Netflix Streaming Thread 2.0

[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I watched Chocolate last night. If you like martial arts action then check it out.[/QUOTE]

I liked Chocolate but I'd also suggest Merantau - thin plot and almost solid martial arts action. Great stuff.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']I have all of TNG on DVD, but I've never watched DS9 all the way through. I've seen episodes here and there but I just never got hooked. So I'll definitely watch when it's get added, annoyed about the extra time though.[/QUOTE]

Seasons 4-7 are some of the best TV sci-fi EVER. Gul Ducat rules.
[quote name='Javery']Seasons 4-7 are some of the best TV sci-fi EVER. Gul Ducat rules.[/QUOTE]
You ever read some of the theories on what races correlate to the real world? Like the Bajorans being the Jews and Cardassians being the Nazis? Some of it's pretty interesting.
[quote name='mis0']I'm watching Initial D. The dubbing isn't too bad.[/QUOTE]

As am I. I left off at the downhill race with Iggys car back in 09 and now just found it on Netflix and I'm watching it from there. Couldn't be happier. :cool:

[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I watched Chocolate last night. If you like martial arts action then check it out.[/QUOTE] Great movie in my Opinion.

[quote name='thrustbucket']I liked Chocolate but I'd also suggest Merantau - thin plot and almost solid martial arts action. Great stuff.[/QUOTE]

I have a lot of Import stuff, so thanks for the suggestion. Going to check it out.

I'd also like to suggest IP Man. AMAZING Martial Arts movie and gripping story IMHO.

Also, I will add that the Wife and I started watching Reaper season one. Pretty good from the first 3 episodes we have watched.
It looks like they're going to be consolidating a ton more TV shows into one entry, as many of the shows I have in my queue use just one cover for all of their seasons now despite still being separate.

The major feature Netflix needs to add to these apps are sorting options (alphabetical, expiration date, etc.) for the instant queue. I shouldn't have to bring the site up on the PC to sort a huge list by hand.
[quote name='Spanky']They took King of the Hill off of Instant :cry:[/QUOTE]

Still on there for me. Looks like they just condensed it.
[quote name='DarkMinerva']Still on there for me. Looks like they just condensed it.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm will have to check it out. I was on my iPhone this morning and seen that it wasn't showing up on my recommended as it usually does then did a search and it showed up as disc only. Checked just now and it's back as instant for me. I do not like the way they condensed the shows. Each season was easier to navigate.
[quote name='thrustbucket']IP man IS awesome. As is the sequel, which isn't on netflix yet.[/QUOTE]

Ip Man 2 will be available on disc April 19. I have had it in my queue since I rented the first one months ago. I actually bought the first one cause I liked it that much.

For those that liked Chocolate you should check out Raging Phoenix which the chick that stars in Chocolate is in it also. It has similar action but a silly plot.
I like the condensing as well, but it removed a LOT of shows off of my instant queue.. The Office, King of the Hill, My Name is Earl, Bones.. So make sure to check your queue and re-add the shows if it took them off!
yea I noticed it last night and I was like WTF? BSG season 4 is gone!! until I saw they merged it into one section....fuck!
Netflix pretty much emptied out my entire queue. I had over 300 titles in there and now it's just 12, some of which I haven't had in there for months.
Actually, scratch that - they took almost every tv series out of my instant queue. The only ones that survived were code monkeys, Firefly (nothing was condensed there, though), beavis and butthead, pushing daisies, terminator: scc, rescue me, and psych. My queue went from 415 to 179.

Not only that, but they took away the "press x to add to instant queue" option on the 360. You have to hit A on the title then select add to instant. The X button searches now.

I'm pretty pissed that it gutted my queue. I hope I can remember everything to add back.

/edit: Okay, so..

If you view your queue on, you can see all of the individual shows you had. Mine still shows "24 Season 1, 24 Season 2", etcetc, but they're not listed in my queue on the 360. You can delete those and just re-add "24", or whatever show you want.

So basically, write down anything that has "Season #" beside the title when you view your queue on, delete it, then search for the show and hit add to instant queue.. there's no option to add the seasons individually anymore, it'll add everything for you. It's a nice change, just.. very inconveniently executed
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Looks like my queue is fine. The few series I had like Xfiles and 30 rock just got condensed. But I don't see anything missing.

Edit: I'm not seeing season numbers no either. It's all consolidated. Just says "The Xfiles", "30 rock" etc. I'm not home so I can't check on my 360.
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I have to wonder why they couldn't just consolidate like before where it didn't just cause a massive removal of 99% of my queue. Add in the recent wipe of my recently watched list and filling it back up will be tedious and lame.

