Need some TV show reccomendations.

Sure there's nothing new here that hasn't been mentioned but here are some shows I've loved and/or currently watch:

Desperate Housewives
Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles
Arrested Development
[quote name='VipFREAK']Coupling is what Friends should've been. That show is Wayyyyyyyyyyy better in every way (At least if you want to watch people with intelligents and not 30 yr olds that still act as if they are in High school...).

I still don't get why American's can't stomach British humor when if fact they're humor is way better than ours in the first place...[/quote]

British humor is very dry and nuanced. People in the US (or at least Hollywood) like things very obvious (read: appeal to the most common denominator) so that even the most dull-witted bulb can appreciate teh funniez. If I had to pick a British that tickles my fancy, it'd definitely be hands down The IT Crowd.

[quote name='epobirs']The IT Crowd: Britcom revolving around a corporate IT department. Just started its first season but doesn't appear to have any easy availability in the US. Likely to turn up on BBC America someday.[/quote]

It's actually on its 3rd season (their seasons seems to be brief at 6 eps. each).

EDIT: Also, as far as new shows, check out Leverage. It's about a bunch of ex-cons conning cons (if that made sense). It's like the A-Team except all the members are all Face.
^Make sure it's Top Gear and not Top Gear Australia or Top Gear America though... xD

[quote name='jaykrue']British humor is very dry and nuanced. People in the US (or at least Hollywood) like things very obvious (read: appeal to the most common denominator) so that even the most dull-witted bulb can appreciate teh funniez. If I had to pick a British that tickles my fancy, it'd definitely be hands down The IT Crowd.

EDIT: Also, as far as new shows, check out Leverage. It's about a bunch of ex-cons conning cons (if that made sense). It's like the A-Team except all the members are all Face.[/quote]

I'll have to check out those two, thanks.
[quote name='jaykrue']British humor is very dry and nuanced. People in the US (or at least Hollywood) like things very obvious (read: appeal to the most common denominator) so that even the most dull-witted bulb can appreciate teh funniez. If I had to pick a British that tickles my fancy, it'd definitely be hands down The IT Crowd.

It's actually on its 3rd season (their seasons seems to be brief at 6 eps. each).

Oops, yes, I meant third season. I should know, I downloaded the first episode of the new season while waiting for problems to spring up at YouTube Live. We were going insane with the downloads because we had a 200 Megabit microwave connection that was largely untapped until showtime. So we had the better part of a week in bandwidth heaven.

British seasons generally run very short compared to ours but it has its benefits. For instance, the aforementioned Coupling is 24 episodes across four seasons in all. There is a definite arc to the whole thing starting with Susan and Steve's first meeting and culminating in their becoming parents. What made this work was that pretty much the whole thing was written by Steven Moffatt (now writing 'Dr. Who' episodes, largely drawing from his own relationship with his wife, who also happened to be producer on the show.

This meant that the presentation was very consistent throughout with one person and his vision of the characters in control. This would be very difficult to pull off if one had to produce a full US season of 13 (mid-season replacement, i.e. first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) to 26 episodes. If the US version of coupling had been successful they would have used up all of the original scripts within the first season. As it is, they remade ten of the script before NBC pulled the plug after showing just three, IIRC. How they planned to carry the show past that point and produce new material isn't clear since the duplication of the original plot arc would have left little to work with. It took 'Friend' almost ten years to cover that much ground.

Anyways, short seasons make for stronger stories with less filler. Plus the cast and crew are less likely to get burned out and have more time to do other stuff. This seems to allow British actors to pursue a more varied range of projects, letting a Judi Dench be in a sitcom while also doing Shakespeare in London. The down side for the actors is they tend to get paid a lot less than in the US and need the work to make the big bucks.

