New Kmart Clearance Price Drops (YMMV)


1 (100%)
I just got back from my first trip to Kmart since the incredibly terrible "10-50% off clearance games" ad from 2 weeks ago, and this time there were quite a few unannounced drops. What I saw was:

Bioshock GH $6.99 (previously $9.99)
Front Mission Evolved $9.99 (previously $19.99)
Rock Band Country Pack 2 $4.99 (previously ?)
Dragon Age II $17.99 (previously $19.99)
There were 3-4 other rock band track packs for $4.99 also (previously ?)

Bayonetta $9.99 (previously $19.99)

Glory of Heracles $9.99 (previously $14.99)

If I go again in the next few days, I'll let everyone else know what else went down. Best of luck to everyone finding some other deals!

(PS, if I screwed this up somehow, sorry)
I think you're mistaken. A number of us have gotten it for $4 because it's out of the system and they marked it down 90% from the $40 price.
I just bought one today and checked the on wall scanner and it scanned at $4 when everything else rang up OOS. It also rang up at the register at $4 with no manager approval or 90% off or anything. It was also in the case marked $40. When everything else dropped out of the system TR Trilogy dropped from $10 to $4

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I just bought one today and checked the on wall scanner and it scanned at $4 when everything else rang up OOS. It also rang up at the register at $4 with no manager approval or 90% off or anything. It was also in the case marked $40. When everything else dropped out of the system TR Trilogy dropped from $10 to $4
That's intersting then because everyone else that's gotten it has gotten it as an out of the system over ride like I did.

It's possible the store knew that it was out of the system and gave it a price of $4 in the POS. That happened to me before. An item was ringing up as "check shelf label". I went back a few weeks later and it had a clearance sticker on it and was able to be rung up without override.

It's possible the store knew that it was out of the system and gave it a price of $4 in the POS. That happened to me before. An item was ringing up as "check shelf label". I went back a few weeks later and it had a clearance sticker on it and was able to be rung up without override.
That would make sense then, guess I've just never encountered a Kmart that together.

How does that work? Do you literally just ask the to give it to you 90% off? Do you have to explain to them anything like check self label and all that jazz? My Kmart has like 3 copies of TR Trilogy and I want em but they're still stickered at $39.99. I'm pretty sure they'll ring up as out of the system since that Kmart is always on top of clearance sales and up to date most of the time. Do I just say, can you sell it at 90% off instead?
I basically do it the way Eldritch said. I've been able to get them multiple ways. One way that I've done it in the past is to basically play dumb and ask them to ask the manager. I've also had luck telling them that in the past they'd take the price and take 90% off the sticker and if there's no sticker to get the cheapest clearanced game and match it (usually 1.99~4.99). In the past I used to get this one employee that would say that he has to take it back and have it sent back to the supplier then a few days later it gets put back into the shelf or on the clearance floor. As has been stated numerous times it's YMMV and all in the luck of the draw.

Polite but firm is the approach.  Being rude or entitled gets you nowhere and the employees are at least a little more helpful when you hit them up with pleases and thank yous.  You want them to be on your side if you have to deal with a manager since the manger's going to ask them what's going on and you want them helping you and not encouraging the manager to shoot you down.

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I just want one of those Elite cases. I bought a 3DS XL and a ton of games, but I don't have a case for them. I'll have to stop by some Kmarts and Sears to see if I can find one. I was able to find Pilotwings and Starfox when I went home for Christmas, but the Kmarts here usually have nothing or the items are full price. If anyone wants to sell me an Elite case, PM me.
It's possible the store knew that it was out of the system and gave it a price of $4 in the POS. That happened to me before. An item was ringing up as "check shelf label". I went back a few weeks later and it had a clearance sticker on it and was able to be rung up without override.
To my knowledge, that's not possible.

If it's out of the system then go back and try to get them to give it to you for 90% off ($4). A new copy easily fetches $30+ and even if you don't want to flip it there's a number of CAGs who would give you at least $20 for it I'm sure.
This! I just paid $32 shipped and was happy to get it at that :wave: It's basically MSRP, or higher and if you don't want to flip it then you can most certainly use it to trade other CAG who may have access to KMart Clearance items you don't have access too.

