:

Were you all able to delete your dynasty? If so, how?

I hope this makes sense and I hope that it works!

*Some quick notes*
- If the commish has the problem where they can't retire from the dynasty, you need to have another person back up the files for the replacement commish. Hopefully it doesn't happen so many times where everyone is commissioner of a no good dynasty...but who's EA after all! (Low blow...but damn this sucks!)
- If you advance a week and the stats & scores are messed up...just retire the online dynasty and upload the backup file. Now I'm really hoping this doesn't become a HUGE problem because it seems like this is happening quite a bit."
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If I am playing a human opponent this week, I apologize but I won't be back in front of my 360 until Thursday night (business trip). Will be willing to play as late as 11am PST that night, or any time that weekend. Again, apologies if I'm playing a human gets in the way, I guess.

If I'm playing the CPU, I'll be playing my game Thursday night at 11pm PST :)
Since we're all Big Ten teams, no one is playing against a human opponent. It's all good.

EDIT: You actually have a bye week this week.
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We're waiting on archsamurai11, FriskyTanuki, and FrankySox to play their games. A few more guys haven't done recruiting/set ready to advance. If you guys do that before next Monday, I'll move us along to week 2.
Update: Frisky played his game, and I just got off the phone with FrankySox. He's playing his now. After archsamurai finishes his, we can advance.
The schedule has been advanced to week 2. The deadline will remain 8 PM Pacific time next Monday since we all got our games done so quickly.
Played my game. Beat Oregon St 52 to 7. It would be nice if we could get through the non con schedule fairly quickly and start playing real opponents.
WHAT THE fuck is up with this game? It froze on me again during my dynasty game. This was after the same thing happened with me and FrankySox in our game for Frisky's dynasty earlier, while we were both still able to talk via our private chat.

None of my other games ever freeze on me, and I've wasted hours since I've had it freeze during 4 separate games. Bullshit.
Matt is it giving you the disc read error or just stopping? I have had the disc read error which boots you to dashboard, but never a hard freeze. Maybe try another disc?
No disc read error. Just a hard freeze. It's getting to be very frustrating since it has happened several times. I doubt another copy would fix it, either, since I'm not the only one having this problem. The game needs to be patched.
I made it through mach 2 of the game. I thought I was going to lose, as UCLA just kept getting cheap first down after cheap first down on every damn play, and led 17-14 at halftime. But after that, my defense decided to wake up. I won 35-17.

But I swear, if this thing freezes one more time I'm going to feed my copy of the game to La Chupacabra.
[quote name='Matt Young']I made it through mach 2 of the game. I thought I was going to lose, as UCLA just kept getting cheap first down after cheap first down on every damn play, and led 17-14 at halftime. But after that, my defense decided to wake up. I won 35-17.

But I swear, if this thing freezes one more time I'm going to feed my copy of the game to La Chupacabra.[/QUOTE]

I've had mine freeze twice. Once after an offline dynasty game WITH downloaded rosters, took them off and no problems since. I also had it freeze when I was talking to you the other day during the online dynasty which also had downloaded rosters.

On another note I've played a whole season in offline dynasty and this game needs all the help it can get. It has so many problems I don't even know where to begin. For one the passing defense is non existent. I gave up a 500 yard game to BYU's QB in my bowl game and his percentage was outrageous. I tried Heisman sliders and everything but nothing seems to work.

Recruitting is fucked this year. I had a five star recruit come out with a 76 rating...WTF? A four star recruit with a 84 rating that is one of the best freshman this year. Notre Dame pulled out a damn 90 freshman, CRAZY.

I really don't think a patch will save this game, which is unfortunate. Even if they did manage to patch this game and fix every problem the damage has been done for, and plus the patch would come out after Madden, which I'll be playing almost exclusively.

This year I think is finally the year that will get me to wait on NCAA games and see what problems are or what people are saying about it. This game has a lot of potential but A LOT of problems. Please god don't make Madden 09 this bad!
The thing is, it's a really good game most of the time, but there are just enough problems to make me want to snap my disc in half. It's very frustrating.
I've had the monster of all fucking freezes last night. Check this another online dynasty I'm in, I went to 5...(thats right 5!!) overtimes against Louiville and won 61-55 and I get to the exit game menu and it FREEZES!! Talk about heartbreak, Luckily the 3 other peeps in my league were all online and watching my score and saw it said postgame 61-55 so they wouldn't think I was a cheat and restarted. I did play them again and I blew those fuckers out by 30!!!!
Man, that sucks a lot. I haven't had a single overtime game yet. I only went to OT in the demo. I take it from your wording that that was vs. the CPU? Would've been awesome against a human opponent. Who were the teams?
[quote name='Matt Young']Man, that sucks a lot. I haven't had a single overtime game yet. I only went to OT in the demo. I take it from your wording that that was vs. the CPU? Would've been awesome against a human opponent. Who were the teams?[/quote]

I was USF and it was against Louiville in a Big East slugfest. It was against the CPU on Heisman and it was an epic game!
OK, I figured out how to solve all the problems with this game, it's pretty simple too. After a lot of experimenting I think I have a legitimate fix, you heard it here first as well. You will not find this fix ANYWHERE else on the internet.


Kitchen sink (bath tub will work)
3 Cups Gasoline
1 match (as long as you're smart)


1.Remove NCAA 09 (EXTREMELY CAREFULLY) from it's shiny green case. I usually put my thumb on the middle button in the center of the disc and press lightly to pop it out! Place your thumb in the center of the disc while placing your F U finger on the outside of the disc.

2.After you have safe and harmless control of your precious NCAA 09 escort it to the bathroom tub or kitchen sink as per ingredients.

3.Gently dip the disc in the 3 cups gasoline and let soak for 20 seconds

4.I recommend placing the match as far away for step 3 as possible. After disc is done soaking take it to a safe area in your house.

5.Light match and place it about 4 inches under the disc.

6.Watch it ignite and thank god you don't have to waste time playing this and have time for much better games!

= )
Playing defense against the pass is annoying sometimes. I tried switching up coverage and throwing some blitzes in and that seemed to help. I'm amazed that defensive linemen are still apparently incapable of beating an O-lineman. You would think by now they would allow you to get some sacks with your D line.
[quote name='Archsamurai11']Playing defense against the pass is annoying sometimes. I tried switching up coverage and throwing some blitzes in and that seemed to help. I'm amazed that defensive linemen are still apparently incapable of beating an O-lineman. You would think by now they would allow you to get some sacks with your D line.[/QUOTE]

This is the only thing I don't notice, probably because I'm always a d-linemen. I got TONS of sacks my first season with Nebraska. You can probably either control a D Lineman and gets sack but get TORCHED by pass game or control a Safety and never get sacks I don't know.
bread's done