Need recomendations for dark humor, horror movies.


Eating Hot Dogs Horizontally
4 (100%)
Basically something on par with Fido, Dead Alive, Hatchet, and I guess the recent Grindhouse movie from Tarintino/Rodrieguiz for a gift for a friend. The more obscure or basically something that the average movie goer wouldn't know, the better.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Any of those dumb AFTER DARK 8 HORROR FILMS TO DIE FOR are just awful and funny at the same time.[/quote]

Cerda's The Abandoned was one of the best horror films of 2006.

Not really obscure anymore, Ichi the Killer is a great film to check out, and Gozu is pretty screwed up too. If you want exploitation, I Spit on Your Grave is right up there, and the Joe Bob Briggs commentary is worth the purchase alone. Versus is a great over the top Japanese zombie movie, and C.H.U.D. is good too.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Was a WTF movie, but still pretty funny. lol[/quote]

It really was, especially when the guy was running around with his electric chain saw there at the end.
That was fucking hilarious, I'm gonna get YOU! Huh? oh....

If you liked Blood Car you'll love this and if you liked Murder Party you'll love Blood Car
Not sure if you want some dark humor, horror, or both, but check out In China They Eat Dogs. It's a Danish movie, but the comedy translates very well.

Also there is a sequel, Old Men in New Cars.

Man Bites Dog is also a well done black comedy, shot documentary style following a serial killer around while he does his work.

Sorry if I come across like a foreign film geek, just chances are everything else has been mentioned.
everything i would suggest has already been mentioned but i'll just re-mention...teeth, slither, very bad things and troma movies. pretty much all the troma movies are completely ridiculous. the toxie sequels are horrible...esp. parts 2 and 3...but i did enjoy 4. and terror firmer is good
While not technically a dark comedy, the ridiculously over-the-top B-movie gore of Machine Girl had my brother in stitches.
[quote name='shadowkast']
EDIT (after reading through past pages): The tripper was good and...nobody suggested Black Sheep!!!!![/QUOTE]

I don't know why I didn't think of this either. Best party movie ever made, had everyone in stitches.
Be sure to check out Ravenous. It has some good laughs.

People mention Very Bad Things but I honestly thought the movie Stag was far, far superior. It's almost got a Rear Window vibe to it.
Yeah I was going to recommend Severance. I was dissappointed mostly but it fits in with your genre taste.

It's not great but has it's moments.

Dead & Breakfast is good for a rental if you have a indy video store handy. It has weird Scooby-Doo parody moments and a zombie country hoe-down. You could pretty much make a drinking game outta everyone shouting out a classic-horror movie allusion to this movie and you'd all be doused before the end. Seen it one and a half times. That's plenty for me though.

Probably my best recommendation would be a little movie called:

Pretty much a canibalism/wendigo story set during the harsh frontier at a small outpost. Guy Pierce is great as usual and the other cast members you'll recognize too. It's horror, gore, suspense, and there is a weird tinge of humor with chase scenes set to banjo music. Enjoy.
LMAO, oh man.... you guys that recommened Dead Alive. WOW, I mean... Wow!

I don't know if I should be horrified or laughing my ass off at you guys and this movie. Geezus Christ. I don't know if I'll be watching this again but it was great movie.
Yeah, Dead-Alive is great. Good direction is good direction, whether it's LOTR or a zombie flick.

I wouldn't quite call it horror, but the first movie I think of when I hear "dark humor" is Man Bites Dog. It should still be available on Criterion DVD.

It's a French movie about a documentary team that follows a serial killer around (with the killer's acquiescence), and they end up getting sucked into his twisted world the longer they stick around. Surprisingly funny, in a sick way.
Dead Alive/Braindead, definitely. It's got it all: Humor, romance, gore, blatant misuse of a lawnmower...

I picked up Black Sheep the other day, for cheap. I hope it's as good as its reputation.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']Someone said "everything Troma" and I agreed. One Troma flick that people tend to overlook is Troma's War. I had a blast watching this film. It's so cheesy.[/quote]

Troma's War is fucking hilarious. Great movie.


[quote name='zman73']No votes for The Toxic Avenger yet... amazing...

Honestly, go straight for Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV

While one is good, two and three fail epicly. Four is pure awesome.

While mentioned above, Troma's War is great. Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD is rather passable. Terror Firmer is a movie EVERYBODY NEEDS TO WATCH.


Class of Nuke Em' High series is pretty solid as a whole, but the one with the good/evil twin thing wasn't as great as the other two. Wanting to say it was the third, but I may be wrong. I haven't seen Cannibal! The Musical, but I hear it is pretty solid. I've heard Poultrygeist is basically the second coming of his noodlyness, in form of a movie of pure awesomeness. Sadly, I lack the funds to grab it.
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