Saw a display at the electronics counter of 90% off games. They had:

$5 PC: Star Wars Old Republic
     PC: Star Trek Online

     Wii U: Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2013

$4 3DS: Steel Diver

$3 PC: Witcher 2

$2 PC: Fallout: New Vegas

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So the fairfax, va is gone. I went to a kmart and notice like maybe 10 cars at the parking lot. Again, I was looking for clearance auto vac, but no luck. Here is what I got:

A redskins door mat. (They had a Up to 70% sign for sport stuff. Saw skins, giants, saints,etc) The mat says it can be used in bathroom ,kitchen, or anywhere. Reg. $29.99 got it for $8.99

A psp 8GB m2 memory stick $5 (Says work with PSP 1000-3000, N1000 model)

Call of duty collection for xbox 360 $6 (comes with CoD2, 3 , and World at World)

Im not sure if the psp m2 was a decent price, but still have a psp 1000 and 3000.

So the fairfax, va is gone. I went to a kmart and notice like maybe 10 cars at the parking lot. Again, I was looking for clearance auto vac, but no luck. Here is what I got:

A redskins door mat. (They had a Up to 70% sign for sport stuff. Saw skins, giants, saints,etc) The mat says it can be used in bathroom ,kitchen, or anywhere. Reg. $29.99 got it for $8.99

A psp 8GB m2 memory stick $5 (Says work with PSP 1000-3000, N1000 model)

Call of duty collection for xbox 360 $6 (comes with CoD2, 3 , and World at World)

Im not sure if the psp m2 was a decent price, but still have a psp 1000 and 3000.
You meant you went to the Chantilly Kmart since the fairfax one (and manassas) is gone?

:DS: Golden Sun Dark Dawn $3.50
:DS: Warioware D.I.Y. $3.50
:Wii: Rayman Origins $2.00
:Wii: Just Dance Kids $2.00
:Vita: Cradle $2.47
:pS3: Skylander Spyro Pack - scanned as "check shelf tag", and the guy said that means it is priced as marked, $29.97.

They had a Twister game for :360: (Kinect), don't remember the exact price, but it was under $3.00.

Also, they had 3 PS4s - not clearance, of course.
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Be awful careful, they've banned people for submitting multiple trades that way and even using different addresses and the same IP.
Who's been banned for exceeding trade-in limits? Purchase limits, yes, but I've never known about anyone getting banned for trade-in violations. I'm just asking politely cause I would definitely like to know for sure as I may be guilty of having two accounts I trade on.

Halo Reach LE: $14.99

Wrath of the Lich King: $5 (Pretty much a novelty at this point. I would bite... for a buck.)

Picked up Dragon Quest IX for $5.

Which Skylander packs are people finding on clearance? I've been wanting to try it out, but no rush.

Who's been banned for exceeding trade-in limits? Purchase limits, yes, but I've never known about anyone getting banned for trade-in violations. I'm just asking politely cause I would definitely like to know for sure as I may be guilty of having two accounts I trade on.
Ask in the Amazon Trade thread (maybe it was AWD thread we were talking about it in?) because I can't remember the names but there were at least two who were doing exactly what he was proposing and using a family members or significant other's account to do so and all accounts involved were banned.

Regardless of it's written verbatim or not into the TOS you're still violating it by doing so. It can be considered fraudulent use of their services, it expressly forbids commercial activity using the account as well as misuse of their service. If Amazon tells you that you are limited to two of an item and you create another account to circumvent that or anything else than you've already misused their service and if they catch you then they have every right to ban you. Or they can ban you because it's a day that ends in a "Y".

