Netflix Streaming Thread 2.0

I keep getting the "Netflix not available" message. I updated to 5.1 on the Apple TV a couple days ago, and now I can't stream Netflix at all.

Supposedly, this issue first started getting reported at the beginning of the month.

Anyone else having issues? I tried restarting, changed my Apple TV resolution from "auto" to 720p, and nothing works.
[quote name='2DMention']Any good recommendations for horror movies for halloween?[/QUOTE]
Not really horror per say, but if you want amazingly fun horror comedy films then definitely try "Slither" and "Tucker & Dale vs. Evil".
[quote name='perdition(troy']Instant Que has been appearing and then disappearing the past few days on my TVs app.[/QUOTE]

On my PS3 app that happens sometimes too. Lately it's been loading w/o recently watched history, and as a side effect when you click on a TV series you've been watching, it goes to Season1 Episode1.

Tucker and Dale vs Evil was good, I was surprised I actually laughed out loud at some parts.
He's just going to walk it off
Here are movies on netflix that are good horror that you probably have not heard of, that I have seen and recommend (providing links on some):

Tale of two sisters (the korean version is on several peoples list of scariest movies ever made, skip the american version it sucks).
House of the devil.
Trick R Treat (this is THE halloween movie for halloween. If you have never seen it, you MUST watch it tonight)
The Ward (John Carpenters latest)
I saw the devil (not really horror but strangely appropriate for halloween I think)
The Shrine
Wake wood
Let the right one in (I assume everyone has seen this, but I throw it on because it's a modern classic)
The burrowers
The Innkeepers (same director as house of the devil, newer but not as good)

I don't think these are netflix, but Rec and Rec2 are both excellent. Watch them back to back. Acquire them by other means.

Edit: Apparently trick r treat is no longer on netflix instant.
[quote name='Javery']Your opinion of The Simpsons is just flat out WRONG. Sorry.[/QUOTE]

You should have added this to refute his terrible opinion.

Netflix gave me a free month to come back and I signed back up. I haven't used it in the week I have had it, but I plan on running through a Cheer's marathon here shortly. Maybe after I finish up Curb.
IDK if any of you follow feedfliks , but I just noticed the massive November 1st dump of all garbage. Astonishing. I've never seen them dump that much garbage on us all at once. So big that the feedfliks 'scroll' cant contain it all. The Artist and The Whistleblower... Only two movies I can say anything good about. (And DeadSpace Downfall , but that isnt new to streaming really)
[quote name='EdRyder']IDK if any of you follow feedfliks , but I just noticed the massive November 1st dump of all garbage. Astonishing. I've never seen them dump that much garbage on us all at once. So big that the feedfliks 'scroll' cant contain it all. The Artist and The Whistleblower... Only two movies I can say anything good about. (And DeadSpace Downfall , but that isnt new to streaming really)[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about this list?

I see at least 6 good movies there. About 1/4 of the newly added are from India. I am not sure that automatically makes them garbage, I haven't seen any.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Are you talking about this list?

Right site wrong link.
If you got to the main page , click 'streaming central' theres a clickable link that reads 0 tiles just arrived. Seems to be down since yesterday where it read 56 titles just arrived. "New arrivals on streaming" doesnt actually show the new arrivals (as back asswards as that sounds) If you're aware of what Instant titles are new and not new , you'll see that in the "New arrivals OS" section most of those arent new at all (To instant streaming) Snake Eyes , The Phantom , Babel , Louis CK standup... all of those have been available for months now.

I have no idea why they do it that way on feedfliks. But when its up and running right you'll see what I'm talking about.
If Netflix is a 10, can anyone rate Amazon Prime's streaming catalog? I'm contemplating just getting Amazon Prime for $80 which is only $6.66 a month. I'm tired of having to wait a week for free super saver shipping and adding items just to meet the $25 quota. The Kindle library is icing on the cake but the instant streaming can really push me over the edge if I can get rid of Netflix.

Doing a very quick scan on Amazon and I can see it has the usual Netflix staples like Thor, Captain America, Super 8, Sherlock, 24, etc.
Its not as good as Netflix but they have a decent selection. And they do have some stuff Netflix doesn't - Fringe, Downton Abbey s2, certain MST3k episodes, etc
Any reason why I can't connect to Netflix via PS3? I'm at my parents and they have a PS3 but haven't used it in at least a year. I downloaded the system update (took forever) but now Netflix is broken - I just get an error message that I can't connect. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Amazon Prime has some TV shows Netflix doesn't. You might want to look through that. Otherwise, I don't think it has a very good movie selection. I don't think it's a Netflix replacement at all, but then again I don't think Netflix has a good movie selection post-Starz and is mostly good for TV shows.
[quote name='Javery']Any reason why I can't connect to Netflix via PS3? I'm at my parents and they have a PS3 but haven't used it in at least a year. I downloaded the system update (took forever) but now Netflix is broken - I just get an error message that I can't connect. Any ideas on how to fix it?[/QUOTE]

Its punishment for buying a PS3.
As "new releases" go in the sense that they are new to me...

Just noticed both "Hogfather" and "Going Postal" from Pratchett's Discworld series. They're fun. No matter the comparisons to their source material.

