New Foo Fighters album = broken

I was pretty pissed when I couldn't rip tracks from the velvet revolver CD but then I figured out how to get around it and then...

Err.... I just went and bought the CD today. Then I went home and ripped it and it worked just fine. I don't know what everyone's talking about it, since I'm listening to the ripped files right now, and they sound fine. Maybe it's just that CDex can rip those cds?
[quote name='eldad9']
If the product is supposed to be an audio CD it's defective, because it does not adhere to the audio CD standard. If it's not supposed to be an audio CD it's probably misrepresented.[/QUOTE]

I guess I don't know the meaning of an audio CD then. It's a compact disc and plays audio. What else is there!?!?!

What is this audio CD standard that you speak of? Is an audio CD by definition something that should be able to be copied? If so, than I guess you are right.
There is a way to rip songs from CDs with copy protection. By holding shift while loading a CD, it will turn off the Autorun function on the disc. Without the disc loading the copy protection you can rip it without a problem. However, if you've already loaded the disc previously and allowed it to autorun it's program, you will not be able to rip.
[quote name='cthcky33']my copy ripped to my computer with no problem at all. i was using creative mediasource if anyone cares[/QUOTE]

My copy as well ripped straight to my computer (and Ipod), using EZ CDDA EXTRACTOR. No idea why you were having problems, personally-- Try using a better program.
Hey if you read the fine print about the Copy Protection, does it mention anything about "MediaMax" software? That's the kind of protection you can easily bypass with that "shift key" method. Not all copy protected CD's use MediaMax, but if this one does then you're in luck. Velvet Revolver and the xXx State of the Union CD both use Media Max and I was able to rip them fine; I just held shift to disable autoplay when I put them in my CD-ROM drive.
Well it's not just a problem if you can't rip it, if you don't own a CD player that will play the CD, or rely on WMP then you're shit out of luck. I imported a CD from england that uses their own copy protection and windows won't play it without skipping, but fortunately my car deck plays it just fine.
[quote name='Battousai1002']Err.... I just went and bought the CD today. Then I went home and ripped it and it worked just fine. I don't know what everyone's talking about it, since I'm listening to the ripped files right now, and they sound fine. Maybe it's just that CDex can rip those cds?[/QUOTE]

Maybe you got lucky now, but if you're supporting RIAA policy buy buying DRM-encumbered CDs, don't complain in the future if they manage to prevent you from doing what you want with your purchases.
[quote name='chickenhawk']I guess I don't know the meaning of an audio CD then. It's a compact disc and plays audio. What else is there!?!?!

What is this audio CD standard that you speak of? Is an audio CD by definition something that should be able to be copied? If so, than I guess you are right.[/QUOTE]

Your definition wouldn't really be sufficient for developing a CD player, now would it?

The red book specification was developed in 1980 by Philips and Sony. Here's some info about it:
Glad I read this thread. I was actually thinking of buying the C.D. Now I'm not going to and it'll save me money. not to mention the headache of not being able to rip the songs and having to circumvent eh whole thing by copying it to a c.d. etc. All I can say is that I try to not support the RIAA (and DRM) as much as possible. I buy much much more albums from independant labels and find myself enjoying it more as well. Oh and OP, nice choice on the Garden State Soundtrack as it an excellent and awesome soundtrack. Probably way better than the Foo Fighters album from what I hear.
I'm getting to the point where I'm barely buying any physical CDs at all. With iTunes, I can get pretty much everything I want and for a few bucks cheaper as well. I can then take the AACs and convert them or do whatever the hell I want with them once they are on my computer (with the help of some tools).

The only CD I bought recently was Songs for Silverman and the only reason I bought the actual CD was because of the DualDisc thing. So I get the CD home and notice this disclaimer right off the bat (referring to the CD side of the disc):

"The audio side of this disc does not conform to CD specifications and therefore not all DVD and CD players will play the audio side of this disc."
Um, what? So I bought a "CD" which may or may not play in my CD player b/c it's not actually a CD?
that. That's the last DualDisc that I will ever buy and probably the last physical CD that I will buy as well.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Ugh, and the fucking limited edition is $30! Need money![/QUOTE]

Where in the hell are you seeing it for $30? I got mine at CC for $14.99.
[quote name='demomanTNA']Where in the hell are you seeing it for $30? I got mine at CC for $14.99.[/QUOTE]

Damn, then you got a great deal. I haven't had a chance to go (been sick, and been broke), but the Circuit City website and Best Buy website list the DualDisc for $29.99 and $27.99 respectively.

I hope I can get a deal like yours... I really want the extra content.
Hmm weird, the CD didn't work on my desktop PC, but when I put it on my new laptop it ripped fine onto iTunes. Oh well. Still gotta burn the CD so I can get it onto my desktop since thats the computer my iPod is authorized on.
I had the same problem with Never Gone by the Backstreet Boys initially. I bought it first thing on Tuesday, and when I popped it into my PC, the AutoRun installed MediaMax on my PC to where I could only listen to it using their software. Instead of worrying about doing the Shift trick everytime, I just typed a couple of lines in the command prompt which disabled it entirely, turned AutoRun off, and boom - MediaMax isn't running and never attempts to install or reactivate again. I listen to the CD just fine in WMP, WinAmp, and I can rip it just fine with no problems.

Oh and by the way...initially I picked up the DualDisc version but the CD side would not work at all on my CD-ROM drive. Major letdown. But I just went and bought the standard CD version too and that worked fine (after I disabled MediaMax and all that jazz). Kept the DualDisc version for the sake of the DVD content, but as someone else said, I don't think I'll ever buy a DualDisc again unless there's just some super exclusive content that I want on the DVD side.
I don't see what the problem is... it is currently importing to iTunes right now and I didn't have to do anything...
Assuming the Foo Fighters CD uses the same MediaMax software as the BSB CD, did you guys try running the CD in Windows (either via AutoRun or manually doing it) to see the enhanced content? Because it's when you do that where MediaMax installs and you have to disable it. But if that hasn't been done, and if you avoid it, then good deal - you should see no problems.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Damn, then you got a great deal. I haven't had a chance to go (been sick, and been broke), but the Circuit City website and Best Buy website list the DualDisc for $29.99 and $27.99 respectively.

I hope I can get a deal like yours... I really want the extra content.[/QUOTE]

Go to your local CC and see if they have it in. For $14.99 you can't lose.
I stopped downloading off of torrents a while back from fear of lawsuits, I've downloaded a couple songs off of Itunes, but if I'm paying for my music I want my liner notes. This shit with the RIAA is getting out of hand. Putting this copyright protection does nothing but frustrate. I could go download the new Foo Fighters "illegally" in under ten minutes, easy. This stuff NEVER stops pirates EVER. It just irritates regular consumers. If a pirate is going to rip a cd, some raggedy copyright protection sure as hell won't stop them. The RIAA REALLY pisses me off, and I sure as hell don't believe in Itunes, where you pay the same amount as you would for a physical disc. I think I may start up on torrents again, cuz this shit pisses me off A LOT!
bread's done