Netflix Streaming Thread 2.0

[quote name='4thHorseman']For anyone who remembers and liked the show Dinosaurs, it holds up surprisingly well. Dont remember it having adult moments, and man its a topical show. Still funny though.[/QUOTE]

i was thinking the same thing....maybe its because we were younger and didnt know what we know now....
[quote name='4thHorseman']For anyone who remembers and liked the show Dinosaurs, it holds up surprisingly well. Dont remember it having adult moments, and man its a topical show. Still funny though.[/QUOTE]

This is actually shocking.
[quote name='Cage017']I received an e-mail from Netflix announcing The Walking Dead Season 2 will be available on September 30.[/QUOTE]

About f'ing time! Thanks for posting, been wondering when it would get updated.
Seconding the Parks and Rec Season of my favorite TV seasons ever! And I just noticed the most recent season of Family Guy is now on streaming!
[quote name='4thHorseman']For anyone who remembers and liked the show Dinosaurs, it holds up surprisingly well. Dont remember it having adult moments, and man its a topical show. Still funny though.[/QUOTE]
In one episode Earl yells out "Damn!" if I remember correctly, used to love that show, still got some old tapes of it in a closet somewhere. The anti-drug episode was pretty funny, Earl's boss singing Purple
Netflix seems to be sending out emails when new seasons from shows I've watched on Netflix have been added, which should've been done a long time ago.
Alias is on there now. Figures, I just started watching my complete dvd set

[quote name='merchie89']Im waiting for the office season 8.

Ive got the x-files to keep me till then[/QUOTE]

I just finished with the x files and movies, watched in order within 6 months. Gotta be the WORST franchise wrap up in TV history. More than a decade and the main thread was never tied up.that last movie blew their chance
Yeah, the end of the X-Files is pretty bad, but man, those first four-five seasons are some of the best dramatic Science Fiction I've ever seen.

Also, season 7 of Supernatural is up. Despite the clearly flawed writing and scripts, as well as poor acting, I still find myself watching it. A guilty pleasure of mine.
Netflix picks up new Ricky Gervais series, Derek:

Ricky Gervais has no need to fear offending viewers of traditional American television with his latest series, because it won’t be broadcast there: Netflix said on Wednesday that it had acquired the rights to show “Derek,” a new comedy program written, directed by and starring Mr. Gervais, following its run on Channel 4 in Britain.

On “Derek,” Mr. Gervais, a creator and star of comedies like “The Office” and “Extras,” and a three-time host of the Golden Globe Awards, plays its title character, a naively simple man who works in a nursing home. The show also features Karl Pilkington, a regular on Mr. Gervais’s radio show and podcasts, and the star of the travel series “An Idiot Abroad.”
[quote name='Maklershed']Netflix picks up new Ricky Gervais series, Derek:

Ricky Gervais has no need to fear offending viewers of traditional American television with his latest series, because it won’t be broadcast there: Netflix said on Wednesday that it had acquired the rights to show “Derek,” a new comedy program written, directed by and starring Mr. Gervais, following its run on Channel 4 in Britain.

On “Derek,” Mr. Gervais, a creator and star of comedies like “The Office” and “Extras,” and a three-time host of the Golden Globe Awards, plays its title character, a naively simple man who works in a nursing home. The show also features Karl Pilkington, a regular on Mr. Gervais’s radio show and podcasts, and the star of the travel series “An Idiot Abroad.”[/QUOTE]

I've seen the first episode of it, very funny but also a bit sad (well maybe that's just me as I remember visiting my gran in a nursing home). Karl Pilkington was really good in it as well.
Haha Freaks and Geeks, awesome! I remember that show, too bad only 1 season was made. Watching it now is extra funny with James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jason Segel, and I even saw Rashida Jones (of The Office & Parks and Recreation).
Karl Pilkington may be the most uncomfortable, unintentionally funny man on earth. Just put him in an uncomfortable situation and the comedy writes itself.
I watched The Grey and it was absolutely terrible. If they were going to make that many parts of the movie so ridiculously fake and over the top, they should have just made it Liam Neeson versus werewolves in Alaska.
The grey was quite enjoyable. Don't forget the scene after the credits.

Also, Once upon a time is up. It can be hit and miss but ultimately by the end of the season is quite good. I couldn't make it through 9 episodes of Grimm, Once is much better of the two competing fairy tale shows. I think it's because BSG veteran writers (Jane Espenson) came on about half way through the season and really amped it up.
September updated.. sorry!

October's looking good.. Rain Man, Star Trek 2 & 3, Indie Game: The Movie, Natural Born Killers, Most of the Bond movies, Equilibrium, Mulholland Drive, Slither, Act of Valor, Bruno, Paranormal Activity 3, and The Artist.. I'm sure more will crop up soon.

Psych: Season 6 and Hugo are slated for November.
October's looking good.. Rain Man, Star Trek 2 & 3, Indie Game: The Movie, Natural Born Killers, Most of the Bond movies, Equilibrium, Mulholland Drive, Slither, Act of Valor, Bruno, Paranormal Activity 3, and The Artist.. I'm sure more will crop up soon
Finished Breaking Bad last night. God that show is amazing. Has some "eh" parts from time to time, but nothing that turns me off completely.