Watch them if you like entertaining TV that's both smart and not too serious.
I think I've finally given up on using the Apple TV for Netflix. fuckin' buffering and constant error messages over the last week have forced me to use my 360 again (with no issues, mind you) for streaming movies.
It looks like the old Garfield and Friends cartoon is coming at the beginning of December. Hopefully it's the whole series and not just one season. The prices for the OOP DVD sets are obscene these days.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']It looks like the old Garfield and Friends cartoon is coming at the beginning of December. Hopefully it's the whole series and not just one season. The prices for the OOP DVD sets are obscene these days.[/QUOTE]

Yes they are. I was extremely lucky and found volumes 2-5 at Goodwill, complete for $3.99 a piece. If I can somehow find volume 1, I'm putting the entire set on eBay.
A ton of anime content will be expiring on the 15th. Obviously these could be renewed sometime before or even after that date, but you might want to watch these just in case:

Ah! My Goddess
Birdy the Mighty Decode
Black Butler
Casshern Sins
Corpse Princess
D. Gray Man
Eden of the East
Full Metal Panic
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Gun X Sword
Gunslinger Girl
Heat Guy J
Heroic Age
Initial D
Kenichi Mightiest Disciple
Linebarrels of Iron
Master of Martial Hearts
Nabari no Ou
Naruto Movies
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
School Rumble
Sengoku Basara
Spice and Wolf
Strike Witches
Tokyo Maijin
Heads up guys, Posted on Slickdeals, Get a FREE 12 month Netflix streaming code, only took me 5 mins and got a code and applied it to my existing Netflix account, and says my next bill date is Nov 2013.

I wont post link to SD, but the deal is on the front page (actually just click search and enter Netflix, its first thread that pops up)
[quote name='Poor2More']Heads up guys, Posted on Slickdeals, Get a FREE 12 month Netflix streaming code, only took me 5 mins and got a code and applied it to my existing Netflix account, and says my next bill date is Nov 2013.

I wont post link to SD, but the deal is on the front page (actually just click search and enter Netflix, its first thread that pops up)[/QUOTE]I tried looking for this on SD, but got nada. I even made an account, but I still can't view the thread. LAME.
[quote name='Tsel']A ton of anime content will be expiring on the 15th. Obviously these could be renewed sometime before or even after that date, but you might want to watch these just in case:

Ah! My Goddess
Birdy the Mighty Decode
Black Butler
Casshern Sins
Corpse Princess
D. Gray Man
Eden of the East
Full Metal Panic
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Gun X Sword
Gunslinger Girl
Heat Guy J
Heroic Age
Initial D
Kenichi Mightiest Disciple
Linebarrels of Iron
Master of Martial Hearts
Nabari no Ou
Naruto Movies
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
School Rumble
Sengoku Basara
Spice and Wolf
Strike Witches
Tokyo Maijin

Wow, that is a lot. They probably won't renew all digital licenses for that, but they should for some at least.

The more I use Netflix streaming, the more I get disappointed by it. I notice a lot more than just this list disappearing off Netflix streaming, weekly/monthly. Yes they add stuff constantly, but nothing too great lately, and some TV shows are 2-3 years behind. I'm talking about DVDs have been out for 2-3 years, still not on streaming.

Really hope someone doesn't take this opportunity to white knight the 1 dvd at a time slow ass service.

[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I tried looking for this on SD, but got nada. I even made an account, but I still can't view the thread. LAME.[/QUOTE]

A quick google search shows google cache still has it. Also it showed it was on fatwallet too, but that thread was deleted. Not sure if SD was deleted, but obviously something going on.

Personally, I didn't even bother trying it. Great for those that did, but the more sickening thing is people selling the codes.
Just noticed all of the anime that is expiring soon. Netflix better get the majority of those shows extended! One of the reasons I like netflix so much is because I can get anime along with other interesting stuff. Don't want to have to start shelling out for something like crunchyroll on top of netflix.
[quote name='Tsel']A ton of anime content will be expiring on the 15th. Obviously these could be renewed sometime before or even after that date, but you might want to watch these just in case:

Ah! My Goddess
Birdy the Mighty Decode
Black Butler
Casshern Sins
Corpse Princess
D. Gray Man
Eden of the East
Full Metal Panic
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Gun X Sword
Gunslinger Girl
Heat Guy J
Heroic Age
Initial D
Kenichi Mightiest Disciple
Linebarrels of Iron
Master of Martial Hearts
Nabari no Ou
Naruto Movies
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne
School Rumble
Sengoku Basara
Spice and Wolf
Strike Witches
Tokyo Maijin

Gah! Of course .. just when I start watching FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood. This exact same thing happened a few years ago when I started watching Dexter and Spartacus.
[quote name='computingwarren']American Horror Story has been added![/QUOTE]

Man, fuck this show. I watched the first 2 episodes last night and couldn't understand any of it. This show needs significantly better editing.
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S']It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is on netflix now.[/QUOTE]

Recently started watching this show on FX, Im stoked its on Netflix now, super funny show.
Didn't feel like creating a new thread so I'll just share this here. Netflix has ordered more episode of Arrested Development. Instead of 10 episodes, Season 4 will now consist of 12-15 episodes.

Even though this means some more scenes for the show need to be shot next month, it's still on track for it's spring premiere.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I liked Lockout[/QUOTE]

[quote name='pacifickarma']I assume you've seen "Firefly" & "Serenity?"[/QUOTE]

Seen all three, loved them. You guys are on the right track!
The Avengers toon is pretty amazing. Watched the first season when it first hit Netflix and I was hooked. I'm actually surprised the second season made it on so quickly.
Unicorn City is now up for instant streaming. It's a fun indie movie for those that enjoy D&D, larping, or people being silly and taking their hobbies too seriously.
bread's done