Seasons 1-4 of Mad Men will be arriving on Netflix IS July 27.

Edit: Now my queue seems to be back mostly intact, minus all of the extraneous seasons that were pushed into one.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Edit: I'm not seeing season numbers no either. It's all consolidated. Just says "The Xfiles", "30 rock" etc. I'm not home so I can't check on my 360.[/QUOTE]

That's weird. When I went to my instant queue, everything was there as it had been several days before, so I wrote down all of the shows on my list then deleted them.. now I'm going back and re-adding the consolidated version. Hm. Maybe I just caught this right as they were working on it or something.
Yeah, I think a few of us just caught them while they were condensing it. It's nice now. I like that SNL's are sorted by decades.

Now if only they'd have an "alphabetize my queue" option, it'd save me hours of work.
[quote name='Scorch']
Now if only they'd have an "alphabetize my queue" option, it'd save me hours of work.[/QUOTE]

I wish this and some kind of folder options.
Two hours later, I've fully alphabetized my instant queue. It's my fault, though, for continuing to add things without arranging them.
If only Netflix was interested in making their apps better and not just paying hundreds of millions of dollars to get new content onto the service.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If only Netflix was interested in making their apps better and not just paying hundreds of millions of dollars to get new content onto the service.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. $100M for Mad Men? I bought all three seasons this past Christmas and I haven't watched them yet, but I can't even imagine that it'd be worth that. Who's to say Mad Men will even last seven seasons? It's stupid to pay in advance like that.

I'm still waiting on subtitles and audio balancing across different titles (I have to turn it significantly louder to be able to even slightly hear it when I watch Scrubs versus pretty much any movie).
While I think they paid to much for Mad Men, I care a lot more about content than App interface.

And easy solution is to just not over fill your app. I have like 160 instant watch things on there currently and I've pretty much stopped adding and kind of set a goal of getting it under 100 and not bothering adding stuff any time I'm over 100 unless it's something I want to watch right away.
[quote name='dmaul1114']While I think they paid to much for Mad Men, I care a lot more about content than App interface.

And easy solution is to just not over fill your app. I have like 160 instant watch things on there currently and I've pretty much stopped adding and kind of set a goal of getting it under 100 and not bothering adding stuff any time I'm over 100 unless it's something I want to watch right away.[/QUOTE]
Content is worthless if the apps can't make it easy to access and use all of it. Remember when you couldn't even add anything to our queues within the app?

Evolving the apps should be as important as adding to the service now. Consolidating the TV shows is a good first step, but there are several basic features that need to be added and made standard across all versions of the app.
I've always managed my queue through the website anyway and find the apps adequate for my needs personally. I've still not added anything to my queue from within app. I am on the site a lot managing my disc queue so I don't mind doing the same for my instant queue.

So I'm more interested in seeing content expand.
Yeah, I am much less worried about app interface than actual content. The more content the better....I can deal with the extra 12 seconds it takes to find what I am looking for.

The best thing about Netflix is a good 85% of all the content that I have viewed so far is are things I would never view otherwise. The random shows and non mainstream movies are their biggest key to success.

By the way, The Other Guys was just added.
Not sure if Netflix even has an organized but I know before that I just use a Greasemonkey add on to Organize the que by Alphabet.

Also have Raging Phoenix on my Que. Some odd reason how ever, I have been watching Reaper. Yet when I try to go through my Que it freaks out and likes to go back about 60 titles for no reason, even with my 360 controller off and batteries out of the Media Remote.
you guys know there's a search feature right? It's more efficient than ordering your queue....thats why I prefer more content than better organization even though it would be nice. It's insane to complain about that when you can pay 9 dollars a month for such an ass load of entertainment at your fingertips. Be fortunate we even have that. And if you're too lazy to use the search, then I mean, come on...
Exactly. I use search when needed and I try to keep my queue a reasonable size.

No point in loading it full of more stuff than I'll ever watch anyway. I'm lucky these days to watch one disc rental a week. I seldom get around to watching anything in my instant queue these days. I should have more time to watch some movies (and hobbies in general) in 3 weeks or so when the semester is over as I'm not teaching any summer courses this year and just focusing on getting some publications out. So I hope to make a dent in some stuff on my instant queue over the summer, and after that to try to keep it under 100.
Netflix Update on xbox just went up implementing Kinect.

You can't navigate the native netflix app for shows to watch, though. You can use voice commands during the movie. You can navigate "suggested movies" from the kinect hub, but that's barely useful.