Though the ending to Season 2? Dumb.
Dark Shadows TV Show was added which just saved me several hundred bucks cause I have some family that loved it back when it originally aired so I get to relive some memories from them.
[quote name='perdition(troy']god bless america was a great movie, glad netflix put it up. my wife and I LOVED it.[/QUOTE]

That movie stinks. The only good parts were the tv parodies.
I can't seem to get on Netflix on 360. Keeps asking for my log-in information and keeps rejecting it with code R8102-101. I can log on fine on my phone and PC, but it's a no go so far on the 360. Dunno what's up.
[quote name='GhostShark']I can't seem to get on Netflix on 360. Keeps asking for my log-in information and keeps rejecting it with code R8102-101. I can log on fine on my phone and PC, but it's a no go so far on the 360. Dunno what's up.[/QUOTE]

Have you authenticated the 360? Do you already have more than 5 streaming devices?

Sorry for the lack of updates, I updated the OP. Lots of good TV seasons, not many movies..
[quote name='Scorch']Have you authenticated the 360? Do you already have more than 5 streaming devices?

Sorry for the lack of updates, I updated the OP. Lots of good TV seasons, not many movies..[/QUOTE]

It probably had to do with my Gold membership expiring. Renewing it today so I will see if that was hiccup or not.
[quote name='GhostShark']It probably had to do with my Gold membership expiring. Renewing it today so I will see if that was hiccup or not.[/QUOTE]

Yeah.. You have to have gold to use Netflix
Cool, receive a free trial promo code via snail mail. They actually charge my card and call them up got refunded and the free month.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']Man, I am watching the shit out of everybody loves raymond. Never realized it was so funny.[/QUOTE]

I know a lot of people like that show, but I've tried to watch it (my parents used to have it on when I would visit) and could never get into it. The only sitcom comedian I hate more than Ray Romano is Paul Reiser.
[quote name='johnnypark']I know a lot of people like that show, but I've tried to watch it (my parents used to have it on when I would visit) and could never get into it. The only sitcom comedian I hate more than Ray Romano is Paul Reiser.[/QUOTE]

You aren't alone, I can't stand Ray Romano.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']People always praised Raymond, but I thought King of Queens was the way better sitcom on CBS during that period.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah. King of Queens was one of the best traditional sitcoms of its era, for sure.
The funniest thing about everybody loves raymond is his brother, Robert. Every thing he does and says just cracks me up. I think my least favorite characters are raymond and debra. I really enjoy it a lot more than I would have realized. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I saw it from the pilot all the way to season 7 (still going). Kinda grew attached to them and kinda..."love" them? lol, I dunno. I got similar feelings marathon watching dexter and breaking bad. Yeah, I watch shows like straight through without deviating. I have monogamous relationships with my tv shows. :)
Except the simpsons. That's my booty call all day, all night!
[quote name='mr_burnzz']Man, I am watching the shit out of everybody loves raymond. Never realized it was so funny.[/QUOTE]

It really is a great show because each character is so well written and acted and you feel like you know them.

I strongly recommend How I Met Your Mother as your next big fix. Just like Raymond, it starts out a little slow until you pick up on each character's nuances but by Season 2, it really comes into it's own.
Got a bug with netflix where near the end of an episode, like two minutes left, the show stops, then the netflix loading bar comes up and just sits there. Have to stop then restart the episode. This is on the PS3, which I've never had an issue with.

And yup, been watching the Hell outta Everybody Loves Raymond....think I've got like 10 episodes left of that...

Not sure what's next on my must see list, Tried How I Met Your Mother, but honestly hated it. Can't stand any of the actors on it.
That is good news, Mak. I've been wanting to see that movie since it won all dem awards.
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[quote name='mr_burnzz']The funniest thing about everybody loves raymond is his brother, Robert. Every thing he does and says just cracks me up. I think my least favorite characters are raymond and debra. I really enjoy it a lot more than I would have realized. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I saw it from the pilot all the way to season 7 (still going). Kinda grew attached to them and kinda..."love" them? lol, I dunno. I got similar feelings marathon watching dexter and breaking bad. Yeah, I watch shows like straight through without deviating. I have monogamous relationships with my tv shows. :)
Except the simpsons. That's my booty call all day, all night![/QUOTE]
I think I'm in the minority when it comes to The Simpsons, I hate, hate, hate that show with a passion. I never liked any of them and I just found it to be very stupid and boring. I don't know why so many like this show. I do enjoy Family Guy every so often but couldn't do a marathon of it. I'm with you on watching the show straight through unless it's The Office, which I can watch anytime. Back to studying for this Nat Gov test I must finish before 12 tonight.
[quote name='Javery']Your opinion of The Simpsons is just flat out WRONG. Sorry.[/QUOTE]
I agree. Opinions are rarely wrong, but ergo, Simpsons is amazing.

I wonder if he's basing this on seasons after the first 12 or 13. Some of those episodes are pretty crappy.
The vast majority of the last 4-5 years of The Simpsons I have avoided due to the quality of the shows I had watched around that time being absolutely dog shit-tastic.

As for Family Guy -- horrible show. I get why people like it, but it's not for me. That's just my opinion. I like a lot of stuff that people dislike, but I'm not going to call their American citizenship into question or anything... (OR WILL I?!)
bread's done