Halo Reach LE: $14.99
You didn't pick that one up?! I would tell you to buy it for me but I'm sure it would cost at least $30 to ship. :whee:

Yeah, it was the Limited Edition, sorry to disappoint. That one is only $30-ish online. I wanted to get one for Amazon trade-in, but it turns out they only value it at .25 cents. >_>

I work at Kmart, and god damn my electronics department is so quick to snatch up anything "price required" and get a "Super Value $19.99" sticker and UPC on it. Sure, I could always just pull the new UPC off, but ya know, ethics and keeping my job and stuff. We've got like 6 Harvest Moons but they've all been Super Valued. I'm gonna have to have a talk with the woman who does this to me.

Man there are so many Harvest Moons at the store I just recently went to, but they are all in security cases with UPC stickers over them and $14.99 value stickers in the corner. I would try to take the sticker off and see how it scans up, but those damn security cases :( They do have 2 Wii Fit Plus' though and I'm wondering if those will ring up $29.97 or however much they were. Wondering if it was worth. Also, what does the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Limited Edition ring up as? I found one stickered at $59.97.

Man there are so many Harvest Moons at the store I just recently went to, but they are all in security cases with UPC stickers over them and $14.99 value stickers in the corner. I would try to take the sticker off and see how it scans up, but those damn security cases :( They do have 2 Wii Fit Plus' though and I'm wondering if those will ring up $29.97 or however much they were. Wondering if it was worth. Also, what does the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Limited Edition ring up as? I found one stickered at $59.97.
The AC CE and Killzone 3 CE have still been rining up at roughly $60 and (I think) $45 or $55 respectively. Also if you peel those stickers off they could call the cops and press charges on you if you proceeded to try and buy the items since that's retail fraud. Just an FYI. ;)

The AC CE and Killzone 3 CE have still been rining up at roughly $60 and (I think) $45 or $55 respectively. Also if you peel those stickers off they could call the cops and press charges on you if you proceeded to try and buy the items since that's retail fraud. Just an FYI. ;)
Damn, I feel like a slickdealer now just saying it lol

4 Kmarts today, not a damn thing worth while.
If I remember right you're in Pittsubrgh. Don't bother hitting up the Rt 8 or McKnight Kmarts. I went to both of them today and there was nothing worthwhile at either accept for a Wii U charging stand for $2.50. I did find Dragon Quest IX at the New Ken store. It was out of the system, but the worker said he'd sell it for $5 so I picked it up.

Found a copy of Batman: The Brave and The Bold; The Video Game for the Nintendo DS. Scanned as "Check Shelf Label", so I talked to the guy in the electronics section. He found the original price of $19.99, said he could do it for $10 or talk to a manager to see if they'd go lower. Walked out with it for $1.99.

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Well, guess I'll let you guys know if I get banned since I definitely used my gf's account to trade in the other 2 cases. *sigh* I never considered that it might be against the rules. Wonder if I should contact them and have the trade-ins sent back to avoid any trouble. I assumed @eldrich used another account as well since he bought so fuck ing many, LOL. Damn you.

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I work at Kmart, and god damn my electronics department is so quick to snatch up anything "price required" and get a "Super Value $19.99" sticker and UPC on it. Sure, I could always just pull the new UPC off, but ya know, ethics and keeping my job and stuff. We've got like 6 Harvest Moons but they've all been Super Valued. I'm gonna have to have a talk with the woman who does this to me.
Yeah, during our close out I found some Bioshock 2's that had both the normal UPC and that Super Value UPC tags on it. Scanned both and found that the Super Value's were 14.99/19.99 and the normal UPC were 5 or less..... Guess which ones I snatched up?

Im not sure about manassas, but fairfax is no more
No shit about Fairfax and Manassas being no more... You weren't being specific about which kmart you were at when you said:

"So the fairfax, va is gone. I went to a kmart and notice like maybe 10 cars at the parking lot. Again, I was looking for clearance auto vac, but no luck. Here is what I got"

So I assumed you were talking about the Chantilly one.