British humor runs the spectrum, just like here. Something like 'Seems Like Old Times' or 'Buttterfiies' appeals to my mother but would be a hard sell to young males. But then you have stuff like 'Bottom' that is just the opposite. High on slapstick and toilet humor.
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House MD

You can find show guides on the websites of the stations that provide the shows like Fox, the CW etc...
[quote name='VipFREAK']Coupling is what Friends should've been. That show is Wayyyyyyyyyyy better in every way (At least if you want to watch people with intelligents and not 30 yr olds that still act as if they are in High school...).

I still don't get why American's can't stomach British humor when if fact they're humor is way better than ours in the first place...[/QUOTE]

Often it isn't the humor so much as the presentation. Some people have a lot of trouble with the accents. Two nations separated by a common tongue, it's said. This is why a lot of stuff on BBC America, although technical all in English, is subtitled. Skins, for instance.

But then I've met some people from parts of the US who could greatly improved if they were subtitled.

This is why they buy British shows to redo here. Because there is huge money in a US TV hit and far less put into productions in the UK (unless they have a pre-sold US market, like Dr. Who.') there is rarely a reverse of this.

The trick is bring over what was good and making it play to the US audience in a form they can identify with. For some reason, 'Ugly Betty' has done this better just about any other show TV history. The number of locally produced versions of that show around the world is amazing.

'The Office' succeeded in large part, I believe, due to its heavy use of improvisation. The US cast was given the chance to truly make it their own, like the cast of an oft produced play, rather than depending on a small team of writers to redo existing scripts. But there are plenty of other successes in the pure scripted tradition, especially in earlier decades when a British show was extremely unlikely to be well known to the US.

Nowadays, a pilot has to stand in direct comparison to the UK original. And then there is the threat of completely clueless network executives with no comprehension of why they're going to the trouble of adapting the show in question. Take the US attempts at 'Red Dwarf', please. Why they even bothered with the cost of doing this when they so obviously hated the original just defies comprehension.
Well, my gripe is EVERYTHING in Europe. Look at cars, there are some kick ass cars over there too, but what do we get? some FWD pos. Thanks.
Just going by what my wife and I watch.. and we are in the same boat, no cable...

Kitchen nightmares (british version.. .american version sucks ass)
Mad men.(amazing show though very slow)
the office
Greys Anatomy
How I met your mother
Since you already mentioned Dexter, Venture Bros., and Top Chef, I recommend House, Chuck, and Supernatural. House just hasn't gotten bad (in my honest opine), which is amazing; Chuck is a well-developed action-drama-comedy show that's a nice break between Dexter and House; and Supernatural is perhaps my favorite TV show since Angel ended. In fact, Supernatural is a better written show than the first four seasons of Angel (and this comes from a huge Whedon fan).

Oh, and 30 Rock is an excellent comedy that is only in its third season. Considering each episode is around thirty-minutes, it should not take too long to catch-up. ;)
[quote name='MSI Magus'] Can anyone suggest more adult swim like shows? I listed some I have seen and I had already watched Robot Chicken(and Southpark which I know is a CC show).[/QUOTE]

Tim and Eric: Awesome Show, Great Job!
[quote name='mang9432']Tim and Eric: Awesome Show, Great Job![/QUOTE]

Its by the same guys but the discontinued Tom goes to the Mayor is much better.

I dont want to compare it to the bizarre style of T&E, but if you like alternative comedy, look at the tv show "Stella". You might want to watch the more sensible Wet Hot American Summer before that to judge if you like the trio.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I don't know what's been mentioned, but here goes!

Trailer Park Boys

Trailer Park Boys DVDs is on my Christmas List (I already got Spaced). But I'll check out Wonderfalls and Brimstone.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I don't know what's been mentioned, but here goes!

Trailer Park Boys

Poor Lee Pace. :whistle2:( With him in mind, I recommend Pushing Daisies.
Almost every show I would recommend has been mentioned already, so I'll toss in Brotherhood. It's an Irish crime drama on Showtime. It's about two brothers, one is a state senator and the other is a gangster. It's set in Providence, RI. In terms of quality it rivals Sopranos.
[quote name='jaykrue']If I had to pick a British that tickles my fancy, it'd definitely be hands down The IT Crowd.[/quote]

lol, it's a pretty funny show like I thought it would be. I wonder if a US version would do as well.