Still no word on whether it implemented 5.1 or subtitles.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Netflix Update on xbox just went up implementing Kinect.

You can't navigate the native netflix app for shows to watch, though. You can use voice commands during the movie. You can navigate "suggested movies" from the kinect hub, but that's barely useful.

Still no word on whether it implemented 5.1 or subtitles.[/QUOTE]From this Kotaku article, it seems like they screwed the pooch on this implementation:!5792076/kinect-...-microsoft-has-no-idea-what-to-do-with-kinect
[quote name='dmaul1114']I've always managed my queue through the website anyway and find the apps adequate for my needs personally. I've still not added anything to my queue from within app. I am on the site a lot managing my disc queue so I don't mind doing the same for my instant queue.

So I'm more interested in seeing content expand.[/QUOTE]
The website doesn't have any sorting options either, so it's just a complete pain in the ass to do it by hand. If you can add to the queue with the app, you should be able to manage the queue with the app.
[quote name='AshesofWake']you guys know there's a search feature right? It's more efficient than ordering your queue....thats why I prefer more content than better organization even though it would be nice. It's insane to complain about that when you can pay 9 dollars a month for such an ass load of entertainment at your fingertips. Be fortunate we even have that. And if you're too lazy to use the search, then I mean, come on...[/QUOTE]
I can navigate a mess queue much more quickly than I could with search, which is only if you want to watch one thing and not browse to see if anything pops out at first.

Scorch and I aren't against more content. We want the apps to evolve as much as the library is evolving and they're failing hard. Why would it be insane to demand more from the service that you're paying for? If they want to continue to keep customers happy, they need to improve the experience and the content. Getting complacent with what they're offering and not asking for more just means that they should continue raising prices because you'll keep paying for it whether they're adding anything that is worth more money.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The website doesn't have any sorting options either, so it's just a complete pain in the ass to do it by hand. If you can add to the queue with the app, you should be able to manage the queue with the app.[/QUOTE]

I just put whatever I want to watch soon up to the top of the instant queue when I add stuff, and I try not to get a crazy long queue anyway.

I get your concerns. Just personally I care much more about getting better and more recent content on streaming than I do about improving the App. It needs some tweaks I'd agree, but I want content more than the tweaks personally as I don't have problems just moving what I want to watch at to the top of the queue on the PC so it's right at the front of the list on the 360 when I go to watch something. It just doesn't bother me. The lack of recent content bothers me more, so I mainly watch my disc rentals and just occasionaly watch a documentary or indie film or something on there that is recent and that I don't care about watching on streaming rather than Blu Ray.

But, again the key is just to not build up a crazy queue. I see no reason to go more than 100-150 things no there max personally, otherwise you just have a huge list of stuff you'll never watch as you don't get around to it or it gets removed from streaming before you watch it anyway. With a queue in the 100-150 range, it's not that hard to browse through. If you're getting 300, 400 etc. in there, then I see the need for a better system. Though again I think it makes more sense to just have queues of things you actually want to watch in the foreseeable future.
[quote name='shrike4242']From this Kotaku article, it seems like they screwed the pooch on this implementation:!5792076/kinect-...-microsoft-has-no-idea-what-to-do-with-kinect[/QUOTE]

Yeah, completely disappointed in the Kinect implementation for Netflix, though it is amusing calling out commands to control the video (faster...faster!), LOL.

I also started watching Initial D. Anyone know if there are more stages (seasons) available beyond the 4th?
It seems like Netflix is having trouble with queues again, as I've only had ten titles in there the last few times I've started it up. It's the same on the website, so it's not just the app.
Finally got my queue back by trying to add one of the missing titles, though they need to get this shit straightened out so I'm not losing my queue every other day.
[quote name='Poor2More']When will The Wonder Years be put up on Netflix streaming since it was announced?[/QUOTE]
I'm fairly certain at this point that the Wonder Years thing was an April Fools joke.
[quote name='Poor2More']When will The Wonder Years be put up on Netflix streaming since it was announced?[/QUOTE]

Probably after they either A.) Secure licensing agreements for all the music on the show, or B.) Replace all of the music on the show with generic, crappy music.
I just signed up for netflix again. Got the 1st month free and when I try to add to instant queue, nothing is popping up to allow me to do it. It is only allowing me to play over computer. Anyone else having this problem?

I guess I don't even have an instant queue to add stuff to. What is going on? I have the DVD queue and the instant queue used to be next to it. It is gone now.
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