Well, guess I'll let you guys know if I get banned since I definitely used my gf's account to trade in the other 2 cases. *sigh* I never considered that it might be against the rules. Wonder if I should contact them and have the trade-ins sent back to avoid any trouble. I assumed @eldrich used another account as well since he bought so fuck ing many, LOL. Damn you.
Nope, just the one because getting your account banned at Amazon is a whole different ball game from getting banned at GS or BBY. As above I only remember two or three people who got banned under those circumstances over my time here but it's still worth being aware of if you choose to go that route.
Just found Super Mario 64 and got denied. Manager said the 90% thing changed on December 1st

Those star wars game + card things are oos too
I found a Mario 64 as well. Dude scanned it, looked at it a second, then keyed in 29.99. I asked if it wasnt reduced since it was out of the system. He stammered and said uh i will go check. So now hes checking.
I dont hold much hope.
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The AC CE and Killzone 3 CE have still been rining up at roughly $60 and (I think) $45 or $55 respectively. Also if you peel those stickers off they could call the cops and press charges on you if you proceeded to try and buy the items since that's retail fraud. Just an FYI. ;)
found an AC Brotherhood CE yesterday for $10. It was clearly marked with one of the cardboard stickers stuck to it. Looked like someone had gone through and labeled all the old inventory. Can anyone 100% confirm which jack in the box Kmart stocked or tell me how to confirm without opening?

The Wii Fit Balance Board packs I scanned rang up $50 something. They were labled as being on sale for that price on the shelf with one of those yellow cardboard price labels.

Saw some Vita 4GB cards with the normal shelf sticker. They were locked up and I didn't want the hastle of finding an employee. Anybody have a clue what these might ring up as? I know some of the Vita accessories were clearanced.

Also saw two vita tennis games behind glass. Have these been clearanced?

Saw a Select Super Paper Mario and Select Super Mario Galaxy but no stickers and no time to check. These have any trade value? Doesn't look like it.

I was at 4 Kmarts yesterday in my county (had to do errands) and the stock is pathetic. Usually one store has a decent selection of current games but not right now. I hope this is only do to the shopping season and not a current trend like Sears.

Also got a bunch of wrapping paper for $2 (90% off).

I have to stop bothering with Kmart. Every time I see stuff on here I think "hmm maybe my kmart might have one of these deals" but no, never. My kmart sucks. The only thing I found last night was a 3ds "elite" carry case similar to the one you guys were trading in to amazon but not the actual one so it was worthless.
Someone cleaned out the local store (of what little there was).  Kirby's Dreamland is gone, hell there was even some kind of Masters PS3 Move golf package that had been yellow tagged for over a year that was now gone.

They also had a bin full of cheap DVDs on clearance for $1.  Normally I pass on these D movies or use them for the DVD to Blu promotions at BB, until I found this little gem:


Can't wait to watch G.I. Bro!


I almost forgot, I paid nothing out of pocket because of SMWR.

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I saw Kirby's Anniversary Collection at mine but it was in the case, I'll probably ask next time I'm there but does anyone know if this has been clearanced yet?

I saw Kirby's Anniversary Collection at mine but it was in the case, I'll probably ask next time I'm there but does anyone know if this has been clearanced yet?
Didnt seem like it. Mines was priced at 40$ still. HOWEVER, its still worth checking out since you never know.

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Picked up a bunch of stuff today:

:ds: Tangled x2 - $2.00 each

:ds: Drawn to Life: Spongebob Squarepants - $2.00

:wii: Abba: You Can Dance - $2.00

:wii: Transformers: Dark of the Moon Stealth Force Edition - $5.00

And a Christmas tree for $9.99.

Saw a :ps3: Tomb Raider Trilogy without a price tag on it.  When the cashier called someone to find out the price, they said $9.99, so I passed.

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Some new markdowns I picked up at one of my Kmarts

NDS - Petz Bunnyz Bunch x2 2.99

3DS - Wild West 3D Carnival Games 2.99

Wii - Battalion Wars 2 - 2.99 or 4.97

360 - Disney Universe 2.99

360 - Goldeneye 007 Reloaded 4.97

PS3 - Ace Combat Assault Horizon 4.97

Bought alot of cheap Xmas stuff and those Star Wars Angry Bird plushes as well.

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bread's done