So far from what I've seen of UK coming here... no.
How the hell has noone mentioned Frisky Dingo?

Funniest animated show ever.

Sealab is good too.

Xtacles sorta sucked.

But just watch Frisky Dingo, you can watch an entire season in like 2 hours.
House is only good during the first two seasons. After that, every episode is just like that last. It's the same formula over and over again. As far as I'm concerned, House is done.

I'd also suggest New Amsterdam and Journeyman.
You guys might laugh but One Tree Hill is decent and a good show to watch with a female. I got pulled into it but its a good teen show. A better Dawsons Creek with basketball. I like hows its scripted
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The Wire
The Tudors

If you only watch one of those, absolutely be sure to watch The Wire. It takes about 3 episodes to introduce characters and finally get the plot rolling full tilt and it doesn't slow down. The show is rewarding to watch, like "watching a novel" according to most critical reviews. A frequent observation about the show is you will probably never meet anyone who has seen it but did not like it, provided they didn't just watch the first two episodes and think "meh." I think it's the most intelligently written and perfectly paced show ever made and without a doubt in the top 10, heck top 5, TV shows ever made. No weak episodes, something always happens, you will care for certain characters to a surprising degree and feel genuine sorrow for some. Although the final season didn't have the same "punch" every prior season had because it's a shortened season fast-tracking the overall conclusion and had a few too many new characters you didn't need to invest in due to it being the final season. The best part about the show is the dialogue is how people really talk. Even the cop and/or street lingo doesn't get dumbed down. And the show, despite being a drama, can frequently be funnier than even a top tier purely comedic TV show.

Glad to see you're a Dexter fan. ;)[/QUOTE]

I dunno why it takes people so long to get into the wire. They had me hooked with the boogie story in the opening
[quote name='jlarlee']You guys might laugh but One Tree Hill is decent and a good show to watch with a female. I got pulled into it but its a good teen show. A better Dawsons Creek with basketball. I like hows its scripted[/quote]

See... you should've just stopped at this. or not post at all. lol

Where's that whipped smilie when you need it too...
Some shows I'm catching up on are
Life on Mars (both the BBC and ABC versions are good),
the Mentalist (it's kind of like Psych but with less humour and less Gus, but still good in its own way),
the Eleventh Hour (a science mystery show, decent too and well, rufus sewell is always great),
the Middleman (it's the way a comic book cum tv series should be..I'm looking at you, Heroes),
Burn Notice (Bruce Campbell...what else do I need to say? and Jeffrey Donovan is cool, too),
Eli Stone, Eureka, and I think I'm done now.
All very excellent shows.
Oh and also, Doctor Who. All of it.
I know I was defending British TV earlier but... HOW, how? is Doctor Who anything other than a load of crap? I mean, bad acting, bad lighting, bad taste of set design? I don't get it. I think Knight Rider could compete with it. Which one you ask? Pick one...
[quote name='jlarlee']I dunno why it takes people so long to get into the wire. They had me hooked with the boogie story in the opening[/quote]

Same here. But anyone I ever talked to who didn't stick with it bailed in the first 1-3 episodes. Couldn't keep track of character names, preferred their main plot solutions to arrive in 60-120 minutes, or were pissed that there were no Michael Bay explosions every 30 seconds.
[quote name='VipFREAK']See... you should've just stopped at this. or not post at all. lol

Where's that whipped smilie when you need it too...[/quote]

Oh no you didn't just make fun of Dawson's Creek?!
[quote name='VipFREAK']Would you like me to make fun of Smallville for ya too? lol[/quote]

I don't watch that shit.
^wait... you "don't watch that shit" yet you watched DC? lol dokie okie.

I watched the first oh... 2 seasons before it got gay... I still wonder why it's on after that.
I dunno if its been mentioned but if you can stand a lot of violence Oz was a wonderful show with a ton of great actors
[quote name='VipFREAK']^wait... you "don't watch that shit" yet you watched DC? lol dokie okie.

I watched the first oh... 2 seasons before it got gay... I still wonder why it's on after that.[/QUOTE]

Smallvile actually bounced back this year IMO. The Clark-Lana drama was poisoning the show and shes been mostly gone this year
[quote name='VipFREAK']^wait... you "don't watch that shit" yet you watched DC? lol dokie okie.

I was just busting your balls, I don't know enough about Smallville to call it "shit" anyway (never saw an episode). I know it's about Superman, that's about it.

I do admit I watched Dawson's Creek though. Not so much for the plot, I loved that fucking town they all lived in. Wilmington, NC. Never saw the first season, didn't care enough to watch the "college years" since it was probably as lame as when Buffy graduated high school and the show nosedived. Felicity was the only good show about college...oh shit, did I just admit to watching another hokey show? ;)
[quote name='jlarlee']Smallvile actually bounced back this year IMO.[/quote]

Took them this long? wow...

[quote name='crunchb3rry']I was just busting your balls...

Felicity was the only good show about college...oh shit, did I just admit to watching another hokey show? ;)[/quote]

Lol, it's cool, just messin with ya too. :p Although, at least you didn't say Charmed No, I didn't watch it.
[quote name='VipFREAK']^wait... you "don't watch that shit" yet you watched DC? lol dokie okie.

I watched the first oh... 2 seasons before it got gay... I still wonder why it's on after that.[/QUOTE]

Before? When would that have been? At the pitch meeting? This was a show specifically targeting adolescent girls. The only time a straight male should have watched it was under duress by an SO.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']The best show nobody watches - Damages.

Seriously... check it out.[/QUOTE]

I second that. :applause:

I follow 20-30 shows a year, and Damages is seriously one of the best shows in years (best to watch it on DVD, btw).
A lot of good suggestions so far, but one I don't think anyone has said yet: Samurai Jack. If you like animation or cartoons at all, you owe it to yourself to watch this. It's brilliant stuff.
[quote name='tivo']Its by the same guys but the discontinued Tom goes to the Mayor is much better.

I dont want to compare it to the bizarre style of T&E, but if you like alternative comedy, look at the tv show "Stella". You might want to watch the more sensible Wet Hot American Summer before that to judge if you like the trio.[/QUOTE]

Stella is brilliant.
[quote name='jaykrue']EDIT: Also, as far as new shows, check out Leverage. It's about a bunch of ex-cons conning cons (if that made sense). It's like the A-Team except all the members are all Face.[/quote]

Sorry dOOd, that was false advertising. It's like A-Team, but the characters are idiots instead of cool. Pass on this show.

Nice to see Gina Bellman.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Sorry dOOd, that was false advertising. It's like A-Team, but the characters are idiots instead of cool. Pass on this show.

Nice to see Gina Bellman.[/QUOTE]

Crazy Jane? I'll have to check it out just to see if she can convince me she is this character instead of her 'Coupling' persona.
My Weekly watches include

The Colbert Report
My Name is Earl
Flight of the Concords
Arrested Development *DVD
How i met your mother
Big Bang theory

That is about all the stuff I watch. But im about to move out and not have any Sat, so i won't get to watch any.
Friday Night Lights.....every other show doesn't even come close.

Even though Dexter tried until the shitty ass season finale.
[quote name='epobirs']Crazy Jane? I'll have to check it out just to see if she can convince me she is this character instead of her 'Coupling' persona.[/quote]

Yep, that's her. lol, Crazy silly Jane. I really do miss Coupling, but after Jeff left and Susan got pregnant the show wasn't really the same. As for her in Leverage it's not flattering her lets put it that way.
bread's done